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by on May 17, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 12 Glitch the maker[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Suzie opened her eyes that the pain in the second stab went down a little but now it just really hurt to move her legs along with that side stab. Suzie looked over to see glitch who happened to also fall asleep by her. “Good morning Glitch~” Suzie said, whispering in his ear. “Good morning Suzie,” Glitch said, waking up. “I've been thinking about what you said last night and I think you are right, we need to prepare for what those villains are plotting.” Suzie said thoughtfully but seriously. “Then there is no more time for games, we must prepare immediately” Glitch said seriously. Suzie attempted to get out of bed but froze. “Oh crap, I gotta get to the med room,” Suzie said, lifting up her shirt to see that the bandages were soaked with blood as if the tissues in her skin must have torn overnight or something. “Do you want help?” Glitch asked. “I don't want you to use your magic this early in the morning so I will just walk,'' Suzie said as she carefully tried to push herself up off the bed but quickly grabbed her nightstand to support herself from the unexpected wave of pain from the wound. “O-on s-second thought, help would be nice.” Suzie stuttered trying not to whimper. Glitch grabbed Suzie lifting her up and used a portal to the med room and placed her on the bed. “Good heavens!” said one of the med people taken by surprise. “Hey um, a little help here,” Suzie asked, lifting up her shirt showing the soaked bandages. “Of course,” the med person said, rushing over and quickly taking off the bandages, cleaning it then applying new ones. “I suggest you stop walking around,” the med person said sternly. “What, why?” Suzie asked, confused. “Everytime you make sudden movement it tears through the tissues that are trying to regrow and your bloodstream is poisoned so the more you move the more it will spread to the point of…” the med person said not able to finish his sentence without suzie interrupting him. “Wait hold on, my BLOOD STREAM IS POISONED?!” Suzie asked, shocked and terrified at the news. “Y-yes, but if you would just stop walking around or maybe stay here then it should get better in 2 weeks.” the med person said firmly. “Oh gosh, well that doesnt help our cause glitch..” Suzie said sadly, looking up at him. “Do not worry, while you heal I will get stronger” Glitch said with a smile. “But i want to get stronger with you, my previous battle did not go well and left me like this..” suzie said determinedly making an effort to get off the bed. “Stop moving, look I will train now, but you need to rest if you want to get any better” Glitch explained. “But..I don't want to leave you.” Suzie said pleadingly, looking at him. “It’s only a couple of weeks if I don’t at least train during that and the villains find us we will be in grave danger” Glitch explained. “Can I at least watch you train?” Suzie asked hopefully. “I’m not really sure I can train in a medical room,” Glitch explained. “Well, unless there is a way for me to watch you train outside without walking or physically moving out of this room then i will think i will be fine.” Suzie pointed out happily. “You can try, but I should actually start training right now,” Glitch said as he stood up. “Well at least tell me where you will be training.” Suzie said quickly, grabbing his hand and giving it a tight squeeze. “Perhaps outside,” Glitch answered. “Great,” Suzie said happily. “Well I gotta start now, see you soon” Glitch said walking out the med room and closing the door. “Hey venom!” Suzie quickly yelled, waiting for a response. Venom appeared out of nowhere and quickly tackled hugged her. “Oh my gosh you're ok!!!” venom said, hugging Suzie tightly. “Cant-breath,” Suzie squeaked out. “Whoops sorry,” Venom said, scratching the back of his skull embarrassed. “Hey, I need your help right now,” Suzie said quickly. “Sure what is it?” Venom asked, sitting on the bedside. “ Can you help me get outside so I can watch glitch train?” Suzie asked pleadingly. “Aww someone wants to watch their crush train~” venom said teasingly. “V-venom.” Suzie said, starting to blush. “Don't worry I will figure out a way for you to see him,” Venom said winking. Glitch went outside and got his sword out and began running while carrying his sword back and forth careful to not drop it. As Glitch ran the first time with the sword he felt the weight of the sword and dropped it, so he picked it up and started over until he would be able to carry the sword without dropping it which took him hours and hours on end. Suddenly venom and suzie teleported outside near the place glitch was training. Venom was holding suzie bridal style so she didn't have to walk. He gently placed her on the ground and sat next to her so that they could watch glitch training intently. When Glitch had run again after hours of running with his sword he no longer felt the weight of it and ran very easily and fast, he started adding portals to run through so he could have a new type of dodge. “Wow, that's pretty good,” Venom complimented and Suzie nodded in agreement. Glitch continued to train and began adding swings with his sword while he was running and teleporting until Glitch got tired of running and took a break. “Ima be right back,” venom said teleporting off. A few seconds later he came back holding a can of lemonade. He took a step back and threw it as hard as he could and it landed only a few feet away from glitch , only denting a little. “What is that?” Glitch asked. Venom sat down again proud of his incredible throw. “It would have been tragic if you had accidently hit him,” Suzie said, smirking a little. “But I didn't,” Venom pointed out happily. Glitch didn’t take the drink and sat in a criss-cross position and put his hands on his legs and closed his eyes to clear his mind again. “Did you think he saw it?” Suzie asked, confused. Venom grumbled, quickly teleporting away and coming back with an armful of lemonade cans. This time venom took careful aim and threw it so hard and fast it nearly hit glitch in the head but whizzed right by him. “There now he must have seen it,” Venom said sitting down. “If you hit him, that makes him lose a ton of hp,” Suzie said, rolling her eyes. Glitch heard the lemonade go by his head but ignored it and continued to meditate. “Oh come on,” Venom growled, this time trying to throw it in his lap without hitting him in the head. “That kid will be dehydrated if he doesn't drink something,” Venom threw it but it only landed next to him. Glitch got annoyed at them and yelled. “STOP THROWING THE DANG DRINKS I'M FREAKING TRAINING” Glitch yelled then closing his eyes and getting back into a meditation. Suzie pulled venom back to the ground, “yeah venom stop throwing the dang drinks he is freaking training,” Suzie said playfully. Venom just rolled his eyes and laid on the ground as a few dozen rainbow sheep came over to check them out. As Glitch began to meditate he felt himself floating again but didn’t open his eyes or ask any questions. He began to feel his hand extend and didn’t stop it. Glitch was however no longer on grass but was in some sort of pocket dimension. “What the?” Suzie asked bewildered at what glitch was doing, venom also was staring curiously at glitch's ability he was showing. Glitch felt strings coming through his fingertips but didn’t open his eyes to look and instead just let it happen. As he continued to use his strings he didn’t see that the strings began to make a human-like form. “You didn't tell me he is a creator?” Venom asked, fascinated “h-he's not,” suzie said staring wide eyed. Glitch began to finish making the human-like figure who had black and neon green armor on and a helmet and fell to the ground. “G-gah w-w-what?!” Suzie and Venom said bewildered and even more confused. Glitch got out of his meditative state and saw that he had created a human. The guy with armor got up and was shocked at what he saw. “WHAT THE HELL” the guy yelled before getting his guns out and aiming them at Glitch in fear. Venom saw this and quickly teleported down there using his magic to try and grab that beings soul to pin him but didn't feel or find a soul for his magic to grab on to. “Don't fire!” venom yelled, turning the creature's attention on him. “What is going on?” the guy asked, aiming his gun at Venom and Glitch and backing up. “Hey, calm down, calm down, I’m not gonna hurt you” Glitch said, grabbing his sword and putting it on the ground slowly. Suzie made a portal and rolled into it but accidentally almost knocked into venom, wincing a lot at the sudden impact. “H-hey it's alright we won't hurt you,'' Suzie said, getting to her knees weakly looking up at him. “What is going on?” the guy said, still backing up. “Listen, we are all still figuring that out, just calm down and put your guns away” Glitch said trying to calm things down. “Not until you tell me what is going on, who are you, who am I, where am I” the guy asked. “You are in the plains of hue,” Suzie exclaimed as venom helped her to her feet, letting Suzie relax her weight on him. “You were just created into existence by glitch,” venom said gesturing over to glitch. “Created, what are you talking about” the guy said confused. “Listen, I didn’t know I was a creator, or I guess maker, but the point is I am not your enemy, just put your guns away and let’s talk okay” Glitch explained. “P-please we only want to help you,” suzie said softly, kindly looking at him. “You promise?” the guy asked, looking at Glitch still aiming at him. “Yes, we can talk this out, just put the weapons away” Glitch said reasonably. The guy thought about it and nodded his head in agreement and put his guns away. “Well then where are my manners, my name is venom.” venom said, reaching out his hand to greet him properly. “Thanks, but we aren't shaking yet, just solute” the guy said, saluting to Venom. Venom shrugged and saluted back. “My name is Suzie, empress of the celestial zone which is where you are now,” Suzie said, smiling meekly and saluting at him. “Pleasure to meet you” the guy said, saluting back. “My name's Glitch, I’m not from here though, but I still salute” Glitch said saluting to the guy. “Nice to meet you all, if I remember correctly actually I think my name was CT-8245, I think” the guy said saluting to them all. “I think we are going to have to find you a nickname. I am not the best at remembering those types of names.” Venom said, putting his hand behind his head embarrassed. “I prefer to be called by my real name thank you” the guy said looking at Venom. “Alright then CT-8254 it is,” Venom said smiling. Suzie's face palmed and venom looked at her a little confused. “Nah, I think for once Venom is right” Glitch said looking at the CT-8245. “Well i will call you CT-8245 if that's what you prefer” suzie chimed in kindly. “I don’t know, how bout something like, Gunguy, or Bombshell, or Slicer or-“ Glitch said before being cut off. “Wait what was the one name you said” the guy asked. “Gunguy,” Glitch asked. “No, the other one,” the guy asked. “You mean Slicer?” Glitch asked. “No no no, the other one” the guy asked. “Bombshell,” Glitch asked. “Yeah, Bombshell I like that, call me Bombshell” Bombshell requested. “Alright then, Bombshell,” Glitch said, winking at him. “Bombshell,” Suzie said thoughtfully. “I like it, it has a very awesome ring to it,” Suzie said happily, smiling at him. “Hey, maybe we can head inside bombshell might be hungry," Venom said as his non-existent stomach began to growl and Suzie snickered at him a little. “I guess I could grab a small bite to eat,” Bombshell said, taking off his helmet revealing a bald guy with a green stripe on his face. “Great,” Venom said, scooping up Suzie into a bridal carrying position and started walking to the palace. “Come along, glitch and bombshell lunch should be served out in the great hall soon and maybe we can meet the animatronics also.” Suzie said, looking over venom’s shoulder, smiling at them both happy to have more people over and even possibly a new friend. “What are you all eating for lunch exactly?” Bombshell asked. “Depends on what the kitchen is making, but today I'm pretty sure it was going to be sandwiches,” Suzie said happily smiling at Bombshell. “I guess a sandwich wouldn’t hurt,” Bombshell said. “Great,” Suzie said cheerfully as they entered the dining hall and all sat down. “Ah, just the person I was looking for,” said the head chef as she walked in carrying a tray of sandwiches. “Your majesty,” she said, handing her the note that was left in the kitchen from the bad sans. “T-thanks,” Suzie said quickly, snatching it and crumpling it up and sticking it in her pocket. “Maybe if you are trying to hold meetings don't do it in my KITCHEN.” the chef said angrily storming off. “Well help yourselves guys” Suzie said awkwardly. Bombshell grabbed a sandwich and took his helmet off and put it beside him so he could eat. Glitch grabbed a sandwich and began to eat as well. “So what is this about?” Venom asked Suzie while eating his sandwich. “What?” Suzie asked nervously. “The meetings you're holding in the kitchen, who are you meeting with?” venom asked curiously. “Just um…a few of the bad sans,” Suzie mumbled under her breath. “What did you say?” Glitch asked, looking at Suzie. “Um…” Suzie began to sweat nervously. “I-i's nothing really..” Suzie said, looking down. “Right, well anyways Bombshell, I just started training today, and you look like a soldier, maybe you and I should train” Glitch asked looking at Bombshell. “I actually don’t have a prior memory of training, or really much else, I barely remembered my old name, but even then was it my name” Bombshell asked. “I mean, you look like a guy I saw in one of my dreams, but there were a bunch of you, and you guys had white armor,” Glitch explained. “I don’t know anyone else who has this armor or anything like that, I barely even know how to use a blaster to be honest” Bombshell explained. “Well I'm sure we can help you figure it out,'' Suzie said, patting bombshell’s hand." Though I got a feeling that you were created in the image of those people that glitch described,"Suzie said thoughtfully. “Listen I don’t need any of your guys help to figure out who or what I am, I can do it myself I’m sure” Bombshell said a little overwhelmed and upset on what he might be. “Oh and one more thing, to everyone, never touch me” Bombshell said before leaving and putting his helmet on. “Dude what?” Glitch said confused. “Ah suzie this one might be hard for you to tame,” venom said, nudging her. “I do not know what you are talking about,” Suzie said before getting up and following bombshell. Venom leaned over to glitch whispering, “Suzie has a habit of mothering any new creations. It's nothing personal, just a creator's instinct I think,"Venom said, smirking a little. “Not my creations, this one is my responsibility” Glitch before going after Bombshell. “Or maybe you too could work together like parents,” Venom yelled back before snickering his head off. “HECK NO,” Glitch yelled sternly and seriously before catching up to Bombshell. “Hey dude, why are you leaving?” Glitch asked. “I’m trying to find out what you were talking about, only so I can prove I’m not a white armored guy like you were talking about” Bombshell explained. “Why, it’s not bad if you're an inspiration from another existing being” Glitch explained but Bombshell continued to walk away. “He just needs alone time to think,” Suzie said quietly, watching him walk away. “Either way I think he is very unique, inspiration or not.” Suzie said proudly, looking at glitch. “I am very impressed, I didn't know you were a maker,” Suzie said proudly. “Neither did I, but hopefully my creation doesn’t hate what he is” Glitch said looking at Bombshell walk off. “I don't see why he would, he was made by an awesome person and there are a whole lot of opportunities for him to make friends here,”suzie said happily. “Sure, as long as he trains with me so he will be ready for battle if it may come our way” Glitch explained. “Only if he wants to, we shouldn't force him since this is all new to him,” suzie said worriedly. “I won't, it's all up to him” Glitch said. “I probably shouldn't be walking right now…” Suzie said face palming, releasing she had blood poisoning and this would only make it worse. “Well too late now I guess,” Suzie said, ignoring her situation as she followed bombshell limping a little from a distance making sure he wouldn't get lost in the castle or encounter syntax error and have him wiped out of existence or worse tortured. After suzie was a little ways off venom teleported next to glitch. “Ah~, such a mother hen who is always looking after those who are confused and lost. Reminds me of someone who got chased here by the bad sans and now is under her wing of protection,” venom said playfully, nudging glitch. “Good luck trying to keep all the responsibility of your creation to yourself, as long as you and your creation are here she will be non stop trying to help, even if you do leave.” venom pointed out as he smirked at glitch. “Although you should probably stop her from continuously walking, she is going to get even more hurt.” venom said, glancing after suzie. “Ima go distract syntax error from coming here, you and your future mate can go take care of your creation, it will be great practice once you guys become parents~,” venom said while snickering and by venom’s face you could guess this was very entertaining.“Shut up Venom” Glitch said while walking to go find Bombshell. “Hehe, but glitch~ i see a great opportunity for you~” venom said snickering a little more pointing his finger at him. “I don’t have time for your jokes, I got a job to do” Glitch said teleporting to find Bombshell. “Ah my sweet little friend, alas it was not a joke,” venom said thoughtfully before he teleported to go find syntax error and keep him busy from visiting the capitol. Glitch soon found bombshell and decided to talk to him. Suzie was just watching him from a distance keeping a look out for some certain people but glanced over once she saw glitch come. “Bombshell listen, maybe I should show you something, your inspiration if you may so we both get a better understanding of who you are” Glitch said while looking at Bombshell. “Do I really want to know who I am?” Bombshell asked. “Well i'm sure you would be happy to find out, it can’t be bad after all” Glitch said while winking at Bombshell. “I suppose it can’t be, I hope” Bombshell answered. “Mind if I tag along?” Suzie asked as she walked over to them “I too am very curious on what this inspiration came from,” Suzie said cheerfully, smiling at both of them. “No, you're not allowed to be walking, or you will get poisoned and I’m sure there will be walking where we are going,” Glitch explained. “What, oh come on? I have survived this long. I am sure I will be fine.” Suzie said, pouting a little. “I’m not risking it, I told you I want a quick recovery for what may come, we need to have everyone healed and prepared” Glitch said sternly. “But it's my responsibility to take care of you. Who would be there to help you if you get attacked?” Suzie asked not backing down and staying here like a weakling. “I am getting stronger, I don’t need protection, if anything Bombshell would be the one who needs it” Glitch said being stern. “Hey,” Bombshell said, looking at Glitch. “But I don't want to leave you to figure this out by yourself, even if bombshell is with you,” Suzie said desperately, looking at glitch. “This is my journey and my creation, I will help him my way, that is my final say” Glitch said not backing down. “Don’t get it twisted, I am not your slave Glitch, you may have created me but you don’t control me, keep that in mind” Bombshell said. “I…just want to come with you is all..” suzie said looking down sadly. “Look, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, you could get poisoned and it’s not worth risking, there is no need to” Glitch said trying to get Suzie to understand. “I don't really care if i get more poisoned or not, i care that you are safe,” suzie said, wiping her eyes a little. “Guys, we’ve been sitting here for a little while making no progress with all due respect. Could you guys hurry this up” Bombshell said, getting annoyed. “We will leave when Suzie makes it back to her bed so she can rest and get better,” Glitch explained. “You are leaving me no choice are you?” Suzie asked sadly. “Nope, I refuse for you to get hurt, you're too valuable and important” Glitch explained. “Sigh..fine but i'm going to go find a way for me to get cured without having to sit around on a bed,” suzie said, giving in and limping away moping a little. “Okay,” Glitch said, walking away with Bombshell and with hands in his pockets. Suzie finally reached her room and flopped on her bed. She knew there was an easy way to cure herself but it would involve asking one of the bad sans. She rummaged through one of her drawers and pulled out a neatly folded paper. She unfolded it to reveal instructions on how to summon bill sans. She quickly found a nearby red spray can and started drawing a summoning circle. Suzie wasnt a fan of summoning people in her room but she considered this an emergency. After she completed drawing out the circle it started to glow blue fire around it and bill sans cipher appeared through it. “Well looky here, took you forever to even bother with connecting with me paint freak,” Bill's raspy voice said while he floated above the ground. “Um, long time no see bill,” Suzie said, waving nervously. “So watcha need, I got a feeling you didn't just summon me to talk,'' Bill said, eyeing her suspiciously. “Right, I was wondering if you could help me with my health right now,” Suzie asked nervously, showing him the bandages around her waist. “Who in hell's name did that to you?!” Bill said, shocked covering his mouth. “Eh long story short i got speared with by someone named shredder..” Suzie said, a little embarrassed. “No he did not!!” Bill said furiously, turning red. “You are an all seeing monster. Do you know who that is?” Suzie asked curiously. “Know him? HA I happen to be working with him along with the kraang,"Bill said, losing his red color a bit and turning back to his normal yellow color. “So this shredder guy works with the kraang?” Suzie asked, surprised. “Indeed,” Bill said, scowling a little. “But nevermind that i cant say to much or i might break a deal with nightmare.'' Bill sans shrugging it off. “So will you still help me?” Suzie asked nervously. “Of course I can,” Bill said, sticking out his hand and a blue flame encircling it. “Without making a deal that will probably sell my soul?” Suzie asked, rolling her eyes at this. “It was worth a shot,” Bill said, chuckling as he made the flame disappear. Bill snapped his fingers and the bandages vanished along with the wound and blood poisoning. “Thanks you're the best,” Suzie said happily, no longer feeling any pain. “Indeed I am, I hope to see you tomorrow for the game night,” Bill said, floating upside down happy to see Suzie in better condition. “I will, bye,” Suzie said, waving off to him. “Oh and remember. Reality is an illusion, life is a hologram. Buy gold BYE!!” Bill said as he vanished back to nightmares castle. Suzie was glad she was in better condition though she might have some explaining to do when she finds glitch. Suzie grabbed one of her markers from her necklace and drew herself a portal to where she could sense glitches soul in hopes of seeing the inspiration too. “Do you know where we are even going to find out what or who I am?” Bombshell asked. “Well maybe I can use my portal and we can find it. The last time I found a universe I was in a dream but maybe we can find it in real life using this portal that looks like the one from my dream,” Glitch explained. “I hope you're right, let’s go then” Bombshell said ready to find out what he is. Glitch and Bombshell both walked through Glitch’s portal to find themselves in a snowy like planet, it seemed like the sun was setting and up ahead they heard noises. “Why aren’t we cold, it’s snowing hard out here” Bombshell asked. “We aren’t actually here I think, maybe it’s just our bodies, or minds perhaps” Glitch said as they heard noises and looked up ahead. “Do you see that?” Bombshell asked as they saw two robots come through the fog. “Sir they are coming right at us, what do we do?” a Commander droid asked. “Hold position and open fire” the tactical droid said with a very deep voice and gesturing his hand to open fire. A tank that pulled up behind the droids came and began shooting. “LOOK OUT” Bombshell said dodging the blast and falling but not feeling the snow. Blaster fire however came back to the droids as well as rockets from a rocket launcher which destroyed the tank. “They aren’t firing at us, they are firing at them” Glitch said while pointing to the men he saw in his dreams which also had a guy with a green laser sword leading the charge. “Come on brothers, let's get rid of these clankers' ' the commander clone said before opening fire with his blaster. “There are more like me” Bombshell said, surprised and seeing all the clones working together when they finally stopped firing. “The bridge has been taken general” the commander said, saluting. “Excellent work, our job here is almost done, soon this war will finally end” the General said happily but seriously. “Hold on sir, I gotta take this” the commander said before walking off and pulling out a mini halo projector. A man wrapped in black appeared on the halo projector and began to speak. “Commander, the time has come, execute order 66” the man said before the clone turned off the projector and raised his gun and everyone began firing at the General. “WHAT THE HELL” Bombshell said shocked. The General tried to defend himself but was shot off the bridge. “WHAT JUST HAPPENED, WHY DID-” Bombshell said before another Clone began to speak. “We have new orders, the jedi betrayed us, any and all jedi found shall be executed, anyone who defies this order will also be executed, understood” the commander asked. “SIR YES SIR” the clones all answered but one. “But sir, we don’t even know what's going on, why would-” the random clone said before getting shot in the head by the commander. “Anyone else have something to say?” the commander asked with no one else speaking. “That's what I thought, let's move out” the commander said before him and all the other clones walked off. “Is that who I’m meant to be?” Bombshell asked, taking his helmet off in disbelief. “N-no, that's not you I’m honestly not sure what happened okay, why don’t we-” Glitch said before Bombshell interrupted him. “Glitch, if you don’t mind I just need a minute to think” Bombshell requested. “I understand” Glitch said not leaving but sitting and being silent. Suzie made her portal come a little higher than the ground so it sent her plummeting into the snow. “Good heavens, that's cold,” Suzie said, leaping up. She quickly scanned around to see if she could find glitch but found bombshell instead so she decided to go see him. “Heya bombshell,” Suzie said, running over to him waving. Bombshell didn’t reply or even look back. “Hey is everything alright?” Suzie asked, a little worried, stopping by him. “Let me ask you a question, if one of your troops' leaders commits treason, is it reasonable to kill them” Bombshell asked, still not looking back. “That's a loaded question there, you should never kill your own kin,” suzie said. “Then why did the commander just kill his General” Bombshell asked. “M-maybe he is scared of higher authorities or consequences if he didnt..” Suzie said thinking deeply about that question. “But that is a morally cowardly thing to do, i believe it is okay to question some orders if it has a logical reason behind it,” suzie exclaimed as she tried to warm her hands. “I don’t understand why he killed his General and one of his own soldiers for questioning the order, what did he say again, order 66 I think, but thinking about it gives me a headache” Bombshell said putting his hand on his head. Suzie reached out her hand to give him a comforting pat on the shoulder but quickly drew it back remembering he wasn't the type of guy who liked that. “Well I've got a feeling there is a deeper meaning to why that commander did what he did,” Suzie exclaimed trying to think of what the full picture could have been. “Good-good soldiers, s-sorry I think I just want to go back to fully think about this, also why are you cold, Glitch didn’t actually take us out here” Bombshell asked curiously. “What do you mean..” Suzie asked, confused since she could feel the cold snow but not bombshell. “Glitch didn’t actually take us here, that’s why the other guys couldn’t see us, wait who are those guys behind you” Bombshell asked as clones approached Suzie going her way. “Hey girl, move out the way there are separatist ahead” the clone said, motioning for her to move. Suzie ignored them and quickly tried to touch bombshell but her hand fazed right through him, “crap,” Suzie said, realizing that they were between different dimensions like a pocket dimension or something. “I seem to have fully come into this universe, i didn't know glitch was able to travel through pocket dimensions,” suzie said face palming. “GIRL MOVE, we have a tank and need to get it across the bridge to finish this battle” the Clone said pointing at the tank. “S-sorry suzie said as she grabbed three of her markers and quickly made a paint like dragon which she hopped on and quickly soared above the tanks to see what was going on. “Sir, are you sure she isn’t a jedi?” one of the clones asked. “Jedi can’t fly, now quit asking questions and continue driving” the commander said pointing forward as the tank crossed the bridge. Suzie soared close by curios on what was happening, though a little worried about that village over there. She flew near one of the big tanks to get a better view of it. “G-gosh, must it be so cold, and those guys look a whole lot like bombshell so i'm guessing this is where the inspiration came from,"Suzie wondered out loud. She decided to fly closer to some of the clones to get a better look. “Sir the separatists are taking refuge at that village, how do we proceed?” a clone asked. “Open fire on the village” the commander ordered. “But sir, the civilians,” the clone said, trying to plead to the commander. “I said OPEN FIRE,” the commander said sternly. “Yes sir” the clone said before firing a barrage of blaster bolts and grenades at the village. “Oh no, those people are going to get killed!” Suzie said, shocked. She sped off towards the village. Without hesitation she quickly recreated another paintbrush just like her old one and set to work using it to make a huge wall protecting the village. “There, that should hold them,” Suzie said a little relieved. “Sir the separatists have a wall to protect the village, what do we do?” the trooper asked. “Orbital strike, now” the commander ordered. The clone called the ship from the sky and ordered it to fire at the village. The ship began shooting rapidly at the village with lightning speed blaster bolts. “Oh come on,” Suzie groned. She wasn't about to let this poor village be wiped out so she made a portal above it so no harm could get through to it. “Guess this is my training for today,” Suzie said, trying to think optimistically of this position she is in right now. “The hell is going on,” the commander said, annoyed and looking outside to see a portal. “These separatists don’t give up huh, wait, whose ship is that” the commander said seeing a ship with a robed man walk out of it with a hood over his head. “I think that’s lord Vader” the commander said, leaving the tank to greet him. “Commander, care to explain to me why the village is still standing with separatists” Vader asked. “I keep trying to destroy it, but something or someone keeps getting in my way, but don’t worry sir, we will handle i-I-“ the clone said, losing his breath. “No, I will take it from here” Vader said while choking the trooper and snapping his neck. The other clones saw this and tried to all open fire but Vader used the force to stop all the blaster bolts and shoot them all back at the clones, killing them all. Vader then broke through the paint wall with the force and started to destroy the separatists by striking them down. “SIR, SIR THE JEDI HE-“ a droid said before being crushed by Vader’s hand. Vader went head to head with the tactical droid and ripped its head off with the force. “Oh for crying out loud,” Suzie said watching the scene unfold. She quickly dove down and sent a huge wave of paint at that guy hoping it would make him lose footing. Vader stopped the paint with the force not even raising a hand and saw Suzie coming toward him. “The Jedi seem to evolve every day, just like they evolved their ways or “order” Vader said, throwing the paint on the ground. Suzie snapped her fingers and the paint that was thrown on the ground quickly launched itself at vader and wrapped itself around vader creating chains around him with her magic. “This village is under my protection, i don't know who you are but you better stop before things get messy,” suzie said while getting off the dragon glaring at vader. “This village will know my master's rule, it as well as other places will merely be an example of those who defy the empire, everyone will know the name of the empire and will bow to it” Vader said, using his strength to break free of the chains and get his lightsaber out. “Aww, using a sword against a creator,” suzie said teasingly but knowing not to do close combat or getting too overconfident for this one. “Do you think I fear you, you think I fear anything, I am Darth Vader, the one who use to be Anakin, before I killed him, this place you protect is a place against the empire, and when I destroy it as well as many other places, I will ensure my empire safety, I will keep Padme safe, you will not kill her, YOU WILL NOT KILL ME” Vader said before throwing his lightsaber at Suzie. Suzie skillfully dodged the lightsaber keeping light on her feet. A paint hand quickly erupted out of the ground and grabbed the lightsaber. “Welp i warned you,” suzie said shrugging as a portal appeared behind darth vader. “Let's take this somewhere else shall we~” Suzie said, making a paint hand erupt out of the ground behind Vader and yanking him into the portal which happened to lead to the 8 dimension..or in other words the anti void. She quickly shut the portal trapping Vader there. “I should have done that with shredder,'' Suzie said facepalming on why she didn't think of that. “Welp i gotta tell this village to evacuate,” suzie said running off to warn the people as her paint dragon quickly followed behind her. “Man, I hope bombshell and glitch are doing alright,” Suzie thought to herself. Suzie paused glancing at Darth Vader's weapon. “Better not leave it alone out here,” Suzie said as she ran over and grabbed it. It was very hot at the glowing part but after a few seconds she figured out how to turn it off and put it in her hoodie pocket. “That darth vader guy mentioned that there are jedis here, maybe those are the good guys since they are his enemies,” suzie thought trying to connect the dots on what is going on. “I sense, hmm, nothing here, where am I?” Vader asked himself. Suzie was trying to find people in the village but did in fact encounter a few drones. “Hey you guys need to get out of here you are under attack,” suzie said quickly catching her breath. “We can’t, the separatist have set up bombs around here so we couldn’t leave and they could use it as refuge against the republic, they all however reside in that tower” one of the villagers pointed out. “That's not good,” Suzie said, trying to think of a plan. “I can't just leave you guys here to fend for yourself..'' Suzie thought desperately. “Either way we die, even if you try to fight the separatists they said they would explode the bombs they hid, and they said if we tried to disarm the bombs they would explode, and hold on the guy gave me a long list” the guy said pulling out a long list of threats. “Oh my goodness what twisted person would do that, that's like writing an essay,” suzie said wide eyed at the list. “New plan, i am going to evacuate you guys to a different universe most preferably the plains of hue,” suzie said as she made a portal. “ I want you guys to go through this portal, it would lead you to safety, i'm going to go find more villagers,” suzie said as she dashed off towards the tower. “Sir, the attack of the republic troops has ceased, perhaps the republic has decided to let us go” the commander said to a tactical droid. “The republic would not let us go, but I fear the longer we stay here the longer we may risk something happening from the republic trying to find another way in, we will evacuate before more troops show up” the tactical droids said, calling in ships to leave. “Evacuate the tower, grab all the valuables” the tactical droid ordered. Suzie saw the evacuation and breathed a sigh of relief, maybe they didn't need to head to her universe Suzie thought as she made the portal disappear. Suzie got on her paint dragon and soared above making sure that they were all getting out safely by air. “Um sir, some of the other droids need help” the commander said as the tactical droid turned back to see what the commander was talking about. “Leave them, we don’t have time for this, the ship is almost here and the republic may very well be on their way for revenge” the tactical droid said as the ship landed. “Board all the valuables or whatever else you can” the tactical droid ordered. “What about the mines, do we destroy them?” the commander asked. “No, unless the republic attacks us we will not detonate the mines” the droids said as they all boarded the ship and began to leave. “WAIT, DON’T LEAVE ME” a battle droid said stuck under a crate as the ship left. Suzie saw this and dove down to help the droid. “Hang on, I will get you out,” Suzie said, pushing the crate off him. “Why are you helping me, we were going to destroy this place” the battle droid asked confused. “Yeah but your life still counts good or bad,” Suzie said, lifting the droid to its feet. “Now then, do you need to get to that ship?” Suzie gestured to the ship leaving. “Roger roger, but there are still other droids in there, or at least my friend b2, although he might think you work for the republic so he may or may not try to attack you, just act non republicy” the b1 battle droid said. “Honestly i work for no one republic or not but here hop on,” suzie said gesturing to the paint dragon as she hopped on it. “As long as we get my friend b2, then screw if your republic or not” the b1 said hopping on the dragon. The dragon launched himself up above the village scanning it if they could see b2. “Tell me when you see him,” Suzie said as she was looking for a droid similar to b1. “Let me see,” B1 said, getting his binoculars out to see where B2 was. “There, that big gray guy with the red dot and white glowing eyes” the B1 said pointing at him. “Alright then,” Suzie swooped down and landed by b2. “B2, are you okay?” B1 asked. “Yeah I’m fine, I think they left us here” B2 said. “Oh it’s no big deal I’m sure they haven’t left y-“ B1 said before seeing a republic ship that shot the separatists ship and destroyed it. “RUN, THE BOMBS ARE GONNA GO OFF NOW RUNN” B1 said in a panic. “Quick in here you two,” Suzie said, grabbing the two droids with paint hands coming from the ground and throwing them through a portal that led a ways off from the village. The village exploded as the two droids saw. “Great, with the tower destroyed we will surely run out of power, stupid republic just couldn’t let us g-“ the B2 said as a squad of clones came up behind them with blasters. “No no no, you separatists are under arrest, wait, is it just the two of you” the clone asked. “Yup” the B1 answered. “Damn it the others may have gotten away, unless they were destroyed, either way your reign of oppression is over, the war ends today” the clone said, raising his blasters about to fire. “Not on my watch,” Suzie said, bounding over some snow a few feet away from the portal she just came out of. She drew out Darth Vader's sword and pointed it at them. “Jedi, all right boys, let’s finish the job, execute order 66” the clones said, aiming their blasters at Suzie. “Jedi? So this is the order bombshell was talking about,"Suzie said realizing. She quickly split into her red and blue side one with the paintbrush and the other with the sword. “Jedi, this is your only warning, surrender for your crimes and treason and accept your death with honor, or die as a traitor” the clone said, raising his gun. Suddenly the paint dragon came behind the group of clones and started mauling them all down till there was none left standing. “Glory stealer,” Suzie mumbled underneath her breath as the dragon smirked at her sitting on the clones pinning them down. She quickly became one person again and walked over to b1 and b2. “Are you guys ok?” Suzie asked inspecting them. “We are fine” the b2 insisted. “Well that's great to hear,” Suzie said, rolling down her sleeves trying to stay warm. “So i have a question for you guys, do you know what this whole war is about or republic thing?” Suzie asked, trying to clear her confusion as she turned on the sword trying to stay warm with it as she placed it on the ground, melting the snow around its blade. “Oh and do any of you guys happen to know who Darth Vader is?” Suzie chimed in making sure not to leave out that question. “Darth Vader, you mean Anakin the Jedi?” the B1 asked, confused. “Yes, that guy. He was the person I took this sword from,"Suzie explained, gesturing to the sword. “Although he sounded like he wanted to destroy the jedi..” suzie said, a little confused. “I’m not sure why he would want to, he is a Jedi…” b1 said deep in thought. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Well as much as i want to talk with you guys, I am freezing my tail off and i need to go find my friends,” suzie said, picking up the blade and standing up shaking the freezing cold snow off herself. “Do you guys have a place to go to?” Suzie asked, worried if they would be stuck out here all by themselves. “I’m sure we can find a republic ship and repair it,” B1 said confidently. “Great, I gotta go. Bye for now.” Suzie said as the paint dragon turned into a puddle. Making a portal she went back to the capitol and raced up to her room to bury herself in blankets since she was freezing. Kicking off her shoes she grabbed a stack of blankets. “G-gosh *achoo* i sure hope glitch and bombshell are ok, "Suzie said to herself as she wrapped herself up in a mound of blankets with only her head visible on her bed. Suzie glanced down and noticed she left the summoning circle on the ground but decided not to get rid of it in case she needed Bill san’s help again if anything else was to occur. Finally after suzie got all snuggly and warm she decided it was best to see how bombshell and glitch were doing. Putting her shoes back on she made a portal directly into glitches room and landed on his bed. “Hey Suzie, how’s it going?” Glitch said with a smile on his face. “AMAZING!” Suzie said bounding off the bed pain free. “Wait, aren’t you still hurt?” Glitch asked concerned. “I may or may not have asked one of my closest bad sans friend to help me,” Suzie said carelessly. “The bad sans” Glitch asked with a little serious voice. “Yep~ and now i have no more blood poisoning but in return i have an ugly floor stain from the summoning circle,” suzie said scowling at this. “You summoned a bad sans and trusted them, what about what they tried to do to me, sorry I mean what they did do to me” Glitch said questioning Suzie’s trust to the Sans. “First off it was orders from their boss, second they didn't know you,” Suzie pointed out. “Even if they didn’t know me they should have known that what they were doing was wrong, they kidnapped me, and I understand they are probably forced to do it but they should at least have the will to fight back” Glitch explained. “Listen glitch..” Suzie said nervously sitting on the bed, “most, if not all the bad sans went through traumatic times that made them this way. No one was born evil, not even nightmare or dust." Suzie said, looking down. “I-I understand,” Glitch said, sitting next to Suzie. “ahem* Anyways, how is bombshell?” Suzie asked, changing the topic. “He is okay, but he is very quiet and likes to keep to himself,” Glitch explained. “Can I go see him?” Suzie asked hopefully. “Well he walked off a little while ago, he seems to have taken that whole order 66 thing well but I don’t know where he went” Glitch explained. “Ah, the removal of the Jedi,” Suzie said understandingly to the best of her ability. “How did you know about that?” Glitch asked curiously. “Funny story actually..” Suzie said, fidgeting with her gloves. “Where to start..I followed you guys after I got healed and ended up in that universe but soon discovered you guys were in a pocket dimension. Defended a village against open fire, fought darth vader face to face and ended up sending him into the anti void, saving two robots before the bombs went..” suzie rambled on boredly. “Did you ever take the guy out the anti-void?” Glitch asked. “I-erm…” Suzie said, her face going blank. “It's best to let error or error 404 deal with that guy..” suzie said nervously but soon shrugged it off. “But I did take his cool sword,” Suzie said happily, taking it out of her hoodie pocket and turning it on, emitting a hot blue color. “I hope he doesn’t escape and seek revenge” Glitch said with chills. “There is no escaping that place..I once got trapped there without my brush or markers to escape and I would have gone insane if syntax error did not find me,” Suzie said, shivering at the thought of that old memory and how lonesome it is. “Good thing you were found” Glitch explained. “Good thing indeed~” Suzie said, leaning on glitch, smirking a little. Glitch wrapped his arm around Suzie when she leaned in. Suzie began to feel herself blush but quickly tried to stamp that out since she wasn't ready to become a stuttering mess. “So you wanna do some more sword training or s-something?” Suzie asked, trying to stay chill. “Nah we should just relax right now, I’m quite comfortable aren’t you?” Glitch said, kissing her on the cheek. “W-w-well i-i-i mean sure why not,” suzie squeaked out feeling like she had become a tomato. “You know, back at home it was never like this, I’ve never had this feeling I’ve had here, any of the feelings I had, I have learned, I have suffered, and I have become stronger throughout it all, and once I finish my training I will finally be the person who I am meant to be” Glitch said looking forward. “I have full faith that you can do it,” Suzie said, snuggling closer enjoying his warmth. “I will, and then this whole crazy journey will be worth it” Glitch said, enjoying Suzie’s snuggling and company. “Heh, that's what i thought till i met you,” suzie said, chuckling. “What do you mean?” Glitch asked. “ i thought once I settled into this whole ruling over my creation life i would no longer be going on crazy adventures with the star sans or traveling universes unless necessary..that is until a few years later i met you,” suzie pointed out happily trying to hold glitches hand but not having the courage to do so at the moment. “I hope we have more peaceful adventures in the future,” Glitch said hopefully. “Peace and adventures will never go together,” Suzie said, laying down on the bed with her feet still dangling. “It all depends on where you go, I’m sure there will be that peaceful land somewhere” Glitch said. “That my friend is what you call vacation,” Suzie said, winking and pulling her legs up onto the bed. “Well then I will soon take a vacation and enjoy the wonder of peace” Glitch said happily. “Well, we could right now if you wanted. There is a beach over by the tropical forest,"Suzie said happily sitting up behind glitch. “Sure I could use some relaxation,” Glitch said happily. “Great, we should bring bombshell along. He needs relaxation also,"Suzie suggested ruffling glitches hair. “I unfortunately still don’t know where Bombshell is after the whole situation he walked off, he said he needed to think,” Glitch explained. “Is he here in the palace?” Suzie asked, a little concerned. “Yeah, he’s around here somewhere,” Glitch answered. “I better not let him roam around by himself he might get lost or-r encounter some of my non friendly creations,” Suzie said, starting to panic that bombshell could be lost all by himself and very confused or mistaken as an intruder. “I gotta go find him!” Suzie said panicking , jumping off the bed. “Hey where are you going?” Glitch asked. “I've gotta find bombshell,” Suzie said trying to calm down from all the possibilities bombshell might encounter off by himself. “Relax, Bombshell is strong, he can take care of himself, plus I’m sure my creation didn’t get far” Glitch explained. “Y-you think so?” Suzie asked uncertaintly. “Yeah, especially since he’s just standing over there,” Glitch said, pointing at Bombshell who was leaning on a wall. Suzie let out a sigh of relief and sat back down on the bed. “Thank goodness,” Suzie said gratefully. “It’s okay I’ll talk to him” Glitch said walking over to Bombshell. Suzie peeked curiously after them just in case. “Hey there Bombshell, how are you holding up” Glitch asked hoping he was doing better. “I’m doing alright, at first I was thinking that I was one of them, just another clone, but I’m my own person, not another unjust killer” Bombshell explained taking his helmet off. “Listen Bombshell, I know that I unexpectedly created you, but the truth is you aren’t a mistake, you're a masterpiece, I don’t know what you want to do with your life, but it’s up to you,” Glitch explained, putting his hand on Bombshell. “Sir,” Bombshell said before Glitch finished speaking. “Look if you don’t want to fight in this war that may happen then that’s okay, it isn't forced” Glitch explained. “Sir, I’m not sure what I want to do, but I will find out when I find out,” Bombshell explained. “Please, just Glitch is fine, " Glitch said before smiling. “Thank you si- I mean Glitch” Bombshell said before saluting Glitch. Glitch saluted back in respect. “Well I'm glad to see you two getting along,” Suzie said, smiling while leaning against the doorway looking at them. “So am I,” Glitch responded. “So bombshell, want to join us for some beachtime and relaxation?”  Suzie asked bombshell, cheerfully smiling at him. “What do you do at beachtime?” Bombshell asked. “Relax, enjoy the sun, or just take a swim,” Suzie explained happily. “Swimming is usually my favorite thing to do,” Suzie said. “I think I will just stay on the beach,” Bombshell explained. “Fine by me, although it will be very hot there so you might want to change into something else,” suzie advised glitch and bombshell. “I think I will stick with my attire,” Bombshell replied. “Well I’ll probably just wear a swim shirt and swim shorts” Glitch said. “Great, I will meet you guys back here when we are done getting ready,” Suzie said, making a portal to her room and leaving. Glitch used his powers to make himself a swim attire. “You sure you wanna wear armor dude” Glitch asked Bombshell. “I will be fine, this suit has an internal cooling system if I get too hot” Bombshell replied. “If you say so,” Glitch responded. After a few minutes a portal appeared and Suzie came bounding in wearing a sundress covering her swimsuit and a towel around her neck. “Hey guys, ready to go?” Suzie asked cheerfully, closing the portal behind her. “I’m ready,” Glitch replied. “Yup” Bombshell responded. “Great,” Suzie said as she made a portal to blister beach for them to enter. “Here we go,” Suzie said as she created three beach chairs and an umbrella. “Enjoy your relaxation while we have it. “Suzie said. “This is going to be fun,” Glitch replied. “I hope you guys are right,” Bombshell said too.. “Well i'm going in for a swim, want to join me glitch?” Suzie asked. “I don’t know how to swim,” Glitch replied. “I will teach you,” Suzie said, a little surprised.[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“If you insist,” Glitch replied, shrugging his arms. Suzie took off her sun dress and towel and headed to the water. “Cmon glitch,” Suzie said beckoning for Glitch to come in and join her. “Okay,” Glitch said, heading towards the water. “Do you know how to wade in one spot?” Suzie asked curiously. “I don’t, how do you do that?” Glitch asked. “Well the more air you have in  your lungs the easier it is to float, and basically you rotate your arms which will help you by repelling you to stay on the surface.'' Suzie explained as she dunked her head under water and came up shaking out her wet hair. “Okay, but I’m not human, how would I breathe?” Glitch asked. “You don't,” Suzie said, giggling a little. “Well actually I don't know for you since you aren't human and technically you're not a living thing…” Suzie said a little confused to herself if glitch even breathed in the first place. “But anyways that's pretty much the fundamentals of how not to drown,” Suzie explained. “But don't worry, it's not like we are going to swim deep or anything,” Suzie said, floating on her back enjoying the cool water. “Do you come to beaches often back in your universe?” Suzie asked curiously. “No, I prefer to stay at home usually,” Glitch replied. “Do you ever go on fun adventures just exploring your universe?” Suzie asked, even more curious. “Just games at school, nothing else really” Glitch answered. “Sigh, I am sorry about what happened to your universe..” Suzie said sadly. Glitch looked down saying nothing. “Well this place will always be open as a home to you,” suzie said trying to cheer him up. “Thanks,” Glitch responded. “Anytime,” Suzie said, smiling. “I do wonder though where Bombshell will stay, I wanted him to come to my universe but he’s gonna have to stay here” Glitch said looking at Bombshell who was sitting on a chair. “Well to be honest a doubt bombshell would be able to breathe in space and he looks very human..even if he is soulless.” Suzie explained. “Perhaps, but I still wanted him to find some way back home, hopefully he doesn’t mind living in this universe” Glitch said. “I see nothing wrong if he were to stay in this universe. Maybe we could find a way to rebuild your universe with your maker powers. You aren't quite a universe maker but since there is already a universe there maybe you can just reconstruct it and find survivors while you are at it." Suzie said, thinking to herself out loud. “Reconstruction isn’t my main concern, if I return and those Kraang and this Shredder guy are still out there they will probably do the same thing to my universe, until I stop him there will be no reconstruction yet” Glitch explained. “That is true. But how might we stop them? The only people I'm working with to figure out who the kraang might be are three of the bad sans,"Suzie said. “Wait you're working with the bad sans, even after all this time?” Glitch asked. “A few of them wanted to figure out who this kraang was that nightmare was working for so basically they are doing this behind his back.” Suzie explained. “Almost forgot to mention that tonight i have a game night with them, and maybe when i am over there we could discuss more about it,” suzie said happily. “And no, i am not working for them, we just happen to both want to know who the kraang is,” suzie said trying to clear up the misunderstanding. “Well as long as they don’t know I’m here I guess it’s fine, and if you're having your game tonight then I better find somewhere else to stay for the night” Glitch replied. “Erm, well..” Suzie said nervously. “I think they know that you are here, but don't worry you won't have to move,” suzie said rensuring. “By the way, I was meaning to ask you this but I guess it slipped my mind. How did you get that helmet thing and how did the shredder and those guys know who you were?” Suzie asked curiously. “We went to some old world to get a piece of it,” Glitch explained. “Was this in a different universe?” Suzie asked, confused, floating closer. “I think so,” Glitch answered. “Since when have you been exploring other universes with people i don't know!?” Suzie asked, shocked. “It was only one time,” Glitch explained. “Were those guys from your universe?” Suzie asked suspiciously. “No,” Glitch answered. “But last I recall you said those were survivors, so you clearly knew them ahead of time and didn't bother actually telling me when I asked?” Suzie asked, starting to get upset. “I had to make choices to get what I needed, I only didn’t say because they told me I wasn’t allowed to or else” Glitch explained. “Well if you just for once remember that you are under the protection of me and my friends and told us we would have avoided giving them that helmet awhile ago,” suzie said upset. Glitch said nothing and instead looked down. “I-i just wish you would tell me these things cause I care about you and want to help, not get myself killed out of obliviousness…” Suzie mumbled looking away. “I-I think I’m going to head back” Glitch said teleporting away. Suzie just sighed and headed back to land to dry off. So much for a relaxation and break. “Hey bombshell, how are you doing?” Suzie asked, covering up her emotions with a smile. “I’m fine, just relaxing, how are you doing?” Bombshell asked. “Eh, great” Suzie responded hesitating a little, while wrapping up in a towel and sitting down. “Are you sure, I don’t know it just seems off, your tone I mean” Bombshell asked. “It's complicated..” Suzie said, sighing sadly. “I see, well ma’am if you want to just think or perhaps talk I’ll be here” Bombshell said saluting. Suzie just nodded and looked at the ground. “How can you help someone if they do things behind your back, not tell you about it, and almost lead to you getting killed since that person didn't tell you the truth in the first place?” Suzie asked, still gazing at the ground. “Sometimes we think we know everything, and that we have it all planned out, when in reality we aren’t going to get it right and it will eventually just blow up in our face, we don’t know everything and we think we do '' Bombshell explained. “But how can I help someone who doesn't even trust me with telling the truth?” Suzie asked, gazing at bombshell. “Well if someone is lying to you about the truth they don’t trust you, does this person trust you is the real question” Bombshell explained. “all i've done is help them, saving them from my crazy friends, giving them a place to sleep, being kind and taking them under my wing and possibly sacrificing my friendships with others for their safety a-and in r-return t-they only l-lie a-and i-i nearly die trying t-to help them.” Suzie said trying to muffle her sobs with her towel “w-what d-did i do to deserve t-this?” Suzie asked in a trembling voice. “Perhaps if that is the case, this person you're protecting should be let go, back to where they came from” Bombshell explained. “Y-you think so? So all of my help has just been a waste of time?” Suzie asked, even more upset. “Not a waste of time, there are others who have benefited from you helping out one person, like those robots, and they appreciate it, but if the person you're helping is only lying to you, then it’s not worth more pain, they will find their own way” Bombshell stated. “Heh you're right, I guess I've also been lying to myself thinking I could help everyone…” Suzie said, realizing maybe she had been deceiving herself the entire time. “Unfortunately that may be the truth, if this person you speak of is only gonna lie to you, then perhaps they should leave, forge their own path, after all, you can’t help everyone, no one can” Bombshell explained. “Well, do I just kick them out?” Suzie asked nervously. “Yeah probably,” Bombshell replied. “So umm let's just say this person is your maker,” Suzie said even more nervously. “I know, I saw him teleport off, look I don’t think you two are on the same page though he likes things differently than you, perhaps if he leaves he will find his own way without causing anyone pain” Bombshell explained. “But I will miss him..” Suzie mumbled sadly. “Yes, but if he stays here he won’t change who he is, and he will cause you and himself more pain, it’s time to leave him back in his own place, and leave him be” Bombshell explained. “What about you? I don't think he will want to leave you here. If he doesn't trust me then he won't trust me having you here,'' Suzie said. “I’ll go with him and help him,” Bombshell said. “Well I will give you guys three days or less to leave my universe and probably not come back,” Suzie said standing up. “I’ll tell Glitch” Bombshell answered. Suzie made a portal back to the palace where she dropped off bombshell and headed to her room to change. “Sir, we have three days to leave,” Bombshell said to Glitch. “What, why?” Glitch asked. “It’s just meant to be this way, that’s all” Bombshell explained. “I see, well I guess I’ll start packing now and we will leave tonight” Glitch said as he and Bombshell began packing their things. “I should be heading to nightmares castle now," Suzie said checking the time. “But raspberry said he would pick me up,” Suzie wondered out loud. A knock came from the door, or it seemed more like banging. “HUMAN SUZIE, ARE YOU IN THERE?” came raspberries sharp voice. “Yep,” Suzie said, opening the door to be greeted by the skeleton in black armor and a red bandana. “READY TO GO?” raspberry asked looking around. “Yep,” Suzie said, taking raspberries hand and they teleported off to his room in Nightmares castle where they met a few bad sans. Dust, raspberry, lust, bill and horror were there. Dust handed out uno to start with and everyone settled down. “So Suzie I was meaning to ask you how things with glitch?” dust asked while handing out the cards. “Not great,” suzie admitted [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“I hate to say it but i don't think i can protect him anymore,” suzie said looking down sadly. “Welp you can't help them all dear~” lust said, wrapping his arm around suzie but bill swatted him away. “Does this mean you can spend more time with us rather than that unworthy human like thing,” raspberry said speaking in a quieter tone just in case someone was listening in. “It's just hard to let him go…” Suzie said looking down sadly. “You will get over it, don't worry we will always be here for you,” Bill said reassuringly as he made dust draw two and dust just scoffed at him. “You're right, I'm probably overreacting,” suzie said determedly. “Atta girl, now you won't have to put the weight of someone else on your shoulders and you don't have to interfere with bosses plans,'' Bill said happily, making dust draw four and dust just glared at him. “But what if the entire universe gets destroyed?” Suzie asked wearily changing the color to yellow. “I'm sure that won't happen,” Bill said reassuringly “you're a creator, you have the ability to make a universe shield?” horror asked curiously. “I've never done that since it means no one will be able to enter in and out of my universe.” Suzie said. “Yeah but texting and phone calls can't,” raspberry said playing a yellow reverse card. “How about you make that shield, isolate yourself for a while and then I will text you or call when it's okay for you to get rid of that shield,” Bill explained. “But what about glitch?” Suzie asked nervously. “What about him?” raspberry spat. “Won't he get destroyed if per say that all the universes get destroyed?” Suzie asked nervously. “Kid, he will be fine.” dust said, waving it off annoyed. Relax, I'm sure whatever he is doing he's fine,? Bill said a little annoyed too. “Bill, I was wondering if you can tell me more about the kraang?” Suzie asked innocently. “Sorry kiddo, can't spoil too much about the kraang and the army forces we are gathering with them,'' Bill said but quickly shut his mouth, releasing the mistake he just made. “What army?” dust asked suspiciously. “FORGET I SAID THAT,” Bill said, waving it off. Suzie and the other sanses shared knowing glances which started to make Bill sweat nervously. “L-lets just continue playing shall we,” lust interjected. So the rest of the night they played games and had a few arguments but they didn't talk about glitch or possibility of universes being destroyed. Suzie knew she had to go back soon and warn Glitch that he was right about them having an army and that they should prepare. After hours of playing games and listening to them bicker she finally said her goodbyes and headed back to the palace to warn glitch. Glitch was training outside swinging his sword around. Suzie noticed him outside from her window when she got back and made a portal to him. “Glitch, i'm glad you haven't left yet, i've got some news you might want to hear.” Suzie said, appearing by glitch out of her portal. “Do I have to leave right now or something?” Glitch asked. “Uh…n-no..not now at least,” Suzie said looking down sadly remembering what she said. “I've come to tell you that you were right about the bad guys making an army,” Suzie said urgently. “What are you talking about?” Glitch asked. “The kraang and the bad sans are working together to build up a powerful army im assuming to bring havoc on other universes,” suzie said. “Please, I’m sure they will easily be defeated by Syntax, I'm not really too worried” Glitch replied. “W-what..? Who are you and what have you done to glitch?” Suzie asked, upset, “the glitch I know cares a lot about what the bad sans and kraang are up to. Are you ok or something?” Suzie asked, really confused. “I’ve been thinking, and this whole Kraang thing isn’t a big deal, I mean whoever told you this is probably just trying to scare you,” Glitch explained. “I am not scared of them having an army Glitch, I'm scared of them using that army and seeing my friends and innocent people get hurt,” Suzie said furiously. “Those people, please Shredder probably won’t care enough to hurt anyone else, besides he’s too weak to, last time I saw him after he nearly killed you I gut punched him, he wasn’t looking too good after that” Glitch explained. “Gosh, well when i found you after you had blood taken from you by the bad sans you weren't looking too good,” suzie retorted back. “That's kinda weak and pathetic don't you think?” Suzie asked but quickly regretted saying those words. “S-sorry, I am just really paranoid right now that you're not taking this seriously,'' Suzie said worriedly. “Enough I don’t need to be belittled by anyone anymore, these villains aren’t even my problem they already destroyed my world and took my blood, I couldn’t have anything else they want, I mind as well just leave and find my old home in my world” Glitch said walking off. “GLITCH IM SORRY, i-i don't want you to l-leave,” suzie said desperately running after him. “I need to leave, this world isn’t my own and I have been gone for too long, me and Bombshell must leave immediately” Glitch explained. “I-i for crying out loud, I CARE TOO MUCH ABOUT YOU TO LET YOU GO!” Suzie finally admitted. “I-i…i don't want you to leave..” Suzie mumbled, turning her head away. “Listen Suzie I-” Glitch said before being cut off. “Glitch and I actually need to leave, for Glitch’s own good, and yours, like what we talked about earlier” Bombshell said walking toward the two. Suzie winced remembering what they talked about. “B-bombshell, I refuse to believe it,” Suzie admitted quietly. “Listen, I know this is hard, but remember what I told you earlier, if he stays nothings going to change, nothing for the better at least” Bombshell explained. “M-maybe i need to change then, maybe this is all my fault to begin with,'' Suzie said worriedly. “You can change all you want, but me and Glitch are still leaving, come on Glitch” Bombshell said motioning for Glitch to follow him while he began walking. “Glitch please…no..” Suzie said just above a whisper pleadingly looking at him with longing eyes. “Listen I’ll be back, but Bombshell is right, I need some time to focus and train and be better, and I need to do it alone” Glitch explained. “C-could i come with you?” Suzie asked desperately. “Alone,” Glitch said, looking Suzie in the eyes. “W-why? Why must it always be you and alone?” Suzie asked, getting upset. “Just because, I just need to be,” Glitch explained. “i-i …you don't even want me around do you?” Suzie asked, looking at him with new realization. “It’s not that, but I need to get a peace of mind away from it all, it’s not your fault, it-it’s something you can’t understand, no one can understand” Glitch explained. “I-im just a pest to you, aren't i?” Suzie asked, suddenly fading into shades of gray and black. “You're not a pest, it’s not you” Glitch said trying to get Suzie to understand. “N-no.. i think i understand now,” suzie said, her eyes turning blacker than any other shade as black ink dripped from her eyes. “Ive been used haven't i..” Suzie asked, looking at glitch with blank black eyes. “What are you talking about? '' Glitch asked, confused. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]All I've ever done for you is care for you and try to help you, and you repay me by lying to me and leaving,”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Suzie said, taking a step back from him. “I only lied because I wasn’t allowed to tell, they would have killed me” Glitch replied. “So let me come with you. What if they find you and try to kill you again? I want to be there to help you,"Suzie said, wiping ,or at least attempting to, get the black ink to stop rolling down her cheeks. “They nearly killed you, and I wasn’t able to protect you, I need to do this alone, so that when I come back I am ready and more powerful to stop them,” Glitch explained. “Y-you dont understand glitch, you can't come back not unless i'm with you,” suzie explained. “I-im shutting down this universe's access to all other universes and multiverses. I-if you were to l-leave…[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]then I would never be able to see you again.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]" Suzie said giving up and letting her eyes run. “Why are you stopping the access to the universe?” Glitch asked. “Because i'm not strong enough to protect it from the kraang or their army if they were to attack, a-and i don't even know if syntax error can,” suzie finally admitted looking down at the mess she was making. “Listen I understand that but I can’t stay here, I have to go train to become stronger free of distractions, isn’t there a way you can keep access for only one universe to have connection with this one” Glitch asked. “N-no, but if i was to come with you then i would still be able to help you train and have access back to this universe,” suzie explained. “Look I need to train with only me, no one else knows my powers but me, I don’t even know them all, the only person I was going to train with was Bombshell who seems to be ready to go apparently” Glitch said looking at Bombshell who was tapping his foot ready to go somewhere. “Are we gonna go or are you guys just gonna have a nice little chat?” Bombshell asked impatiently. “I promise i won't interrupt your training, i just..its complicated glitch..'' Suzie said unable to express her longingness for him. “For the love of Glitch enough trying to go alone, just let her come with us so we can fudging leave” Bombshell said angrily. “Chill man, okay” Glitch said with red eyes looking at Bombshell. “R-really,” Suzie said, all her color coming back and her eyes turning to normal. “Yes, but don’t be surprised if I am more on the quiet side after my transformation” Glitch explained. Suzie nodded up and down quickly, wiping the rest of the black ink away. “I promise not to interrupt your training.” Suzie said determinedly. “Then let’s not waste any more time,” Glitch said before opening a portal. Suzie quickly put some box-like thing she took out of her pocket, placing it on the ground before heading after them. The portal entered the universe where Glitch had encountered giant-like bugs, but they seemed to be in a forest again. “First part of training is to find resources to build a hut,” Glitch said, getting a sword to chop down some trees. Suzie was about to interject that she could just easily make a hut but remembered to keep her word and not interfere so she just kept near glitch. Bombshell didn’t have an ax but decided to use blasters to knock down the tree, which wasn’t the best idea and started a small fire. Glitch used his jacket to stop the fire which charred the jacket to black. “Oops” Bombshell said. “Just use this,” Glitch said, summoning another sword. Suzie found a tree to perch on and was watching the scene play out from above wondering if she should ask glitch if he wanted a new jacket but decided it would be best not to while they were still training. After Glitch and Bombshell finished getting all the materials they began to build a small hut and after hours of construction they finished the hut. “Well that was easy, what’s next?” Bombshell asked. “That’s it for now, we will go hunting tomorrow” Glitch explained. While glitch and bombshell were making their hut, Suzie created herself a small tree house after she noticed that a storm was starting to brew way off a bit. “Let’s get inside Bombshell, storms are starting to form” Glitch said as he and Bombshell entered the hut. Glitch lit a torch in the hut so they had light. “How long do you plan to train for Glitch?” Bombshell asked. “As long as I need to,” Glitch explained. Suzie decided it was now a good time to make Glitch a new jacket just like his old one. She quickly made it with ease up in her tree house and sent it through a small portal near the entrance of the hut. Glitch was already asleep when the jacket came through but Bombshell wasn’t and grabbed the jacket and put it on a hanger. “I’ll tell him in the morning” Bombshell said before taking the torch out and going to bed. Around 11:00 p.m. Bombshell woke up from noises he heard outside and decided to check them out. He opened a window a little and saw giant bug-like creatures flying around the hut. “Shoot,” Bombshell said, trying to be as quiet as possible. The buzzing got louder as the bugs began walking on the hut and still flying around it too. They couldn’t open the door since it was locked and after being there for about 20 minutes decided to fly away. “Too damn close” Bombshell said, getting back in bed and hoping they didn’t come back. Suzie was all the sudden very grateful she packed bug spray since those giant bug things whenever they got close quickly flew off. I sure hope glitch and bombshell are ok. “That wasn’t here before though, it’s new,” a voice said off in the distance. Suzie quickly perked her head though some leaves of the tree to see whose voice that was from this late at night. “Listen it’s probably something we have never seen before, come on, let’s go there isn’t any food here anyway” the voice said while walking in the light revealing a bear and a lion. “Woah lions and bears..but no tigers oh my,” Suzie said out loud to herself, (totally a wizard of Oz reference.) “Wait, I smell something, something alive,” the bear said, licking its lips. Suzie quickly prayed the branch she was on had enough leaves shielding her from view. “Idiot, there’s nothing here, never is, let’s just go back” the lion said while walking off. Suzie tried to inch her way back to the small house in the middle of the tree but her nose accidentally brushed the side of some leaves and sneezed. “-Achoo-” suzie said, trying to muffle herself. The lion and the beast both hissed before walking over to see what the noise was. “I think we finally found some food, I’m so excited, we haven’t eaten in years” the lion said deviously smiling. Suzie couldn't help feeling a bit bad. It is never fun to miss a meal. Maybe just maybe she could make a diversion that would be a win win for both of them and her. She quickly snuck back into the small house, grabbed her paintbrush and made a small little squirrel. Quickly grabbing the squirrel before it scampered off, she chucked out from the tree towards the bear and the lion. “FOOD” the lion said, grabbing the squirrel and holding it by the tail. “Finally it’s been so long since I’ve feasted,” the bear said happily. The bear and the lion's eyes began to glow before a bunch or glowing aura formed around them both and they changed into giant bugs with blue glowing eyes, wings with holes and horns. They both opened their mouths and a pink glow line began leaving the squirrel until it faded into gray and was left on the ground. “HAHA, it’s been so long since I’ve feasted on LOVE” the bug said licking its lips. “Too bad it’s super small and doesn’t have much love to give, but oh well” the other big insect said before kicking the squirrel aside. Suzie stared at this in shock, “I've gotta tell glitch or bombshell about this,” Suzie thought to herself as she waited for the insects to leave. “What if there is more nearby, we could feed everyone else back at the hive” one of the bugs said. “We won’t be telling anyone anything at all, this stays between us, UNDERSTAND” the bug said to the other. “Yeah yeah, but I’m just saying maybe there’s more” the one bug said before they both flew off. Suzie waited a few seconds until the coast was clear and quickly got down from the tree and ran over to their hut nearby. Suzie peeked in from the window to see bombshell still awake. Quickly she knocked on the door quietly enough so the glitch wouldn't wake up and bombshell could hear. “Who, or what could be knocking on my door?” Bombshell said before grabbing his blasters out and itching slowly towards the door. “Psst, it's Suzie, I have something to warn you about,” Suzie said quietly under her breath, glancing around. “Warn me about what, those giant bug things?” Bombshell asked. “Those big things are shape shifters,'' Suzie explained hurriedly in case they might come back. “Those bugs feast off of LOVE from other living creatures,” Suzie explained, talking briskly. “That makes no sense, how can you feed off emotions?” Bombshell asked, confused. “I actually have two friends who can do that, but anyways i would keep your guard up if anyone comes near here, bug or not you never know,” suzie said before running off but quickly coming back. “I have something that seems to repeal them away. I thought it only worked on small insects but it also works on them too." Suzie explained grabbing her bug spray out of her inventory items. “I sure hope it actually works on them,” Bombshell said. “Trust me it does, but it will smell a bit when you apply it on yourself,” Suzie warned, placing it at the foot of the door and quickly scampering off back up into the tree house. Bombshell grabbed it and closed the door and went back to bed.[/font]
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