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by on May 17, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 9 The kitchen thieves [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Suzie woke up, sitting in her bed. She looked at the time to see it was only 3:00. As thirsty as she was she decided to head down to the kitchen as quiet as a mouse. The palace was always a different place at nightime. It was very dark and the moon showed early through the stained glass windows. Suzie was glad no one was up since her hair looked like she just rolled out of bed, which she did. On coming to the kitchen, entering the doors she made her way to one of the many cupboards rummaging through it to find a cup. After successfully getting a small mug out she poured herself some water to get herself a drink. A loud crash came from down the corner of the kitchen and a few voices could be heard. Suzie froze unaware of who could be up this late and in the kitchen. Slowly she made her way peeking around the corner to see who made the source of noise coming from the hallway with all the stored food in it. Low and behold there was Horror Sans prying around in one of the many fridges, he pulled out what looked like to be some leftover pancakes and he hungrily ate them including the plate it was on. “Horrow, what in blazes are you doing here?” Suzie whispered yelled at him. Horror spun around but relaxed realizing it was just suzie. “Nothing,” horror lied as he started inching closer to the fridge. “Sigh, well at least don't eat the plates if you are here for a midnight snack,” suzie said, rolling her eyes helping him take out a selection of food for him out of the fridge. Horrors' eyes lit up with excitement seeing all the options and quickly started devouring whatever was in front of him. “How is everything going back at nightmares castle?” Suzie asked curiously since she hadn't talked to him in awhile. Horror just grunted and kept on eating. “Don't tell me there is not enough food there,” Suzie said a little worriedly remembering at some point nightmare worked them to death and never stopped to get them food since nightmare didn't need to eat except negative emotions. “No …there…. is… enough …food,” horror said in between mouthfuls “boss…just…busy…plotting…with…some…kraang.” Suzie perked up with this wondering if horror knows who kraang is. “Hey horror, do you perchance know who this kraang is?” Suzie asked innocently. “No idea…don't care..” horror said as he finished the last of the leftovers suzie had given him. “How is the rest of the gang doing, since i last met them?” Suzie asked as she cleared away the empty dishes. “They are fine i guess, although since that time you came in to steal back your creation they have been feeling kinda bad and were hoping to…well at least some of them wanted to visit you but boss isn't letting anyone visit you.” horror said as he took a last glimpse to see if there was anything else he could eat, but with no avail to find any he gave suzie sad puppy dog eyes. “So you aren't supposed to be here then?” Suzie asked smirkingly. Horror opened then closed his mouth for a second nervously. “Y-you won't tell him, will you?” horror said as he began to sweat. “Of course not silly, besides I missed having you around even if you are just here to raid my kitchen.” Suzie said jokingly as horror let out a sigh of relief. “Horror? Who ya talkin to?” came killer's voice from somewhere down near the kitchen corner near all the storage with all the cooking knives and utensils. “Killer, is that you?” Suzie asked, a little bewildered, that he decided to raid her kitchen too, yet again she shouldn't be surprised. There was a little pause than killer spoke up “suzie? Um whatcha doing up late kid?” killer said as he walked over to where he heard them. “Don't tell me you came here to kill me,” Suzie said, a little upset since they last met. “Nah, besides i wasn't actually going to do it,” killer said waving it off like it was no big deal as he admired the knife that he obtained out of the drawer in the back corner. “Besides bill sans would have my head if i did,” killer said as he teleported behind suzie nooging her. “No stop, you're lucky my hair is already a mess,” Suzie wailed in complaint as she escaped his grasp. “Speaking of Bill Sans, how is he?” Suzie asked as she sat up on the counter table. “He is pretty pissed that nightmare gave orders to have us lay a single finger on you,” killer said as he twirled around the knife. “Yet again the only reason he didn't lose all his anger on nightmare was because he wanted to continue “plans'' with the kraang.” killer exclaimed as he and Suzie watched horror hoarding more fridges. “Do you know anything about this kraang?” Suzie asked hopefully. “Nope sorry kiddo can't say,” killer said smirking as some of the black goop from his eye sockets got on the floor. Another sound of something falling to the floor came from the otherside of the kitchen. Suzie eyed killer suspiciously and killer just smirked back at her. “How many of you guys are in my kitchen?” Suzie asked, a little worried about the answer. “Just me, horror, and good old dust.” killer said as he teleported away, then soon coming back holding dust by the scarf but was swatted away by dust fuming angrily. “Oh dust it's been awhile,” suzie said, smiling at him. “Sup,” dust said boredly looking at Suzie then over his shoulder intently watching something, or someone. “How has it been going?” Suzie asked curiously, knowing that dust was much more tame but way more insane and probably would know more about kraang hopefully. Dust sighed knowing that he wasn't going to get away without talking to Suzie “boss, he has been a little on edge, especially after you left with his new toy for…what was it? Oh the kraang.” dust said, trying to recall the name that nightmare had been fussing about. “Speaking…of which…how is that creation?” horror piped in from his mouth full of food as he was already on the fifth fridge. Now all of them were staring at you curiously wanting to know if he survived or had died. “How do I know you won't take him again?” Suzie asked hesitantly. “HA, i knew he was still alive!” exclaimed killer as he nudged dust as dust looked super annoyed at him. “Why did nightmare want his blood in the first place?” Suzie asked, skipping to the point immediately. All of them shrugged unaware on how to answer that. “Kid, even we don't know what it was for except some of the bad sans and kraang.” Dust replied slowly, unaware if he should say much. “Who is this kraang?!” Suzie asked, getting a little frustrated. “That's actually what i want to know too…” dust said a little frustrated also “nightmare and some of the extremely powerful bad sanses know about it but they won't tell us, all we know is that they are beings outside of our multiverse.” dust turned his head as if listening to someone else talk nodding and then turning back to suzie. “Maybe..we can figure out this kraang together.” dust suggested as he caught killer looking at him a little confused. “Wait really? Won't nightmare get mad at you?'' Suzie asked, just as confused as killer. “He has his hands full right now so he isn't on top of us as he usually is, besides us not supposed to be here is already breaking his rules.” dust said in a bored voice looking around him. “Alright then let's work together, but let's meet up back here around the same time. How does that sound?” Suzie offered, knowing that it would be bad for them to be seen by glitch walking around. “Alright then, maybe you can stop by because bill sans is dying to see you but nightmare isn't letting him along with a few other bad sans…” dust said as he adjusted his scarf. “will do,” Suzie said, smiling. “Great!” said killer as he tossed his knife at horror, almost stabbing through his reaching hand towards the remaining food in the fridge which made horror glare up at him. “Watch it IDIOT.” horror said angrily. “Cmon horror it's time to head back,” dust said as he teleported off. Killer just grabbed the knife he threw, waved bye to Suzie and teleported off. Horror looked longingly back at the last of the food. “Just take it already will you,” Suzie said, rolling her eyes. Horror gladly did and then teleported off leaving Suzie and a mess to pick up after them. Sighing, Suzie quickly got down from the counter and started cleaning up the mess left by horror. After about 20 min of cleaning alone in the dark she finally finished and headed straight back to her room since now she was really tired. Suzie glanced back and noticed she forgot to clean up the eye socket mess from killer but decided not to since she was so tired anyways. She tiptoed back to her room as silent as a mouse not to alert any guards or some of her creations in the palace. At last she made it to her room to see a note on her bed. Turning on a lamp next to her she quietly read it out loud. “Dear Suzie, our favorite walking craft store. We have invited you to a game night back at nightmares castle including bingo, chess, uno ect… we hope to see you then. P.s nightmare doesn't know, we will pick you up and meet in my room. From Swapfell sans\razzberry." Suzie looked at the date of when it would be going on. She smiled happily as she placed the note on her nightstand. Hopefully her schedule would be clear by then to do a game night once a month with them again. Laying down to rest she quickly fell asleep not knowing what tomorrow's events would bring when she would have to rouse early.[/font]
Post in: Lore
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