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by on May 16, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 1 The voice in my head[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]10 or more years passed after Ash met Glitch. Ash's parents let Glitch live in their uncle's old house that he abandoned a long time ago. Glitch had been going to school with ash at Chaos high school. Glitch made friends with a few people there, one of them being Dultron. Glitch was living happily there besides the occasional guards stopping to check if he was a human other than that life was going well for him…except for one thing. “You are spacing off again.” said an irritated glitchy voice coming from glitches conscious. Glitch snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at the chalkboard to see that the teacher had written more notes. Glitch quickly jotted them down not wanting to fall behind in his history class. “Pssst, hey Glitch.” Glitch turned around to see a boney finger tapping him. It was sans or as he liked to call himself dust. Dust was new around school, he arrived after a month ago and ever since he came Glitch could have sworn he was with him everywhere he went. “Are you going to the smackdown ball game tonight?” dust asked as he twirled his pencil with his hand. “Yep cause if i dont go ash is probably going to be upset.” Dust chuckled at this remark and his grin widened a little. “Welp, can't wait to see you there.” Dust said a little creepily. “I don't trust him,'' came the consensus voice in Glitches head. Ever since glitch came into existence he had this person talking to him in his mind, at first he thought it was himself but soon learned there was definitely someone else inhabiting his mind. Usually he would see him in dreams and hear him darkly talk about all his decisions and choices. Glitched tried to ask for his name but he refused to tell until glitch finally pestered him a lot so he told him to get him to stop. His name was Reboot. “Why don't you trust him? He hasn't done anything to us.” glitch thought back at Reboot a little annoyed. “I just don't and I've got a feeling that you should not go to that game tonight.” Reboot snapped back harshly. “But Ash and Dultron will be there and I told them I would come.” Glitch argued back. The bell suddenly rang putting an end to glitches and reboots argument. The rest of the day went by in a flash and before he knew it he was heading home to get ready to see the game. His house soon came into sight. It was always a comfort to glitch to be back at home. His house was floating at least 30 feet above the ground and there was a path of rocks of floating rocks as stairs leading up to it. Coming into the front door he put his stuff in his room and sat down on his couch to check the notifications from his phone. There was nothing much except a few missed spam calls and a text from Dultron asking how his day went. After a few minutes of scrolling through his phone he decided a quick nap would be best before getting ready to watch the game tonight and see his friends.[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Dust, what is the report on our victim?”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Dust looked up from his phone as he was leaning against the wall in a desolate alley way, there stood before him his boss, Nightmare. Nightmare was him but only from an alternative universe, he was covered in black goop and 4 tentacles that seem to hang there ready to strike at any sudden movement. “He is heading to some smackdown game around seven.” Dust said looking back down to his phone. Nightmare thought for a second tapping his finger to his chin. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Has he used his abilities recently?”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] “I don't even think he knows that he has any.” dust replied in a bored tone. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Then we will take him in the cover of night. Dust I want you to gather the bad sans and meet back here when they are ready. Do not make me wait.”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] The last part made dust have chills sent down his spine. “Yes boss.”[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]replied dust and he quickly teleported away.  Nightmare looked up to the sky staring intently at the stars above, “soon,” he thought “ soon I will reclaim my vengeance against my brother, he has no idea what's in store for him.” Nightmare was gazing at the stars for a while till suddenly a crash came from behind him. Whipping around tentacles raised to attack whatever caused that disturbance. Dust was there panting hands on his knees. “BOSS WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!!” dust yelled while catching his breath [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“What?!” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]nightmare said with urgency. “We are not the only ones after him for his abilities!!”[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Then we need to act fast.” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]nightmare said, grabbing dust with his tentacles and teleporting him to where the other bad sans were meeting.[/font]
Post in: Lore
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