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by on May 16, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 8 the sword fight[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Well well well, I will admit Glitch, I wasn’t expecting you to actually show up” the archer explained. “How do you know my name?” Glitch said, getting a shield out as the other figure started walking towards Glitch. “Stand down, both of you, this training will be a benefit and mutual agreement for both of us” the archer said to Glitch and the other guys whose name has yet to be revealed. “Listen, if you guys try to betray me too I can just leave” Glitch explained. “Listen kid, I’ll make it plain and simple, help us, we help you, deal or no this is my only offer” the archer said, extending his hand out for acceptance. “Fine, deal but what will I help you with?” Glitch asked. “After we help you train, you’re going to help us find the ancient help of a billion armies as well as the sword of hope” the archer explained. “What, what are those things?” Glitch asked. “Enough, we will discuss this later, but for now it’s training time, so take your pick” the archer said, summoning different swords in front of Glitch to pick out. “Finally” Glitch happily said, looking through the different swords before finally picking a big and broad one which was very heavy for Glitch. “You sure about that one kid, seems a bit heavy for ya” the archer said while watching Glitch struggle to pick it up. “Yeah yeah I got it” Glitch said ready to train. “Okay then, ready, FIGHT” the archer said as the other figure got his two scimitars in each hand and teleported behind Glitch. Glitch swung the sword too slow and immediately he felt a Sword in his back and saw it go through him. “W-what, n-no” Glitch said as he fell on the ground. “Get up you fool you're not dead, the sword doesn’t kill you, even if it goes through you” the archer explained as Glitch got to his feet. “Again” the archer said as they continued to fight. “Suzie woke up to hear her phone buzzing a lot. Reaching out she grabbed it and read a text from scarlett notifying her that she had a meeting with lord arceus. Quickly scrambling out of bed Suzie runs to her closet to get changed. The thing she hated most about Arceus is that the only way to have a conversation with that guy was to dress formally and be on time. Grabbing her royal gown she quickly got changed into it, even though she preferred her usual attire she didn't mind it since it looked really cool like from a fairy tale. It was a magnificent teal gown with red gems lining it and a red bow on her waist and her shoulders exposed, wearing fancy combat boots since she wasnt a fan of heels. Suzie grabbed her paint brush, being careful not to get ink on her gown, and headed off to her throne room where she would be meeting with scarlett to go see arceus. Suzie arrived at the throne room to see Scarlett sitting on Suzie's throne on her phone. “Oh you're here really early you got a lot of time before we need to head so why not go take care of anything you need to.” Scarlett said looking up from her phone. “Oh ok then.” Suzie said, a little relieved. “Oh and here,” Scarlett went over to Suzie and handed Suzie her other crown. It was silver with gems in a rainbow order on the front. “Thanks.” Suzie said, taking it and removing her crown of markers, applying the other crown carefully on her head. “I will take this back to your room for you.” Scarlett said, taking the crown of markers. Suzie decided to head to glitches room since she should probably tell him where she would be for most of the day. Coming to his room she knocked on the door lightly just in case he may still be sleeping but she doubted it a little. There was no response. “Hmm maybe he is still sleeping…though i should maybe check on him if he is alright.” Suzie thought to herself contemplating if she should knock again. Suzie decided to knock on the door again but this time much louder. “Again” the archer said as Glitch and the figure continued to train until Glitch finally got a hold of his weapon and was able to fight back. Glitch swung his huge broadsword and almost struck the other guy, but he blocked the attack with his scimitars and stuck Glitch down in the stomach with one blade and the other to Glitches neck. “Defeat, again” the figure said while pulling out the sword as Glitch got back to his feet. “That’s enough training for today, you will soon learn to master your weapon as well as your powers” the archer explained. “I’m just shocked that the swords aren’t killing me,” Glitch said, surprised. “They aren’t going to kill you, those are only used for training,” the archer explained. “Well I should probably head back now” Glitch said to them both. “Before you go, please put the sword back, it is only used for training, once you master your powers you will summon the swords, not rely on these ones” the archer explained. “Dang, well I understand” Glitch said as he put the swords back. “Oh, and one more thing” the archer said before snapping his fingers and the other figure knocked Glitch on his knees and put a sword to his neck. “Are you trying to reveal our location?” the archer said darkly. “W-what are you talking about? '' Glitch said, shocked , not expecting that to happen. “I’m talking about the tracker you have on yourself, other sources reveal a tracker that we have jammed and it so happened to be with you when you showed up, got anything to do with that” the archer asked. “What the (Glitch) are you talking about, I don’t have a tracker on me” Glitch said with a scared voice. “Really, then what is this?” the archer said, taking the tracker off Glitch. “You're telling me this wasn’t to your knowledge” the archer said suspiciously. “I swear I didn’t know that was even there, HONEST” Glitch said while sweating nervously. “Let him go” the archer commanded before walking over to Glitch. “If I see something like this happen again, it won’t end pretty, understand” the archer said darkly looking Glitch straight in the eyes. “P-promise of course it won’t” Glitch said. “Leave, you will return to training tomorrow” the archer said before returning to his tent. “W-what about the tracker?” Glitch asked. “We will hold on to it, as a sign of your loyalty” the archer said, seeing Glitch return back home. “Destroy it, no one but him shall know we are here” the archer said to his partner watching him destroy the tracker. “Dang, how did I get a tracker on me, I didn’t put one on me” Glitch said and thought to himself as he sat down on his bed and hid the knife again. “Hmm, it was probably Venom or something” Glitch thought to himself as he laid on his bed. “KNOCK KNOCK!” came suzie, from the door. “The (Glitch) was that, oh it’s the door” Glitch said before opening the door. “Ah glitch glad to see you are awake.” Suzie said cheerfully as she brushed out some creases in her gown. “Nice outfit you're wearing” Glitch said while pointing at Suzie with one eye closed and another open with a smile on his face. “O-oh you like it?” Suzie asked a little flustered about his compliment. “I do indeed” Glitch said while smiling. “T-thanks usually i don't wear this unless on special occasions.” Suzie said, blushing a little. “Oh, what’s the special occasion?” Glitch asked. “Oh right about that, i came to tell you i won't be here for the morning i have a meeting with arceus.” Suzie explained. “Oh who is Arceus, is he like a realm leader or something?” Glitch asked curiously. “Well people from his universe consider him a “god” but in my opinion he is a total stuck up donkey.” Suzie said a little irritated knowing how arceus can be. “Oh, I see, well I hope that your meeting goes well with this “god” you speak of” Glitch said. Suzie scoffed jokingly, “yeah it's going to be a blast,” Suzie said sarcastically. “I sure hope so,” Glitch said. “Hint my sarcasm glitch,” Suzie said playfully, rolling her eyes. “I did, just playing along,” Glitch said, chuckling a little. Suzie couldn't help smiling a little, seeing glitches amused expression. “Yeah well I have a little while before I have to go. I was hoping I could spend my time with you, if you don't mind that is.`` Suzie asked nervously. “I would love t-“ Glitch said before seeing someone running to them both ``''WAIT” Freddy said running to Glitch’s room. “I am sorry to interrupt you two but I can’t sit here and do nothing while Monty is out there, I need you to summon a portal so I can find him and make sure he is okay” Freddy requested. “Ok then, but I will give you until 6:00 p.m. before I come looking for you.” Suzie said as she made him a portal to go through. “I understand, thank you,” Freddy said as he walked through the portal. “And we had to worry about monty this morning…” Suzie grumbled under her breath. “Well it’s not like Monty is coming back here, at least I don’t thin-“ Glitch was saying before Freddy yelled loudly. “GUYS I FOUND HIM AND HE’S WITHERING AWAY, PLEASE WE MUST BRING HIM BACK” Freddy said wanting to help Monty. “My goodness can I please finish a sen-“ Glitch said before being interrupted for the third time. “PLEASE” Freddy yelled. “Seriously…glitch, I am blaming you for jinxing me this morning.” Suzie grumbled as she stormed through the portal. Suzie came over to where Freddy was and saw Monty there. “Alright let's get him back,” suzie said as she helped carry monty with freddy back through the portal. “Monty, Monty wake up, are you okay” Freddy asked Monty as he was withered a little with scratches and corrosion. “Ugh, get off me dude” Monty said with a different voice. “Wait, Monty, are you okay?” Freddy asked. “Who the heck is Monty, you mean the brute who broke me” Monty said. “Wait, Bonnie is that you?” Freddy asked. “Wait, Freddy,” Monty asked as he got up, barely able to stand. “BONNIE, YOUR ALIVE” Freddy said, hugging Monty who is technically Bonnie. “FREDDY, YOU FOUND ME, IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME” Bonnie said, hugging Freddy back. “Ok welp this has been an interesting reunion,” suzie said a little confused as she excused herself and walked into glitches room trying to escape even being near “monty” or who is now Bonnie, she was still pretty mad at monty for attacking glitch. “Is everything okay?” Glitch asked. “Yes, why do you ask?” Suzie questioned nervously hoping she wasn't expressing any bad vibes out there. “Well I heard Freddy yelling “Monty Monty”, does that mean Monty came back” Glitch asked. “Somewhat but he is acting very strange, but I don't care. I am still pretty mad at that guy for multiple reasons.” Suzie said as she trudged over to glitches bedside flopping on it but being careful that her crown did not tumble off. “Eh, won’t matter, soon I will be more powerful than Monty so when he tries to fight me I will win and he will be at my mercy” Glitch explained. “Haha yes, please do.” Suzie said smiling imagining how Monty's face reaction would look seeing him defeated. “I do wonder though why Monty would be acting differently, maybe he got hit in the head and is nice now, like an alter ego or something” Glitch thought to himself. “I am interested in how you slept well tonight since you weren't in my enchanted bed,” said Suzie as she patted the bedside next to her indicating that she wanted Glitch to come sit next to her to tell her about it. “Oh yes, my sleep was very beneficial, I uh indeed get a lot of sleep and it was great” Glitch said remembering he still can’t say what really happened because of the knife. Suzie noticed the tracker wasn't by his neck but decided not to mention it just in case. “Well that's great to hear, seems like you wont be needing my bed.” Suzie said, turning her head a little disappointed. “I’m sure I could come visit the bed one of these days,” Glitch said, pulling his hand around Suzie. “O-oh r-r-really, i mean you don't have to if you don't want t-to.” Suzie stuttered out as she started blushing madly. “Nonsense, it’s a comfy bed, one of these days I’ll use it again” Glitch explained. “My bed will always be free for you to use.” Suzie said as she leaned next to him. “I’ll keep that in mind” Glitch said while winking to Suzie. Suzie giggled a little, blushing even more. “So is there anything you would like to do today?” Suzie asked as she found herself putting one of her hands on his lap. “W-well I know you said that you have to go somewhere but perhaps maybe we could train later” Glitch said nervously blushing but also excited to show off his skills with what little he has learned. “Of coarse my soon to be strong protector,” Suzie said playfully. “What kind of training would you like?” Suzie asked as she leaned closer on him. “W-well I-I was thinking maybe sword training” Glitch said blushing even more. “Ooo so you can summon a sword?” Suzie asked curiously, looking at glitch. “Well not exactly yet, but I think I have mastered how to wield a sword,” Glitch explained. “I would love to see you wield your sword,” Suzie said, sliding her hand up his lap. “I-I-I would n-need to f-find a sword in perhaps a a-armory” Glitch explained as he started glowing green. “I bet we can help you with that, but i'm sure when you learn to summon your “sword” it will be the best one ever.'' Suzie said playfully, smirking. “OKAY I GOTTA USE THE WASHROOM” Glitch said as he walked out his room glowing green and ran to the washroom when he suddenly ran into Monty. “Monty, MONTY DON’T TOUCH ME” Glitch said as he summoned a shield in defense. “Dude what” Bonnie said confused as to why he was scared of him. “Oh Glitch it’s okay, this isn’t Monty it’s Bonnie, he’s a lot more chill” Freddy explained with a smile on his face. “Oh uh, hi Bonnie” Glitch waves cautiously. “Sup dude” Bonnie said, extending his hand out. “Glitch nervously extended his hand out and shook it with no problems at all. “Wait, but if you're Bonnie then where is Monty?” Glitch asked, confused. “Actually superstar I would like Bonnie to get settled in before any questions are asked, he has been through a lot and I want him to feel very welcomed here” Freddy said while taking Bonnie to Foxy’s room. “I just also want him to see friends he hasn’t seen in a long time,” Freddy said while knocking on Foxy’s door. “Hold on lad or lass, I’ll be right there” Foxy said while putting his role playing outfit and toys away before opening the door. “Aye captain, can I help ya with something, wait CAPTAIN, YA BE ALRIGHT” Foxy said before hugging Freddy out of joy. “Yes Foxy I am fine, it’s good to see you too” Freddy said happily. “Wait, why are ya with him, he be the one who hurt ya cap’n” Foxy said confused and a little upset. “Come on ya big dummy, don’t you know how to recognize an old friend” Bonnie said while Foxy immediately recognized his voice. “BONNIE IT BE YOU” Foxy asked surprised. “Depends, do you still play with toys?” Bonnie said jokingly. “AYE BRING IT IN YA OLD SCALLYWAG” Foxy said while hugging Bonnie happy to see his old friend again. “Where have ya been lad, I’ve been looking everywhere for ya back home, was it true, did Springtrap take control of ya lad” Foxy asked curious. “Um I’m going to the washroom now” Glitch said while everyone else continued to talk things out. Glitch made it to the washroom and was already no longer green after running into Monty who was actually Foxy who he was still weary around. He went back to his room after he was done getting ready for the day. “Hey sorry about that, I ran into Monty” Glitch explained. “Don't worry about it, you looked like you needed…ah nevermind.” Suzie quickly said as she checked her phone after hearing it buzz. “I gotta go, I will see you around later for some special “sword” training,” Suzie said, winking at him. “O-okay, see you a-around” Glitch said blushing again. Suzie quickly pecked him on the cheek and then quickly left the room leaving him by himself. “Hey Suzie,”Bonnie said. “I can't talk now, I'm on a tight schedule,” Suzie said, trying not to get in a conversation with him at the moment. “I understand, but I just wanted to say thanks for saving me, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Foxy and I’m so glad to be back” Bonnie said cheerfully. “No problem,” Suzie said before sprinting off to the throne room and once she met up with Scarlett she made a portal leading to where they were meeting arceus. Bonnie was about to see Chica while Foxy and Freddy were helping him get there since he had trouble walking. “Bonnie listen, I’m sorry that we couldn’t save you from Springtrap, when I heard the news that you were gone a part of me died” Freddy explained. “Come on Freddy don’t be like that, the important thing is that you at least tried to save me, knowing I have friends like you guys makes me super happy to be known y’all” Bonnie said happily. “Aye lad, but ya we’re gone for so long, I looked day after day and never found a trace of ya” Foxy said feeling guilty for never finding Bonnie. “Look guys all that’s important is that you tried, and now we will all reunite” Bonnie said happily. “I agree, well we are here at Chica’s room, but I haven’t seen her since the Monty incident” Freddy explained. “Aye cap’n, but that be all Monty’s fault in de first place” Foxy explained as Freddy knocked on the door. “Who is it?” Chica said in a sad voice. “Chica it is Freddy, may we come in” Freddy asked. “FREDDY YOUR OKAY, YES COME IN” Chica said happy to hear his voice. They all came in. “Monty, If you don’t mind I would like you to leave please” Chica said firmly. “Wow is this how we treat old friends, you guys really need to work on your signage” Bonnie said jokingly. “Wait, Bonnie, is that you?” Chica asked. “In the metal,” Bonnie said happily. “BONNIE” Chica said while running up to Bonnie and hugging him. “Aye lad ya gonna make Monty angry” Foxy said jokingly. “Well it’s good to see you too Chica” Bonnie said happily. “It’s great to see the gang all back together,” Freddy said happily. “Aye, it’s been a while since we all have been in one place hasn’t it lads” Foxy explained. “I’m just so glad to see everyone together, GROUP HUG” Chica said while hugging everyone. “Aye, lass, careful with the hat, it be a collectors edition” Foxy said while catching the hat. “Where have you been Bonnie, we have all been worried sick” Chica asked. “Would you all chill, I’m okay is all that matters why don’t we go enjoy some oil or something” Bonnie asked. “You all go, but I gotta go find Roxanne, don’t wanna leave her out of this” Foxy said while leaving the room. “I do wonder though, if Bonnie be back, then what happened to Monty, I mean I may not like him, but he’s still a part of the group” Foxy said while arriving at Roxy’s room and knocking on the door. “Go away I’m busy” Roxanne yelled. “Aye fine, I got half the mind to open the door” Foxy said while walking away until Roxanne yelled back. “WAIT WAIT, come back Foxy you're allowed in” Roxanne said more joyfully. “Well I was just coming to tell ya we’re all about to have some oil to celebrate is all” Foxy explained. “That's great, just great” Roxy said emotionlessly. “Uh lass, are ya doing alright, ya seem a little down today” Foxy asked. “Yeah I’m fine, after all I’m still the best, right” Roxy said sadly looking at Foxy. “Sure lass, look we can discuss this at the table, a nice cup of oil always cheers me up” Foxy said extending his hook out. “I suppose you're right,” Roxy said, grabbing his hook and getting off her bed and making her way to the table. Venom was strolling around the palace and looked curiously at the animatronics as they all headed into the dining hall. “Lunch time already?” Venom asked Freddy curiously. “We are actually just heading down to get some oil, this is a time of celebration after all” Freddy explained happily. “Oh someone's birthday already?” Venom asked jokingly. “No, an old friend of ours has returned,” Freddy said while walking to the dining hall. “Oh ho ho mind if i can come celebrate with you?” venom asked excitedly since celebrations and parties were his thing. “Of course, although I must warn you we are only drinking oil,” Freddy explained. “Don't worry i dont have a stomach, it will be fine.” venom said pointing to where his stomach would have been if he had one. “Understand,” Freddy said as they all made it to the dining hall. “Everyone look , I get it that this is a celebration but I must tell you all the truth of what happened to Monty,” Bonnie explained. “Wait hold on your not monty.” venom said inspecting monty looking him up and down feeling a different soul in there. “Unfortunately not, something happened to Monty, something really really bad” Bonnie said darkly. “What happened to Monty?” Freddy asked. “Springtrap, springtrap took his soul in some kind of shadow form, he took the soul of Monty and ran off” Bonnie explained. “HE DID WHAT?!” Venom yelled in shock, as one of his eye lights lit a blazing green and accidentally summoned two GIANT gaster blasters next to him. “CHILL OUT, he’s not here, I actually don’t know where he went, but the soul of Monty was taken, I heard him say something about Shredder, but then he disappeared” Bonnie explained. “Sorry sorry,” Venom said, putting a hand over his eye that still was blazing green and made both of the giant gaster blasters disappear. “This is terrible news, Monty is in danger and no one to protect or help him and we have not one dang clue where he is” Freddy said painfully. “We need to find him before Springtrap corrupts his soul” Bonnie explained. “I suggest we bring syntax error for that.” Venom advised as he checked his phone to see what time it was and when Suzie would get back. “I suggest we check the basement of the Pizza Plex because that was the last place we saw where Springtrap was,” Freddy explained. “Guys wait, I told you, Springtrap was in a shadow for when he took Monty’s soul, he could be anywhere if anything he is probably hiding somewhere in the universe or even outside the universe, trying to find him is foolish” Bonnie explained. “But we have to find Monty, he is in extreme danger being with Springtrap” Freddy explained urgently. “Aye the cap’ns right, we can’t let Monty get corrupted by Springtrap, we should at least try the old Pizza Plex to find Springtrap” Foxy suggested. “Yes, but i still think we should bring syntax error for this,just give me a sec i will see if i'm able to summon him like suzie can.'' Venom said, getting ready to yell. “SYNTAX ERROR!...HEY SYNTAX!!..COME HERE SYNTAX!!...hmmm maybe a different approach…SYNTAX ERROR IS A BIG WUSSY!!!” suddenly syntax error suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Grabbed venom with his strings and smashed him through one of the tables breaking it into splinters. “vEnOm, I aM GOiNg TO sMaSH YoUr SkUlL iNto dUsT.” syntax error said angrily glitching a lot. “Ow…you can do that later but right now we need your help.” venom said desperately in pain. Syntax error just threw venom with his strings across the dining hall and venom went crashing into other tables. “oK, WhAt dO YoU nEed mY hElP fOr nOw?” syntax error asked freddy while venom was trying not to cry out in pain. “Springtrap took Monty’s soul and we believe that Monty’s soul could perhaps be in the old Pizza Plex,” Freddy explained. “oK ThEn LetS Get ThiS ovEr wIth.” syntax error said teleporting them back to the pizza plaza leaving venom behind who hadn't bothered to get up after smashing into the other tables. Meanwhile Suzie just came back from her meeting. It was a dull meeting and only got earfulls of ancient words and nothing to do with the kraang. Suzie decided to walk to glitches room to tell him to get ready for training before she would go to her room and change. Coming up to glitches room Suzie forgot to knock and walked right in. “AHH, I mean what are you doing here, didn’t you have a meeting?” Glitch asked as he hid the knife again. Suzie just went over to glitches bed and flopped on it not even bothering if her crown fell off “uuuuuhhhhggg, it was horrible.” Suzie said, her voice was muffled by the blanket. “It couldn’t have been that bad, was it?” Glitch asked curiously. “It was just a stupid waste of my time, i have learned nothing about the kraang but instead i got a long lecture on why humans are the worst beings to roam this earth.” Suzie whined back into the blanket. “Sheesh, that’s cruel, humans aren’t even that bad honestly” Glitch explained. “You think so?” Suzie asked, turning her head towards him, meeting his gaze. “Yeah, it’s the personality, not the species that makes you” Glitch explained. “Well that's a relief, at least someone here doesn't hate humans.'' Suzie said as she sat up pulling up her sleeve that started to droop a little too low on her arm exposing her. “Well I came here to tell you to get ready for training, i may not wield swords a lot but i have medium skill when it comes to weapons like that.” Said Suzie as she got off the bed. “Okay I’ll get ready then” Glitch said excitedly to finally show off his little skills he has learned. Suzie quickly headed to her room. When she got there she quickly changed out of her gown into her favorite clothes and put back on her regular crown. Once done she headed back to glitches room to see if he was ready. “Okay I think I’m ready this will be the sword I use” Glitch said carrying a big and broad sword with ease. “Wow, really? Usually beginners start with easier things to fight with.” Suzie said, very surprised. “Where did you get that sword anyways?” Suzie asked, a little confused wondering if the armory was left open. “Oh I got it from the armory,” Glitch explained. “Well I'm glad you found a sword you wanted. I better go find mine, care to join me?” Suzie asked as she headed to the armory. “Sure,” Glitch said, accompanying her to the armory. Once they arrived at the armory, Suzie rummaged around for an old sword she used to train with syntax and blade before she started relying on her paintbrush more. “Ah ha here it is.” Suzie said, pulling out a nice katana that had rubies studded at the hilt or the sword and a blue covering on it. “I can’t wait to be able to customize my own sword that I will also be able to summon,” Glitch said excitedly. “Yeah, to be honest I have always cared more about looks than its ability.” Suzie admitted, a little embarrassed. “I mean I suppose the only real purpose for a sword is to slice,” Glitch thought. “Usually we tend to go train in the desert, but since that was one of your least favorite training places i guess we should do it outside the palace in the plains.” Suzie said, as she walked out of the armory locking it behind her. “Won’t your guards think we’re fighting or Syntax?” Glitch asked. “Hmm true, but i am sure they will realize that we are training since if i was to be actually fighting i would use my paint brush.” Suzie explained as she made her way to the gates of the palace. “I sure hope you're right,” Glitch said, walking with Suzie. After they made it outside into the warm sunlight and enjoyable breeze, they walked a little way away from the capital to where there weren't as many sheep and more flat ground. “Alrighty, ready to begin?” Suzie asked as she took out her katana revealing a very sharp blade. “Indeed” Glitch said, getting his big and broad sword out. “Let's try not to cut each other to pieces on the first go.” Suzie said as she got in her ready stance. “Eh, can’t make any promises” Glitch said jokingly, getting in a fight position. Suzie laughed a little and quickly made the first move swinging at one of Glitches arms. Glitch dodged the attack and went for a stab to Suzie which was hard for the very heavy sword. Suzie easily knocked it away with her sword and made a slashing motion towards his head. Glitch dodged the attack quickly and got his sword back into fight position. Suzie took a few steps back giving glitch space so he could make his next move. “Dang, this is harder than I thought,” Glitch said, swinging his sword at Suzie with all his might. Suzie quickly ducked and swiped one of her legs underneath glitch knocking him to the ground. Glitch rolled over and up but the sword was left on the ground which gave him flashbacks of his other training. “Idiot, never leave your weapon on the ground, it is your offense, the only thing keeping you from life and death” the archer from the flashbacks. Suzie pointed her sword at glitches neck and smiled, “not bad for a first time trainer.” Suzie said, winking as she lowered her hand to help glitch back up. “Not bad, I would have died in a real fight, this was a failure” Glitch said disappointed. “Lighten up on yourself will you, we just started. Eventually you will be a master at this in no time.” Suzie said, a little irritated. “I must be better, I must never let go of my weapon” Glitch said to himself, getting up and getting his sword. “Again” Glitch said in a battle ready position. “Okay then,” said Suzie as she twirled around her sword and pointed it at glitch. Glitch once again swung his sword and spun around with it. Suzie ducked again and upper cutted with her sword. Glitch once again dropped the sword and dodged back leaving it on the ground. “Maybe next time try to block my attacks with your sword.'' Suzie suggested as she tried to pick up glitches sword and hand it back to him but it was really heavy so she had to put down her katana and use two hands. “Y-yeah, of course” Glitch said, grabbing the sword and immediately swinging it. Suzie without having a weapon in hand had to literally split herself apart into her red and blue sides to dodge it. Her red side quickly picked up the katana again and joined with its blue side to block Glitches attacks. Glitch then dodged back and ran in again for another strike. Suzie quickly spun her blade around knocking his attack to the side. She then spun around swinging her blade near the hilt of Glitches sword to see if he would drop his weapon again. Glitch moved the hilt and put the blade in the way to block the attack this time. “You are catching on quickly,” Suzie said, winking before switching the blade to her other hand and attacking glitch, swinging on different sides each time. Glitch continued to parry each block while trying to hold up the heavy blade. Suzie continued attacking, making each swing even faster since her weapon was very light to maneuver. Glitch had to dodge back before he was about to drop his sword from the exhaustion of the weight. Suzie noticed this and aimed her swing to where glitch was trying to recoil his weapon from blocking. Glitch was about to lose his grip and tried to swing one last time but dropped the sword. “Ah so close,” said Suzie, as she drew back from attacking. “DANG IT, I FAILED AGAIN” Glitch said while frustrated. “Hey, give yourself some credit, you did so much better this time,'' Suzie said as she was taking a breather. “I should have done better than that, but I suppose I will improve soon,” Glitch said, grabbing his sword. “I am ready for a break, i haven't done this in forever.'' Suzie said as she felt her hands start to cramp from grabbing onto the Katana tightly. “Swordsmanship is not my best skill, we should have done this with venom,” Suzie said as she put the blue covering back on the katana and sat down in the nice grass. “Hmm, I think Venom would have actually killed me rather than just trained me,” Glitch said, still holding beef with Venom. “For goodness sakes venom would never try to kill you, he just trains people very very roughly in his own way,” suzie explained, frowning a little. Glitch said nothing and gazed at the sun while sitting on the grass. “What do you think freddy and his gang are up to right now?” Suzie asked glitch curiously since she wasn't there for most of the morning. “I’m honestly not sure, maybe they went to a different part of the world or something” Glitch said. “Gosh i sure hope not, the capital is one of the safest places here all the other places have lots of cave mazes, rain forest, scorching deserts, giant mountains…well the lavender forest isn't that bad.'' Suzie said, talking to herself a little. “Well I’m sure wherever they went they are fine, Freddy and the gang are pretty strong I’m sure” Glitch stated. Meanwhile, syntax error had teleported Freddy and his friends to the pizza plaza which was mostly in rubble, and they began to search for springtrap. Syntax was mostly bored as he moved some ruble out of the way to see if he could find a way into the basement. “I don’t see anything or anyone, there is only this giant old tv that says, “Play Me '' interesting” Freddy said pressing the button. “Welcome to the Pizza Plex, while you are here having the most fun you will have in your lives here is a Fazfact, did you know that Fazbear entertainment is one of the most popular franchises to ever exist, I’m sure you didn’t know that, remember if your in need to get in shape we have a Fazgym waiting for you and after your done you can enjoy some Fazchips and Fazchocolate bars, have a Faztastic day” the tv said before shutting off. “wHat wAs tHaT?” syntax error asked after hearing the tv. “Aye just some old television from da looks of it” Foxy said waving the flashlight at the tv. Mysteriously the tv turned back on. “Is this damn thing on, oh there we go, hello there Fazbear and friends, remember me?” Springtrap said through the tv. “tHe Fu-'' syntax error began as he grabbed both of his giant knives behind his back. “Syntax I didn’t expect you all to be here, just the bunny guy, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised” Springtrap said while glaring at Syntax through the screen. Syntax error just glared back growling softly under his breath. “Anyways I assume you all came looking for one of your old friends, I believe his name was Monty '' Springtrap said while passing back and forth on the tv. “Where is he?” Freddy said  darkly. “Te heck did ya do to him? '' Foxy asked angrily. “I did to him what I would have done to all of you, I KILLED HIM, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA '' Springtrap said laughing maniacally. “oH wElL tHaTs UnfOrTunAtE,” syntax error said boredly, wanting to get to the part where he beats up springtrap rather than hear his lame evil things that he has done. “Well I don’t have much time to continue to spend with you imbeciles, see ya later” Springtrap said before the tv turned off. Syntax Error threw one of his knives at the tv spearing through it just for the sake of it since he just came here to beat up springtrap rather than look for monty. “wElP tHiS wAs a WaIsT oF mY tImE,” syntax error said even more bored and frustrated. “What do we do now Cap'n?” Foxy asked, looking at Freddy hoping for an answer. “Nothing, we have failed” Freddy said while walking off. “cAn We jUsT hEaD bAcK tO mY unIvErSe noW, I dOnT wAnT tO sPeNd aNy More Of mY tImE hEre iN tHIs dUmP.” syntax error said as he put his knives back getting ready to leave. “I’ll go get Freddy before we head out” Bonnie said while leaning on Foxy to go find Freddy. “WAIT, I’m going to” Chica said, taking Foxy’s other arm to help him walk. Syntax error was contemplating if he should just ditch them or not, but maybe he should just wait. “fInE, I wIlL gIvE yOu FiVe mInUtEs.” syntax error said as he sat down on some rubble near him. “Aye, Cap’n where are ya, we got to head out of here” Foxy said while they were all looking for Freddy. They continued to go through the rubble until they saw Freddy. “Freddy we gotta go, Syntax will leave us here if we don’t” Chica said while Freddy was still unresponsive. “FREDDY LETS GO, NOW” Bonnie said annoyed that Freddy wasn’t listening. “What is this thing?” Freddy said while inspecting purple goo on the floor. “Lad if ya don’t know what it be I suggest not touching it, now let’s get out of here” Foxy said motioning Freddy to follow them. “I suppose we should leave,” Freddy said as he turned around and walked away until some of the purple goo grew a tentacle and tried to grab Freddy. “WHAT THE HECK” Freddy said as he smacked the tentacle off him. “RUN” Freddy yelled as he and the other animatronics ran from the tentacles. “wHaT iS tHat?” syntax error asked confused seeing the animatronics running from the purple goopy looking tentacles. “WHAT IS THAT THING” Bonnie said while being carried by Chica and Foxy. “WE DON’T WANT TO FIND OUT, KEEP RUNNING” Freddy said until the door somehow closed in front of them. “The hell do we do?” Bonnie asked nervously. “How do the doors even work? Foxy break the door, I will handle the goo creature” Freddy explained as he started hitting the creature when the goo entrapped itself in Freddy dragging him in the goo. “CAP’N NOO!” Foxy said while still trying to open the door but with no success. “I think the goo is holding the door closed,” Chica explained. “This be our end lads, there be no escape” Foxy said accepting his end. Syntax heard the commotion, and seeing what happened he quickly teleported to the otherside of the door to help. As fast as lightning he grabbed Freddy with his strings out of the tentacle's grasp and grabbing everyone else with his strings, he teleported out of there before the tentacle could go grabbing at him. They quickly landed back in the dining hall where they first left except for venom wasn't there anymore. “tHe fRiCk, aRe yOu GuYs aLlRigHt?” syntax error asked very confused. “Aye, we’re fine, Freddy are you okay” Foxy asked concerned if he was damaged. “I-I saw him, I saw the way he looked at me, and I couldn’t stop myself, I-I” Freddy said looking terrified at what he saw. “wHat aRe YoU bLabbEriNG abOut? spEaK uP” syntax error asked annoyed. “Freddy, what did you see?” Bonnie asked, concerned for Freddy. “I-I prefer not to say, it’s not like he’s here anymore anyway” Freddy said while walking away. “Well if you're not going to say i better go find Suzie and tell her the news,” syntax error said teleporting off to where he could sense suzie’s soul. Syntax found that he was on top of one of the hills on the plain and down below him he saw suzie and glitch practicing with their swordsmanship. “Come on Glitch, try blocking this,” Suzie said as she swung to his right side. “Glitch blocked the attack and went in for his own swing. Suzie’s hand accidently fumbled and she found her katana being knocked out of her hands. Suzie just stared in shock of what just happened, she was rarely ever disarmed before. Glitch put his sword to Suzie and then celebrated. “YES VICTORY, even if it took forever” Glitch said being very tired. “W-what? W-wow, well i am speechless,” suzie said as she sat down dumbfounded not even bothering to grab her katana. “I am getting better it seems” Glitch said, extending his hand to help Suzie to her feet. Suzie took his hand smiling as she was pulled to her feet. “I am not surprised, it was bound to happen anyway.” Suzie said a little disappointed that she lost. “It seems I will soon be able to beat even the most powerful of beings,” Glitch said confidently. “I have full confidence you will,” Suzie said, winking as she grabbed her katana off the ground and putting the blue covering back on it. “I am tired though after a long day of training, I think I’m done for the day” Glitch said while very exhausted after a long day of training. “Same, though I am probably going to stay out here and enjoy the nice afternoon while it lasts,” said Suzie as she flopped on the ground, stretching out enjoying the nice warm sun while it was still up. “Okay, I’m going to my room to get some sleep, see you later” Glitch said while walking off. “Guess I will have to enjoy the outdoors by myself,” Suzie said, pouting a bit. “Well I guess I could stay out here for a little bit” Glitch said while sitting on the grass. “Oh but I thought you were tired from the long hard training session.” Suzie said jokingly as she fidgeted with some grass. “Well I can stay out for a little longer before heading back in,” Glitch said as he looked at the sun while laying on the grass. “Um so glitch I had a small question to ask you,” Suzie started nervously speaking. “Sure, what’s your question?” Glitch asked curiously. “What are you going to do once you return safely back to your universe?” Suzie asked. “Probably be questioned by the guards at the school and officers and take tests and quizzes and do homework, and a lot more” Glitch said and then sighed. “I take it that's something you're not looking forward to,” Suzie asked, fidgeting with her hoodie nervously. “Maybe to just see my friends, well most of them at least, but yeah not really something I’m looking forward to” Glitch said. “oh, well i did want to offer you some other option but it might mean you won't see your friends as often…” Suzie said hesitantly unsure if now was the time to ask. “What’s the offer?” Glitch asked curiously. “Eh, I don't know if now is the right time to ask you..” Suzie said, sitting up and looking at her feet shyly. “I got time, plenty of time” Glitch said while winking to Suzie. “Right…” Suzie said, turning her head away. “I guess you don’t have to tell me though, just a thought I thought I would hear” Glitch said. “Alright, fine I will tell you.” Suzie said sucking up her courage “I was wondering if you would like to live here.” Suzie said hurriedly. “Your majesty with all due respect I would love to live here, but my family or the people who took me in I suppose will try to come looking for me, actually I’m pretty sure they already have, I could perhaps in the future though” Glitch explained looking down. “Yeah you're right I bet your folks are very worried about you,” Suzie said glumly as she scolded herself in her mind for being selfish and asking such a big thing. “I’m sure I could still visit here though,” Glitch said happily. “Yeah but it's not the same without you,” mumbled Suzie under her breath. “Don’t worry since I won’t be here, my apprentice will be all the more special” Glitch said while smiling a little. “But still, I'm probably going to miss you a lot,” said Suzie, as she gazed off into the distance wondering if Glitch would feel the same way when he wouldnt see her again. “I know, but I must return back to my home planet soon,” Glitch explained. “Yeah, we have already wasted enough time here. The sooner we get you home the better.” Suzie said as she got up walking back to the capitol. Syntax error watched them suspiciously not trusting that gitch person, but decided he will let someone else tell the news to her. Syntax teleported back to the air of error to get some sleep since it had already been a boring day enough for him. Suzie had not said a word as they walked into the palace but was just kinda wandering around deep in thought. “Well I should probably get some rest and get ready for training tomorrow” Glitch said while stretching out his arms. “Actually tomorrow we will leave in search of your universe, after that i will probably find a place for the animatronics since it's not safe to go back to their universe for the time being.” Suzie said, staring off into space for a bit thinking. “Oh, I see, well I hope all goes well” Glitch said while looking at the wall with his arms behind his back. Suzie was about to offer her bed to him again but realized that he would probably just reject that because of what venom said so Suzie just walked back to the armory to put her katana away. Glitch followed her remembering that the sword he was using was not his own sword and had to return it back as well. “Oh you can keep that sword if you want,” offered suzie as she set her katana back in its stand. “I will keep it for now, but I promise you when I learn how to make my own unique kind of weapon I will return the sword” Glitch said with a smile on his face. Suzie just nodded, still thinking deep in her thoughts. “Well I suppose I should head to bed, see you tomorrow” Glitch said while walking off. Suzie didn't really acknowledge him but instead paced around the armory thinking on how to get glitch back to his universes. Maybe she could ask Bill sans, he was her closest friend out of all the bad sans or maybe get syntax error to ask error sans. Suzie kept pacing and thinking for a while till she finally looked at the time and realized she should be heading to bed now. Suzie made her way to her room and got tucked in setting an early alarm so they could start looking for glitches universe early in the morning and if they had no luck by nightfall they could come back here to regroup. So Suzie fell asleep waiting for tomorrow events to come. Glitch returned to his room and took out his knife and went to bed and slept with the knife, he woke back up on snow and in front of the two tents. “Nice sword” the archer said, catching Glitch by surprise. “But it won’t be needed once you learn how to summon your own weapon, which is exactly what you're going to do today,” the archer explained as he summoned his own bow and arrows with ease. “How do you do it?” Glitch asked curiously. “It’s all about the mind, picture what you want to make, image it, and then imagine it coming to reality” the archer explained while making his bow disappear. “Okay” Glitch said while imagining his sword that he wanted to make. Glitch stood there for 10 minutes before the archer was getting tired of waiting. “Fine, if you can’t summon a weapon by your own will, maybe you can do it by command” the archer said before snapping his fingers and his partner had come out from his tent with his two swords ready to fight. Glitch was shocked by this and got his own sword that he was able to keep out in defense. “NO” the archer said before shooting the sword out of his hand. “This must be YOUR weapon, made by only you” the archer said before giving the command to attack Glitch. Glitch had to keep dodging left and right to avoid getting stabbed and the archer’s partner knocked him to the ground. “Another failure it seems, stab him and start over again” the archer told his partner and his partner got his swords and raised them up at Glitch before going to stab him. Glitch suddenly felt the swords being stopped and looked up to see a very glitchy big and broad sword protecting him before dodging back with it and the sword. To Glitch this sword was big but not heavy and was very very Glitch. “I did it, LETS GO” Glitch said excitedly that he summoned his weapon. “Don’t be too happy, it seems your sword lacks proper form” the archer said, easily able to carry the sword. “But it can block people at least, and probably stab too” Glitch explained confusedly why the archer wasn’t happy for him. “You are mistaken, this sword may block, but it can’t kill” the archer explained as he stabbed his partner in the back with him simply moving back but not reacting. “H-HEY, ARE YOU DENSE WHAT IF IT KILLED ME” his partner said very angry. “It didn’t, as I knew it would not” the archer said, pulling out the sword and throwing it back to Glitch. “How do we make it able to kill?” Glitch asked curiously. “Well perhaps we could advance your sword with some enchantments, otherwise all it would be is just another shield, but first if we want to advance it we need to go see our boss” the archer explained as he got out a teleportation device and used it on him, his partner and Glitch. “AHH, warn someone before you use that will ya” Glitch said falling on his back. “Hmm, it looks like the boss is out, probably trying to find that helmet that he can’t shut up about,” the archer said, disappointed and annoyed. “Wait, you guys had a ship we could have trained at the entire time” Glitch said a little upset. “Quiet, you must stay here, and DON’T MOVE, UNDERSTOOD” the archer said firmly. “Okay okay, I’ll stay here, wait but what if-“ Glitch said before the archer left and Glitch was by himself. “Well guess I’ll just wait here, although I guess the archer wouldn’t mind too much if I took a little look around” Glitch said before wandering off. Glitch kept walking until he saw a metal door that appeared to be locked and he heard noise in it. “Hmm, I wonder what’s going on in there, eh maybe some business meetings or something” Glitch said before hearing noise behind him. Glitch hid and saw two men who looked the same walk by, they were both wearing black suits and looked like they were both human. They opened the door and Glitch secretly followed them without being noticed. The two men sat down at a table with many other men who looked exactly the same. “What the heck is going on here” Glitch thought to himself before being quiet and listening to the conversation. “The plan that was set in motion for earth has not yet been fully completed, we still need the helmet we most desperately seek” one of the men said to everyone else. “Oh, it’s just some boring meeting,” Glitch said as he was about to sneak his way out and find the others. “The plan which requires the helmet that will set the plan that is known as the plan for earth will soon be set in motion [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Kraang[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” the man said to another which the name catches Glitches attention and sends chills down his spine. “The helmet that Kraang searches for that will start the war that will make us victories has not yet been found by Kraang or Kraang’s associates, perhaps Kraang should consider plan b and mutate all of the creatures of earth instead, just like what Kraang did all those years ago with the humans” one Kraang said to the other ones. “Enough, this meeting was to discuss how to eliminate Glitch, if he is not eliminated by the time Kraang makes the invasion back to earth then Kraang will fail to do the plan which Kraang have set in motion” one of the other Kraang’s said to the others. The meeting eventually ended when the Kraang realized they were getting nowhere and decided to leave the meeting. Glitch followed secretly and was shook by what he heard. “This can’t be, the Kraang are here, wait do those guys I’m working with know about this, what do I do I don’t know if I can trust them” Glitch said nervously to himself walking back to where he was supposed to be. “GLITCH, where did you go, I told you to stay put, WHY DID YOU LEAVE” The archer demanded very enraged at Glitch for leaving. “Well you see I was just taking a look around is all, no big deal” Glitch said nervously sweating. “Right, well next time I tell you to do something you better do it, anyway the boss gave me some good news for you, there is a way to enchant your sword to your likings, but if we help you, then you must help us, understood” the archer asked. Glitch thought to himself for a moment remembering that there are Kraang there but still wanting to enchant his sword. “Understood, I will help you all,” Glitch explained. “Good then follow me” the archer said as they all walked through a portal. [/font]
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