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by on May 16, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 5 let the [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]fun[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] begin[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]After Glitch had got all ready for the sleep over a knock came from the otherside of his door. “Come in,” Glitch said while in his pajamas which he had made to be blue with green stripes on them short sleeved. The person who walked in was Venom. Only this time he was in a white loose t-shirt and black shorts with pink slippers on. “Hey,” he said cheerfully “I heard you were invited to the sleepover, Suzie must think very highly of you then.” venom said with a little wink at the end. “Haha yea, she invited me to a sleepover, it’s my very first one actually, I’m kinda nervous” Glitch said sweating a little. “Oh don't be, it's very fun actually, well unless you mess around with suzie too much.” venom added in with his right eye glowing green suddenly with a dark tone. “But I'm sure there is nothing you need to worry about.” venom said with a cheerful smile returning to his face like nothing happened at all. “Y-yea i won’t do anything” Glitch said while getting a little frightened. “Oh come on i can't have possibly scared you [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]to the bone[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif].” Venom said, trying not to laugh at his own pun. “Haha, nope I ain’t scared I’m just waking up from a nap, yup” Glitch said while fake laughing and trying not to act intimidated. “Welp , I guess we can't keep DJ Leafeon and Suzie waiting any longer, so follow me I will show you the way.” venom said walking out of the room not waiting for a response.  “Yea, I’ll follow ya” said Glitch as he calmed down and followed Venom sans. “oh, did suzie mention that i would be helping you with your powers tomorrow?” Venom asked excitedly, as he bounded like a child, through the hallway. “I indeed heard, I hope I am able to learn all I can from you” Glitch said while smiling. “Indeed you will, my new human friend,” Venom said dramatically while striking a heroic pose. “What weapons can you make?” Glitch asked while being curious. “Any of the sort, of course. Although I think my favorite one is double wielding Scimitars since they are easy to maneuver pretty quickly.” Venom said thoughtfully as they walked along. After a while of walking Venom suddenly asked “is it true that you were chased by the bad sans?” he said in a very serious tone of voice. “Yes, I’m not sure what they want with me, but they tried to hunt me and take me somewhere, I don’t know what they want from me though, I have nothing to offer” Glitch thought as he was also serious. “I don't believe that's true, knowing myself ,literally, we Sans usually don't do anything unless for a purpose or being forced too. So there is obviously something very special about you.” Venom said, trying to bring up the mood with a positive compliment or so he thought one at least. “ Well anyways, you will enjoy the sleepover tonight, especially the extremely [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]hard[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] dares we come up with for each other.” venom said cackling menacingly. They arrived at a door near the very top of the capitals palace, the door was marble white with gold lining and studded with rainbow gems. Venom, without even knocking, opened the door dramatically to reveal a very very big room with pillows of all sorts of colors everywhere that were pretty much up to your knees and higher. “SUZIE! I thought you said you would wait for me before starting the pillow forts?!?” venom whined dramatically. “We did but you guys were taking FOREVER.” came a voice muffled underneath the pillows somewhere that sounded like it came from suzie. “Yeah. what took you so long, why didn't you just teleport?” replied another voice which venom recognized to be DJ Leafeon’s voice because of its high tone pitch. Venom just rolled his eyes and proceeded to search through all the pillows. “When I find you two, and I will find you two! I'm going to stuff you both into a pillow case and swing you around like a ragdoll!!!” Venom said angrily jokingly. Suzie and Leafeon proceeded to laugh their heads off and gave each other away which sent venom bounding over pillows in the direction of the noise.  Venom furiously pushed through all the pillows but to no avail was he able to find them. “WHERE IN STAR BLAZES ARE YOU GUYS?!?!?” Venom yelled, getting frustrated in his attempt to find them “GLITCH! DON'T JUST STAND THERE WATCHING!!! GET OVER HERE AND HELP!!! Venom yelled desperately as he moved deeper into the room with pillows up to his waist now with more laughter coming out of the pillows from the otherside this time. “Suzie, so help me if you multiplied. I will have more than one ragdoll flying around tonight.” Venom spat towards the direction of the noise as more laughter erupted. Meanwhile Suzie poked her head out from under one of the pillows, careful that Venom didn't see her, so that she could get a better view of Glitch since she heard Venom call his name. Honestly his pajamas that he chose didn't look half bad, especially the blue with the green stripes. Now that would be a fun color combo to draw with. Suzie quickly snapped out of her thoughts and ducked back deeper into the pillows as she heard venom get near her, but he soon passed ,as a ball of frustration, since he couldn't still seem to find them. “I do have a question, why are you guys under a bunch of pillows? '' Glitch questions. “Well usually [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]they wait for me[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif],” Venom growled. “the purpose is to build pillow forts, BUT THEY JUST HAD TO START WITHOUT ME!” Venom yelled as he threw a pillow across the room to one of the sources of laughter. “Hmm, so for these sleepover things you guys prepare forts, isn’t that used for war or something, or are we pretending to be in a war? '' Glitch asked. “Oh it's going to be one hell of a war tonight if I can't find them soon.” venom said glaring around all the pillows hoping to catch a movement somewhere. So are you just going to keep standing there asking questions or are you going to help me find them???” venom said exasperatedly. “Right I’m on it” Glitch said as he began moving pillows around the room. Suzie peeked from the pillows seeing venom on the far side of the room somewhere near leafeon and her blue part. Suzie tried to bury herself deeper in the pillows as Glitch got closer. “Where in earth's name are these people hiding?” Glitch continued to question as he kept looking for Suzie and leafeon. Glitch was way too close , Suzie had to get farther away but it was extremely hard for Suzie to maneuver through all the pillows without being seen. “This is much harder than I thought, maybe I should try to look in a different spot” Glitch said as he searched in a different area. Suzie sighed with relief on hearing that but quickly put her hands over her mouth hoping she didn't give herself away. “What was that?” Glitch asked as he turned in a different direction. Crud, now she may have given herself away but at least her blue part wouldnt be found…hopefully. Glitch uncovered the covers and found Suzie. “I gotcha, wait, isn’t your hoodie blue and red, not just red? '' Glitch asked in confusion. “Oh i haven't quite changed into my pajamas yet whoops” suzie said a little embarrassed. “Shhh dont give me away to venom.” Suzie said desperately, making a pleading face. “ Oh dear I almost thought I caught her, we’ll dang it” Glitch said as he covered Suzie up again. Suzie couldn't help but giggle a little while venom let out an annoyed growl. “WAIT A SEC!” announced venom. Venom reached down into the pillows and pulled out the other Suzie with the blue hoodie. “Ah HA! I found you, aww what's wrong, upset that you got found?” venom said mockingly as suzie crossed her arms pouting. “Wait, wasn’t she just over here?” Glitch said very confused. “And how did she changed hoodies?” Glitch said, even more confused.  The suzie near Glitch quickly pulled under the pillows covering his mouth. “SHHH!!! Are you trying to get me caught!?” Suzie said in a whisper yell. “Wait, how did you get back there?” Glitch said with his head spinning back and forth. “Shhh i will explain later,” suzie said as she covered him with pillows right next to her. “This is the biggest pillow fort I’ve ever seen, although it’s also the only one I’ve seen too,” Glitch said quietly. “Oh it's not a pillow fort quite yet, usually we stack them into a fort but we were waiting for you guys to come before we start.” Suzie explained just above a whisper. “So you guys decided to hide in what I will call a pillow pile until we get back” Glitch quickly asked. “Not really actually, the pillows from the storage may have gotten everywhere so we just decided to go digging through them. The only reason why we are hiding is because of venom.`` Suzie said nervously, focusing her mind on her blue part. “Crap, he found a leafeon.” Suzie said, burying her face in a pillow realizing that she was next. “What do we do now, we are sure to get caught,” Glitch said. “Hey Glitch, where did you go?” yelled Venom looking around to see glitch nowhere in sight. Without a moment of hesitation, Suzie pulled glitch in close so he would be totally out of sight from venom. “We are definitely gonna get caught, Venom is definitely gonna win” Glitch said. “I refuse to believe that.” Suzie said, as she brought glitch closer to her. “I sure hope not, I’d hate to get caught” Glitch said while blushing. Suzie listened silently as she heard venom bound through all the pillows looking for them. “Glitch you traitor when I find you. I will make sure you will have an extra hard time with training unless you decide to show yourself.” venom offered with a luring tone of voice. “Dang it, I do want to train well for combat, but I don’t wanna rat you out, what should I do?” Glitch questioned to himself out loud but not to where everyone could hear him. Venom scanned the room full of pillows, making sure he didn't miss any movement. Then a brilliant idea  struck him. “Hey Suzie,” Venom said to her blue part, “mind you want to tell me where your red self is?” venom asked with an innocent face. “Never.” Suzie said, as she smirked up at him knowing who her red part was with. “Sigh you are not making this easy. Maybe if I tickle you then we will see who laughs.” Venom said as he pinned down Suzie's blue part to tickle her. “Oh, no '' Suzie’s red part said as she realized what venom was up to. A loud laughter erupted from Suzie's blue part, Suzie's red part was shaking trying not to laugh as well as he felt venom tickling her blue part. She proceeded to bury her face into glitches chest trying not to laugh her head off. “Oh Suzie, it seems your laughter’s gonna get us caught” Glitch said while blushing even more. “Is that some laughter I hear?” Venom said triumphantly as he proceeded to tickle Suzie's feet. Now Suzie lost it and started laughing hysterically as she buried her head deeper into glitches chest. “It looks like we’re gonna get caught,” Glitch said while holding Suzie. Venom ran, or at least tried to, over to the source of Suzie's laughter. “Ah Ha i found yo-” venom stared down to see suzie and glitch hiding together, a little too close. Venom proceeded to cover those to back up and walked away not even knowing how to respond to what he saw. “Did you find them?” Leafeon asked, confused. “Eh..” Venom turned his head to stare at Suzie's blue part with a very confused expression on his face and Suzie proceeded to just shrug it off. “I think Venom might be a little dumbfounded,” Glitch said while still holding Suzie. Suzie let out a relieved sigh and relaxed. “Few, there will be no ragdolls flying around tonight.” “Yes it seems that we have won, just a little though” Glitch said while smiling. “Alright you win” announced venom ``you can come out now.” Venom said giving up on life and landing down on some pillows under him. Suzie was about to get up and out, until she realized she was still in Glitches arms, slowly feeling her face heat up. “Oh, sorry, let me let you go,” Glitch said as he removed his arms from around Suzie. “T-thanks” Suzie said as she climbed out of the pillows. “Glitch also climbed out from the pillows. Suzie headed over to where venom, leafeon and her blue part was soon joining back together with her other part. “Wait, I really need to know, how are there two of you?” Glitch asked curiously. “Oh it's just one of my powers but usually i can't do it for long without using up all my energy.” Suzie said, really light headed at the moment and swaying a little. “Well I will admit it is pretty cool that you can do that” Glitch said happily. “Okay enough with the chit chat you two snuggle bunnies.” Venom said a little weirded out “let's make pillow forts now.” venom said not waiting for a reply or opinion. “I suppose we should start the game,” Glitch said. “Yeah we have wasted enough time already,” agreed leafeon. “You guys can go build the fort for the pillow fight. I'm going to get my pjs on then.`` Suzie said, bounding away. “Okay, I’ll just wait here then, '' Glitch said. “Nope you will be helping with building the pillow forts” said Venom as he took Glitch by the arm and dragged him over to where leafeon was starting to build the pillow forts. “Okay then” Glitch said while being pulled by Venom. “Is everything okay Venom?” Glitch asked while being pulled. “absolutely , perfectly fine.” venom said through gritted teeth. “Now let's get to building these forts, cause they aren't going to build themselves.” venom said with a more sweeter tone than before, but still looking very unsettled. “Yea so how do we build those forts” Glitch asked. “Here, I will show you,” said Leafeon excitedly. “It's really simple, basically all you have to do is stack them into walls, or make forts in a dome like way it's honestly not that hard.” leafeon said, explaining as she started to stack pillows on top of each other in a wall like manner. Venom already finished three looking pillow forts using his magic. “Oh, that doesn’t look too hard,” Glitch said as he began making a pillow fort. “See, not hard at all.” leafeon said proudly. “Yea, hopefully it’s sturdy enough” Glitch said as he was finishing the pillow fort. “Hey not bad,” said Venom, impressed after he finished making a maze with a lot of pillows using his magic. “Oh come on venom, that's cheating when you use your magic.” leafeon whined. “Oh please it will take longer if i don't. And besides, I promise I won't use my magic when we have a pillow fight.” venom said, putting his hand over his heart a little wounded. “Oh so there are rules to a pillow fight” Glitch asked. “Well just no fighting to the death or trying to severely hurt someone and no magic, even though I honestly would in my opinion.” venom said, explaining it. “Oh, those rules seem pretty reasonable,” Glitch said. “Hey guys, I'm back.” said Suzie running back into the room. She was in a white nightgown and had her accessories removed off of her. “Nice pajamas” Glitch said complimenting Suzie. “Oh thanks.” Suzie said, blushing a little while fidgeting with the hem of her night gown. Venom just looked back and forth between the two, something was definitely up suzie never acted this way to anyone else before…odd. “Well we are just about finished so let's choose teams.” Leafeon said excitedly. “So then who’s gonna be on who’s team?” Glitch asked. “Boys versus girls of course.” Suzie said excitedly, high fiving leafeon. “Sounds fair,” agreed Venom as he armed himself with a pillow. “Let’s hope I'm good at this pillow fight thing then” Glitch said, arming himself with a pillow. “Each team starts at the end of the room, now let's begin.” leafeon said scurrying off with suzie to the other end of the room. “Cmon Glitch we've got some pillow fights to win” said Venom as he kicked off his slippers and ran off to the otherside of the room. “Right behind ya” Glitch said as he ran behind Venom. “ARE YOU GUYS READY?” yelled Suzie from the otherside of the room out of sight since the pillows were stacked up to the ceiling in a maze making it impossible to see the other side. “HELL YA!!! PREPARE TO GET YOUR BUTTS KICKED!!!” venom yelled back. “YES, LET THE BATTLE BEGIN” Glitch yelled excitedly. Both teams charged into the maze of pillows. “Okay so what’s the plan to win?” Glitch asked curiously. “Get more hits than they can, stay in the fort for protection” Venom said to Glitch. “We should have targets, I’ll go for leafeon and you go for Suzie” Venom said to Glitch. “What if we run into each other’s targets?” Glitch asked. “Then go for that person, all that matters is that we win, cause I’ll be damned if we lose” Venom said excitedly. “Ok, I’m ready,” Glitch said confidently. “Okay, we’ll consider that this is one big maze, we should split up, I’ll take the right wing, and you take the left wing” Venom said as he started taking the right wing. “Okay Glitch you got this, it won’t be too bad, even if you have never done this before, you got this Glitch” Glitch said to himself while walking. “I do wonder though how far this walk is, or if anyone else is coming through the tunnel” Glitch heard laughter through the pillow tunnel and continued to walk forward before stopping. “Sounds like someone else might be out there, better go get them” Glitch said before running forward and seeing a figure in the distance. “Haha, nowhere to run Suzie, put them up” Glitch said before the figure turned around. “Wait a sec, you're not Suzie, wait, Sketchy Salesman, what are you doing here?” Glitch asked curiously. “Oh Glitch, I’ve been trying to find you for quite some time, it seems you have disappeared from your home world” the figure said walking closer to Glitch. “ Oh, that’s a long story you see I…” Glitch said before being interrupted by the figure. “I actually don’t have much time to be here, but I just need you to hand me that pillow over there please” the figure said while pointing to a pillow. “ “Well it’s not exactly my pillow, but I guess you can hold it for a second” Glitch said before giving the figure to the pillow. “Thanks, tootles,” the figure said before disappearing with the pillow. “Hey hey no, I needed that, dang it, guess I’ll have to use another one” Glitch said before grabbing another pillow. “That was weird, but whatever, that guy is sketchy anyway, probably just a weirdo, but now I gotta win this game for me and Venom,” Glitch said, still going through the tunnel. “ Oh Suzie, where are you?” Glitch asked, still trying to find Suzie. Glitch heard weeping and investigated and saw Suzie crying with her head in her arms. “Hey, is everything okay?” Glitch asked. “Y-yes, especially s-since” Suzie said sniffing. “Yes?” Glitch asked. “W-well, SINCE YOU FELL INTO MY TRAP” Suzie said before another Suzie came behind him and they started hitting him with pillows. “H-hey, no fair”, Glitch said, getting his pillow and fighting back. Glitch tried fighting back but was outnumbered by the two Suzie’s and got out. “Looks like we got you, only one left, and we will leave that, to Leafeon” Suzie said while smiling and chuckling. “I thought you couldn’t use your powers,” Glitch said. “I heard Venom used his powers to build the fort, it’s only fair we get one power use” Suzie said. “I suppose that is fair”, Glitch said while being defeated. “Well i will be off to help leafeon you can tag along if you want.” Suzie offered, holding out her hand. “Sure, why not.” Glitch said, extending out his hand in acceptance. Instead Suzie grabbed his pillow and sprinted off laughing “sorry couldn't help myself.” Suzie said through her laughter while running out of sight. “Dang it, well I guess I’ll just stay here since I lost” Glitch said while sitting down. Suzie ran off and finally found leafeon but she was buried in a pile of pillows from one of the pillow walls collapsing on her. “Leafy!! What happened?” Suzie said, a little shocked. “Watch OUT!!! BEHIND YOU!!!” yelled leafeon. Suzie turned her head only to be met with a pillow smashing into her face. “Take that!!” yelled venom holding an L on his forehead. Suzie just pouted in defeat glaring at venom who was laughing his head off. “Welp i guess that ends the pillow fight.” venom said with a smug look on his face. “HEY GLITCH THE GAME IS OVER!!!! AND GUESS WHAT? WE BEAT THEIR BUTTS TO THE GROUND!!!” venom said while still laughing his head off. Suzie just proceeded to throw a pillow at him for saying that. “Hey the game is over no backy stabys allowed.” venom said teasingly. “Has anyone seen glitch?” Venom asked. “Oh I will go find him.” Suzie said, jumping up and heading to where she last saw glitch. “Hmmm I could have sworn I last saw him here,” Suzie said looking through the pillow maze pacing around trying to remember if this was the spot. “Oh I’m sorry, but Glitch is no longer here my friend” said a mysterious voice. Suzie whipped her head around trying to see who spoke. “Who’s there?” Suzie demanded as she glared around. “Oh just an old friend of Glitch, I came to pick him up simply, for important purposes, some others were looking for him just to say hi” the voice said while cracking. “Oh please I'm not buying that crap, where is he?” Suzie said darkly, still looking around for the source of the voice. “It doesn’t matter if your buying it, cause I’m not selling anything but lies anyway, your friend Glitch though is paying us a visit, I mean honestly combined with Glitch’s foolishness along with someone giving us all a call, it was much easier to find Glitch than intended, I do appreciate you healing him though, because he’s about to go through a lot of pain” the voice said darkly. Suzie just stood there shooken, how did they find him? Is the voice one of the bad sans and she couldn't recognize it? “Wait, tell me who you are and maybe I will spare you.'' Suzie said threateningly. “Spare me” the voice said while laughing uncontrollably. “Fool, if only you knew who I once was and will soon become once again, you may be more powerful than me at the moment, but soon I will be the most powerful being in existence, soon I will be able to even rival gods, I will be an unstoppable force of chaos and destruction” the voice said darker. “SHUT UP! I did not ask about your backstory,” suzie said with an eyeroll.'' I asked for your name and WHERE GLITCH IS!!! SO SHUT UP AND TELL ME OR ELSE, YOU BIG OLD COWARD!!! WHY DON'T YOU TALK TO ME FACE TO FACE AND NOT JUST HIDE?” Suzie said threateningly. “Oh ho ho, such anger and rage for someone so worthless, as for your other questions they will be answered in due time but unfortunately now isn’t my time to shine, but don’t worry, I’ll return Glitch, RETURN HIM IN PIECES, a bloody corpse, nothing but a dead broken husk” the figure said threateningly. “Well that is a very lowly thing for you to do…'' Suzie said as venom teleported next to her, weapons in hand after hearing the commotion going on and coming to see what the problem was. “Venom, we are heading to Nightmare’s castle immediately.” Suzie said growling walking away. Venom just nodded and teleported away. Suzie went in a full out sprint to her room quickly changing and grabbing her paintbrush and accessories. She quickly made a portal to the entrance of nightmares castle to see venom already changed and waiting there. “So why are we here again?” Venom asked, a little worried and confused. “I've got a feeling glitch got taken here.” Suzie said nervously, scared of what glitch might be going through right now. “But they might not listen to you since he isnt your creation.” venom pointed out as he summoned two big gaster blasters next to him. “Well they don't know that.'' Suzie said darkly. “Just so you know Nightmare, you might have a little company, some angry person was ranting about Glitch and bluh bluh bluh'' the figure said to Nightmare. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]What, how the hell did that person even find out?[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] '' Nightmare asked. “Well I might have said a little too much, and triggered someone a little” the figure said carelessly. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“YOU IDIOT, YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST GRABBED GLITCH AND LEFT, NOW WE HAVE TO EXTRACT THE BLOOD EVEN FASTER[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Nightmare said pissed off. “Yeah, yeah, just don’t forget our little deal, I take some of the blood and you can have Glitch” the figure said, wanting his end of the bargain. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Shut up you’ll get your crap when we get ours, now make yourself useful and defend our cargo”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Nightmare said angrily. “Yea fighting isn’t exactly my main thing right now so you can deal with it, see ya later” the figure said before running off. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Damn it, guess we’ll do it ourselves[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Nightmare said battle ready position. A loud crash came at the castle and the walls started shaking as the doors were continuously being fired at from multiple gaster blasters until the door flew off its hinges. “NIGHTMARE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU” yelled suzie with venom close behind her, ready to attack. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Well-erm Suzie, why are you at my Castle? You should have called if you wanted to make an appointment” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Nightmare said, trying not to be suspicious. “Long time no see, I just got word that you were after one [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]of my creations[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif].” Suzie said darkly. “We had a deal.” Suzie said upsettingly. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“I think there is a big misunderstanding here, see this being you speak of wasn’t from your world until a little while ago, and I don’t think any creation of yours would be created from a different world, therefore this isn’t breaking the deal and you will not stop me[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Nightmare said intimately. “What?! Not breaking the deal?! This is very much breaking the deal, you slime gooey octopus!!!” Suzie said furiously.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] “C-mon Suz, it ain’t like we’re hurting him, just think of it as taking some blood test, by extracting some of his blood, I promise he will still be alive[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif],[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] (hopefully)[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Nightmare whispered. “You are doing WHAT!?!?!” Suzie said, starting to freak out a lot. “WHY IN CREATIONS NAME ARE YOU DOING THAT?!?! I thought negative emotions were your thing??? Not this…eh horrifying bloody collecting whatever?!” Suzie said really grossed out. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Look I don’t want the blood, I’m doing this for some robot guys, they want the blood, and I wasn’t gonna cut anyone up, that’s a little much for a kid” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Nightmare said while smirking a little. “Nope, I will not allow this. Hand him over Nightmare.`` Suzie demanded. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Okay okay, you win, I’ll give him to you if you and I sit down and have a little drink just to talk, if you do, I’ll release him with no problem[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Nightmare said while taking a seat. “Nope sorry not in the mood to talk.” Suzie said while sprinting into the castle halls with venom right behind her not waiting for any further discussions. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Error, Killer, he’ll ANYONE, stop Suzie, do not let the blood extraction stop”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Nightmare demanded of the other Sans’. “Yeah yeah, hold your horses, we got it” Killer said confidently. “And why didn't we bring Syntax Error along?” venom asked as he summoned Gaster blasters around them protecting them from the bad sans. “Because I didn't think we would be fighting them, and I don't want to hurt them, I just wanted to get glitch back. But now summoning Syntax error might not be a bad idea.`` Suzie said, face palming herself. “C'mon guys, I seriously don't want to fight you right now.” Suzie pleaded to the other sans. “Sorry kid, bosses ordering, nothing personal, just business” Killer said before getting his knife out ready to fight. “Screw this….SYNTAX ERROR!!!” Suzie yelled suddenly as someone teleported right behind Suzie and Venom, the person was very tall with syntax errors glitching around him. He had two giant knives in his hands and bright red hair in a ponytail with a scowl plastered on his face. His eyes, one green, darted around to see why he was summoned so late at night to see suzie and venom in a situation with the bad sans which wasn't too hard to figure out with everyone in fighting stances. “sUZie YoU haVE goT a LoT tO eXpLaIn tO Me.” syntax error spat at her. “yeah , yeah i will tell you later but for now mind if you can hold these guys off?” Suzie asked kindly, knowing that syntax error was definitely not in the helping mood since he literally got summoned so late at night. “fINe, ThiS BEttEr bE aN imPOrTaNt CaUSe.” syntax error said, rolling his eyes as he shot strings at the bad sans pinning a few to the ground as others teleported out of the way. Suzie took this opportunity to sprint off with venom to find glitch while the bad sans had to deal with the retired universe destroyer Syntax Error. “Oh and syntax error!” Suzie yelled as she was sprinting away. “Don't kill anyone please and thank you!” “i CaNt MAke PrOmIsEs!” syntax error said annoyed that he had to deal with this so late at night and now that suzie didn't want him to kill anyone made him more annoyed. Why in the multiverse's name was Suzie's friends attacking her, and what was she doing here so late at night? “mInd OnE oF yOU GuYs TeLl Me WhaT  Is GoInG On hEre!?!?”  yelled Syntax error, as he threw one of the bad sans with his strings against a wall and dodged a gaster blaster skillfully that was being aimed at him. “Oh w-well we’re just having a fun little party and stuff no big deal” Killer shouted randomly before trying to fight Syntax Error back. Syntax Rolled his eyes and easily knocked away his attacks. “sErIoUsLy?” syntax error said doubtfully, he knew killer was crazy and loved play fighting but seeing a lot of bad sans riled up at the moment especially error right now, he knew something was up. “hEy ErRoR, MinD EXplAiNiNg PlEaSE.” asked syntax error, since Error was an acquaintance of his that saw eye to eye with him in a way. Maybe he would give a decent answer rather than Killer? “WeLl iF yoU ReallY wanNa kNoW I GuESS NiGHtmarE cAptuRed GLitch aNd Is pLanNing somE KinD of BlOod transfEr OR sOmetHing” Error said as he tried to explain it. “wHo Is GlItCh???” Syntax Error said more confused than ever as he pinned down more sans so he could talk to error without out anymore interference. “HoW tHe Hell shoUld I KnOw, He waS wiTh yoU gUys Last From wHaT I’m AwaRe oF” Error explained. “aNd WhY aM I FigHtInG YoU guYS oVeR soMe sTranGeR Who I diDnT eVEn knoW Had GOtTen IntO tHe cElEstIaL zOnE?!?!?!?!” Syntax error said even more confused now and furious that this is what Suzie summoned him for. He abruptly stopped fighting them but still kept them pinned except for Error, so he could get to the bottom of this situation and just bring Suzie and Venom back home.  Meanwhile suzie and venom were sprinting down hallways passing a few bad sans here and there that would just give them confused looks or would try to say hi or ask questions on what they were up to. But Suzie and Venom just ran past them searching for glitch. “We'll never find him in here fast enough.” said venom panting with each breath he took. Suzie looked around desperately for any clues that would help them but all she saw was lust sans carrying a box down the hallway with a label that said “stuff” on it. Maybe lust could help them find glitch since he was not quite insane like the others. “ Hey lusty!” Suzie yelled running up to him. “Hey rainbow~” said lust winking at her, “I didn't expect to see you here so late at night. Is something wrong?” lust said, a little concerned noticing that her and venom were both out of breath. “Have you seen Glitch?” Suzie asked urgently. “Sorry sweety, I do not know who that is. Maybe ask nightmare he could tell you since I saw him drag someone down to the dungeons a while ago.” lust tried to offer in hopes it would help them. Suzie and venom both shared knowing glances at each other and then sprinted off. “Thanks lust.” Suzie yelled as she sped off with venom. “Anytime dear~” Lust called back a little confused but shrugged it off and kept walking. “Hang in there Glitch, we’re coming.” Suzie thought desperately as they neared down the stairs to the dungeon.  “Let me go,” Glitch said while in a chamber with a weakened voice. “Shut up, we will let you go when we get what we want” said a robotic voice. “And I need a small dose of that as well” said the other sketchy hooded figure that Glitch knew. “Y-you, you betrayed me” Glitch said sadly. “You do realize that you don’t even know who I am, my species, my name, you know nothing about me or my nature, heck you don’t even know if this is my real voice, you made a fool of yourself by trusting me” the voice said, taunting Glitch. “What do you even want with me, I have nothing special to offer” Glitch said weakly. “Oh on the contrary you do have something we want, your blood, which most of which has been extracted” the figure said as the blood extraction ended. “The sample you have requested for helping us is here, take it and leave” said the Robotic voice. “Pleasure doing business with you,” said the figure before leaving. “Take these canisters back to the ship and prepare the experiment” said the robotic voice to another robot. “W-well since you guys got what you want, I guess you guys can let me go, '' Glitch said hopefully. “We did not intend to let you live, you will die” the figure said about getting a knife to stab Glitch. Suddenly a loud commotion came outside the door and the door flew off its hinges as Suzie and venom ran with weapons in hand ready to kick their butts. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]RELEASE[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]HIM NOW[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif].” threatened Suzie angrily. “You will let me go, and your friend will live, one more step and he does' ' the robot said with the knife closer to Glitches throat. Suzie narrowed her eyes at him. This was a pretty sticky situation but maybe she could end those sketchy guys another day but for now she wanted Glitch back to her alive. “Fine, hand him over and I will spare you.” Suzie offered, in hopes they would accept. “We have already collected what we came for, take him” The robot said while shoving Glitch towards Suzie before running off. “GLITCH!! Are you ok??? What happened?!?” asked Suzie holding Glitch in her arms as her eyes started to water seeing him in this horrible state. “T-there were these guys who tied me up, t-took my blood as w-well as a friend I thought was my friend, but I think I heard one of those robot guys say K-Kraang, whatever that means” Glitch said weakly. “Well you're safe now. Let's get you back to the celestial zone.” Suzie said as venom helped glitch get to his feet. “Venom, take Glitch back to the celestial zone. I'm going back to grab Syntax Error.” Suzie said as she made him a portal to go through. “Ok but dont you dare die.” Venom said not liking the thought of leaving her here. “I will be fine, now go, Glitch needs some serious medical attention.” Suzie said as she ran out the door back to the place where she left Syntax Error at. “Ok Glitch, let's get you back.” venom said as he led Glitch to the portal. “Y-yeah, I just don’t understand how t-they could have f-found me '' Glitch said, still confused as they entered the portal. “Call the boss Kraang '' said another Kraang. '`Yes Kraang, I shall inform him of our plans' ' Kraang said as he called the boss. “Sir, the blood which was requested by the one who requested it has been obtained by Kraang, we shall now use the blood to create your two new assassins which will do your bidding fully without question” Kraang said to the boss. “Good, we have much work to do, so get started,” the boss said before hanging up. “As for the rest of you all, find people who are willing to join my army, anyone,  anywhere, and if they refuse to do so, then kill them” said the Boss to one of the Sans. “Yes sir, don’t worry, your whole plan will be successful” said one of the Sans. Meanwhile Suzie headed back to where she left Syntax Error. “Hey Syntax, we are heading out of here!!! Suzie yelled as she saw him in sight. Syntax error stopped whatever he was doing with Error and quickly teleported away. Suzie waved high to the bad sans who were just getting up from being pinned from syntax error’s strings and she quickly made a portal back to the celestial zone. Venom had brought Glitch to the med room where he was put in a containment chamber recovering from the blood loss. “How is he?” Suzie asked Venom as she came into the room. “We're lucky that he is still alive.” venom said while pacing around the room. “Usually for summon to lose this much blood would kill them but surprisingly he is still alive.” “Will he be able to recover?” Suzie asked nervously as she started to fidget with her gloves. “Yes, I do believe so.” venom said reassuringly. Suzie breathed a sigh of relief as she proceeded to head over to the wall and start bangging her head on it. “Why-am-i-such-an-idiot-for-leaving-him-alone.” Suzie said out loud, upset with herself. “Stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-” “hey don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault. Besides, we don't need another person injured right now.” venom said, pointing at her forehead with a small bruise on it. “Uhg, you're right.” Suzie said still pretty upset with herself from not saving glitch fast enough. “HeY SuzIE, MinD iF i CaN hAvE a woRD wItH YoU.” Came syntax error’s voice as he poked his head through the door. “Yeah, be with you in a sec.” Suzie said, waving at him. “Venom please keep a close watch over glitch for me.” Suzie asked Venom as she was exiting the room Venom nodded and went back to his pacing while watching Glitch recover. “Yes syntax, what do you need?” Suzie asked as she stepped outside the room with him. “wHaT dId YOu dO To MaKe ThE BaD SaNs AtTaCk YoU? I ThOUgHt yoU gUYs wErE fRiEnDs?” Syntax Error asked highly confused. “W-well they captured one of my friends and i tried to get him back but they refused to let him go. So we tried to get him back with force in a way.” Suzie tried to explain. “wHiCh LeaDs tO mY nExT QuesTioN. WHO THE HELL IS GLITCH?!?!?!?” Syntax Error demanded. “Oh you mean my new friend who showed up a few days ago…yeah that's glitch.” Suzie gestured to the person in one of the med chambers where glitch was. “wHy wOulD tHe bAd sAns WaNt HiM?” Syntax error asked confused. “The bad sans weren't the only people that wanted him actually.” Suzie said, explaining. “I think there must be something very special about him if he is being hunted by other beings besides the bad sans.” “WeLl wE cAnt KeEp HiM hErE iT wOuLd pUt tHe cElEsTiaL zONe iN daNgER.” “but we can't just ditch him back into his universe.” “yEs wE cAn ActuAllY. It's noT yOUr Job TO gEt inVOlVEd wITh hiS PrOblEms.” Syntax error pointed out annoyed. “How about we figure out what to do with this situation tomorrow that does not involve ditching him.” Suzie suggested yawning a little. “fInE, BuT tHeN hE iS yOuR ResPonSibIlitY, NOT MINE.” Syntax Error growled before walking away. Suzie was relieved that syntax error did not continue arguing with her. “Wait syntax error, quick question. Do you know who Kraang is?” Suzie questioned, in hopes he might know since he has traveled (destroyed) more universes than her and he might be familiar with the name. “nOpE, dOeSnT rINg a BelL. WhY dO yOu aSk?” Syntax error asked hesitantly. “I've got a feeling the bad sans are conversing with people outside of their multiverse…usually i don't really bother on what they're doing, but this time i have a feeling something big is going to happen…” Suzie said nervously as she glanced back at the doorway to the med room. “siGH, WeLl LeTs fiGuRe oUt sOmEtHiNg TomMorOw.” syntax error said as slinked off. “YoU ShOuLd hEad To bED nOw.” “Actually I'm going to stay here tonight in case the bad sans come back for him.” Suzie said stubbornly. “fInE, Do aS yOu wANt bUt iF i FiNd yOu mIsSinG oR bAcK aT nIgHtMaReS cAsTlE. I wILL pErsonaLly FiNd YoU aNd StiCk YoU iN tHe DungEons.” syntax error growled at her. “Um… we don't have a dungeon?” said Suzie, a little confused. “nOt yET.” Syntax Error smirked as he glitched out of sight. Suzie just rolled her eyes and walked back to the med room where she pulled up a chair next to glitches recovering chamber. “Hey venom you are dismissed.” Suzie said as she looked up realizing he was still here. “Thanks, but I'm gonna stay.” Venom said, smiling, pulling up a chair next to her. “But we have a lot to do tomorrow.” Suzie said tiredly. “ Yeah, but I like to stay [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]bone[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] close to you.” venom said winking. Suzie just rolled her eyes at the pun he slid in. “and besides I would hate for my best friend to be [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]bonenapped[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] if I wasn't here.” venom said snickering to himself. “Hey maybe since you're good with sciency stuff you can figure out what species he is?” Suzie offered “piece of cake, i will get that done in like 20 min…[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]tibia honestly[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] make it 15.” venom said confidently as he slouched in the chair. Suzie just smiled and closed her eyes for a little while, knowing that it was going to be a long night of terrible puns, but at least Glitch is safe with us now. [/font]
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