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by on July 31, 2023
Bored. Yet again, boredom has struck the small changeling as she takes a small sip of her coffee. With her kids all grown up and doing their own things, Ramirez, on most days, has nothing to do except shoot at the range and take strolls through the Everfree or Ponyville's park.
Sighing, Ramirez got up from her chair and went over to her couch in the living room. Taking her seat, Ramirez grabbed a remote and turned on the TV.
"--33 years since the Equestrian invasion of Paneighma, operation "Why Not." It was a swift and successful military operation. The Equestrian military had managed to take the small country just north of Collamabia in five days--"
Ramirez laid back as she continued to watch the documentary. Looking at the old war footage currently being played on screen, memories of when she was deployed to Paneighma were brought back into the little changeling's mind. That part of her life was really something...
Private First Class Proxilia Ramirez.
Company K, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines.
Near Arrajian, Paneighma...
"-Jump back, What's that sound? Here she comes, full blast and top down! Horseshoes, burning down the avenue! Model citizen, zero discipline!"
Checking her mag for the 6th time, Ramirez nervously puts it back in her mag pouch as she struggles to stay in place in this cramped tin can that is the AAV. She looked over at her fellow comrades as they talked amongst themselves. She gulped as she laid her head back against the metal walls of the armored vehicle.
"Don't you know she's coming home to me? You'll lose her in the turn. I'll get her, ah~!"
Hoping that singing would at least calm her nerves down a bit, she sang to herself as she felt her grip on her M16A1 tightens. It hadn't even been a full month since basic training, and they had already shipped her off to another country! To fight no less!
"Alright, fillies! ETA is 5 minutes out! The enemy is going to give us Tarturus, so make sure to make Aunt Luna proud and return it kindly! Oorah!"
Looking at how calm her squad leader made her feel a bit better. Her squad mates smiling and telling jokes to each other even though they all might not make it out of this. Who knows? Maybe...Maybe they will!
Suddenly, the vehicle came to a halt as she heard gunfire outside. Taking out a 30-round mag from one of her pouches, Ramirez loaded her rifle before looking over at the armored rear door. It's show time!
Rays of light shined into the cabin as the ramp began to lower. The small changeling was blinded for a bit as she heard her squad leader yell from the back:
"Let's go, Marines!"
Post in: Lore
Topics: war
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