Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, her old village.
Skin / Coat Color
Pale, light grayish heliotrope.
Eye Color
Moderate Persian blue.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A purple and white star with glimmering streams.
Detailed Personality
When initially introduced, Starlight Glimmer is openly friendly and welcoming, both toward the Mane Six and her followers. She is also somewhat of a disciplinarian, issuing punishment to those who do not conform to her philosophies. However, she later adopts a more callous and ill-tempered persona, desperate to keep up appearances and dismissing any concept of friendship that isn't the same as her own. She is also quite disrespectful, even to royalty, as shown when she furiously silences Twiligh... View More
Former student of Princess Twilight Sparkle's.
Sire's Hollow.
•Cutie unmarking.•Telekinesis.•Projectile barriers.•Teleportation.•Invisibility,•Duplication,•Altering time spells,•Self levitation,•Transfiguration,•Mind control aka Fiducia Compelus.In All Bottled Up, Starlight's magic is revealed to be tied to her emotions; the stronger she feels about something, the stronger her magic becomes. When she gets particularly angry or frustrated, it manifests from her horn as a cloud of red smoke, and it continually grows until she lets her anger out.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 12, 1995
Last Login:
January 13, 2018
Member Since:
January 7, 2018
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