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Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
by on November 1, 2022
I am currenting and slowly, trying to finish my books. The reason it is slow is due to working so much and not having a ton of time. I first just wanted to ask for anyone TRUSTING and willing to help me edit. But now I feel it is just better to ask for anyone who wants to be involved in the project at all, especially since I am more motivated when I am working WITH someone. A lot of people think I'm a bit too ambitious. But I just think creativity is important.
To elaborate more on my project, I am writing books (a LOT of them), I am making animations (movies and shows) based on the books, and 3-5+ games (some of which is based on the books), (a) comic(s), a radio station app with my music and podcasts (music of which most will also likely be used in the movies and show(s) and games), and art for the games and merch, etc. as well as a website that is needed. I have been trying to do it all on my own because that is what I prefer, but help is indeed required. I am overloading myself.
Some pros are that people that help with music will get their own featured music channel on the app. Just the same, everyone that helps on ANYTHING on the project gets their character featured in the books, animations, games, etc. and merch will be made (for just you) of your character. Also, if everything sells well then you get the chance to get free project merch and the chance to get merch of your own character (not sold without permission from character owners and you get 90% of the money from your own characters merch sales). I have discord servers dedicated to my project so if you wish to join, I can add you (or at least to 3 of them). As soon as the project takes off, I will be using any money/donations given to the project to help with what I can including paying help/hiring help. Any extra funds will be set aside for beginning the second phase. (You really don't want to know what phase 2 is until you are READY uwu)
(You can find this info on my pages too.)
Batfire Productions is the name of my project and business as a whole. This includes Fireverse and Spoof's Hollow in all its glory. Even though Batfire Productions takes care of the business side of my project, a payment called "Fireverse Pony Tickets" is given out when purchasing anything Batfire Productions related. They can then be used when buying anything Batfire Productions related, to serve as a discount of sorts. Fireverse is a specific multiverse in which Svarlet and other characters in my books reside. Each character has a story to tell, and I sure as heck love to tell them. Allow me to take you down deep into the dark abyss that is Fireverse. Spoof's Hollow is leaning more towards the creative side of the project, though some of it does include personal endeavors. Spoof's Hollow is a place for all the creative things I have to post. This includes: Art/Animation, Music, Books, Streaming, etc. This is however not a place where to post for others. This is strictly for Fireverse/Batfire Producions and its related content or for myself.
A little about this world is that it's not an Equestria or around Equestria. In fact, Equestria doesn't even exist in this Multiverse known as Fireverse. The main island is called Fillyipsy. Fillyipsy is surrounded by MANY other islands, and I have a bunch of unfinished species that live on some of them! Basically, their job is to explore but also save the world from dangers. Like mlpfim buuuuut.. adult content
I should say, this isn't set in stone yet. Because some of the characters have some depressing or graphic details/backgrounds, I wanted to make these books more mature. For adults. Most pony books or shows are directed towards kids. Which is fine but there are a lot of adult fans too. I want to keep most of it wholesome, but I also wanted to add in adult themes. Like there are some horror concepts for certain books, there is an island that has a sort of "racism" and about how they fix that, them traveling to other worlds (will explain below) is.. well, some of the other world's books are dark or tragic while others are romantic and fine. (Again, this was just one idea. I can keep it child friendly, I would just have to change a lot)
Anyhoo, Egress is the last island they visit in the last book of the series. It has an unknown portal, or rock, or button (idk yet) and it transports them all into a separate SECOND book series I've created. I was going to make them fandom hop XD where they travel across the weird new world trying to find a way home but find another portal and keep getting teleported to other fandom worlds (sonic, furries, etc) but then I figured I should try to contain my creativity since even though I'm in other fandoms I don't know as much about them and I kind of want to try my best to keep things as original as I can to minimize my credits.
So, the new idea for the portal was that they just get transported into my other books' worlds. Because I have about 30+ books I'm writing all really slowly (every time I come up with a creative new idea it never fits into current books so i just make a new book TwT) Anyhoo, I have already had many ideas of how to add them into these many books I am writing. They will be in the books but not near the main story and characters. They see and interact with some of the background characters. In some I was going to make them show up before or after the main story. Oh and, each time they go through the portal their form shifts with each new world, so they fit in. I am not going to just drop a pony into a human world. And no, it's not "EQG-ing" them.
Anyhoo, that's just Egress and the portal wormhole multiverse jumping. As for the original main series, it begins with Svarlet finding Spoof. That is all I will say because I have already spoiled a lot.
To summarize if you want to help I would say you are free to help with anything or even bits of everything if you like (I'm going to continue asking because many people may be a part of this project, not just one)
Art related I need game loading screens, concept arts for the world, banners, species concept designs if I can ever get them finished, and comic help too if you want to. For the comic help though I will need to continue working on the story. Which is fine since everyone has their own stuff to do. I don't doubt seeing maybe a panel a month.
For the other things that are not art related just ask me. Since my project will be conducted on Discord for the time being, you will need to have one. There I can more explain what everything is.
For now, I would say something like "Help out where you can on what you can whenever you can." It doesn't have to be 24/7 "Hey work for me." And I can pay you through a few different options. Been working on this project since 2017 and I don't intend to give up, ever, until it's finished and public. Plus, not paying for your time and work is not right. Artists work hard too. I know how hard it is to put time and effort into art and then not get something for it. I make adopts all the time, half of which I end up keeping and the rest don't ever sell.
So, for payment:
Option 1: I currently have a job. I don't make much, but I can pay whatever is left over each month. I can pay you until you think what I have paid was fair. As long as I can pay my car payments and get cat food/litter every month, then I should be fine.
Option 2: I pay whatever I can, whenever I can and when I get my tax return you get all that (if it's enough idk how much my tax return will be)
Option 3: In the event that I somehow can't pay you through normal means, then I continue to work my butt off on art, adopts, and streaming and then everything I earn from that goes to you. I intend on streaming again in the NEAR future if I get the chance.
Option 4: I pay you ahead of time for your services. Best option if we want to make sure you get paid. But then there is also the matter of amount that we would need to calculate ahead of time and what if things change in the future like you're busy, your pricing goes up, or I end up needing more work done than I was originally planning on, etc.
Option 5: I can do payment plans and keep track of how much I owe you. Add on when I get more, subtract what I have paid, etc. $100 or so a month until it is all paid off.
Option 6: Volunteer. Since you get stuff (see 'benefits') for working on the project anyhoo, maybe that is payment enough. I don't like this option because I just want to make sure you get compensated for your work. but if you feel it is enough then I won't argue. Everyone needs money these days, including me. And I don't mind saving every penny I can.
Option 7: (Artist Option Only) I put up some merch for my streaming stuff. Of course, I haven't exactly got to promote much thanks to not being able to stream lately, but I do this thing or I'm going to start this thing where I have guest artists create merch. Basically, an artist just creates an art of Svarlet, Spoof, or both (there will be more characters to choose from later down the line) and then I put that art on merch and sell it and then the artist and I can talk out an arrangement. I know some artists who just like to be able to get their art out there. Or I know other artists who would like to be compensated and we can talk on a price. Or in this case you could get all money from all sales involving that merchandise.
If you are interested just send me a message either in PM, IM, or comments. In the message, include what area(s) you would like to help/be included in. Attach your Discord tag so I can add you. Include what payment option you would prefer or be best for you. After I have added you on Discord, give me time to confirm a few things. I will then add you at some point to the project servers. Once I have trusted you enough you will get access you the plans of the entire project and not just your area. All areas will need to work together to create a good project. But if I don't trust you then I don't trust it will come out great. I have a lot at stake by letting people into my project. In the past I have things stolen and had to redo some of my plans and take down the server. Just make sure I trust you. <3
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