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by on May 16, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 3 Friend or Foe…[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif] “WHAT THE HECK MAN?!” Said Glitch, very angry at Reboot. “Why are you mad at me, I saved your life” said reboot defendant. “That doesn’t give you the right to take over without my permission, don’t ever do that again without my consent” said Glitch furiously. “YOU FOOL, IF IT WASN'T FOR ME WE WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD, I SAVED OUR LIVES AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME.” said Reboot starting to get very upset. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Meanwhile back to the bads sans…[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]. “IdIoTs, You let hiM geT aWay, nOw wERe NevEr finD tHem” said Error Sans glitching and shrieking at Nightmare who looked just as frustrated but more disappointed in the bad sans than losing Glitch. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Not My fault, all of you are failures, you fools let him get away, now we must search everywhere to find him.” Said Nightmare trying to resist the urge to make them suffer for their stupidity . “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Sure we’ll definitely find him in this multiverse where universes are being created all the time, which makes lots of sense,” said Dust Sans sarcastically. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME WITH THAT TONE YOU NO GOOD SON OF A- said Nightmare grabbing Dust with one of tentacles ready to throw him to who knows where, before being interrupted by another voice that did not sound like one of his bad sans. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Is there a problem amidst these parts, because it sure sounds like someone needs help,”[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]said the figure strutting towards them out of the shadows. The mysterious creature had a long neck and horns, and was best described as someone who sowed different animals together to make something chaotic and unnatural.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]“WHO ARE YOU?!” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]said Nightmare before all the Sans’ got in battle ready positions. “Oh that's not really important at the moment, what is important is for all of you to find the one you so helplessly desire, the one you all need, the one I need”, said the mysterious creature innocently trying to sound helpful but Nightmare wasn't buying any of this gag and didn't want to deal with this guy right now.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]“How could you prove any use to us?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Asked Nightmare is uncertain whether he should let this creature distract him from his plans at hand or just order for him to be tortured to make himself feel better [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Well I have my ways, and I know that there are many worlds where Glitch could have gone, so let me introduce you to the worlds I know, and we shall soon find Glitch”[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]said the mysterious creature with a charming smile on his face. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“How do you even know his name?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Asked Nightmare suspiciously, lowering his tentacles just a little but still on guard. “Oh come now, must I reveal all my secrets on how I have such great intelligence.” whined the mysterious creature rolling his eyes at him.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]“YES, DO SO NOW BEFORE I LOSE MY PATIENCE!!!”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] angrily growled Nightmare, before raising his tentacles again out ready to attack. “Woah, woah!! Okay then Mr. Squidward let me show you,” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]frantically said the mysterious creature disappointed that he couldn't joke around with this “no fun ball of sunshine”.[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]We return to Glitch as he continues to argue with Reboot. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“ENOUGH, WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A PEST?!?!?!! honestly if it was up to me I would have already separated from you a long time ago!!!” yelled Reboot. “Please, trust me when I say it would be a miracle to be freed from you,” said Glitch sighing with annoyance from the headache he was getting from Reboot's rant. There was silence as Reboot ignored him. “Oh so now ya just gonna ignore me!?!!  WELL FINE!!!! I’ll find out where I am myself, '' said Glitch confidently and angrily. “Hmm, well honestly this place definitely isn’t anywhere I’m familiar with” said Glitch slowly losing his confidence looking around seeing the grassy meadow he was in with the sun shining high in the sky, still a little confused how he got there and unaware of the presence behind him. “Hands up, and turn around, slowly” said a guard with a dangerous looking weapon pointed at him. “Woah, woah, who are you, what is this place” asked Glitch. “I am a royal guard of the Celestial Zone, and you are coming with me for questioning, '' said the guard while pinning down Glitch while putting handcuffs on him. “Hey, hey HEY,  get off and let me go” angrily said Glitch while struggling under the weight of the guard. “Silence, you will answer to the empress and she will decide your fate.” said the guard darkly,  holding Glitch down easily, since Glitch didn't have a lot of energy left to fight back with. “Wait a dang minute, are you human?” Glitch questioned as he slowly stopped struggling to look at who was the guard while being escorted to the empress. “Yes, I am indeed, why do you ask?” Questioned the guard cautiously as he dragged Glitch along. “According to the book of Inter Universal Law any human that is found alive must be turned in for immediate execution, pretty much your existence is illegal” said Glitch. “In what world would a human existing be illegal, why would that be?” questioned the guard with shock. “Well when humans used to roam the old earth they would fight against each other and cause countless deaths, they eventually fought themselves to extinction, when the earth was found it was all pretty much rubble. So eventually when earth was established to be an international planet we didn’t want to have another war that would lead to our deaths.” Glitch explained remembering the best from what he had learned. “So because of something that other humans did, because of their mistakes, others must be executed in order to keep “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Peace” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]as you describe it” asked the guard not buying it. “Pretty much”, said Glitch. “Isn’t that just another form of racism, and in the name of “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]peace”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] how can humans be put in the category as violent and ruthless because of other humans' mistakes, that law is just as messed up as humans were described to be.” said the guard disappointedly and enraged. “Honestly I can agree with you there, I never really agreed with the law to be honest, but who knows what could happen if we disobey the law if we were to find humans” said Glitch nervously hoping he didn't enrage the guard too much. “Well in this universe there are a lot of humans, actually and maybe since you trespassed her you might witness the dangerous nature of humans.” The guard said threateningly trying to scare Glitch and it worked because the first encounter he was having with a human had him already captured. “Wait a sec, aren’t you human?” asked the guard, suddenly eyeing Glitch as they were turning the corner near the throne room. “Well not exactly, you see I’m..” said Glitch before finally arriving in the throne room. “Your majesty,” announced the guard, not even letting Glitch finish his sentence. “an intruder was spotted trespassing on your property, I have him handcuffed for safety in case it may attack.” said the Guard with loyal sternness. Glitch looked up to see a human, maybe no older or even younger than him sitting on a magnificent throne. She had a playful but serious aurora about her,rainbow paint splotches on her and was wearing a two colored hoodie with a crown of markers, which for some reason still gave off a powerful effect alongside a big double ended paintbrush resting next to her with on side red and the otherside blue. And the girl was kind of cute(hot), that sent butterflies down in his stomach. The empress looked at him, leaning forward a little, finally seeing him up close and not from a distance, eyeing him up and down feeling a little heat rise to her cheeks as she observed every little detail and trying not to focus admiring on his looks  but quickly turning her head to distract her sudden outburst of thoughts and flusteredness . “Now, now ma’am I’m sure there is a huge misunderstanding, you see I’m not exactly from around here…. in fact I’m quite lost.” said Glitch nervously hoping that this human wasn't violent and dangerous like the ones he heard from history class. “Guards, release him~,” said the empress, suddenly waving them off with a smile. “But your majesty he could be armed and dangerous, we don’t even know what he is truly capable of?!'' the loyal guard said cautiously, eyeing glitch. “I will take it from here, now release him” repeated the empress more sternly this time but the smile didn't falter. “As you wish” said the guard bowing before releasing Glitch from his handcuffs. “Excellent, now please, leave us,” said the empress, rolling her eyes a little in annoyance of the guards over cautiousness. “As you wish your majesty, please just alert me, or Syntax Error if he gives you any problems.” avized the guard while exiting slowly, glancing back unawarely as he walked out. “Um, excuse me empress, I’m not sure what exactly is going on but I’m sure it’s just a big misunderstanding, see I’m not exactly from around here..” said Glitch trailing on but the empress didn't seem to care. “Yea, I know, I heard a loud crash outside, when I checked I saw you laying next to a Glitchy portal. Who exactly are you? I get quite a few visitors from different universes, but none quite like you.”, asked the empress getting off her throne walking over to him curiosity sparkling in her teal eyes. “My name's Glitch, what’s your name, your majesty”, asked Glitch, bowing a little in respect. “Well as you just heard I am the empress, but you can call me Suzie '' said Suzie grinning. “Nice to meet ya, but I must ask, why do you carry a giant paint brush with you, is it for making huge art pieces or something”, asked Glitch trying to start a friendly conversation. Suzie started laughing a little before covering it up with an embarrassed cough realizing he wasn't joking “Well I just went outside for some fresh air,” Suzie started to explain, “then I saw you come out of nowhere and I was coming to see what happened so I brought it in case of defense”, Suzie explained blushing a little as she put her hands in her pocket as though she felt relaxed and safe in his presence. “With a paint brush?” questioned Glitch, confused even more. “It can do a lot more than you would think~”, Suzie slyly said, giggling at him. “Riiiiight, well it was nice talking to ya Suzie.'' said Glitch turning around and walking off, not wanting to ask anymore questions that Suzie might fine to be weird, “but I should really be heading back now, after all I got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow”, said Glitch trying to slowly ease away to what he thought was an exit door. “Oh, right, of course, I give you permission to let you return to your world.” said Suzie sadly but quickly covering it up with a smile that she hoped he hadn't noticed. “I would hate to interrupt your day.” said Suzie kindly, waving goodbye although Glitch could hint a little bit of sadness in her voice which made his heart sink a little. “Yup, thanks,” he said quickly trying to ignore those feelings, “welp Reboot, time to head back, open a portal”, said Glitch in his mind with no response back from Reboot. “Um, Reboot, bro, we gotta get going back, so open a portal” said Glitch earnestly with still no response. “Bro, we need to head back, NOW!” Glitch said mumbling to himself angrily. “Is there a problem?” Suzie asked, concerned a little with the frustrated look on Glitches face. “I may or may not remember how to get home.” Glitch said, a little embarrassed and slightly frustrated at reboot for not responding. “Well, maybe you can stay here until you figure out how to get back to your universe?” Suzie said with a twinkle of overwhelming excitement in her eyes that was impossible to ignore. “I mean, huh, I'm so sorry to hear that is there anything I could do to help?” Suzie said, trying not to come off rude or anything like that. “Well not unless you know how to make portals that could take me back to my world, not like it would matter if you could make portals you don’t even know where I live” Glitch said sadly as he believed there was no way to return home. “Well we will find out eventually where you live, but there’s no harm in staying here” said Suzie happily. “I suppose, beats going to school anyway” Glitch said excitedly to have an excuse to miss school. “I’ll have one of my guards prepare the guest room for you to sleep in, but for now you and I are going to get to know one another” said Suzie while very excited. Glitch started to blush as she got closer to him. “Haha yea let’s go talk” Glitch said very nervously trying to make a good first impression. Glitch and Suzie walked outside for a breath of fresh air but a guard stopped them. “Hold it, your empress, are you sure you would not like a guard to accompany you with this man, who knows what he is capable of” said the guard cautiously. “I can handle it, I’ll call if I need assistance”, said Suzie before her and Glitch continue to walk outside. “As you wish you majesty” said the guard as they walked away. “Man these guys really don’t trust me huh”, Glitch asked. “Yea, they don’t like me going out by myself, very overprotective in my opinion”, said Suzie. “But enough about me, let’s talk more about you, '' said Suzie to Glitch as they continued to walk while they were outside. Suzie then began to ask Glitch questions. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Wait before we begin, have a seat.” swished her paintbrush near the ground and it got covered in blue ink. Suddenly where the blue ink was stood two comfy looking chairs appeared with a table of an assortment of drinks on it. Suzie took a seat and waved for Glitch to come join her. Glitch walked over and sat in the chair, he grabbed the drink and took a sip to his enjoyment. “Thanks for the drink, so what's with all the fancy get up, am I being interrogated and drinking truth serum”, Glitch asked jokingly. Suzie was a little surprised by the comment and couldn't help laughing. “No, no I do not interrogate my guest.” She said recovering from her laughter. “Haha, so then what are we doing here.” asked Glitch before taking another sip. “to ask you some questions of course, if you're gonna be my guest and stay here until I figure out a way to bring you back home. I at least need to get to know you.” “Haha, I suppose that is fair enough, well ask any question ya like, hopefully I’m able to answer ya”, Glitch said while smiling. “Ok” Suzie started to say, “first question, how old are you? I don't mean this in a rude way but sometimes I come across beings that are 500 years old and I mistake them for 10 year olds, it's nothing personal.” “Nope I get it, we have the same thing back in my world, people are all sorts of ages honestly, I’m only 16, at least from what I can remember when I landed on the Terraformed Earth”. “You mean you aren't originally from your own universe?” Suzie asked curiously. “No, when I first arrived at the planet I didn’t know anything, all I could remember was the name, Glitch, sometimes in my dreams I still hear the voice, at least when it’s not Reboot”,as Glitch explained. “That leads me on to my second question, who is Reboot?” “Reboot is someone who just appeared one day, he is a voice inside my head, but not just like the other voices that I may hear in dreams, he’s darker, everytime he speaks to me, I can feel what he feels, see what he sees, he is even able to take over my body apparently, that's how I ended up in here in fact, sometimes when I look in the mirror though, I take off my glasses and just see him staring back at me, it’s very terrifying honestly” Glitch said. “Yeeeesh, sounds like a total buzz kill, kinda reminds me of how one of my friends used to be…but that is not important right now.” Suzie said, waving off that small little comment in the end. “Oh, sorry to hear about that, I can’t imagine what it would be like to have friends like Reboot, that must be a nightmare”, said Glitch with remorse. “A nightmare indeed (pun intended) well after a while you get used to them but there are not terrible people all the time….mostly.” Suzie said, hesitating a little as she finished her sentence. “I wish I could say the same about Reboot, he tries to act almost like a shoulder devil, I always end up ignoring him, unless he forces his will, which hopefully doesn’t happen again”, Glitch said. “Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that,” Suzie said pitifully. “Well, that also leads to my next question, do you know what reboots intentions were of sending you here?” “Well Reboot only sent me here to save my life, we were being chased by a bunch of skeletons, they chased us into this world, luckily they didn’t follow us, it was weird though, all the skeletons had the same shape and were relatively all short, kinda weird”, Glitch explained as he had questioned it.Suzie jaw dropped open upon hearing this. “HOW IN THE MULTIVERSES NAME ARE YOU NOT DEAD AND SECOND WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO MAKE THE BAD SANS GO AFTER YOU?!?!?!?!” Suzie yelled in shock, which made some of their nearby guards run in to see what happened but Suzie quickly signaled them to get out and they did abruptly. “The bad Sans? i don’t know what I did, they came after me out of nowhere, all I did was go to a game, wait a minute, how do you know who those guys are”, Glitch questioned. “Well….it's complicated. They may or may not be my friends.” Suzie said awkwardly, staring at her feet. “Did they attempt to kill you?” Suzie said quickly, trying to change the subject. “How are those crazy killers your friends, they could have killed me, or I guess kidnap me, I don’t know what their plan was to be honest but it couldn’t have been anything good”, Glitch explained while being surprised. “Long story short but those guys are alternate versions of my friends and I got to meet them when they had their truce meeting, but that was a while ago. I only talk to them when I'm traveling universes or the bad time trio comes and raids the kitchen.`` Suzie said a little annoyed at the end. “They are thieves too, how are these kidnapping food thieves your friends”, Glitch questioned. “They just are ok?!” Suzie said, getting a little defensive. “Why are you holding back your anger”, as a voice in Glitches head had spoken. “Reboot back off man, I’m not angry, '' Glitch said in denial. “Haha yes you are, those Sans tried to kidnap you and they hurt you, I can feel the anger boil your blood as it flows throughout your body. Reboot said while trying to upset Glitch. “Shut up”, Glitch whispered to himself. “You can feel the pain trying to return, can’t you”, Reboot said while stirring up anger in Glitch. “I said shut up”, Glitch whispered a little higher in volume. “It hurts, doesn’t it, and all because you're weak, you couldn’t take the pain, but let me ask you, did it hurt you more than when you were left abandoned on Earth and found by someone who wasn’t even of blood” Reboot said which had ticked off Glitch. “I said, SHUT UP REBOOT”, said Glitch before his bruises glitched back on to him and he started bleeding. “Shoot,”[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said as he felt the pain return to him after his disguise shedded away. Suzie was stunned by what was happening. Did reboot just do this, was he okay, did he have abilities to hide his hp? Suzie’s mind was racing of what was happening as she called her guards over to help. Quickly they brought him to the nearest med room inside and the nurses helped treat the cuts and bruises on Glitch. Suzie stayed near watching them diligently work and helping every so often to wrap a cut or wash a bruise. TIME SKIP[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Suzie had not left Glitches' side not once and the nurses left to give them space; they advised her to call for them if anything else happened. Suzie sat next to Glitch hoping that he would be alright but comforted that the wounds were not fatal. Glitch eventually woke up and had no clue what was going on. “Ugh, the heck, what happened, how did I get in here”, Glitch questioned as he tried to get up but struggled to do so. Suzie looked up from the drawing she was sketching out to see Glitch slowly gaining back his consciousness. “Hey there, how do you feel? You gave me quite a scare back there.” Suzie said, touching him lightly on the shoulder as she inspected the bandages. “Well I feel fine, but all I remember last is yelling, then feeling lots of pain, then nothing, guess I got knocked out from the pain, how long was I out”, asked Glitch. “Um, about 3 hours give or take a few minutes.” Suzie said nervously as she adjusted some bandages near his thighs. “Really, sheesh I am a really good napper” Glitch said jokingly, but still struggling to get up. Suzie quickly but lightly forced him to lay back down again. “You need to rest. I'm not risking you opening up your wounds by moving around.” Suzie said sternly, bringing her face close to his as she looked him in the eyes tenderly. “R-right wouldn’t want that now would we, I guess I’ll have to rest right now, wait but if I stay here, I am susceptible to being caught by the bad Sans”, said Glitch nervously. “Trust me that won't happen when I'm around,hopefully, and you wouldn't want to go out there in this condition. If it makes you feel better I can keep staying with you”. “Sure, I’d love to have company, after all who wants to be alone when they're hurt,” Glitch said happily. Suzie was kind of relieved that he didn't take it awkwardly as she thought he would. “Great.” Suzie said with a smile on her face “I will be right next to you if you need anything.” Suzie looked back down to the sketch she was in the middle of drawing. “Well since I’m awake now, I guess I gotta ask, do you know the story of the entire multiverse thing, like the supposed war that happened on earth”, Glitch asked. Suzie looked up from her drawing, sighing a little. “I have not, I have only known the multiverse for about 5 years now I think. At first it was a hunch but after learning to make portals it was a reality. The problem is that there is more than 1 multiverse out there, each one has countless universes in it.`` Suzie said, trying to explain to the best of her ability. “ Well apparently in the multiverse there were these beings of chaos and destruction, they were a group of killers who would go from world to world and slaughter everyone in their path, supposedly they were a factor in the humans' destruction back at home, but that is only a theory to be fair. However there have also been sightings of these being in abandoned worlds just before they leave, they are said to be wearing all purple with some black on them. The only thing I have heard from their name is they are supposed to be called “legion” but they’re more like legends to me. I dunno, just a random thought I suppose”, Glitch said. “Wow, that's quite a tale. What do you mean by factor of human destruction?”Suzie asked curiously. “Well it was said that humans let themselves to destruction, but others believe that the purple beings came along and killed most of humanity, there is technically no evidence against it, we weren’t there when humans killed each other after all, and all the footage that was there is kept by the government and known as top secret.” “dang, what does the government have against humans?” Suzie said surprised and a little hurt. “I guess it must be tough for you to be a human living there.”  “Oh, yeah about that, I’m not actually human,” Glitch said. “Wait what?!” Suzie said dumbfounded that she mistook him as one. “How are you not a human you look just like one???” Suzie asked completely off guard. “Well it’s complicated, you see when I first came to be from what I can remember I wasn’t exactly human looking, but when I woke up I ended up looking like a human, it all just kinda happened I suppose”, said Glitch trying to shrug it off. “Is there a way to tell the difference between you and other humans?” Suzie questioned curiously. “Were you accused as one back in your universe?” “Well I usually am questioned sometimes by the robot guards that guard the school, they have to scan me, there are other humanoids like me who get scanned all the time, it can get annoying from time to time” said Glitch. “But how do they tell you apart?? I'm still at a loss for that cause when I first saw you, you definitely looked more human than humanoid.” replied Suzie, still very confused. “Well they basically take my blood samples, not too much but enough, they compare it with humans prier but that’s pretty much it” said Glitch, a little annoyed at the thought. “Honestly this whole human being executed as soon as found is something I very much disagree with, it just doesn’t feel right to kill an already most likely to be extinct species, besides, humans don’t seem that bad, you're a great example of that”, Glitch said while smiling. Suzie blushed a little at the comment from Glitch. “Thanks, that's very sweet of you to say.” Suzie said, turning her head a little so that Glitch couldn't see how flustered she was at the compliment. “So what is it like to be human, can you humans breathe in space like us non-humans? '', Glitch asked curiously. “Um no, we would die within seconds.” Suzie said, bewildered by the question. “Are you saying you're able to breathe in space?! That's pretty awesome.” Suzie said, eyes shining with excitement and curiosity. “Yea, since we are built differently than humans we can just go to space without a spacesuit, it’s pretty cool, although I suppose there are still some other creatures who can’t breathe in space because they have lungs” said Glitch. “Gasp, you don't have lungs!? How do you breathe? Are you like amphibians that filter through their skin?” asked suzie leaning in closer to glitch with excitement and curiosity plastered on her face with a smile of interest. “Nope, I never did need to breathe, nor do I need sleep, or even to eat, or anything that organs do I suppose, I will sometimes do them except breathe but they don’t benefit me in any way” said Glitch. “Wow, really sleeping is like the best part but you don't need it? Have you ever felt refreshed from a nap or some sort?” Suzie said, more confused. “I have napped before, sometimes I do in Mr.Primes classes, haha but then I just usually have nightmares or just weird dreams, it’s bad for me to sleep honestly” said Glitch.  “Oh…i'm sorry to hear that…” suzie said looking back down to her feet unsure what to say next. “ No worries, I usually just don’t sleep anyway, it makes me more productive,” said Glitch while smiling. “Do other beings from space do that?” Suzie questioned, looking back up to him. “Well sure there are plenty of beings, they aren’t my species, but they don’t need to breathe either” said Glitch excitedly answering the question. “But I'm sure they must need sleep too, right?” “They do, unless you're a robot, although I guess they charge, as far as I’m aware all creatures need sleep” said Glitch. Suzie just smiled to herself a little from a thought she just had. “How would that work if you don't need sleep but let's say your future partner does?” Suzie asked, giggling a little. “My partner, well to answer that question, if my partner needed sleep I’d tell her lets go to bed and get some shut eye, cause tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us” Glitch said as he wished he said it better. “I mean I would say, lets go to bed” Glitch said while still being nervous. “Okay okay, let me say it correctly this time, I would say let's hop into bed, Suzie” said Glitch as he realized what he said for the third time. “Oh crud, did that really just come out my mouth, haha my bad” Glitch said as he was very very nervous now. Suzie just sat back laughing her head off hysterically. “HAHAHA-that’s hilarious, way to brighten up my day!” Suzie said, trying to recover from her break out of laughter. “Hehe oh holy cow I’m really sorry, this is so embarrassing of me” said Glitch as his hands went over his face as he blushed. “Don't sweat it, it was just a misuse of words thats all '' Suzie said smiling while patting him on the shoulder, although she quietly wished to herself it wasn't. “Haha yeah that’s what happened, but I’m sure you already have that special guy out there already” Glitch said sadly. “Actually i dont and even if I did, [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Syntax error[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] would probably wipe him off the face of the universe if I got a chance to even love him.” Suzie growled softly to herself as she thought about how syntax error was never trusting of anyone. “Oh, that's um, interesting, do you think maybe this Syntax guy likes you”, Glitch asked. Suzie just shook her head in disgust, “we are just friends, and besides he is more like an overprotective parent than a lover.'' Suzie said awkwardly. “Oh, I suppose that makes sense,” Glitch said while secretly being excited. “I mean another reason he doesn't have feelings for me is that im his creator, which is like saying your his mother but not in a way, if that makes any sense.” Suzie said with a little bit of an embarrassed look on her face. “Wait, you created another living being, how is that possible?” Glitch curiously asked. Suzie stood up dramatically and made a pose (one that ink sans taught her to do whenever someone asks the question) “I am a UNIVERSE CREATOR!” Suzie announced dramatically. “Cute pose, so you're a universe creator, wow, it seems that humans are a force not to be messed with,” Glitch said. “W-well, actually i'm the only human I ever met that is a universe creator.” Suzie sat down flustered from the comment about her pose. “The only other creator i met was my friend Ink, he taught me most of what i know about creating universes and navigating them. “Ink, hmm I’ve never heard of this ink person, guy, so he is your teacher huh?” Glitch asked. “In a way yes, but he feels more like a friend than a teacher in a way.” suzie said thoughtfully. “Oh, I wonder if perhaps he could teach me how to master my powers,” Glitch said curiously. “Wait, you have powers? Awesome, what type of powers do you have?” Suzie asked, getting really, [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]really[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] close to Glitch, full of curiosity. Suzie never really met any other person that looked like a human, that wasn't a human, with powers before. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Well, I’m not all too sure about my powers to be honest, but I guess I can make portals, even though I don’t know particularly how to,” said Glitch, sounding a little frustrated. “Hey, I have an idea!” announced suzie as she clasped glitches hand “how about i help you figure out how to use your powers. What do you think of the idea? `` Suzie said with determination. “I love the idea, it would be a pleasure if such a smart and noble empress would teach me her way” Glitch said excitedly. Suzie quickly turned away to hide her over blushing face from hearing that flattering compliment as more heat rises to her cheeks. “I -i well o-ok t-then, o-once you recover, i-i guess i could start helping you.” stuttered suzie, as she tried to form a sentence out of her mouth. “I can’t wait to learn from the amazing empress Suzie” Glitch said while grasping Suzie’s hand tighter. Suzie was praying to herself that she didn't look like the world's reddest tomato right now. “s-sounds g-gr-great, let's start tomorrow if you really want.” stuttered suzie even more, as she tightened her grip around glitches hand, for no apparent reason at all, or so she hoped. “I’ll hopefully be fully recovered tomorrow to learn from the best, your majesty,” Glitch said as he leaned over toward her hand and kissed it. “O-oh!! I uh, uhm, OH i think one of my guards is calling me gotta go, bye!!!`` Before Suzie waited for a reply she sprinted out of the room. What in creations name was that about, what is this feeling she is feeling right now?! Suzie made a portal straight to her room and went to bury her face in the nearest pillow. “ Glitch, Glitch, Glitch why did I do that? I'm moving way too fast, goodness me” said Glitch before being interrupted by the voice in his head. “You know you're wasting time, what exactly are you trying to do, fall in love? This is the worst time for that, we have people trying to kill you and here you are trying to make cutie googoo faces and crap!! if you don’t pull yourself together, we will not survive long out here” said Reboot, very upset and weirded out. “Would you leave me alone, you're the reason we’re stuck on this bed anyway, you took away my protection and now I’m left with bruises and blood that I have to recover from” said Glitch angrily. “Listen to me, you small minded, incompetent fool, we have better things to do than to fall in love, we must become stronger to fight back against our enemies, and only I can help you with that because your too weak, now do yourself a favor and hop off, I’m taking control now.” said Reboot before being interrupted by Glitch. “Listen Reboot, and listen well, this is my body and mine only, I am the one calling the shots, and I will decide what I do, you can go screw yourself, and leave me the heck[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]alone” said Glitch, who has had enough. “Fine, be weak, one day you’ll regret this, I swear it to you” said Reboot before leaving Glitch alone. “Ugh, screw[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]it, why do I always have to deal with this guy, maybe he’ll finally leave me alone for once” said Glitch. “But for now I guess I should let my wounds heal and recover for tomorrow, hopefully at least” said Glitch before returning to go to sleep.[/font]
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