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King Artemis
by on December 12, 2022
I'm still unsure of the amount of days I've spent on this project of mine. Sometimes hours blend with days. Days blend with weeks. And weeks blend with months. Regardless of how long I've spent on this project, it'll soon be fulfilling its purpose.
Lord Somber must be killed. This is the right course of action. A monster such as him shouldn't be allowed to breathe within this world, much less rule a Kingdom. No....This Kingdom deserves better. Better leadership. These parasites we call civilians and subjects are as useful as beetles. Mere presences that create a Kingdom. Without rule they are hopeless. No drive. No ambition. No means to carve a future. No....these parasites wouldn't survive outside this glorious Kingdom. And they won't be surviving with Lord Somber alive.
But me? I could be that change they need. That light and guidance towards their pathetic lives. The Nightmare to banish all Nightmares. I could usher in a new Era of Arcane study! One that doesn't benefit just Arcane users, but all within my Kingdom! Arcane is power. Arcane is control. It is simply perfected imperfection. It is the magic to rule all magics. The Magic to rule all worlds. And with Lord Somber dead? I shall be the one to carry Arcane to its limit and beyond. I will become what I knew I'd be. I'll become the purpose of the new era. The new generation. The new Kingdom. The Arcane Kingdom. Where all worship my deeds and my actions. With me taking my Master's life? There will be a new Arcane Lord. A New Master of Arcane. A new Master of all things Darkness.
The plan is simple as well as it is complicated. To stop a creature as powerful as Lord Somber isn't exactly an easy task. Due to his unique talent of limitless Arcane that never runs dry or shows fatigue, he is an enemy to be feared. A straight up fight wouldn't work. He'd drain my magic within minutes as well as my Arcane.
But if I were to have him overuse his Arcane, have him constantly use it towards me? I could perhaps make it unstable. Unstable enough to drain all his Arcane for myself. And with all his Arcane drained? He'll be as good as dead. And a dead Lord Somber is the best type of Lord Somber. No more meaningless Ruling. No more monstrous views. All that will be left is me.
Arold 'Nightmare' Murk
Master of All Things Arcane and Darkness....
Post in: Lore