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by on May 17, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 11 the start of finding glitches universe[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Suzie woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off like crazy. Suzie turned to see why she set an alarm clock but soon realized why she set it to 5:00 a.m was cause she wanted an early start in her day before she had to leave to find glitches universe all day. Quickly getting dressed and grabbing any items she needed and sticking them in her inventory she headed off to glitches room to rouse him up for the day. When she arrived at glitches room she made sure to knock loudly to wake him. “KNOCK, KNOCK.” Glitch had teleported back to his room because of the knife. He woke up but very dizzy and trying to remember what happened, he looked at his stomach and saw he was bleeding and remembered what happened. Glitch was still tired and in pain and dizzy. “Rise and shine sleepy head,” Suzie yelled from the other side of the door impatiently ready to open it if she didn't get a response. “I-I’m changing” Glitch yelled back, hurting himself, but not wanting anyone to know what happened. “Ok then i made u a bag for the trip i will leave it at your door. It's got useful things like snacks, water, healing potions just in case, band aids…etc. You will just have to see for yourself. I expect you down in the dining hall in ten minutes." Suzie said as she began to walk off. “(GLITCH) how do I fix myself in ten minutes?” Glitch asked. Glitch for five minutes was trying to use what he knew to fix himself but it didn’t work. Glitch then tried strings that he had used earlier and it actually worked. “Is that what these are used for?” Glitch asked himself and then used them in front of him when they began wrapping around it again. “Nope, guess it just happens to help wounds too” Glitch said before glitching himself into new clothes. “I just need a moment,” Glitch said before falling to sleep on his bed. “Where is he?” Suzie said pacing around the dining hall while syntax error was just sipping black coffee watching her pace back and forth. “I'm going to go drag him out here if I have to,” Suzie said, losing her patience. Making a portal to glitches room she went through it only to find glitch asleep back in his bed. “GET THE HELL UP!!” Suzie shouted before covering her mouth and quietly praying for forgiveness to herself for saying such low class words. “THE (GLITCH)” Glitch said while getting his sword out and in a battle ready position with his jacket covering his eyes. Suzie just glared at him trying not to say anything more profound. Glitch uncovered his eyes and saw it was Suzie before unsummoning his sword. “What are you yelling about?” Glitch asked. Suzie scoffed, glaring at him even harder if he was for real, the second thing she most hated in the world was waking up early and having her time wasted. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]You are dead to me if you don't get in that dining hall before i do.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]'' Suzie said darkly as she stormed out of the room fuming. “What was that about?” Glitch asked himself as he slowly dragged himself downstairs. “Wasting. My. time.” Suzie fumed underneath her breath knowing now that the animatronics would soon be awake. “I cOulD KilL hIm fOR yOu?” syntax error offered smirking a bit. “Not yet, if i didn't care about him so much i would have you eliminate THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING TIME WAIS-” suzie was cut off before syntax error handing her his coffee. “yOu dOnT eVen KnOw wHaT YoUr SaYiNg, YoU gRouChY lItTlE gReMlIn'' syntax error said smirking even more as he watched suzie chug down the coffee. Glitch after a long time finally arrived. Suzie didn't even say a word but glared a glare that would make anyone want to run out of the room. A few animatronics had already woken up and were happily eating their breakfast only to glance at Suzie once or twice with a confused and worried expression. “Is everything okay?” Freddy asked, a little concerned. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Just perfect[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif].” Suzie said darkly not leaving her dead cold glare off of glitch as he came in. “How about you Glitch, everything alright” Freddy asked. “I am not sure what you mean, come again” Glitch said nervously that the truth would be revealed. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Good morning glitch, did you enjoy sleeping in[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]?” Suzie asked as if she was ready to bring hell into the world along with a foul mood as she glared at glitch, not sure if she should have chucked him into a random universe already. “Sleep, I don’t think I got sleep actually, I actually need to use the washroom” Glitch said, getting a headache and very tired. “GAH LET ME AT HIM!!!” Suzie said as she leaped out of her chair but was being quickly pinned down by syntax error strings as she fumed in a ball of furry screaming glitch that syntax error never in his life could think Suzie would be able to say. “uH kId rUn, sErIouSlY rUn..NOW!!!” syntax error commanded glitch as he tried to calm suzie down. Glitch teleported back to his room and needed to use his sword to help him stand trying to recollect his thoughts as his mind was still not fully in it. “The heck is happening? '' Glitch asked himself while trying to fix his wound that Shredder gave him. Glitch saw a potion in the bag Suzie gave him and used it not knowing what would happen. The potion rapidly began to heal him. Glitch finally returned to his right mind and remembered everything that had happened. He looked under his bed and saw the helmet piece that Shredder had wanted, he kept it hidden and decided to try to find a way to stop Shredder and the others by writing out plans, but he would do that later. a “Knock, knock,” came from the door. Glitch got his sword out and said nothing. “kId, I cAn sEnCe yOu iN tHeRe. yOu cAn CoMe OuT nOw, ThE bEaSt hAs bEeN tAmEd.” syntax error said in a bored voice. Glitch opened the door still holding his sword in defense. “iF YoU aRe PlAnnInG tO kIlL mE It wOnT wOrK,” syntax error said as he ripped the sword out of glitches hand with ease using one of his strings. “I plan to kill no one, but it seems my time here has expired, even for Suzie,” Glitch said, making the sword disappear. “No yOuR FiNe, SuzIE jUsT iSnT a MorNiNg pErSoN aT aLl…EvEr.” syntax error said smirking even more wishing he could have recorded that. “I’ve never meant someone who wasn’t a morning person who wants to kill someone else because- wait why did she want to kill me?” Glitch asked, confused. “caUsE sHe wOkE yOu uP lIke aLmOsT tHreE hOurS aGo aNd eXpEcTed YoU tO bE dOwN iN tHE dInInG hAlL iN tEn MinuTes.” syntax error explained as he waved for glitch to follow him into the dining hall. “You know this isn’t the first time someone tried to kill me here and I have a feeling if I stay longer it won’t be the last, perhaps this time I will leave, for good” Glitch explained. ‘aNd LeaVe sUzIe iN a sHaTteRed miLlIoNs oF peIces aGain aFter She waSteD a mOrnInG waItiNg fOr You?” syntax error asked, smirking a little. “She would have left me in a shattered millions of pieces, literally, I just don’t feel safe here anymore, plus I do have to return to my world” Glitch explained. “wElL tHaT wAs tHe wHolE pUrPose WhY sUzIe tRiEd tO wAkE yOu uP eaRly.’ syntax error said, rolling his eyes as they entered the dining hall. Suzie was just sitting there happily with the animatronics and at least four empty coffee cups next to her. “Good morning glitch…eh sorry about early,” suzie said looking down really embarrassed. “Oh it’s fine, this is only the second time someone tried to kill me, and third time I have feared for my life, but that all ends today when I return [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]HOME” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said with red eyes and a careless expression. Suzie winced a little hearing his tone of voice wondering if she acted too harshly. “W-well at least come have a seat and enjoy some breakfast?” Suzie offered scooting over and making room for him. “Not hungry” Glitch said with his eyes reverting back to green. “yEaH tHaT wAsNt aN oPtIoN.” syntax error said boredly as he picked up glitch with his strings and practically slammed him into his seat. “Syntax,” Suzie hissed, upset “Please be gentle, he already has had a ruff morning.” Suzie said as she wrapped her arms around glitch in a protective like manner. “yAh YaH,” syntax error said as he took a seat on the other side of suzie. “ENOUGH, I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS HARASSMENT CRAP, RETURN ME TO MY WORLD SO I CAN GO BACK TO MY NORMAL LIFE WHERE I WILL SOON DIE” Glitch said while clenching his teeth and and eyes turning red and yellow and orange. “Sheesh ok,”Suzie said, retracting back her arms, “that's what we were going to do if someone had woken up a-” Suzie was quickly interrupted by having the lead chef of the entire celestial zone barged into the doors. “YOUR MAJESTY!!! THE BAD SANSES RAIDED THE KITCHEN AGAIN!!!” the chef said as she fumed around complaining about the black goop and missing food. “Please now is not the time,” Suzie said, waving her off. The cook just stood there mouth ajar but soon shut it and stormed off. Glitch became enraged in his mind when he heard the comment, he was stabbed trying to stop the bad guys, but continues to lie and say nothing about it. “Sigh, well this morning started out ruff,” Suzie said as she placed her head on the table terrified of what glitches reaction might be. Glitch just grunted and said nothing. “wE sHoUlD gO lOoK fOr gLitChEs uNivErsE nOw,” syntax error said as he grabbed both of them unable to handle this terrific mood. He then teleported off to a random universe where he could sense a lot of souls hoping it was glitches. “Gah, syntax a little warning syntax please?” Suzie asked as new ground met her feet. “Tch, when I get home I won't have to deal with grabby (Glitch) or near death experiences or being tortured” Glitch said. Suzie turned her head quickly trying to hide her tears that started to spring in. luckily syntax error noticed this “HeY sUzIe, Go cHecK oVer tHerE fOr aNytHinG,” syntax error said trying not to sound urgent. Suzie did not answer but took off sprinting to the area syntax error wanted her to check out only to burst out in muffled sobs crying over why she was such a terrible person at helping others. Syntax error turned his head at glitch glaring at him with deep hatred suzie unfortunately happened to be an easy emotional wreck at times for only a few people she cared about, but why him of all people. “cOmE oN yOu, lEt’S sEe iF tHis Is yOuR uNivErSe,” syntax error said as he motioned for  glitch to follow him as he walked off. Glitch began following Syntax and said nothing. They both started searching around for glitches universe, syntax error’s eyes never left glitch as they wandered around the area. Glitch continued to look for his universe left and right. After a few minutes Suzie finally came back after she had collected herself, though her eyes which were still a bit puffy. “How is it going?” Suzie asked calmly. “grEaT,” syntax error said as he continued searching with glitch. Glitch had continued to look until he finally found his universe but looked down only to see its destruction. Glitch said nothing but only looked at his world and all the destruction in it. “dOnT TeLl mE tHaTs yOuR uNivErsE,” syntax error said smirking down at the destruction and ruble remains. “It was,” Glitch said while putting his hands in his pockets and staring at the world. “oh..Glitch I am so sorry..'' Suzie said looking down realizing his universe might be beyond saving now. “So many memories, gone now,” Glitch said while walking away. Suzie looked at the universe and back at glitch unaware what to do then an idea popped into her head. Quickly she ran over to glitch to tell him her amazing idea. “Hey glitch, maybe your friends are still alive and looking for you,'' Suzie said, determinately stopping glitch in his tracks. “My friends are dead, there is no way anyone is even alive” Glitch said walking around Suzie. Suzie quickly got in front of him “no, no they are not. As a creator I know when everyone is dead in a universe, it's happened to my second universe I made  before, but I can still sense that there are living souls down there." Suzie said even more determined than before. “Your assumption is false, the only souls down there are the ones who made that destruction, whoever it is,” Glitch said returning to the universe and to see the archer, Shredder, and the swordsman all down there. Glitch said nothing, not wanting to reveal anything and walked away again. “Who is that down there glitch?” Suzie asked him curiously. “Perhaps they are survivors, I am not sure” Glitch said carelessly, not wanting to see the universe. “Well let's go ask them,” Suzie said as she jumped into the universe. Syntax error just looked at glitch but decided to head back to his universe since nothing interesting was happening so he teleported off leaving them behind. “NO” Glitch said as he also had to jump and was upset about it. “Alright boss, do you think this will draw him out?” the archer asked. “Quiet,” Shredder said, not in the mood at all. “Hey um hello there. Are you guys survivors here?” Suzie asked happily, walking up to them out of nowhere. They all stared at her and said nothing.“Um, do you guys know english?” Suzie asked a little awkwardly at the silence they gave her. Glitch landed next to Suzie and they all met eye to eye. “Kill them!” Shredder commanded them and walked off. “Fine, okay, leave it to us master” the archer said before getting his bow and arrow out. The swordsman got his swords out and pointed them at Glitch and Suzie in a battle ready position. “Did I come off as hostile?!” Suzie asked as she armed herself with her paint brush, very confused why she suddenly was dragged into a fight. “No, these guys must have gotten hit in the head or something” Glitch said as he went to attack the swordsman who just teleported behind him. “Ugh, why do I have to fight kids, seriously can’t I have someone other than teenage brats” the archer said while shooting arrows at Suzie and Glitch. “Eek!” Suzie said as she quickly ducked, not wanting to fight innocent people if they had only hit their head and acted this way. Glitch blocked the arrows and went to strike the archer but he dodged it with ease. “Dude, come on, did you really think you could hit me, you're too slow” the archer said while shooting Glitch with more arrows. Glitch blocked the arrows and went for another strike and missed again. “Dude, you really really suck at this” the archer said dodging again. “hey! At least he is trying,” Suzie said angrily, shooting a web-like thing she created with her paintbrush at the swordsman. The swordsman teleported out the way near the archer. “Oops I think I upset the girlfriend” the archer said, shooting more arrows at them both. “Ok someone is going to get seriously hurt with these two numbskulls attacking us,” Suzie growled to herself. She quickly splashed a wave of paint on the ground, after a few seconds a three foot story tall dragon made of paint came erupting out of the paint and dove straight at the two attacking men. “WHAT IS THIS MARY SUE STUFF” the archer said trying to dodge but failing. The swordsman teleported away and started to duel Glitch again. Glitch kept blocking the swordsman attacks left and right and then tried to strike the swordsman down. The swordsman teleported and kicked Glitch on the ground. “Weak, how are you the warrior they speak of, they must be referring to someone else huh” the swordsman said, starting Glitch down while he was on the ground. Suzie was getting a little dizzy from controlling a paint dragon for a bit, she hadn't done this type of object creation for awhile and started to feel herself sway a bit on her feet but she knew she couldn't lose focus. The swordsman was about to stab Glitch when he heard the archer and got distracted. Glitch got up and smacked the swordsman with the sword knocking him on the ground. Glitch fell from exhaustion to the ground. Suzie started to feel herself give way and knew she couldn't keep this up much longer. “Hey um you want to call a timeout?” Suzie asked the archer trying to keep her eyes open as she lifted her head to focus on the archer as the dragon she had made started turning back into a puddle of paint. “N-no, I will end, you, in a sec, I gotta catch my breath and, wait, master Shredder” the archer said, seeing Shredder come out of the building. “YOU IDIOTS, I give you one simple job and it turns into CHAOS out here, it doesn’t help I didn’t find the damn helmet piece either” Shredder said angry and disappointed. “This fight just for a helmet?” Suzie asked, confused as the dragon finally turned back into a puddle of paint making her vulnerable at the moment. “You do not understand what your friend has girl, it is a weapon not even you could stop, a weapon that can conquer universes, a weapon that will drive you to madness if not tamed properly, and if I have to kill people to get it, so be it” Shredder said getting his blades out and approaching Suzie. “Careful boss, that one’s a fighter,” the archer said, still tired. “Bring it,” Suzie said as she stood up straight catching up her breath reading her brush. Suzie quickly lunged at him in attempts to stun him. Shredder dodged the attack and went in for a punch. Suzie had to split herself into two people to dodge it and quickly circled around shredder with her red and blue sides in attack positions. Shredder continued to dodge these attacks and tried to attack back. Suzie had a few near misses but quickly joined her sides back together knowing she had to save her energy to win this. “Is that all you got?” Suzie asked tauntingly at shredder. Shredder made a roundhouse kick attack at Suzie. Suzie was taken off guard by this and tried to block it with her paintbrush but her brush flew out of her hands and ended up broken a few feet away. “Oh crap…” Suzie said nervously, turning back to the shredder bringing out a small dagger she had incase for back up. Shredder got out more of his blades and began trying to go for stab attacks at Suzie. Suzie couldn't block well so attempted dodging most of them but only ended up slipping and feeling a sharp pain go into her side. Suzie froze, she felt the pain of death cut into her, she dropped down to her knees trembling slightly, placing her hand on her side only to see red blood show up on her gloves. Turning her gaze back to shredder she glared at him a little trying not to cry out in pain, “l-lucky hit,” suzie squeaked out as she tried not to let the darkness give in. Shredder stepped on Suzie not to let her move and got his blade out and looked at Glitch. “Give me the helmet piece, or she dies” Shredder said firmly, giving no other negotiations. “LET HER GO” Glitch yelled trying to attack Shredder but Shredder grabbed him by the neck and threw him on the ground maintaining his position. “Last chance” Shredder said, inching the blade closer to Suzie. “WAIT- wait” Glitch said hands in the air. “I- I don’t have it on me right now” Glitch explained as he and Shredder stared at each other face to face. “Glitch, don't t-t-tell m-me you h-h-had it-t?” Suzie asked, surprised weakly keeping her eyes open. “H-ha, i l-love a good p-p-plot twist,” Suzie said as she rudely stuck her tongue at shredder trying to squirm out of his grasp but quickly winced with the pain in her side. “Get the helmet piece now, and hurry up, or she will die” Shredder demanded firming his grasp even more. “OKAY, okay” Glitch said before he was about to use the knife to teleport back. He teleported back to his room with the knife, got the helmet piece and went back to Shredder. “It’s right here, just let her go,” Glitch said, trying to be reasonable. “You first,” Shredder said, not moving one bit. “ d-d-don't Give him t-t-that h-helmet, a-a-and g-go save y-y-ourself-f-f…” suzie said weakly trying to motion for glitch to run. “I won’t leave you, not again” Glitch said, trying not to cry. Glitch threw the helmet piece to Shredder. “Now, let her go,” Glitch said with his hands in the air. “Hmm, no” Shredder said about to stab Suzie when Glitch suddenly got his sword and went to attack Shredder. Shredder smacked Glitch out the way and stabbed Suzie again. “LIAR” Glitch said as his eyes turned red and he went into a complete rage. He punched Shredder so hard his armor cracked and he fell to the ground. “BOSS, GET HIM AND THE HELMET PIECE OUTTA HERE” the archer commanded before they left. “I-i- h-hate what-t-t diy-i-ng f-e-els l-ik-e…, i h-hate it-t…” Suzie whimpered out as she curled up wincing as tears started to roll down her cheeks. “No no NO, please Suzie I’m sorry, I am so so sorry” Glitch said while carrying Suzie back to her universe with his knife. “I-if..s-syntax s-see-s m-me h-e-e wi-l-l k-kill y-you…” Suzie whimpered quietly into glitches jacket. “If you die, then I also deserve to die, but I won't let that happen,” Glitch said while taking Suzie to the medical center. “HELP, HELP, SOMEONE PLEASE, SHE NEEDS HELP” Glitch said while carrying Suzie and yelling out for help while trying to hold in the tears but failing to do so. A few guards and nurses came rounding about to see what was the matter but froze in the sight of their creator. “QUICK ALERT THE LOYAL NINE!!! AND GO FIND ANY MAGIC HEALERS!!!” yelled one of the guards as some of the med people came running in to help. They managed to bring Suzie to a stabilizer room and they quickly bandaged any of the opened wounds. A few minutes passed and venom quickly teleported in the room and froze at the sight of suzie. “Glitch, w-what did you [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]do[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]?!” venom asked infuriated as both of his eyes glowed green. “I-I didn’t do this, I-I-I would never, never hurt her” Glitch said crying. Venom looked back at Suzie's limp body and started feeling tears form in his eye sockets. A few minutes passed and the rest of the loyal 9 except for syntax error showed up. “Oh my g-gosh is she going to be ok-k.” Scarlett asked in a shaky voice. “I need you guys to leave now my lords and ladies. She needs space,” said one of the med people as they shooed them out of the room. Venom was pacing like crazy in the hallway while the rest just sat in silence. “Now what..” Sarvia asked nervously, looking around at everyone. “Sigh, we must wait, only time will tell…” Leafeon said as her ears drooped. “W-what happened?” Frisk asked glitch sadly. “A man named Shredder is what happened” Glitch said while upset at hearing the name. “Shredder? Wh-” frisk started to ask before being interrupted “WELL IMA GIVE THAT SHREDDER GUY A PIECE OF MY MIND!!!” blade yelled angrily but frisk quickly tugged on his sleeve telling him to calm down. “I-if Suzie's other friends here about this, that shredder guy is going to get hunted down without mercy,” Scarlett said as she slowly petted skoogle mournfully. “He should be.” venom chimed in sourly. “Hey glitch, you're not looking so good, do you need some medical attention?” DJL asked as she skated over to him. “N-no, I just need to think,” Glitch replied. After what seemed to be hours one of the med persons walked out of the room looking down mournfully. “What's the news? How is she?” they all asked concerned and worried. “She is going to make it…”the med person replied. “Thank goodness,” Venom said as he sat down. “That is great news to hear indeed” Glitch said. “But..there is something else..” the med person added, taking in a deep breath. “Whatever she was stabbed by poisoned her blood system so it may take over two weeks to recover from that but thank goodness it wasnt fatal.” the med person said before walking back into the room. “I-im going to h-head back,” DJL said after another hour of sitting around. “Yeah we should all head back it's getting late.” venom said as all the friends began to leave slowly. “You coming glitch?” Frisk asked him as she offered him her hand. “I-I just need a minute is all” Glitch said while still sitting down. Ok then, I hope you can find your room from here.” frisk said before walking off. Glitch sat there deep in thought wondering what to do now, after hours of sitting he finally decided to get up and go to his room. He opened the door and fell on his bed thinking about what he should do. His world was destroyed and now he has nowhere to go. Glitch decided that he would try to meditate to clear his mind, and when he closed his eyes he felt himself floating. When Glitch opened his eyes he saw himself in a place that just seemed to be green space, he was confused and wondered where he was, but rather than ask himself questions just stayed there and floated for a little while. He opened his eyes and was right where he was before he entered the green room. “I wonder where I did go, and I wonder how many other things I can do, why did I go into a green world” Glitch thought to himself asking senseless and useless questions to himself before going to try again and going back to where he was. He was getting confused again and started trying to make sense of what was going on until he just decided to go back and get some sleep. “I don’t have time for worthless cycles, I perhaps need sleep” Glitch said before heading to bed to get sleep. While Glitch was sleeping he woke up and heard noises outside and was no longer in Suzie’s castle. He went outside and saw men with white armor using what seemed to be to him laser guns and shooting guys with laser swords. “Execute order 66” said a strange voice that Glitch wasn’t aware of. One of the armored men was fighting a guy with a laser sword and during the battle got knocked on the ground and beheaded. This terrified Glitch as the helmet rolled towards him and Glitch for some reason picked it up. Glitch was asking himself. “Is this perhaps a vision of my fate, of what will happen to me, or am I becoming more insane” Glitch said before waking up, he still had the image of the helmet in his mind and wondered what it meant. “Maybe I should go sleep in that special bed Suzie was talking about, I’m going crazy” Glitch said while leaving his own room and going to Suzie’s special dream bed. The halls of the castle didn't seem to cast much vibrant colors anymore in fact the walls seemed to be fading into a gray color. “This place seems to be fading away, I’ve never seen it so dry,” Glitch said while walking through the halls. There was a guard positioned outside of Suzie's room standing there but he looked lost in a way. Glitch saw the guard and wanted to ask for permission to sleep in the room, but didn’t think the guard would say anything because of the news of his creator. “Hey you happen to be glitch, the one everyone is talking about?” the guard asked, suddenly stopping him. “Yes, I am Glitch,” Glitch replied. “I would like to thank you for saving the empress…even if she came close to the jaws of death..thank you so much..” the guard said as he stepped out of the way allowing glitch to walk through. “Of course, I only wish I could have done more,” Glitch said while entering the room. The room was slightly picked up a little but not as much and Suzie's bed happened to be unmade along with the note on her night stand she left out. Glitch was too tired to fully make the bed and went in it hoping for peaceful sleep. He had a dream that he woke and that everything was back to normal, that Suzie was okay and that they won the war. “We did it sir, we finally did it” a man in black and green armor said, looking similar to the other armored guy with the laser guns that Glitch saw. “I can’t believe we won,” Glitch said before waking up. “Who was that armored guy, wait, NO, I just woke up before I got more answers, let me try to go back to sleep” Glitch said before going back to sleep. When Glitch saw the dream it was the opposite of the one before, instead of them winning they lost devastatingly. “Now now, come on Glitch, did you honestly think you could beat me, the master or evil, LORD MALICE” the being said. This being was not vivid in Glitch’s dream but it stabbed Glitch and knocked him off a 6 story building leaving the sword in Glitch’s stomach. Right before Glitch hit the ground he woke up in fear. “No, so we still could lose, how can we win this fight that we don’t even know how to face” Glitch said while putting his hands on his head. “I-I really don’t wanna do this now, screw it i'm going back to sleep until morning, then I’ll come up with my plan and crap” Glitch said before going back to sleep with no dreams. Suzie woke up and peeked around realizing she was in a stabilizer. Everything hurt but realizing no one was around she decided to leave knowing that she should be meeting with the bad sans soon. She tried crawling out of her bed but collapsed on the floor due to the increasing pain on her side. She managed to stand up gripping on to the walls as she slowly staggered out of the room trembling with every step trying to ignore the stabbing pain she felt. Finally she made it down to the kitchens only to find a note on the fridge saying that they wouldn't be able to make it. Suzie grumbled at this since she struggled this far anyways. Mustering up enough strength she decided to head to her room. With every step she took she tried to hold her wait against the walls. Finally she made it to the door of her room seeing a guard asleep. Quietly she snuck past the guard and quickly shut the door behind her. The room was very dark and she didn't notice the presence of someone else in her bed till she collapsed in it weakly whimpering a little. “Who is that?” Glitch asked as he woke up. Suzie weakly tugged at the sheets but gave up since it hurt so much to move. Glitch got out of bed and saw Suzie on the ground and was in shock. “SUZIE '' Glitch said while helping her and getting her on the bed to rest. “You're okay, but why are you out of bed?” Glitch asked. “Your-r ok..'' Suzie said, relieved as she limply laid in her bed squeezing her eyes shut trying to ignore the sharp pain in her side. “I am fine, we were all worried about you after what happened” Glitch said. “The o-only thing I'm worried about is you…” Suzie said weakly, smiling trying not to whimper out in pain as she curled up. “I’m fine, there is nothing to worry about '' but everyone will be relieved once they know you are awake, but I must return you back to the Med room until you are fully recovered” Glitch explained as he tried to carry her. Suzie weakly tried to push him away, “n-no, i'm not going back there,'' Suzie said weakly, trying to pull herself away. “You must until you have gained all your strength back, you could hurt yourself more and become weaker otherwise” Glitch said as he teleported back to the med room using the knife and placed Suzie on the bed. “I said no…” Suzie said upset as she weakly tried to get out but collapsed on the floor. “Stop, this is what I was talking about, you need to recover, '' Glitch said carefully, putting Suzie on the bed. “I refuse,” Suzie said, continually trying to get off the bed. “Don’t make me get Venom, although I should probably get everyone so they can talk with you” Glitch said, making sure Suzie doesn’t fall again. “I j-just want to sle-ep in my b-bed,'' Suzie said, whimpering at him. “Don’t move, look I’ll go get the doctors and they will tell you what’s best or not” Glitch said while notifying medical staff about Suzie. The med people rushed in to see how she was but Suzie ordered them to leave immediately. The med people stared at her shocked and tried to argue but suzie strictly told them to get out with all the strength she could muster. They nodded and quickly walked out leaving Suzie and Glitch alone. “Now, if y-you will excuse me I will be heading to my room…” Suzie said as she wobbled off the bed. Glitch stood there dumbfounded by what he witnessed. “I-I cannot stop you, this isn’t my rule after all” Glitch said while putting his hands in his pockets. Suzie tried to grip on to the walls as she struggled to get out of the room. “What is so special in your room you don’t care about your own health?” Glitch asked curiously. “I um…just hate sleeping feels like a sign of weakness,” suzie said weakly as she stared down at her feet. “Can I at least take you to your room?” Glitch offered. “Yes..that would be nice..” Suzie said as she weakly smiled at glitch gratefully. Glitch pulled out the knife and teleported him and Suzie to Suzie’s room. Suzie weakly walked over to her bed and painfully climbed into it, avoiding laying on her side. “Comfortable” Glitch asked. “Not really…” Suzie said longingly, looking at glitch. “There’s still a medical room open to ya” Glitch said while pointing his finger out the room. “Sigh, no..can you please stay with me?” Suzie whimpered hopefully. “Well, I will sit on the bed next to you,” Glitch said, taking a seat. Suzie tugged on his sleeve pulling herself closer to him feeling comforted by his presence. “What do we do?” Glitch asked, sounding worried. “Sleep of course..” Suzie said as she brought her head over onto his lap. “No I mean, about our enemies, we know Shredder is out there, the dude beat us and he doesn’t even posses any super powers, what if he gets powers, I may have punched him but he could still be out there” Glitch said putting his hand on Suzie with an expression emotionlessness. “T-that f-fight fault..i got over confident and spared them thinking that we could explain to them what happened, i was wrong…” suzie said upset as she sighed out loud. “Maybe the archer and the swordsman, but Shredder wasn’t playing around” Glitch said while thinking about how to stop the villains. “I could have easily beat him if i didn't do hand to hand combat and if…'' Suzie slowly stopped talking, remembering the paintbrush she had which she used to channel her powers through. Suzie shut her eyes trying not to think about her long lost paintbrush but maybe if she could find it then she could ask ink sans to fix it. “We can no longer underestimate our enemies, that is why we failed, always face your enemy like they are more powerful than you, but with the mindset that you must and will beat them” Glitch said. “Well would you look at that..” Suzie said happily, snuggling her face deeper into his lap, “the student has now become the teacher,'' Suzie said, a little muffled. “Aww, well” Glitch said while blushing a little, because of what Suzie was doing and saying. “Who knows, maybe you will be able to teach others just like you who need help.” Suzie said, snuggling even deeper. Glitch started glowing radiantly green. “OKAY, I GOT TO USE THE WASHROOM” Glitch said while standing up and about to leave. “Do you want me to grab you a drink or something to eat?” Glitch asked. Suzie tumbled out of the bed by the sudden movement and landed on the floor yelping in pain. “(GLITCH) SORRY, SORRY” Glitch said, picking her up and putting her back on the bed. “Ow, you're good…ow” Suzie said, squeezing her eyes shut. “I-I’m sorry” Glitch said while his eyes turned red as he got mad at himself. “Y-your g-good, a cup of water would be nice,” suzie said smiling up at him sheepishly. Glitch closed the door and went to get a cup of water for Suzie. “C’mon Glitch, stop messing up, DANG IT ME” Glitch said upset at himself while taking the water and returning back to Suzie’s room. “Thanks,” Suzie said as she sat up wincing a little as she took the cup thirstily drinking from it. Glitch sat back on the bed and began playing with strings again to see what they were supposed to do. “How are you doing that? Suzie asked curiously as she laid her head on his shoulder watching him play with the strings. Glitch would be careful to not knock over Suzie if he moves this time. “I’m trying to figure out what the purpose of these strings are, I tried to use them to destroy but all they do is wrap around each other, what is this supposed to be yarn” Glitch said annoyed at the strings. Suzie giggled and quickly pecked him on the cheek, “you will figure it out.” she said snuggling next to him. “But what is it, it’s very frustrating to try and figure it out” Glitch said while still playing with the strings. “Maybe it's strings like error sans or syntax error has.” Suzie said as she slowly closed her eyes. “If that was so , they would be more useful in battle rather than tying like shoe laces” Glitch said as he gave up on the strings for now. “You will figure it out eventually,” said as she felt for his hand and slowly closed her hands over his. Glitch thought to himself how the strings worked for a little while but gave up the thought and decided to head to his room. He carefully placed Suzie back on her bed and closed the door behind him and was making his way back to his room. “He left me didn't he,” Suzie grumbled to herself as she laid limp in her bed. “What do I do now, what do I do now” Glitch kept asking himself as he approached his room but saw a guard standing at his door. “Um sir, is there a reason you're at my room door?” Glitch asked curiously. “GLITCH! WE NEED YOUR HELP, IT’S URGENT, SHREDDER AND THE OTHERS ARE CLOSE TO FINDING US” the guard yelled to Glitch. “WHAT, HOW?” Glitch questioned. “I don’t know, but you must follow me at once” the guard said while motioning Glitch to follow him. They both entered a portal which led them back to where Glitch was when he was getting his weapons enchanted. “Wait, what are we doing here?” Glitch asked. “Oh you’ll see, GET HIM” the guard said before changing its form to one of the giant big creatures. They all swarmed Glitch and wrapped him in a cocoon and were flying Glitch back to their hive. Glitch woke up stuck on the ceiling in a cocoon half wrapped up hearing arguments below him. “The heck is going on now” Glitch asked himself. The other bugs saw he was awake and knocked him to the ground and held him down. “YOU, YOU WERE ONE OF THOSE THAT FREED THE gODS” the creature said angrily. “What are you talking about gods, are you polytheistic or something” Glitch asked confused. “Fool, do you not even understand what you and the archer and that swordsman have done, YOU HAVE BROUGHT DOOM AGAINST US ALL” the creature said right to Glitch’s face. “I didn’t do anything to you, what are you even talking about” Glitch asked. “Don’t lie to me, when you took that piece of the fractured helmet you freed everything it was containing, INCLUDING ALL THE EVILS, you freed the goddess of the moon and the goddess of the sun” the creature explained angrily. “I don’t believe in multiple gods, that seems like human mythology honestly” Glitch said not believing the creature. “The point is because of you and your friends we are all in danger AND WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE” the creature said hissing and Glitch and all of the other creatures began cornering him. “Listen, I think there’s a huge misunderstanding. You see those guys weren’t my friends they tried to kill me in fact, besides if you kill me then these beings are still gonna kill you” Glitch said while cornered. “I wasn’t going to kill you, I was going to EAT YOU” the creature said before turning into an angry bear. Glitch got his sword out and stabbed the bear in the leg and tried to teleport out but his powers stopped working. “What the-REALLY NOW” Glitch said as he tried to escape but kept failing to find an exit. “I am definitely gonna kill you now” the bear said before going in for another strike. This time Glitch blocked the attack but the impact knocked him on the ground. Suddenly there was an earthquake and everyone fell to the ground. “They are here, the gods are here” the creature said while shaking in fear. “What’s here?” Glitch asked before seeing all the creatures fall away. Suddenly the ground broke and out of it came a shadowy midst. The midst began to form eyes with purple fire around them. It looked at Glitch and then began to take its form. “Finally, I’ve been trapped for an eternity” the midst said while completing its form. “H-hey dude I uh, I’m not sure what you're planning on doing but I’m p-probably not your enemy” Glitch said while picking up a rock for his defense since his powers weren’t working. “Haha, you, I don’t even know you, but I do know I have business to get done that doesn’t involve you” the midst said while leaving. “Oh, at least that’s over now” Glitch said about finding the way out when another earthquake came out of nowhere again. “THE (GLITCH) IS IT NOW, THIS IS GETTING OLD” Glitch said while seeing a giant black and gray like dragon appear from the ground with purple flames around its eyes and purple fire coming from its mouth. “Sorry, it’s just my pet” the man said while commanding the dragon to scratch the air which formed a portal which both of them took to leave. “That doesn’t look good, I gotta get back and warn Suzie about all this” Glitch said while summoning his sword somehow. “Wait, how did, no, no more questions I need to leave” Glitch said while getting his knife out and trying to use it to teleport. Instead the knife melted and Glitch dropped it as it did so. “Now what do I do?” Glitch said while leaving from the entrance the dragon made. “I need to get out of this crazy place” Glitch said while running and seeing it begin to snow rapidly. “What’s this, it wasn’t snowing before, or windy” Glitch said as he began shivering and hearing roaring in the distance. Glitch knew he had to leave and didn’t want to investigate to see what it was so used a portal to return home. He went back home, with a bunch of snow on him. “I don’t want to even know what happened, I am done with it all” Glitch said just wanting a break from all the chaos. The palace still seemed faded almost in shades of gray and was still very late in the night. “I must alert Suzie of what has happened, I must find out what is next” Glitch said as he walked to Suzie’s room. Glitch opened the door to Suzie’s room. “Suzie, when you heal we must all have a meeting, I fear the end comes closer and closer, we need a plan” Glitch said closing the door behind him. “Well that's great news to wake up to..” Suzie said sarcastically, weakly turning her head to look at him. “I’m not sure what the villains have in store but I am sure that we might have to prepare for a fight, so get your rest, we are all going to need rest to prepare” Glitch said seriously. Suzie sat up quickly but winced from the sharp pain digging into her side, “wel-l don't keep me in the dark, tell me how you know this?” Suzie asked, taking in a sharp breath trying to ignore the pain. “I-I don’t, all I know is the villains must be planning something, they wanted that helmet more than anything, I’m not sure what it does, but perhaps it could be to wipe out the universe I’m really not sure” Glitch said putting his hand on his head. “Sigh, look don't take this the wrong way but…why are you worrying if you are not sure if that even is going to happen?” Suzie asked as she patted her bedside indicating she wanted him to sit down. “I-I don’t know, I just have a feeling it might” Glitch said while sitting down. Suzie eyed him suspiciously “why are you now suddenly worrying about this, did something happen?” Suzie asked, sitting next to Glitch being careful not to make any sudden movements that might trigger her side. “All these villains have been showing up out of nowhere, don’t you think that might be a bad sign?” Glitch asked. “U-um really?” Suzie asked terrified if glitched figured out she was talking to the bad sans and conversing with them. “Yeah, but maybe you're right, maybe there is nothing going on and I’m just overthinking things,” Glitch said. “Yeah it's pretty late and I think you need sleep so we can have a fresh start tomorrow.” Suzie said, sighing with a bit of relief. “Perhaps” Glitch said before getting up and opening Suzie’s door. “Wait, you're leaving me again?!” Suzie blurted out but quickly shut her mouth. “You told me to get rest, I am going to go get rest” Glitch said. “Yeah but i thought i requested for you to stay with me…nah nevermind you can go get your rest..” suzie said turning her head away. “I don’t need sleep, I can just stay here” Glitch said, closing the door and staying in the room. “Y-you don't have to, you know..” Suzie said nervously, pulling her knees up to her chest. “Well to be honest sleep doesn’t really help, it would be better to be with people I care about anyway” Glitch said returning to sit on the bed. “T-that's very sweet of you glitch..” Suzie said as she made room on the bed for him. “Of course, I will wait for you while you recover,” Glitch said with a smile on his face. “Y-you realize that may take awhile, i don't have a gifted recovery system like yours.” Suzie said blushing at his cute smile. “Perhaps not, but I will wait for you anyway,” Glitch said. “Well alright if you really want to, but if you want any sleep my bed is open to you so you don't have to keep standing around.'' Suzie said smiling gratefully to have his presence here. “I will keep this in mind” Glitch said while winking at Suzie. “So um you wanna come in here or just keep standing around?...” Suzie asked a little awkwardly. “Well I don’t think I’m going to sleep but I’ll relax on the bed with you” Glitch said sitting on the bed. “Works for me.” Suzie said cheerfully as she gently laid down facing her head towards glitch smiling up at him. Glitch began clearing his mind while on Suzie’s bed trying not to think about any villains or anything else. “Your looking a bit stressed, or worried i can't tell with that expression.'' Suzie said, eyeing him a little. She quickly grabbed the hood of his hoodie and pulled him into a lying position next to her. “What the” Glitch said caught off guard as he was being pulled. Suzie just giggled a little and pulled the sheets over him. “W-what are you doing?” Glitch asked, still a little shocked. “Shhh” Suzie said, smirking a little, getting closer. Glitch still didn’t know what was going on and was still confused on what was going on. “Whats with the confused face?” Suzie asked playfully. “I-I can’t fully explain it” Glitch said while beginning to turn green, as if blushing. “Aww what cant you explain?” Suzie said looking into his gorgeous eyes. “I-it’s complicated,” Glitch said, putting his hand on the back of his head. “Complicated?” Suzie asked, placing her head on his chest still looking in his eyes lovingly. Glitch said nothing and started glowing green. “Aww what not going to answer me?” Suzie said playfully. “I c-can't," Glitch said, still green. “Why?” Suzie said as she snuggled closer to him. Glitch was so green the room began brightening up to the color. “I-I-I” Glitch said, stuttering. “How is your face doing that?” Suzie asked, fascinated as she placed both of her hands on his cheeks. “I-I don’t know” Glitch answered. “Woah, you're getting greener. Do you feel alright? " Suzie said, eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Y-yeah, I’m good,” Glitch said, trying to turn even more green. Suzie watched wide eyes as she moved her hands behind his neck pulling her face closer to him to get a better look. “I-is everything o-okay” Glitch asked as his face began turning green. “The color looks so beautiful like emeralds.” Suzie commented sitting up next to him. “T-thanks,” Glitch said, putting his hand behind his back to the compliment. “Why does it seem to get greener the closer I get but fade when I'm farther?” Suzie asked curiously, no longer tired but interested in this amazing magical thing glitch is doing. After a minute of being interested in his fascinating green color Suzie decided to lay back down on his chest wrapping her arms around his neck and slightly pulling herself up closer to his face. “Thanks for spending your time with me,” Suzie said, trying to resist the urge to wrap her legs around him to absorb the warm heat he was radiating. “N-no p-p-problem” Glitch said, still glowing. Suzie thought for a second and then realized “hey, if I think I'm too close you could just say so..” Suzie said gently unwrapping her arms. “G-gotcha” Glitch said, getting up and slowly losing the green glow. “Y-yeah s-s-sorry,” Suzie said, turning her back on him and silently started scolding herself. “T-thanks for the comfort though” Glitch said while looking back smiling. “Comfort?” Suzie asked, confused looking back at him. “Well it’s been stressful and I don’t know, it was just nice to have someone around who cares, ya know” Glitch tried to explain. “Of course, I care a lot about you..” Suzie said, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “So do I,” Glitch said, tightening his grip a little too. Suzie covered the blanket over him more “well at least allow me to keep you warm” Suzie said smiling still holding his warm and smooth hand. “Okay” Glitch said. Suzie closed her eyes feeling content and happy that glitch was still here and not back at his universe.[/font]
Post in: Lore
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