Administrators are the higher ups of the website. They take the responsibility of making sure that both Staff and Users are obeying the rules and enjoying themselves on the website. They also make the decisions on the website.

Registered User
This badge is given to members who are part of the Users membership. When you receive this badge, it signifies that you have become an official user of Canterlot Avenue.

Public Relations
Those with the Public Relations badge, are in charge of making sure that the community remains active, by organizing activities, contests, and events. They are also responsible for gathering user feedback to help improve the experience of the website.

Founding Donor
This badge is given to members who are part of the Users membership. When you receive this badge, it signifies that you have become an official user of Canterlot Avenue.

The Royal Guards badge, is given to those who are official members of the Moderation team. The moderators have the responsibility of enforcing the rules, and/or issuing warnings or infractions to rulebreakers. They ensure that the website is trouble free. They also have the responsibility to help solve disputes among users in the event of a rule violation.

Poniverse Tech/Admin
Poniverse Tech is a badge that is only given to members of Poniverse.net and are part of the SysOps team. These users are responsible of maintaining the stability of the website's software and servers.

Poniverse Staff
The Poniverse Staff badge is assigned to staff members of Poniverse.net. Members with this badge have no power within the website of Canterlot Avenue, but are recognized for those who may have questions about Poniverse.net.

PR Team Lead
The PR Team Lead badge, is given to the head of the Public relations team. The Head of the team is responsible of making sure that their team members do their job. They are also in charge of helping their team members and other users to solve problems in a civilized manner.

Royal Guard Captain
The Royal Guard Captain, is the head of the Moderation team. They are responsible of making sure that their team members are doing their job, along with the responsibility of looking over the website to make sure users are following the rules. They are also responsible of assisting their staff members with issuing punishments, if required.

Users who have this badge are responsible of maintaining the site's stability and servers. They are also responsible of fixing bugs and making new features for users to enjoy. They are also responsible for making the website a reality. Without the devs, Canterlot Avenue would not have happened.

Lead of Development
Users who have this badge are responsible of maintaining the site's stability and servers. They are also responsible of fixing bugs and making new features for users to enjoy. They are also responsible for making the website a reality. Without the devs, Canterlot Avenue would not have happened.

Twilight's Student
This badge is only given to Princess Twilight's most gifted students. They are also special donors for Canterlot Avenue!

Cadance’s Crystal Guard
This badge is awarded to the valiant guardians of Princess Cadance and the Crystal Empire. They are also special donors for Canterlot Avenue!

Luna’s Protector
This badge is bestowed upon those who are most close and trusted by Princess Luna. They protect and guard her closely during the night. They are also special donors for Canterlot Avenue!

Celestia’s Captain
With the most highest esteem, this badge is given with honor to the Captain of the guard. Even Celestia bows her head at their dedication to Canterlot. They are also special donors for Canterlot Avenue!

Admin Auxiliary
Administrators are the higher ups of the website. They take the responsibility of making sure that both Staff and Users are obeying the rules and enjoying themselves on the website. They also make the decisions on the website.

Royal Guard Auxiliary
The Royal Guards badge, is given to those who are official members of the Moderation team. The moderators have the responsibility of enforcing the rules, and/or issuing warnings or infractions to rulebreakers. They ensure that the website is trouble free. They also have the responsibility to help solve disputes among users in the event of a rule violation.

RGC Auxiliary
The Royal Guard Captain, is the head of the Moderation team. They are responsible of making sure that their team members are doing their job, along with the responsibility of looking over the website to make sure users are following the rules. They are also responsible of assisting their staff members with issuing punishments, if required.

PR Auxiliary
Those with the Public Relations badge, are in charge of making sure that the community remains active, by organizing activities, contests, and events. They are also responsible for gathering user feedback to help improve the experience of the website.

Developer Auxiliary
Users who have this badge are responsible of maintaining the site's stability and servers. They are also responsible of fixing bugs and making new features for users to enjoy. They are also responsible for making the website a reality. Without the devs, Canterlot Avenue would not have happened.

Dev Lead Auxiliary
Users who have this badge are responsible of maintaining the site's stability and servers. They are also responsible of fixing bugs and making new features for users to enjoy. They are also responsible for making the website a reality. Without the devs, Canterlot Avenue would not have happened.

Twilight's Student - Founding Donor
This badge is only given to Princess Twilight's most gifted students. They are also special donors for Canterlot Avenue!

Royal Guard - Luna's Protector
The Royal Guards badge, is given to those who are official members of the Moderation team. The moderators have the responsibility of enforcing the rules, and/or issuing warnings or infractions to rulebreakers. They ensure that the website is trouble free. They also have the responsibility to help solve disputes among users in the event of a rule violation.

Retired Staff
Retired Staff are former staff members that have made a positive impact on the site!

Royal Guard - Twilight's Student
The Royal Guards badge, is given to those who are official members of the Moderation team. The moderators have the responsibility of enforcing the rules, and/or issuing warnings or infractions to rulebreakers. They ensure that the website is trouble free. They also have the responsibility to help solve disputes among users in the event of a rule violation.

Public Relations - Twilight's Student
Those with the Public Relations badge, are in charge of making sure that the community remains active, by organizing activities, contests, and events. They are also responsible for gathering user feedback to help improve the experience of the website.

Retired Staff - Twilight's Student
Retired Staff are former staff members that have made a positive impact on the site! They are also awarded this badge given to Princess Twilight's most gifted students. They are also special donors for Canterlot Avenue!

Royal Guard - Celestia's Captain
The Royal Guards badge, is given to those who are official members of the Moderation team. The moderators have the responsibility of enforcing the rules, and/or issuing warnings or infractions to rulebreakers. They ensure that the website is trouble free. They also have the responsibility to help solve disputes among users in the event of a rule violation.

Royal Guard Aux - Celestia's Cpt.
The Royal Guards badge, is given to those who are official members of the Moderation team. The moderators have the responsibility of enforcing the rules, and/or issuing warnings or infractions to rulebreakers. They ensure that the website is trouble free. They also have the responsibility to help solve disputes among users in the event of a rule violation.

Charity Captain
Charity Captain is given to the winner of the Canterlot Avenue prize pack at the 2023 HarmonyCon charity auction. We thank this user for their extreme generosity and support of Canterlot Avenue.

Mascots' Gift
This badge was awarded to the first 100 users that joined Canterlot Avenue when it launched. Thank you from the staff and the mascots!

Founding Donor
The Founding Donor badge is a unique badge that is given to those who contributed to Canterlot Avenue during its development stage before the launch of the website. This badge will NOT be handed out after launch.

Festive Art Contest Participant 2017
Awarded to the participants of the 2017 Heart's Warming/New Years art contest.

Festive Art Contest 3rd Place
3rd place badge won by a Festive Art contest participant in 2017

Festive Art Contest 2nd Place
2nd place badge won by a Festive Art contest participant in 2017

Festive Art Contest 1st Place
1st place badge won by a Festive Art contest participant in 2017

Contest Artist
Given to those who have generously offered to draw a prize piece in a Canterlot Avenue competition.

Nightmare Night Participant 2018
Awarded to users who participated in more than 2 activities in the Nightmare Night Team Battle of 2018

Nightmare Night Winning Team 2018
Awarded to those who participated and also were apart of the winning team of the Nightmare Night Team Battle of 2018.

Canterlot Avenue 1st Anniversary
This badge was given to those who celebrated the first year anniversary since CA opened on December 4th 2017.

Hearts and Hooves Day Event Participant 2019
A special badge given to users that participated in the Hearts and Hooves Event 2019 by writing over 25 words in a card

Backstory Contest 1st Place
Awarded to the first place winner of the backstory contest

Backstory Contest 2nd Place
Awarded to the second place winner of the backstory contest

Backstory Contest 3rd Place
Awarded to the third place winner of the backstory contest

Easter Event 2019 Participant
A special badge given to users that participated in the Canterlot Avenue Easter Event 2019 by coloring an egg

Summer Days Participant
Awarded to those that completed every activity for Summer Days in the Summer Celebration Event

Summer Nights Participant
Awarded to those that completed every activity for Summer Nights in the Summer Celebration Event

Nightmare Night Participant 2019
Awarded to users who replied at least twice to the Nightmare Night 2019 event forum

Canterlot Avenue 2nd Anniversary
This badge was given to those who celebrated the second year anniversary since CA opened on December 4th 2017.

Christmas and New Year Event 2019
Awarded to users that participated in Canterlot Avenue's Winter Event 2019

Nightmare Night 2020 Art contest badge
A participation badge for the Nightmare Night 2020 event

Nightmare Night 2020 Writing Contest Badge
A participation badge for the Nightmare Night 2020 event

Canterlot Avenue 3rd Year Anniversary
A badge to celebrate the 3rd year of CA's existence

Hearts and Hooves 2021 Participant
A special badge given to users that participated in the Hearts and Hooves Event 2021 event by participating in the Hearts & Hooves Gala chatroom roleplay event.

Canterlot Avenue's 4th Anniversary
This badge was awarded for those who participated during CA's 4th anniversary event.

5th Anniversary
This badge was issued to those who participated on our 5th anniversary event

Spring Party Attendee 2023
Awarded to participants who were present at the collaborative roleplay event held from March 20th to April 30th of 2023.

Spring Party Lore Idol 2023
Awarded to a handful of users who demonstrated creative and fun responses during the Spring Party Event of 2023. Their responses are considered lore to the event.

Mortifying Mummies 2023
Participant in the Mummies vs Manticores 2023 event on the side of the Mummies!

Mischievous Manticores 2023
Participant in the Mummies vs Manticores 2023 event on the side of the Victorious Manticores!

Canterlot Avenue 6th Anniversary
This badge was issued to those who participated on our 6th anniversary event

Hearts and Hooves Day Event Participant 2024
A special badge given to users that participated in the Hearts and Hooves Event, 2024.

April Angler 2024
This badge was issued to those who "caught" a fish during April 1st, 2024.

Blue Ribbon
Badge awarded to the most liked booths at the Canterlot Avenue Carnival 2024

Fair Favorite
Badge awarded to the booth who won the poll for most favorite at the Canterlot Avenue Carnival 2024

Canterlot Avenue 7th Anniversary
The badge was issued to those who participated in our 7th anniversary event

Twilight's Student
This user is a proud subscriber to Poniverse/Canterlot Avenue.