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by on May 17, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 10 the dark helmet[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]The Archer and his partner and Glitch arrived at a very dark world where it was rainy and windy. There were many trees and moss and other grass like stuff that were growing out of control. “Come on, this part of the area we are in isn’t what we are looking for” the archer said motioning both guys to follow him. The archer’s partner and Glitch followed while cutting through vines that were in their way. “Where are we?” Glitch asked curiously while cutting through the vines. “We are in a desolate land that has been abandoned for years, a world that now holds something we want and that we need” the archer said while trying to find his way out of the forest. “This place doesn’t hold life, but it’s very lifelike, look at all the plants” Glitch said while also cutting through the plants. “Yes I am aware, but outside these plants is nothing but desert,” the archer said while finishing cutting through the plants where they made it out the forest to a deserted land full of nothing. “Did we just come here to train or something? There is nothing here, not even rain, it’s all in a ghost forest,” Glitch asked confused. “No, there is something here, this is why we brought you” the archer explained. “Me, what exactly do I do?” Glitch asked, very confused. “There is some sort of magical barrier that keeps the rain and forest in one area, I need you to destroy it,” the archer explained, pointing to the forest. “You must be confused, I am not a destroyer, but a-a” Glitch said before realizing he doesn’t even know his purpose. “I don’t know what I am actually” Glitch said looking down. “Listen, you are more powerful than you realize, you made your sword with code after all, and now you must use your coding power to tear the barrer apart, it lies around the forest, all around it” the archer explained. “How would I destroy it, with my sword?” Glitch asked. “No, you are most likely able to possess other powers, do you know how to use strings” the archer asked. “No, but I know others who do,” Glitch said, remembering Error Sans. “Can you make strings to destroy the barrier?” the archer asked. “I can try, but I’ve never done it before,” Glitch said before trying to summon strings. After a few minutes green thick glowing strings came out, but they wrapped around each other before falling apart and glitching off. “W-what happened?” Glitch asked, wondering why they fell apart. “Weak, truly weak,” the archer said, shaking his head in disappointment. “I don’t understand why they formed around each other, maybe I should try again?” Glitch asked. “No, we have wasted enough time trying strings, do something else perhaps” the archer demanded. Glitch thought to himself what he should do and decided to go back into the forest. “Where are you going?” the archer asked impatiently. Glitch ignored the question and went into the forest. He soon found a small beam of magical energy around a machine, he tried to use his sword to destroy it but remembered that his sword is unenchanted and can only slightly move people. Glitch grabbed his knife out his pocket and stabbed the machine multiple times before it exploded and knocked him back. When Glitch went back out the forest he saw that there was grass outside of it, covering old statues that were not recognizable and covered with vines. “Kid, I don’t know what you did but you did it” the archer said surprised. “Let's go,” Glitch said excitedly. They continued their journey until they stumbled upon an old castle that was covered in vines and in ruin. “Inside awaits the enchantment” the archer said while Glitch and his partner followed him. On their way in, Glitch saw the archer’s partner grab a necklace and was curious why he did. “What are you doing?” Glitch asked the two swordsmen. “My own business, piss off” the sworded guy said while stashing the necklace in his pocket. “Here it is, the enchantment for your sword” the archer said while grabbing Glitch’s sword by summoning it. The archer grabbed a hammer and the glowing enchantment and smashed it into the sword. The sword exploded and knocked everyone back and then fell on the ground. “There, now it’s a real weapon” the archer said a little darkly. Glitch picked up the sword still with ease, but felt its power. “What did you do to it?” Glitch asked. “Well I gave it the enchantments, now it can kill your enemies, it is also impossible for anyone else to pick it up, but this doesn’t mean that your enemies still can’t block your attacks” the archer explained. “The sword can also summon glitchy things i suppose” the archer said boredly pointing to the glitches. “No, those are only my glitches,” Glitch said excitedly. “If you find another enchantment you can upgrade it further, but it will only take two more enchants before it will no longer accept” the archer explained to Glitch. “Well at least I can defend myself now” Glitch said excitedly. “Now that we have helped you, it’s time for you to help us, but come, now we must leave this place” the archer said before hearing noise from the throne room. The noise got louder. “Hide fools” the archer said while pointing to a place to hide. The noise soon left and everyone left the old castle. “Come, let's find what we came here for before they know we are here” the archer said while the others followed. “What now, there is always something I don’t know about it seems” Glitch said a little annoyed. “Nothing of importance, we find what we need and leave, no more simple than that” the archer explained, not caring to tell. “What we are looking for is somewhere in a hidden place, perhaps another castle even, Glitch since we don’t need to spend much time here because of your teleportation, take us around until I tell you to stop” the archer commanded. “Okay then” Glitch said while beginning to teleport everywhere. Glitch had teleported left and right for perhaps about 50 minutes until he was told to stop. “STOP, STOP, STOP” the archer said while losing his patience. “Sorry, I just did what you told me to do,” Glitch explained. “Well, just stop, we have wasted enough time trying to find something that will NEVER BE FOUND, EVER, it’s so annoying and, and” the archer said before being stopped in awe at what he saw. “This is it, we finally found it after all this time” the archer said while seeing a piece of a broken helmet that was a little rusty with a gray color to it, and some dark purple on the inside. “You guys are looking for that,” Glitch said, thinking that the archer was a madman. “The third and final piece, master will be very very pleased with me” the archer said before grabbing the piece. Suddenly there was an earthquake and the sun and moon both rose up before emitting a crazy tone of light that destroyed the castle. Glitch teleported everyone out and watched the castle fall apart. Glitch then suddenly saw giant black bug things flying towards them all and hissing. “RUN” Glitch said while summoning a shield to defend himself. “The double swordsman wielded his curved swords and began slicing the creatures but not killing them. The bugs began bleeding red and this only fueled their anger. Glitch got out his sword and started slashing at the creatures, they continued to bleed but didn’t die. “STAB THEM IN THE HEAD” the swordsman said while doing just that and killing them. Glitch used his sword and began killing many bugs until they finally retreated back. The whole time all this was happening the archer just stood there looking at the helmet piece. “WE GOTTA GO BEFORE MORE COME BACK” the swordsman explained. “You aren’t going anywhere until I get my answers” Glitch said while putting a sword up to the archers throat. “What are you doing?” the archer asked. “I’m going to ask you some questions, like about the [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]KRAANG[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif], and why you're working with them,” Glitch asked. “My friend, that is none of your business actually” the archer replied. “Yes it is, the Kraang took my blood and nearly left me dead, they are planning something and I wanna know what” Glitch said putting the sword closer. “HEY,” the swordsman replied. “DON’T MOVE OR HE DIES” Glitch yelled. “On your knees” Glitch demanded. The archer went on his knees as commanded. “WHY” Glitch asked. “It’s not your business,” the archer said firmly. While Glitch and the Archer were talking the swordsman pressed a button on his wrist that made a small sound. “Fine, then I’ll just have to kill you, and take this thing for myself” Glitch said before the knife was touching the archer’s neck. “No, I don’t think you will actually” the archer said confidently as a ship had landed where they all were. The ship opened and a man wearing shiny silver armor walked out. His outfit looked sharp, literally, and he had one blind eye. “Who are you, some random soldier here to defeat me?” Glitch questioned. “Remove your sword from his neck and I promise you your death will be quick, boy” the man said with a very deep and dark voice. “Ain’t gonna happen” Glitch said as he was about to strike until the man quickly came up and punched Glitch in the stomach. Glitch fell and quickly recovered and got his sword out. He swung his sword at the man, but the man blocked the sword with his own hands and punched Glitch. Glitch tried to recover but then was punched on his side. Glitch kept receiving punches left and right and then was kicked on the ground and couldn’t move from the pain. The armored man picked up Glitch with one arm and ejected blades from his arm and stared Glitch staring in the eye. “Hand me the helmet piece, [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]NOW[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” the armored man demanded. Glitch had revealed both hands and showed nothing, Glitch already teleported the mask back to his room at Suzie’s castle. “WHAT DID YOU DO” the man said, pissed off. “I don’t know what you're planning or why you want the helmet piece so much, but know this, you won’t win” Glitch said sternly. “I may have failed today, but so did you” the armored man said before stabbing Glitch in the stomach with his blade. He dropped Glitch and kicked him. “Master, I had the helmet but-” the archer said before the armored man looked at him. “I will deal with you both when we return back” the man said while walking back to the ship while Glitch was still bleeding. “KNOW THIS, BOY, I HAVE SPARED YOU FROM THE SOON TO BE ETERNAL SUFFERING SHALL BEGIN, and remember the name, [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“SHREDDER” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Shredder said while he and the others left on the ship. Glitch started to black out but mustered enough strength to get up and see the sun and the moon together. “W-what is going o-on?” Glitch asked himself before collapsing to the ground. [/font]
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