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by on May 16, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 2  Escaping the bad sans[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif] “Bzzzzzzzzz,Bzzzzzzzzzzz.” Glitch turned over to see his phone alarm going off like crazy. He grabbed it to see who was texting him. It was dultron, one of Glitches' good friends who was a robot. Dultron had texted on whether or not he should come by and pick him up to leave for the game. Glitch responded with a no thanks because honestly he enjoys walking peacefully by himself. Glitch finally arose off the couch and got himself ready to head out to the game with his friends. After getting already dressed in his favorite outfit and shades he headed out to the stadium of the game. He shortly arrived after walking to the game to sit it packed with people. “Hey Glitch, over here.” Glitch turned around to see who called him and it was dultron. Dultron was up in the stands and it looked like he saved a seat for him. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Time skip game…………….[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]After the game glitch and Dultron met up with Ash to congratulate her. “Nice going out there, you and the team looked amazing.” complimented Glitch. “If you guys keep that up we will definitely win the season.” remarked dultron. “Thank you guys,” Ash said bursting with pride, “we couldn't have done it without the fans cheering for us.” Glitch and his friends talked and joked for a while until they realized that the stadium was almost empty and that Ash and Dultron needed to head home soon. “It was great being at the game with you guys but I should head back. I'm pretty exhausted.” Glitch said, yawning a little. “Alright, we'll see you tomorrow then.” Ash said waving goodbye as glitch departed. After a few minutes of walking in the desolate quiet street he realized reboot had been silent the entire time and hadn't even spoken once which was the first. “You good reboot?” glitch said in his mind to see if he was there. “What do you want?” finally came a reply after a while. “You just have been awfully quiet, are you good?”  glitch said a little concerned. “I am perfectly fine and don't need your concern whatsoever-...hey do you feel like we're being watched?” reboot suddenly asked out of nowhere. That was odd; it did feel like hundreds of eyes were boring into him under their  piercing stare. Glitch sped up his pace feeling a presence behind him. Glitch risked a glance behind him to see if anyone was following him. Glitches heart skipped a beat. Right there behind him were two glowing red eyes. Suddenly there seemed to be more eyes appearing out of nowhere next to the red eyes. “Run glitch!! Run NOW!!!” screamed reboot in his mind. Within a blink of an eye glitch was sprinting away not wanting to find out who those eyes belonged to. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Get him.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” came a voice that seemed to be the leader since it said it with a hint of authority. A lot of footsteps were heard running after him which only made him run faster than before. “You will never outrun them…” reboot said hopelessly as they came into a clearing with street lights. Glitch looked back and what he saw could make anyone curl up into a ball and pray their last prayers. A bunch of skeletons were after them each one looked identical to dust until he realized one of them was dust and that they all had this insane look in their eyes as they chased after him. “Told you not to trust him.” came reboots mocking tone “now is not the time!!!!” glitch snapped back at reboot in his mind. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Gotcha .[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” a black slimy tentacle quickly wrapped around him and slammed him to the ground. “Well that wasn't too hard, boss.” remarked a skeleton with a red glowing target on his chest and black goop dripping from his eyes. Glitch tried to turn his head as he struggled under the weight and grip of the black dripping tentacle. The owner of the tentacle was a skeleton covered in black goop head to toe with only one cyan eye showing and a sinister smile plastered on his face. “I thOuGhT yOu saID tHIs WouLD bE a ChALlenGe?” remarked a black skeleton with errors popping up on his body and glitching. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Well life has its disappointments.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” the black skeleton said, chuckling as he tightened his grip around glitch. “What the heck is going on.” glitch finally managed to say. The skeletons all just laughed at him as he helplessly tried to get out of the goopy skeletons grip only to have it tighten more. “You will just have to wait and see,” dust said , smirking at him. “Glitch listen to me,” reboot said suddenly as the skeletons started to drag him off. “Let me take control and I will get you out of here.” “Let you take control?! How do I do that?” glitch thought frantically as he watched what looked like a portal opening up by the black skeleton with errors on it. “Uhg! Allow me.” suddenly glitch felt his mind slip away a little as he went numb as something or someone started controlling his body. Nightmare was taken by surprise as Glitch broke out of his tentacle with unknown strength and immediately sprinted off while everyone was distracted with the portal or bickering with one another. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]FOOLS!!! AFTER HIM!!![/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” all of the bad sans stopped what they were doing to see glitch sprinting away and soon followed after him quickly gaining on him. “We will never outrun them.” glitch thought desperately at reboot as he slowly felt his body regain control. “Try and use….your ……(powers)” reboot mumbled the last part as his voice slowly faded due to exhaustion. “My what?” glitch said his pace slowed down as he got tired. “FoUNd YoU.” The black skeleton appeared in front of him, blue strings in hand ready to fling at him. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]What happened next surprised glitch more than the skeleton. When the black skeleton shot his strings at him, glitch tried to shield himself but suddenly a glowing green circle appeared. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Don't let him escape.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” yelled the black goopy skeleton as hundreds of black tentacles came shooting at him. Before glitch could understand what was happening he found himself running into the green glitching circle, maybe it was out of instinct or what he thought was an exit but he suddenly found himself falling. For what seemed like an eternity happened in a second he found himself collapsed in what looked like a warm sunny plain with green grass and hills as far as the eye could see. But what filled him most with relief was that there were no skeletons in sight. “What a relief” glitch said out loud, sighing with relief. Everything hurt, he can't remember if he ever ran that long before and the bruises from the black goopy skeletons tentacle didn't help him either. But for now he felt safe ... .until he figures out where he is.[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Crash!!!” Suzie immediately sat up from her lying position with some pink and orange sheep next to her that quickly bounded off. “What in the name of creation was that?” All Suzie wanted to do was escape syntax error’s annoying complaints about her responsibilities so she came outside for peace and quiet only to see a flash of green light and a figure falling from it. With no time to lose she grabbed her paintbrush laying next to her and ran towards the location where she saw the green light to see what it was.[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Hopefully nothing bad happened but she got a feeling that wasn't going to happen.[/font]
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