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by on May 26, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 18 assembling the armies[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Outside in snowdin a giant aura of yellow energy appeared as someone was spawning in it causing the ground to shake. Venom left the inn to go see what was happening outside to cause an earthquake so late at night. As the energy left it revealed itself to be Discord who was wearing a cloak and had some ponies behind him. “Discord, didn't expect to see you so soon,'' Venom said, his left eye shining bright green lighting up the dark night. Discord summoned a small hut on the outside but on the inside was a huge mansion. “I see now isn’t the time to talk, we will talk in the morning” Discord said as he and the ponies walked into the hut and closed the door. “Alright see ya in the morning then,” Venom said as he teleported back into the inn. “Psst suzie wake up,” venom said quickly shaking suzie awake. “What?” Suzie asked, yawning awake. “I know it's pretty late but we should head to the celestial zone and gather the four armies that we got and get them ready,” Venom said as he gave Suzie her shoes and brush. “Already? If you think so then sure,"Suzie said, putting her shoes on and making a portal. They walked through the portal and entered the celestial zone. “Venom get roulax kaard, it is time,” suzie ordered venom as venom teleported off. “Guards,” Suzie called as two guards hurried in. “tell optimus prime to assemble his autobots, and you, tell queen scarlett and queen wasp and all those other dragons we agreed peace terms with to get their troops ready by dawn.” Suzie commanded as both guards nodded and ran off. “I’ll go inform Arceus to get his army's butt out here,” Suzie said grumpily, making another portal. Bombshell woke up and headed outside to get some air. “Wonder where Glitch went,” Bombshell said to himself, taking his helmet off. The night sky suddenly went to day. “What the heck” Bombshell said as Discord and ponies suddenly left the hut. “Well time is of the essence where is Suzie or Glitch or anyone of leadership” Discord asked looking around and seeing Bombshell. “You, where are the leaders?” Discord asked impatiently. “I-I don’t know” Bombshell replied. “Well get them here now, we have business to take care of” Discord said, still impatient. “I don’t know where anyone went, they have to come here” Bombshell said looking around. Suddenly a navy slender looking monster man walked down the path. He was dressed in a fine royal suit and had the symbol of the celestial zone flag on his left arm. “Hasnt thouest thee, heardeth thy wordth on thoust nighteth?” roulx kaard asked, walking over to them. “What are you saying?” Discord asked, looking at Roulx. “Oh ho ho so thi hasn't heardes thy highest bidding hmm?” roulax kaard said smirking at them. “Do you perhaps know where Suzie is?” Discord asked. “Thatest whyeth i've cometh to bring thee thy news,” roulax kaard said dramatically. “Speak English, I am not in the mood for games” Discord said, eyes flashing red. “Pish posh, i speaketh onlyth thy truthest of thy words,” roulx kaard said smirking at discord. “Hear thee, thy empress hast stardeth thy gatherings of thy finest armies thou hast, youth areth to accompany thee in thy greath assembly,” roulax kaard proclaimed. “And will there be a meeting at this assembly?” Discord asked. “Cometh, and i will show thy all,” roulax kaard said as two big royal guards from the celestial zone appeared holding spears. The two guards both pointed their spears down at the ground as they stabbed their spear into it. A golden gate suddenly appeared out of thin air between the guards. Roulax kaard knocked on the gate and the doors swung wide as a blinding light showed through. “Followth thee,” roulax kaard said walking through the gate. Discord and the ponies flew through as Bombshell watched. “You should come too,” one of the guards said urgently. Bombshell followed through. The two guards closed the gate behind them and the door vanished from view. They were standing in front of a ginormous structure that shone in the sunlight on a valley full of hills. “Wecometh to thy militaryth soul base, the biggest war base in thy celestial zone.” roulax kaard said dramatically walking toward the structure. The structure was gray with a giant orange and blue upside down heart over the entrance, the structure was as big as a city and there was a bustling of noise coming from inside. “Where is the meeting place at, we need to talk to Suzie” Discord said impatiently. “Followeth me and you willeth find thou,” roulax kaard said as both of the guards opened doors. Inside it was full of life. All sorts of creatures, humans and robots were scurrying around. There were jet hangers and skyscraper robots moving along as they prepared one another for war. Roulax kaard walked along into a seperate room that was at least half a mile from the entrance. Inside the room were more than 30,000 tanks and war machines all ready to go. “Tsk tsk, you are only witnessing a 100th fraction of thoust power that thy hast prepareth,” roulax kaard said smirking as they entered a hallway. On each side of the windows there were soldier men all in uniform doing attack formations as far as the eye could see. Eventually they came to a room that had a door made of gold. Roulax kaard knocked on the door. A second later it was opened by an octoling, DJL. She was dressed in a military commander uniform that was teel. “Oh, you guys came sooner than we thought,” DJL said, looking up at them all. “Thee neadeth to see thy empress,” roulax kaard said as he walked away with the two guards. “Well then, come on in guys, welcome to the meeting room.” DJL said as she opened the door for them. Inside was a group of people, the loyal 9 all sitting at a table with suzie at the head of the table. They were all dressed in similar outfits as DJL except for Suzie who was in armor similar to the guards with a silver crown on her head. “Suzie, we need to talk to you now” Discord said as he and some other ponies went over to Suzie. “Sit, tell me what you need to talk about,” Suzie said calmly but with authority. Discord pulled out a helmet and slammed it down. “Do you know what this is?” Discord asked, looking at Suzie. All of her friends leaned in to get a good look at it. “Looks like a plain old helmet to me," DJ leafeon said, waving it off with her paws. “It’s much more than that,” Discord said, throwing his powers at it as the helmet internally glowed purple for a second before shutting off. “What is it discord?” Suzie asked as Syntax error picked it up with his strings inspecting it. “This helmet was one of many in an invasion that happened in Equestria, some call it the helmet of eternity” Discord said looking at the helmet. “Hmm, could this be the eternal armies helmet or a copy of it?” venom asked, sitting up straight in his uniform as syntax error placed the helmet in his hands looking at it closer. “This is only a soldier’s helmet, it was found on a pile of bones, I have done much study on this helmet, it is what was used in the invasion of Equestria all those years ago” Twilight said. “Do you think these helmets are what give the users powers?” Suzie asked. “They do, this helmet or the original let's one have many powers like making armies, portals, summoning and destroying, the longer the person has the helmet the more powerful they get, these soldiers weren’t able to be killed unless the soldier himself takes off his helmet, this guy must have taken his off” Twilight said. “Do you think the helmet's powers would deactivate if the master helmet got taken off by the leader of the armies who made the soldiers helmets?” Suzie asked. “Perhaps, during our invasion at the slaughtering stage the leader was relentless, he even killed the princess’s sister, however after he left our world his soldiers went mad and started taking off their helmets and dying, then again he may have not left since his helmet was still here, but once he takes his helmet off the soldiers all die” Twilight explained. “Hmm I see, well the master helmet is currently being worn by someone,” Suzie announced to the ponies. “WAIT, SOMEONE HAS THE HELMET?!” Discord asked. “Unfortunately yes, and I see now that the way to win this war is to make a diversion for the enemy's army then sneak in and we could have syntax error mind control them to get the master helmet off them ensuring victory,” Suzie said explaining her idea. “Hmm, what if our sneak attack gets found out?” Sarvia asked. “We should have more than one party to go and scout out reboot for the master helmet.” Suzie said thinking. “So reboot is the one with the master helmet?” syntax error asked. “Yes,” Suzie said. “Hey guys, fyi mind control doesn’t work, we already tried that” Twilight explained. “Actually, she might be right on that one,” syntax error said, still looking at the helmet in his hands. “But yet again might not. I've seen this type of helmet once before. It was during the time when I was still a universe destroyer. I came across a universe getting invaded and had a small encounter with a dozen of these helmet users,” syntax error said while still looking at the helmet. “Lets just say they didn't see what was coming,” syntax error said glaring at the helmet and glitching it out of existence with his hands. Syntax error scowled at the last glitching remains of the helmet in his hands and he walked out of the room not saying anything else. “Wait a sec did he just-?” Venom said shocked as Suzie and her friends stared after syntax error with disbelief.  “Either way the helmet guy is mine, he took someone I cared about, even if they aren’t the same” Discord said sternly. “Discord, we actually we need you in the main army to distract the enemy's army so are selected individuals can sneak in and get the helmet off reboot,” Suzie said trying to reason with him. “Please, having me a part of this whole battle is one thing, but I will be the one to take the fight to him and kill him” Discord said, balling his fist. “Guys what if this whole taking helmet off thing doesn’t even work I told you only the man himself can take it off, we need another plan if the first one fails” Twilight said. “Do you have another plan?” blade asked twilight. “Not at the moment, but we need one,” Twilight answered. “Is this all you have to discuss with us?” Frisk asked with a neutral face. “Yes, and also where is Glitch?” Discord asked curiously. “Hmm ya where is glitch?” Venom asked bombshell. “Well last I heard he knocked on my door and I was tired so I didn’t answer. He went through a portal after” Bombshell answered. “Where to?” Suzie asked, standing up suddenly. “He didn’t say, but you should probably wait until he comes back,” Bombshell said. “Venom, could you head back to undersummon to wait for him till he gets back?” Suzie asked venom. Venom saluted and teleported off. “Skoogle, may you please lead our guest to a spar hanger? I have some business to attend to with Arceus's army,"Suzie said, sitting back down. Skoogle nodded and walked over to the ponies gesturing for them to follow him. “This meeting is now dismissed,” Suzie said, walking out of the room to go find syntax error. Suddenly back at undersummon Sans’ house Glitch had come through a portal. “Come on guys” Glitch said, motioning his hand as two droids walked through the portal, one being a b1 battle droid and the other being a b2 battle droid. “Are you sure your friends are, um, friendly?” the b1 asked nervously. “Just don’t do anything stupid and you’ll be fine trust me” Glitch said walking outside. The b1 and b2 followed behind him. “Where is everyone?” Glitch asked, looking around as he saw a hut. “Hmm, you two wait inside while I go to the inn” Glitch said walking off. “Wait, you can’t just-” the b1 said as Glitch ran off. “Come on, back inside” b2 said as they walked back inside. Venom hurried down the stairs of the inn searching for glitch while he was still in his lieutenant uniform. Glitch entered the inn and was about to head upstairs. “Glitch there you are,” Venom said hurrying down straightening his uniform. “Where is everyone, and what are you wearing?” Glitch asked. “Oh this, yeah just my lieutenant outfit, but no time to explain we gotta go,” venom said hurriedly. “Okay hold on” Glitch said, summoning a portal as two droids flew through it. “OW, you could have just asked us to follow you” the b1 said, grabbing his head as the b2 got up and picked up b1. “Oh, who are these two?” Venom asked, putting his hands on his hips. “I’ll explain on the way, let’s go,” Glitch said, putting his hoodie up. “All right then,” Venom said, whistling as a portal appeared for them. “We've got no time to lose,” Venom said dashing through the portal. B1, b2, and Glitch all followed behind. They arrived at the military soul base inside the meeting room except the only person in there was blade. “What’s the emergency?” Glitch asked. “Emergency, no there really isn't one,hmmm maybe they're all at the cafeteria,'' Venom said walking out of the room gesturing for them to follow. Blade waved hi to glitch and then continued reading from a tablet. They walked the long halls with soldiers lined up as far as the eye could see outside the windows. “Nice place” the b1 said looking around. “It quite is,” Venom said cheerfully. Down the hallway bumblebee was racing with red hot and nearly stepped on them. “Hey, watch it!” venom said quickly pulling b1 out of the way before being stepped on. “Sorry lieutenant,” bumblebee said as he transformed into a small car and red hot transformed into a race car as they spead off. “Those two guys are gonna run over someone if prime can't get a hold of them,” Venom growled as they continued to walk. B2 pulled B1 closer to him. “So I hear you all have a war of your own,” B2 asked. “Yes, it's gonna be one heck of a war when Arceus gets here,” Venom commented as they entered a huge cafeteria that had very small creatures all the way to creatures as tall as skyscrapers. “Here’s the cafeteria, now I just gotta find Suzie,” Venom said as he teleported away leaving Glitch and the robots. “Well guess we should go grab some oil” B1 said walking off as B2 followed. Dragon came flying over to glitch and handed him a pear. “Eat, ya look half starved,” the dragon said as his scales turned the shades of green in glitches outfit. “Um thanks” Glitch said, taking the pear and taking a bite. The dragon nodded excitedly as it flew off with other dragons. “GLITCH OMG, IS THAT YOU!?” DJ Leafeon said, running over to him in her commander outfit. “Yes, hello,” Glitch said, waving his hand. “I haven't seen you in forever, what's up with the mask?” Leafeon asked curiously, nudging him with her head. “Just a new look is all” Glitch answered. “Cool but I can't see your face reactions,” Leafeon retorted, sitting on her haunches. “Yeah, but enemies will be intimidated when they see me, I think,” Glitch said, putting his hood up. “Nah ah, i dont think it's intimidating,” leafeon said giggling. “Yes but you also know me, so there is that,” Glitch replied. “Ya i guess thats why im not scared,” leafeon said. “Are you looking for Sue?” leafeon asked glitch curiously. “Sue?” Glitch asked, confused. “Sue, Suzie, Susan, SuzieQ, Suz, ect,” Leafeon rambled laughing. “Oh, well yes I am” Glitch answered. “I'm surprised you didn't know her nickname Sue, yet again Suzie is also her nickname,” leafeon said shrugging. “Well, have you seen her?” Glitch asked. “Of course I have, she is on the roof with syntax error last I checked. I think they were talking and catching up with what each other have been doing.” leafeon explained. “Oh, I see, guess I’ll speak to them later,” Glitch said. “In the meantime you could sit with me and my other friends,” leafeon said as she pranced off to the table that had the loyal nine sitting there including venom. “Oh I actually have to head to the restroom” Glitch said walking off. “Okay then, see you in a bit. The restrooms are down the hall and to the first right.” leafeon said waving goodbye. Glitch waved back and went off in the direction of the bathroom. Glitch entered the bathroom and closed the doors. “I’ll just wait until Suzie is done then we talk about the war plan” Glitch said to himself. A few minutes later the bathroom door slammed open as syntax error walked in with not a happy look in his face. “gLitCh, WhAt aRe YoU dOiNg In HerE?” syntax error asked hauling glitch out of the bathroom. “SuZiE HaS bEeN LoOkInG fOr yOu EvErYwHeRe,” syntax error said angrily, chuckling him out of the bathroom. “H-HEY, I was just doing my business in the bathroom” Glitch replied. “I DoNt GiVe A ShEeP oN wHaT yOu ArE dOiNg!! SuzIe iS iN tHe mEetInG rOoM sO sCuRRy OvEr tHeRe NoW!!!” syntax error said as he slammed the bathroom door behind him. “Sheesh, sorry Syntax, oh and be careful with your language, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you're a [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]POTTY MOUTH” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said as he began laughing. Syntax error kicked open the door hearing everything that glitch said. “dIe YoU GoOd foR nOtHiNg ApE!!!” syntax error screamed as he picked glitch up and threw him at least two football yards down the hallway till he slammed against the wall making a crater in it. “OW, it seems I made an error, a [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]SYNTAX ERROR[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Glitch said laughing before putting his hands on his head. “YoU ArE nO bEtTeR tHaN tHaT gOoD fOr NoThInG VeNoM!!!” syntax error shrieked before storming back into the bathroom. “Um, wrong time to make jokes” B1 said, helping Glitch up. “Guess I should head to the meeting room” Glitch said as he walked there with his hands on his head. Suzie was sitting on the table in the meeting room sharpening her katana blade as she was dressed in slim teal armor with a red outline on it and had her silver crown next to her. Glitch slowly walked into the meeting room looking at his metal arm before concealing it. Suzie didn't look up from what she was doing and paid no heed to the noise. “Suzie, did you want to see me?” Glitch asked, hand on his head. Suzie looked up and smiled, “actually leafy told me that you wanted to see me,” suzie said, putting away her katana. “I did?” Glitch asked himself before remembering. “Oh yeah, yeah I did,” Glitch said. “So what do you want to see me about, and um is your head alright?” Suzie asked, getting off the table and walking over to him. “Oh, your friend Syntax threw me pretty far,” Glitch said, putting his hand on his head. “Oh dear, what did you do to make him so angry?” Suzie asked, reaching up and lightly touching glitches head. “Doesn’t matter” Glitch said putting a full mask on that covered his face putting his hand on his head. Suzie frowned at this and removed her hand. “Why must you wear a mask while talking to me?” Suzie asked, crossing her arms. “S-sorry I’m not feeling so well,” Glitch said. “Take a seat then, can I get you anything to drink?” Suzie asked. “No-no just what are we all doing here, what's going on?” Glitch asked. “You said that we needed to gather our armies so I did, all four of them that I made truces with including my own, now we are just waiting for the changelings and the monster army to show up,” Suzie said. “Well I actually have another army on the way and I already have two of the many other soldiers” Glitch explained. “Hmm, ok then. Our plan is to use the armies to distract the enemy's army while we have a few parties to sneak in from behind and find, reboot and remove his helmet,"Suzie explained. “Um, but what if that doesn’t work, how will you even know where Reboot is?” Glitch asked. “We are going to send spies out once we have all the armies together,” Suzie explained. “Right, well you shouldn’t tell everyone this plan, we may have a turncoat” Glitch explained.. “The only people that know are me, my friends, bombshell, discord and some other ponies,” Suzie said. “Well be careful of who you tell, you can’t trust everyone” Glitch replied. “Yes glitch, i will make sure to be careful on who to tell,” suzie said. “Now if you can, will you remove that silly mask?” Suzie asked, leaning on glitches chair. “Afraid not, needs to stay on” Glitch said floating up. “Humph, alright then if that's the case,” Suzie said, crossing her arms again. “Look Suzie, there’s a reason I wear this mask and this hoodie, it’s not just for show” Glitch explained. “Why? Is it to hide your face reactions from me?” Suzie asked, turning her head away. “No” Glitch said removing his robes revealing his arm was completely metal and removing his mask revealing a purple eye. “W-why didn't you tell me this?” Suzie asked worriedly looking into his eyes. “Oh Glitch Glitch Glitch” a voice said out loud. “Because Reboot is taking over” Glitch said as smoke came from Glitch’s eye and a phantom of Reboot appeared. “Hello, brother,” Reboot said, looking at Glitch. “What the-” Suzie said shocked. “Hello Suzie, nice place you got here, and that armor is very excellent, very very impressive indeed” Reboot said, walking around still as a phantom. “Disappear reboot, now is not the time,” Suzie hissed. “Cute, very cute, but I’m not here for you, I’m here to collect one of my soldiers who is long overdue and should have come when I first ordered it,” Reboot said, looking at Glitch. “I don’t get it, why betray me, why join Shredder, he won’t win you know” Glitch explained. “Glitch, my brother, victory is inevitable for us, or at least for me” Reboot said floating around.  “I wouldn't be so sure, as the prophecy says you will meet your downfall,” Suzie retorted back. “Oh, you are a fool aren’t you, Shredder isn’t the one the prophecy speaks of, it talks about someone else, the helmet has revealed it to me” Reboot responded. “Whether or not Shredder wins, there is something else coming, something much worse than Shredder, that is why we must stop him,” Reboot said, floating to Glitch. “What do you mean something much worse?” Suzie asked, confused. “Shredder is nothing compared to what is to come, the helmet revealed it all to me, I know how to stop it, and it’s with you Glitch, join me Glitch, together we will kill Shredder and all will be forgiven” Reboot said, extending his hand out. “I don't trust him glitch, what if this is just a lie?” Suzie said suspiciously. “Glitch, do you allow her to speak for you all the time, quite sad if you ask me, you don’t even have your own opinion” Reboot said walking through Glitch. “Listen, you betrayed me, you joined Shredder, how could I trust you?” Glitch asked. “Oh you fool, I only “betrayed” you because you always disrespected me, I helped save your life, if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have met Suzie, and yet I’m the villain, you dumb fool” Reboot said walking on the wall. “Get out now,” Suzie said standing up. “Come on Glitch, you know I’m right, you want to spare lives, join me now and we will kill Shredder together, there is no need for a war” Reboot said flying around Glitch. “Reboot, I said get out,” Suzie said a bit more angrily. “Reboot, how can I trust you?” Glitch asked. “Well you can trust I heard your foolish plan, quite pathetic if you ask me” Reboot said. “Back to the drawing board then” Suzie said glumly. “Aww don’t be sad, that’s the least of your worries, well at least for Glitch” Reboot said as Glitch’s eyes both became purple and the purple started traveling to Glitch’s pecs. “Tick tock Glitch, you are running out of time, so little you have left” Reboot said as Glitch was getting nervous. “C’mon glitch lets go for a walk away from reboot,” suzie said nervously not wanting for him to get mind controlled while in the base. Reboot’s phantom then caught on fire as he burned away. “Don’t worry Glitch, I may have my own body but we will always be together, I hear you and you hear me, I see you and you see me” Reboot said as he burned away. Glitch stood there looking at himself from a mirror he summoned as both his eyes were purple he decided to put his hoodie and mask back on. “Let's go for a walk glitch, we could both use some fresh air,'' Suzie said, summoning a portal with her brush that was lying nearby. Glitch nodded and followed. They walked through the portal and entered onto the plains of hue. Suzie used her brush and made her normal clothes appear on her. Glitch adjusted his hood and mask. “Reboots crazy for thinking he could win,” Suzie said, trying to break the silence. “Hmm” Glitch said not trying to say too much knowing Reboot is listening. “If this whole war thing is a bust i want you to know it has been an honor serving by your side,” suzie said putting her hands in her pocket. “Thanks, you too, but…nevermind” Glitch said. “No, no, continue what you were going to say,” Suzie said curiously, turning around to face him. “What if I take Reboot’s offer and kill Shredder, then there will be no war” Glitch explained. “But i would lose you,” suzie said looking down sadly. “But I could save many lives doing this, people would die in the war” Glitch responded. “B-but i don't want to lose you,” suzie said sadly. “Suzie, this is about more than just me, this helps many people, you could finally relax and not have to worry about all the stress” Glitch explained. “No reboot has gotten into your head, he is nothing but a liar,” Suzie said looking at glitch. Reboot suddenly appeared again as a phantom. “Remember who really lied to you Glitch, I saved your life after all” Reboot said walking next to Glitch. “GET OUT OF HERE!” Suzie said, swatting at the smoke. “You're cute when you're angry,” Reboot said looking at Suzie. “Why do you keep following me?” Glitch asked. “We are brothers, I just want to hang out is all” Reboot said putting his arm around Glitch. “Privacy reboot,” Suzie scoffed even more angrily. “Glitch, how about I just tell you something important, this war you are fighting is in vain, you all will fail” Reboot said floating around Glitch. “No we won't, don't listen to him Glitch,” Suzie said as she tried to wave the smoke away. “Glitch, buddy, does your friend ever shut up?” Reboot asked. “Don't you ever leave?” Suzie groaned. “Didn’t you get exhausted trying to find this fool” Reboot said looking at Suzie. “Weren't you a disabled handicap conscious in someone else's mind?” Suzie retorted back. “Aren’t you the creator of the guy who took Glitch’s blood after knocking him out and having Glitch suffer?” Reboot said floating around. “Aren't you the guy who could only sit by and only watch things like a parasite?” Suzie said smirking at reboot. “Such hurtful words coming from the one who claims to love Glitch while always fighting, like that time Glitch cut off his own arm to try and save himself and you have him a new one only making the infection spread, at that moment you probably said to yourself, oops, especially since the fool doesn’t seem to appreciate anything, right Glitch” Reboot said as Glitch’s hands began glowing red. “S-shut up reboot, you seriously need a hobby,” Suzie said ticked off. “Aww, no more comebacks, a shame, I was having so much fun, but maybe now you’ll shut up while I talk to my foolish brother” Reboot said flying in front of Glitch who had been silent the whole time. “GLITCH SHUT YOUR EYES AND YOUR EARS FROM THAT HOBO!!” Suzie said angrily. “Cut your cords from the deceiver, it’s your only chance” Reboot said before an explosion happened around Glitch. “ENOUGH, EVERYONE SHUT UP FOR GOODNESS SAKE, YOU WANT ME TO AGREE TO DEALS REBOOT THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND LEAVE, I CAN’T TAKE IT” Glitch yelled with orange eyes. “Don’t speak to me with disrespect, fool, remember who I am” Reboot said fading away. Suzie also shut up and looked away. Glitch’s eyes reverted back to green for a second before turning purple as he put his mask back on. Suzie didn't say anything but sat down on the grass. Glitch continued to stand for a little before deciding to sit down and wake his hood down. “Glitch?” Suzie asked quietly. “Hmm” Glitch responded. “Are you worried about this whole war thing?” Suzie asked, looking down. “I’ll figure it out,” Glitch replied. “I-im worried,” Suzie admitted, pulling her knees up to her chest. “Why’s that?” Glitch asked. “I-i never fought in a war before, i-i-im scared im going to lose everyone that i ever loved,” suzie said unable to look at the glitch. “I may seem confident and trying to be a leader for all my creation but in reality I'm so lost in all my doubts and fears, and now reboot is one of them,” suzie said. “Reboot is just trying to upset you and stress you out, best to ignore him” Glitch replied. “You think so?” Suzie asked, looking at glitch. “Reboot could easily manifest simply as a voice only I could hear, but he sees that he angers you and is doing and saying what he is to provoke you, that’s why he was walking with us” Glitch replied. “Glitch, is it true that you don't appreciate the things I do for you?” Suzie asked. “No that's not true, just Reboot trying to mess with you” Glitch replied. “Glitch, if you had only one thing to say to a person before they would die what would you say?” Suzie asked, looking up at the sky. “Perhaps it would be, see you on the other side” Glitch replied. “That sounds reassuring,” Suzie commented. “What would you tell me?” Suzie asked curiously. “Nothing,” Glitch replied. Suzie looked at him a bit hurt. “I-im sorry then,” Suzie said, looking away. “I’d say nothing because that’s not gonna ever happen fighting together” Glitch said looking at Suzie. “Glitch-that's so sweet of you,” Suzie said, wiping a tear from her eye. “Listen, things may seem bad, but we always have a chance at victory, so let's not give up just yet,” Glitch explained. “I wasn't planning on giving up anytime soon,” Suzie said, nudging glitch playfully. “Neither am I,” Glitch replied. “Is there anything you would like to say before we leave to fight this war?” Suzie asked. “Let’s go fight,” Glitch said. “Alright then, if that's all you want to say.” Suzie replied. “Yeah I know a bad catchphrase” Glitch replied. “Very, i would have said your today's choices will forever impact your future life decisions,” suzie said dramatically. “It is better, but I already said my bad one” Glitch said shrugging. “What are you going to do about your infection from reboot?” Suzie asked as she lightly touched his metal shoulder. “Will accept reboots offer?” Suzie asked worriedly, feeling his arm all the way down to his hand. “I doubt that will ever happen,” Glitch replied. “Few, good, for a second i was worried you might,” suzie said relieved. “Well to be honest it might be a good idea to do so, just so we could take Shredder down” Glitch replied. “Yes but I still feel like it's a trick. If shredder was to die then what would reboot do with the army? I doubt he will leave us in peace,"Suzie said thinking. “All though now that i think about it i've gotta be careful what i say around you,” suzie said plucking some grass out of the ground and fidgeting with it. “Yeah, and best to not tell me your guys next plan” Glitch said. “Yep..” Suzie said awkwardly. “How long do you think you will be normal before fully infected?” Suzie asked. Glitch looked at his hand then moved part of his shirt to see that he was becoming more metal. “I’m not too sure, but I need to-” Glitch said before he  gripped his chest as his shirt ripped off being replaced by a metal chestplate. “Clearly not long,” Glitch said, shocked. “Are you ok!? Did that hurt!?” Suzie asked, concerned. “No, I don’t feel pain at all there, or my arm,” Glitch said. “Well that's a bit of a relief but still we should get a move on now,” Suzie said, standing up quickly and offering glitch her hand. Glitch extended his hand as he stood up. Suzie glanced at his metal chest and couldn't help but blush a bit but she quickly turned her head and made a portal. Glitch followed behind Suzie. They entered in a room that had no windows and no door. “Glitch, i'm going to have you stay here just for the time being if that's alright with you?” Suzie asked glitch, trying to look him in the eyes. “Why is that?” Glitch asked that. “I don't want you to harm any of my subjects or allies in case…you know,” suzie said trying to be reasonable. “I could leave you some crossword puzzles or something to keep you occupied if you want,” Suzie offered. “I know this isn't a fun room to be in but it will only be for a little while,'' Suzie said, glancing down but quickly looking up again in his eyes. “Fine,” Glitch said sitting down in the corner. “I'm sorry this is happening to you,” Suzie said, hugging him from behind while he was sitting. “I’ll be fine, just do what you have to do,” Glitch said. “Alright, I will see you in a bit,” Suzie said as she quickly created some puzzle books to entertain glitch. “I will be back in a gippy,” Suzie said, making a portal and leaving. “Okay” Glitch said. A few minutes had passed and Suzie quickly returned to glitch holding something in her hand. “Im back~,” Suzie said triumphantly. “Sup,” Glitch said. “I brought you something,” Suzie said sitting next to him. “What did you bring?” Glitch asked. “A shirt,” Suzie said pointing at his shirt. “You sure it’s gonna fit, after all my last shirt broke because of the chestplate, which I can’t seem to take off” Glitch said trying to take off the chestplate with no progress. “Well it's worth a try, is your stomach metal?” Suzie asked, handing him the shirt. “Not currently,” Glitch replied. “Well then you should put a shirt on,” Suzie said, looking away so glitch couldn't see her face. Glitch tried to put the shirt on but it wouldn’t go over the chestplate. “It’s not working,” Glitch said frustrated. “Sigh, well i could create you a bigger shirt or you could go shirtless,” suzie said jokingly. “Yeah I think I’ll just-” Glitch said as his stomach had also become metal as well as his other arm. “NO, It’s getting faster” Glitch said looking at both its arms. “So much for the shirt thing,” Suzie said, face palming. “At least your hips and below aren't metal yet,” Suzie said trying to think on the positive side as she hurriedly looked through her pockets for her phone to contact one of her friends. “Yeah well they will be soon if I don’t do something about it” Glitch said nervously. “I don't see what we can do,” Suzie said, a bit hopelessly giving up. “Hmm, maybe I should talk to Reboot,” Glitch said, turning his head. “Do you think you should accept his offer at this point?” Suzie asked nervously, placing her hand on glitches shoulder. “I-I don’t know,” Glitch said. “Well we won't be attacking shredder's army anytime soon so maybe just try to resist turning into his knight for right now,” Suzie said half heartedly knowing that what she said was a complete lie. “Maybe I should accept the offer then,” Glitch said looking at the wall. “If you do, I will come after you and save you,” Suzie said smiling. “We are going to win this war no matter what reboot says,” Suzie said, full of hope again. “Even if you do save me it may not matter if I can’t get rid of the infection, my only chance is to go alone, so that whatever happens you all still have a leader” Glitch said. “We have more than 20 leaders here, glitch-” Suzie said, then quickly shut her mouth not wanting to give anything away. “I am of no importance to the great war, I'm only a minor,” Suzie explained. “You are important, you will be needed, but I need to stop this before it goes any further, so for now this is goodbye” Glitch said looking down. Suzie looked away sadly. Glitch looked at Suzie then away. “Reboot, I accept” Glitch said as Reboot came from being a phantom. “Really, I must say given how stupid you are I’m surprised you made this choice” Reboot said flying around. “Take me to where I need to go,” Glitch said looking down.  “Wait Glitch,” Suzie said quickly. “Make it fast Glitch, we don’t have all day” Reboot said flying up. “Yes Suzie,” Glitch replied. Suzie pulled the glitch into a tight hug. “Whatever you do dont die,” suzie said quietly. “I won’t,” Glitch said, hugging her back. Suzie did not release from the hug. “Lets go fool,” Reboot said as Glitch began to float in the air. “Take care glitch,” Suzie said. “I will,” Glitch said as he caught on fire before disappearing. Suzie looked longingly at the spot from where he disappeared but quickly made a portal and left to go to assemble the army and a special squad to rescue glitch. Glitch spawned in the ship with Reboot appearing next to him. “You made the right choice,” Reboot said, flying around before landing. “Like I had a choice,” Glitch said looking around. “But you did have a choice, you could have just turned to one of my knights, you made what you believed to be the right choice,” Reboot said before walking as Glitch followed. “You know Glitch, you all really think you're smart don’t you?” Reboot asked floating. “What do you mean?” Glitch asked. “You guys really think you can fool us, that’s hilarious” Reboot said flying out of a tent. “Two things, one, what do you mean fool you and where are we?” Glitch asked. “Just somewhere you won’t find our army, we made sure to hide them as well as our ship somewhere you won’t be able to go or even find” Reboot said as he floated above snow. “Why did you take me here if we were to kill Shredder?” Glitch asked. “We are here because I need to show you why you need to join me,” Reboot said, flying around to a cave covered in snow as he moved the snow and flew in. “In here you will find what I need to show you” Reboot said as he flew in and Glitch followed. Reboot came and lit a purple fire with his hand and placed the flame on the sword. “What’s so special in here exactly?” Glitch asked, looking at Reboot. “This is what I am showing you,” Reboot said, taking the sword near the wall, lighting it up as there were carvings and writing on it. “What is that?” Glitch asked. “It’s the prophecy, the one about how you defeat the great evil to come,” Reboot said looking at the wall. “I can’t read that, what does it say?” Glitch asked. “The helmet has revealed it to me and me alone, but I will share the information with you, this carving says and I quote, he was put in the dark realm for his punishments, locked away from mortals to try to interfere with these affairs, he was thrown in dark chains so that he may never escape, he is the force that causes evil to be born, he has taken many forms, influenced all the destruction of all, tch like that makes since” Reboot said scoffing. “However his chains begin to break, he plans on leaving soon, once he is freed he shall have his reign of destruction and bring about more evil to consume everything, he is known as the father of monsters, expanding his evil everywhere, however there must be one who rises up, one who will stand against this evil and banish him back to the dark realm, you must do it, or we will all perish” Reboot said finishing the message as Glitch looked at him with shock. Suzie was running through the halls giving orders as everyone was assembling for war. “Syntax, you want to be on the front lines?” Suzie asked as the army was marching outside all lined up. “hMmMmMm, I’d FeEl bEtTeR iF i cOuLd KeEp aN eYe On yOu,” syntax error replied. “Then you will have to join the rescue squad,'' Suzie said as she led him to a separate room. Inside the room was discord, venom, dream and bombshell. “Alright guys, while the army is making a big dent in their army we will have to act fast and silent. Get the helmet off, reboot and save glitch. Any questions?” Suzie asked as she finished her quick summary of their mission. “Question, where do we know the army is?” Venom asked. “We have to wait for them to make a move or discord could sense glitches' presence when he uses his magic,” suzie explained. “sO nOw We jUsT wAiT,” syntax error said sitting down. “Don’t worry, as soon as I sense some kind of disturbance I will let you all know” Discord said, putting up his hood. Glitch looked back at the inscriptions then at Reboot. “See Glitch, unless you help me kill Shredder and become leader of the foot we won’t be able to stop “the great evil” Reboot said pointing at the inscriptions. “I-I need to stop the Shredder first then,” Glitch said. “Then let’s not waste any time, here drink this,” Reboot said, handing him a vial. “What’s this?” Glitch asked. “It’ll increase your strength,” Reboot said. Glitch drank the vile as they teleported to Shredder’s ship. “Okay Reboot, let’s-” Glitch said as he fell on the floor before getting back up feeling weight on him. “W–what the-” Glitch said as two knights tackled him and tied him up. “Well done Reboot” Shredder said, floating out from the background. “W-what, you traitor” Glitch said on his knees with his hands tied behind him. “Nothing personal Glitch, I mean actually it is personal,” Reboot said, smiling a little. “Y-you took my powers,” Glitch said looking at Reboot. “No no no Glitch, this vile temporarily took your powers, you’ll get them back when you agree to join us” Reboot said walking away. “I DID AGREE!” Glitch yelled. “Your loyalty to the foot must be tested, perhaps this war will show you, we will stop the war when you truly agree, Reboot prepare the troops, Kraang bring out the ships and the tanks, Springtrap, you and your little puppet go have some fun, and where was the last guy?” Shredder said, looking around as dust appeared behind him. “Right here,” Said King Sombra. “Go lead your army of slaves to the fight, we will begin the war after we order them to surrender” Shredder said as he got on his throne and opened up the room so he could look through the giant windows. The two guards brought Glitch next to Shredder, turning him toward the window. “Watch now boy as you lose everything, just as I had, you will suffer and your friends will die” Shredder said as one Kraang ship had begun to fly to go find Suzie’s base. “Should we turn on the shield, your majesty?” asked one of the soldiers walking into the room. “Yes, do so immediately.” Suzie ordered as she quickly had her armor appear on her. “You guys ready?” Suzie asked. Discord felt himself shake for a second. “Oh dear, that can’t be right,” Discord said to himself.[/font]
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