
Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on November 19, 1990
Misc. RP Information
1. Standard rules of RP apply. Basic grammar and spelling in needed because I would like to understand replies. Please give me more than one line to work off of and if it comes to fighting, no autohitting.
2. I will do Slice of Life as the first encounter as a rule of thumb, but it can arch into other genres. We'll see where it goes. I do SoL, Adventure, Romance, smut and a bit of fantasy too. Try to stick to canon a little, eh?
3. I prefer discussing RPs before diving in to get my bearings... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville mostly, but tends to travel all over Equestria.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Zuhri is a slender stallion, but doesn't lack muscle where it needs to be. He's no earth pony, nor a pegasus, but he has the skills of the two combined. He's balanced, and he's more or less intelligent too. His monochrome coat is well-kept, as is his mane and short tail... but the most notable feature is his face. He is good-looking by most standards, his piercing green eyes charming in a way. His right ear has a tear in it from past adventures and his left has a crimson colored earring, as well... View More
Drinking, stargazing, learning, nightly walks.
Snobs, snakes, racists.
Detailed Personality
Zuhri is a sweet stallion all in all, very positive most days.. His darker side is kept to himself, naturally. Breaking through to his well-shielded core is a tough job, and only a persistent few ever managed to do so.
On his good days he's a charming fellow, rather flirty, although it isn't meant as to romance mares... At least not in his eyes. He thinks of it as a game. If he was to get serious, it would be noticably different.. Sadly not many catch on, and he had broken quite a few hearts alon... View More
A village in Zebrica
Detailed History
Zuhri was born in his homeland of Zebrica, the youngest of his family, with two brothers and a sister. As the youngest, he was not the most loved, having to share that with his other three siblings. His mother and father were simple zebras, not the kindest, but it could have been worse. He was driven hard to learn their ways, even though Zuhri was a troublemaker even as a colt. He would rather sneak out to meet with his friends, and as he grew up, he found that his name was well-warranted and at... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small apartment, enough bits to live there and satisfy his needs and an occasional drinking session.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Charmer, handsome features, lack of a tribal mark, having his homeland left behind before his initiation.
He dabbles in alchemy, knows first-aid and has a mixed set of skills with agility and strength.
Zebra knows no magic, and is not a voodoo practicer.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 19, 1990
Last Login:
January 28, 2025
Member Since:
September 7, 2018
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