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by on May 17, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 13 Glitches confession[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch woke up early in the morning and was about to get ready to go out hunting for food. “Hey Glitch before you go I need to warn you, outside here there are these creatures that are like giant bugs that can shapeshift, so just be careful” Bombshell said to Glitch. “Bugs, shapeshifting?” Glitch asked, confused. “They showed up last night while you were sleeping and tried to break into the hut,” Bombshell explained. “I-I am very surprised is one thing, wait, bugs, and they were giant” Glitch said with realization that he saw these things when he previously came to this world. “Yes, but Suzie stopped by and gave me this bug spray, so just put it on you and they will stay away from you” Bombshell said giving the bug spray to Glitch. Glitch left the hut and began to go hunting for food. A few minutes passed and Suzie finally woke up. Suzie decided it was best to check on bombshell and glitch and see how they were doing. Suzie quickly came over to the hut and knocked on the door. “Who is it?” Bombshell asked. “It's Suzie, just coming to check if everything is alright,” Suzie said, speaking through the door. “We’re fine,” Bombshell responded. “Did glitch sleep ok?” Suzie asked, a little worriedly. “Yes, Glitch slept fine, he went out to go hunt” Bombshell explained. “Oh ok,” Suzie said, walking off. “Maybe I can go find glitch and make sure he is doing alright, I mean as long as I keep my distance of course.” Suzie reasoned with herself before heading off into the woods to where she could sorta feel glitches soul’s presence. “Deer,” Glitch said, getting out the crossbow and arrow he packed up and getting ready to aim. Suzie peeked through the bushes to see a beautiful healthy looking deer through the thicket. An arrow quickly was sent flying by the deer only missing it by a few feet and sent it running off. Suzie looked to see where that arrow came from and saw glitch holding a crossbow a few ways off a bit. “Hmm, maybe he needs help learning to aim with an arrow,'' Suzie thought to herself knowing she learned from dream sans on how to fire arrows perfectly at a target and could easily teach glitch so hunting would be easier and more efficient. She quickly made herself a bow that looked like it was made out of emerald wood and a dozen arrows all barbed spikey on the top in a small case with a strap attached to it. She quickly wrote a note on it saying that she wanted to help glitch with his training specifically with the arrow if he allowed her to. She struck the note through one of the arrows and took careful aim as she pointed it at a tree near glitch. She launched the arrow at the tree and it struck it perfectly in the smack dab middle of the tree. She was pretty impressed with herself that she wasn't out of practice.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch saw the arrow and was shocked that it came out of nowhere and grabbed it and read the note. Suzie stayed at a distance unsure if she should make herself present and glitch would get upset if she did so. Glitch who was still in training simply looked at Suzie and had a nod of agreement. Suzie was a bit surprised by this but didn't waste a second bonding over to him. “Thanks for taking me up on the offer glitch,” Suzie said happily, holding her bow and the case of arrows behind her back. Glitch simply grunted and got his crossbow back up. “Just a heads up when you last shot that arrow you gotta keep your elbow straight otherwise it may curve due to the aftershocks of being launched,” Suzie explained remembering how she was taught from experience. “Will do” Glitch responded. “Great, let's go find some prey then and you can practice with that,” Suzie said cheerfully, heading off deeper into the thicket of the forest. Glitch followed behind her. Soon they came upon a small doe laying in the grass under a ray of sunshine. Suzie signaled at glitch and pointed at it crouching down. Glitch aimed his crossbow carefully and pointed it towards the doe. Suzie quietly went behind glitch and adjusted his poster helping him to aim better with a cleaner shot. After Suzie was content with the position she backed off allowing glitch to shoot. Glitch when in the perfect position shot the arrow. It hit the doe square in the shoulder blade making the deer try to run but collapsing on its injured shoulder. “Nice shot glitch~” Suzie praised. Glitch said nothing, feeling a terrible feeling in his body and feeling remorseful for not even fully killing it. “I-it’s still alive, suffering, because of me” Glitch said sadly. “Ah..” Suzie faced palm, maybe she should have just aimed at the head to put it out of its misery. “Well we could heal it and let it go glitch,” suzie suggested quickly not liking the look on glitches face as the doe struggled to get away but failed. Glitch put his hand up about to say to let it go, but his eyes started to change color and his emotion quickly changed. “No,” Glitch said, getting his sword out and slitting its throat to end its misery. “You know, usually I stick to fishing with arrows to avoid this emotional stuff but I guess you seem to be ok with it,” Suzie said, shrugging. Glitch grunted and looked off into the distance. “I will carry it back to our hut” Glitch said, grabbing the bloody animal and carrying it. “R-really, do you want any help?” Suzie asked nervously. “ I will manage on my own,” Glitch said carrying the animal. “If you say so,” Suzie said, not wanting to upset him. Glitch hand carried the dead animal all the way back to the hut. “So what are you going to do for training today?” Suzie asked curiously, walking back with him. “Hmm, perhaps go for a run with my sword,” Glitch answered. “Alrighty, sounds like fun,” Suzie said as she made the bow and arrows turn into paint, liquifying away. Glitch knocked on the door for Bombshell to open it up. “Your back, and you brought food, good, I’m starving” Bombshell said as Glitch brought the deer in. “I'm going to let you two enjoy your breakfast, I'm going to head back to my tree house to eat something,” Suzie said, walking over to the tree containing most of her stuff including some breakfast bars she packed. “Okay, see you then” Bombshell replied. “Enjoy your food then” Glitch also replied. “I will,” Suzie said happily, disappearing up a tree. Glitch and Bombshell wasted no time and cut the deer and began to cook it and enjoyed a delicious meal. “At least we have good food out here” Bombshell said while eating the deer. Glitch just grunted and continued eating. Suzie ate her food pretty quickly, not wanting to waste any valuable time by herself. After she finished she carefully climbed down the tree and made her way over to the hut. “Knock, knock,” Suzie said, knocking on the door of the hut. “Yes,” Glitch answered. “You're supposed to say who's there,” Suzie said, playfully rolling her eyes. “I know who you are, ya know” Glitch replied. “C’mon just say it,” Suzie said, pouting a little. “I am training, not playing, now what is it you seek?” Glitch asked. “I was only coming to check on you is all,” Suzie said, putting her hands in her pockets, pouting that she couldn't tell her knock knock joke. “We are good,” Glitch responded. “Alright then, if you need anything i will be up in the sky,” suzie said walking away humming to herself. Glitch grunted and then coughed a little. “Dang it” Glitch said to himself sitting down. “What’s wrong Glitch?” Bombshell asked. “Nothing,” Glitch answered. “Listen, Glitch, you can tell me if something is bugging you,” Bombshell reassured Glitch. “It is none of your concern,” Glitch replied. “Are you sure, we don’t want it to affect your training right?” Bombshell asked. “Look, if I tell you, you must promise me you NEVER tell anyone else, got it?” Glitch asked. “Of course, what is it?” Bombshell asked. “There is this feeling, a feeling which I can’t describe too much, but it is something in the terms of my stomach feeling odd, me glowing green and feeling different to say, I can’t fully explain it, I feel it around this person though, ya know?” Glitch asked Bombshell. “Glitch, I’m not gonna lie I have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to feelings, the only feeling I feel is nothing honestly, I usually have to make my own emotions cause I don’t really feel, but I do think you might be describing love” Bombshell stated. “Who is it you love, is it your friend in that treehouse up there” Bombshell asked winking. “Yes, yes it is okay, but the problem is I can’t feel these feelings right now, our world is in danger and I need to focus on power, not love, ya know” Glitch asked. “Look Glitch, the world is in danger, heck the universe could soon be in danger, and I get it, you want to become the most powerful to stop our enemies, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to not love” Bombshell explained. “I want to love her, but I must focus on the task at hand, I need to stop our enemies or else there won’t be a world to live in so I can feel that love” Glitch explained. “I get it, but when would you love more then?” Bombshell asked. “I want to love when this is all over, to have my own world where I live in and find the full potential of my power and who I am, I just want to love when our enemies are defeated” Glitch explained. “Well Glitch, I’ll say this, you can love at the end of the battle, but if we lose, that is something you will regret forever I’m sure” Bombshell said before walking away. Suzie was laying in a huge puddle of paint up in her tree house just letting the comforting paint soak the back of her hoodie. After a minute of enjoying this she decided to get up and when she did two white wings came out of the paint with her, attached to her back. “Bright blue sky , here I come,'' Suzie said happily, shaking out her wings and climbing out onto a nearby branch. When she reached the end of the branch she spotted bombshell walking out of the hut. “Hey bombshell,” Suzie said, waving happily. “Oh hey,” Bombshell said, still walking. Suzie didn't hesitate a moment to launch herself off the branch. In a matter of seconds she was up high in the sky feeling light as a feather. Now maybe she could take some time to do a little surveillance over the area. “Night will approach soon. We need to find more love to return back home, and all because we returned later than everyone else,” one of the bugs said flying by. Suzie was just weaving in and out of the clouds every once and awhile glancing at the ground to see if there was anything interesting. Two bugs landed in front of Glitch’s and Bombshell’s hut. “It’s stupid that we have to go and search by ourselves, but I’m sure we will find something this time, I just need to open this door” the bug said about to knock the door down when he heard footsteps coming back. “HIDE” one of the bugs said while the both shapeshifted into flies. Bombshell came back holding wood. “Idea” one of the bugs said while laughing. “Okay plan, you will go and knock that guy out and I will enter his home and take whatever is in there” one of the bugs said. “Or better you knock him out and I shapeshift into him, there might be someone else in there” the other bug said. “FINEE” the one bug said, pouncing on Bombshell out of nowhere. “WHAT THE” Bombshell said before falling unconscious. “Good” the other bug said shapeshifting into Bombshell. Suzie finally decided after a few minutes of flying she should check on glitch or bombshell, even if she last saw him was not a long time ago but why not. Suzie swooped back over to the hut but quickly took a pit stop at the tree house to grab her brush she left. “Now to just open the door,” the fake bombshell said, grabbing the wood. “Heya bombshell,” Suzie said, landing nearby from off the tree. “Um, hey there” fake Bombshell answered. “Sorry, I know I checked in on you not a while ago but I just wanted to double check if you were good and if glitch was alright.” Suzie replied a little hastily. “Haha why, you think he’s too weak to defend himself” fake Bombshell asked. “Well..that's a loaded question right there. Yes..and no,"Suzie replied nervously. “I mean i understand he’s getting stronger and that's great but to be fair there are a few enemies after him that he might not be able to take on but i can,” suzie explained meaning no offense in any way. “So, what you're saying Is Glitch is too weak and pathetic and pitiful to defend himself, wow, you two get along just fine I see” Fake Bombshell said chuckling. “No, no, no, no it's not that glitch is too weak its just that some enemies are to powerful *cough* nightmare *cough*” Suzie said jokingly but realizing bombshell has never met her friend nightmare sans before, and it's probably a good thing he hasn't. “Uh huh, listen I’d love to talk about how you insult your “friends” but I gotta do something important” Fake Bombshell said slamming the door. “Bombshell you darn right knew I was joking..right?” Suzie asked from the other side of the door. “Joking about what” Glitch asked walking out the door. “N-nothing, nothing at all,” Suzie stammered, taken by surprise. “I-i a..gotta go d-do s-s-somethings um bye!” Suzie said, leaping into the sky and shooting off in the clouds, not wanting to accidently hurt glitches feelings. “Please, she was saying how your weak, and will never amount to anything, must hurt doesn’t it” Fake Bombshell saying to Glitch. “S-she said what” Glitch said with his eyes turning light blue and shock on his face. “Must suck huh” Fake Bombshell asked. Glitch’s eyes turned from light blue to glowing red and his face became serious looking. “Whatever I don’t give a (GLITCH) what anyone says about me, I-I got work to do” Glitch said while walking off. Suzie hovered over the clouds for a bit, praying bombshell didn't tell Glitch that but technically she wasn't wrong about there being stronger enemies and glitch would be unable to defeat them without her help, but that doesn't mean he’s weak. Suzie finally decided to land by the hut again and apologized for rushing off like that. “Heya glitch you in there?” Suzie questioned knocking on the hut. “Glitch seems to have gone on an expedition” Fake Bombshell answered. “Oh ok,” Suzie said, closing her eyes and sensing the direction of where glitches soul might be and after a few seconds she found it and shot off towards that direction. She quickly came across over to glitch and landed by him. “Hey glitch, sorry for leaving so suddenly. You just took me by surprise, that's all.” Suzie explained walking over to him. Glitch didn’t answer and stood there with his sword plunged into the ground and both hands on it. “You, um doing ok?” Suzie asked not liking this cold silence she was getting. Glitch continued to be silent. Suzie quietly placed her hand on his shoulder “is something bothering you?” Suzie asked worriedly. Glitch looked at Suzie with red eyes and anger on his face. “Off” Glitch said very darkly. Suzie recoiled her hand quickly. “H-hey if something is bothering you, you can tell me,” suzie said reassuringly. “Leave, now” Glitch said. “Wh-why?” Suzie asked, confused, taking a step back. “Just go, I will hear no more of anything from anyone” Glitch stated. “Not until you give me a reason why.” Suzie stated firmly looking him in the eyes. “No, leave me alone,” Glitch said, gripping his sword harder. “Glitch stop being difficult and tell me what has made my presence unwanted,” Suzie said, taking a step towards him, confused at glitch. “I don’t think you care to understand what I just said, so I’ll say it again,” Glitch said, grabbing the sword and pointing it out in the distance. “Leave me be,” Glitch said. Now this was a bit extreme, Suzie glanced around knowing something was up and she wasn't giving a clear answer. “Tell me why,” Suzie said, pointing at him. “How many times do I need to say, leave, how many?” Glitch said, eyes starting to glitch. “Until you tell me why, that's how many.” Suzie said, taking a step closer. “I won’t say anything, listen, I told you before not to interfere with my training, and you are doing just that, now leave me alone” Glitch said angrily. “No, I have not interfered with your training once!?” Suzie said even more confused. “Why are you suddenly mad at me?” Suzie asked, concerned, fluffing up her wings a bit. “You are interfering right now, now how bout I make it clear, I want to be left the (GLITCH) alone, go back to your treehouse” Glitch said walking off. “Wait a sec..” Suzie thought curiously trying to figure out what was making glitch upset. “What did bombshell tell you..” Suzie asked, tilting her head curiously and a little concerned. Glitch continued to walk off with his sword not saying anything. “Glitch..” Suzie said now starting to get even more worried. Suzie made a paint hand come out of the ground grabbing glitch and forcing him to look at her. “Get off me, now” Glitch said sternly. “What. did. Bombshell. Tell. you.” Suzie said with a blank expression. “Get your hand off me now, call it off, this isn’t how teammates treat each other” Glitch said with glitchy eyes. “Shhh, hey glitch..when i talked to bombshell something was off..the conversation i had now your acting very strange for some reason,” suzie said in a much gentler tone but more confused. “The (GLITCH) am I acting strange when you make a whole paint hand and grab me against my will” Glitch said with orange eyes. “Before the paint hand silly, you told me off but i didn't do anything to you except for bombshell who started trying to make false assumptions towards me after I explained how powerful some of our enemies (or friends I should say) were,” Suzie explained, trying to get to the bottom of this. “I told you off because I am tired of all this help, I told you to not interfere with my training and all you do is insult me and brag me, and you still have your damn paint hand on me, AND NOW I’M GLITCHING SO MUCH MY CURSE WORDS ARE ACTUALLY CURSING” Glitch said glitching crazily. Suzie was shook when he said she insulted him. She quickly released him from the paint hand and wrapped him in a hug. “G-glitch i-i would never insult y-you,” suzie said, choking on her words. “Please, why would Bombshell lie to me, he’s my only creation and my friend” Glitch responded. “I-i don't know, a-all i said was that some enemies were hard for you to beat and that was n-not in a-an insulting way,” Suzie said, her voice shaking a little. “Oh sure it’s not like you haven’t faced any enemies that you can’t beat” Glitch said walking away again into the woods. For goodness sake glitch, i-i've died countless times and the only r-reason i'm not gone is because of my soul,” suzie finally admitted covering her face with her wings remembering those painful memories. “Not everyone has a soul ya know, even if some have a different type of soul that they don’t know how it works, some people don’t even have a soul, once they die they are dead for good” Glitch said seriously with blue eyes. “I KNOW!” Suzie yelled, unable to contain herself. “Y-you have never watched your sisters and your brothers die before your very eyes and not be able to do anything about it,” suzie said sitting down and breaking into sobs unable to express the loss of some of her siblings. Glitch stopped walking and walked back towards Suzie. “I wouldn’t know, I was never born with siblings, that feeling for me to know is impossible, but I can’t imagine it was- was..” Glitch said before deciding to hug Suzie. Suzie was surprised by this but leaned into the hug crying on his shoulder and wrapping her wings around him. “If we want any chance of surviving these villains however I must train, and we must focus on the battle, to protect those we care for” Glitch explained. “And if we lose? Would all that time we spent training be for nothing if we can't even enjoy our last moments with our loved ones before it's too late?” Suzie asked, lifting her head off his shoulder. “We need to train as much as we can to ensure victory, and be confident we will win, just not overconfident” Glitch explained. “Glitch, I think you are getting your priorities mixed up,” Suzie admitted. “Even if we are to train and have victory we can't ignore our loved ones, we must always make time for them cause we never know when they might leave us..suddenly” suzie said looking down. “I-I can’t, I will get distracted, I-I have to return to my hut, the sun is setting” Glitch said while watching the sun go down. “No, the people you love arent your distractions, they are your support.” Suzie explained. “I-i've made that same mistake before,'' Suzie admitted. “I-I, we will discuss this later, let’s just head back” Glitch said while walking back. “Glitch, you have got to take my word for this, never ever think your loved ones are distractions cause in the end you might find out that all along your goals were the distractions,” suzie said remaining seated for a bit but soon got up after taking in a deep breath to calm her mind. “Why is the night sky glowing like that?” Glitch asked himself as the sky was glowing brightly in the night. “I don't know,” Suzie said, glancing up and deciding to take a closer look so she quickly shot up into the sky to see scanning around.[/font]
Post in: Lore
2 people like this.
Bright Brave
That guy looks pretty cool
Like May 17, 2024
thanks, its bombshell in the story
Like May 17, 2024
the changeling queen captures him
Like May 17, 2024
Bright Brave
But Bombshell would never be taken alive!?!?!
Like May 17, 2024
he is bait
Like May 17, 2024
Bright Brave
What a devious clever plan
Like May 17, 2024
plot :3
Like May 17, 2024