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by on May 26, 2024
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 19 The war has come[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif] “SYNTAX ERROR, go outside quickly. I think something has shown up in our universe,"Suzie said urgently but syntax error had already left to investigate what shook them. Syntax error teleported on the roof of the base overlooking the whole army that stretched on for miles in great numbers. The ship projected a giant hologram in the air. “Who is the leader?” Shredder said in the hologram. Suzie showed up next to syntax error through a portal to see the big screen. “I have come to discuss negotiations, perhaps there needs to be no bloodshed this day” Shredder said. All 27 of the main army leaders stepped forward including suzie and syntax error. “My negotiation is simply, lay down your weapons and join the foot clan” Shredder said. “oVeR mY dEaD bOdY!!!!” syntax error yelled in anger as the rest of the army yelled back in anger too following his lead.  “WE CAME HERE TO PROTECT THOSE WHO CANNOT PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU!! WE ARE NOT GOING TO BACK DOWN, NOT WHILE THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSES ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE CHOICES THAT WE MAKE TODAY!!!” Suzie yelled as the whole army yelled with her in agreement. “Your fate will kill, many, isn’t that right Glitch” Shredder said as the camera went to a tied up Glitch. “You think what you do is noble and just, and perhaps you think you will win, but let me tell you, there are no winners, only those who survive, and none of those will be any of you” Shredder said as the ship flew back up into space. “Crud, they have glitch,” Suzie said nervously. “ReLaX, JuSt wAiT TiLl hE uSeS HiS maGiC tHen wE wIlL gEt hIm bAcK,” syntax error said as discord, venom and bombshell showed up on the roof with them. “What’s going on, has the battle started yet?” Discord asked. “It's about to go down,” suzie said, withdrawing her katana as syntax error took out his two giant knives from behind him. “STAND YOUR GROUND, WE WILL WIN THIS VICTORY WILL BE OURS!!!” Suzie yelled as the army roared in agreement. Venom withdrew his giant reaper weapon. “Guys, I'm so glad I can fight by your side,” Venom said smiling as the army readied all their weapons. Suddenly emerging outside the shield was some smoke before a pony in armor and a red cape with gray fur and green and red eyes appeared. King Sombra snuffed the air and looked around. “Hmm, it smells good out here, the smell of fear, something I find very much amusement in,” King Sombra said, approaching the shield. “Syntax error, you're not gonna like what I'm about to say but I seriously need you on the front lines. When we find glitch and reboot then I will call you,"Suzie said. “Tsk, FiNe,” syntax error said as he teleported at the edge of the shield facing Sombra. “Hmm the thought of war excites me so, as I’m sure it does you,” Sombra said looking at Syntax. “ExCiTiNg IsNt WhAt I wAs ThInKInG aBoUt, BuT I do miSS tHiS tYpE Of tHrIlL,” syntax error said smirking at Sombra as he spun one of the knives in his hands. “Oh I’m gonna have fun watching so many die, this battle will be one I enjoy very much, I’d wish you luck but I already know everyone’s kill count will be insane” Sombra said as small crystals formed around him. “lIsTeN hErE pOnY, I wOuLd Be cArEfUl WhAt yOu sAy YoU mIgHt jUsT eNd uP EaTiNg YoUr wOrDs,” syntax error growled. “I wasn’t talking about my faction, I was talking about you, deep down you're a killer, it’s inside you, it’s who you are,” Sombra said smiling as Twilight flew over. “sO wHaT, ImA eNjOy RiPpInG yOu ApART, Or WOulD It bE mOre EnTeRtAinIng iF i SmAshEd yOu lIke a PaNcAkE,” syntax error said scowling. “Hmm, you will kill many, and I will enjoy watching it, oh Twilight, sorry didn’t see you there, sorry I’d say princess but of what kingdom do you rule?” Sombra said, mocking. “Leave Sombra, or you will be the first of many to fall,” Twilight said, looking at Sombra. “On the contrary whether I win or lose knowing your here means I will see my own kind of victory,” Sombra said looking at Twilight while smiling. “What does that mean?” Twilight asked. “Oh you’ll see, don't worry,” Sombra said before flying off into the back, standing and watching. “CoWaRd,” syntax error said. “pOnY, YoU rEadY tO fIghT tO tHe dEatH FoR tHE wOrLdS sAkE?” syntax error asked. “I haven’t had to kill someone in a long time, but for our home, and for my friends I will do what needs to be done” Twilight said as Applejack and Rainbow flew by her. “We all fight together, just don’t give up hope” Rainbow said flying. “Let’s do this for our lost one’s, for our friends, for our family” Applejack said as all the ponies hoof bump. “GlAd YoU Are AlL wILlinG bUt yOu miGht waNt tO BacKuP sO yOu dOnT gEt sTepPed On,” syntax error said smirking as he walked forward. The ponies nodded and went back as King Sombra walked around waiting for the order. “When do we attack?” Sombra asked. “When I say so, now be patient” Shredder said, getting frustrated. Syntax error looked upon the army they were about to face and closed his eyes. A few seconds later as the ground shook beneath him he stood up to his full height towering above everyone as his green eyes looked down upon the antsized army before him. Horns blew from the celestial’s army. “CHARGE!” yelled one of the leaders as the army ran forward as there was a stampede of soldiers and robots and fantasy creatures all charging forward with syntax error running in the lead, with each step he took the ground shook beneath him. “Begin” Shredder said as Sombra turned into smoke before summoning a giant dragon with him on top as he flew in the air and breathed fire on the ground which summoned ponies with helmets on as they went to fight. The skywings from Queen Scarlett flew after the dragon and Sombra fighting with their airborne dragon tactics. Syntax error swung his giant knives at the front line of the ponies, knocking them aside and sending them flying with thousands of his strings while the rest of the front line attacked. The dragon continued to breathe fire sending more ponies as Sombra left the dragon to fight on its own. Suzie watched as the action unrolled. “Sheesh, this is pretty intense,” Venom said while watching. “We need to get an advantage from the sky so we can overtake their calvary,” Suzie said watching the battle. “Syntax is doing a great job punching a hole through their front line,” dream said as he felt the negative emotion grow. “Do you think we will have to fight the bad sans?” Suzie asked, looking down. “I don't know,” dream admitted, looking away sadly. “Uhg when is glitch going to use his magic?” Suzie asked discord impatiently. “I-I don’t know, soon I’m sure” Discord said. The battle raged on and syntax error got past the front line and started to go for the middle of the army and glitching anyone in his way out of existence. King Sombra went to a location out of the battle to contact Shredder. “Shredder the plan is going too slow, we need reinforcements” Sombra said. “I’m sending you my friends then” Shredder said as Kraang ships entered and began attacking and some other Kraang ships began spraying mutagen everywhere around the enemy. Syntax error watched in horror and tried to block the mutagen from the ponies and other creatures.  “Kraang, send out the super Kraang droids to destroy Kraang's enemy” one Kraang said to another as Kraang ships began sending out Kraang gorilla-like robots controlled by Kraang. A loud roaring sound came from the sky from the base and a fleet of jets came roaring into view and firing at the Kraang droids. “Unleash the ships” Shredder ordered as super fighters specially made by Kraang came flying through as Shredder and Glitch watched. “Soon once my plan comes to play I will wipe them out like bugs,” Shredder said revealing in his ship. “THEY HAVE AIRSHIPS!?!?” venoms said shocked. “I wasn't quite expecting that many,” Suzie said nervously. “We gotta have glitch use his magic soon or we might not win this,” Suzie said a bit worriedly. The Kraang began firing on the ground at the enemy and accidently shooting some of the Kraang droids. “KRAANG, DON’T SHOOT AT KRAANG” A Kraang said, nearly getting hit by shots. “Stupid Kraang,” Another Kraang said, annoyed. “I should get down there,” Suzie said nervously pacing. “If you do that you won't know when glitch uses his magic,'' Venom said. “I can't just sit here doing nothing,” Suzie complained while watching the battle. “Listen guys, why don’t I make it simple, we need Glitch and he still isn’t here, how about I go and get him?” Discord asked. “I thought you could only find him when he uses his magic!?,"Suzie said, whirling around facing him. “I can’t feel his powers anymore,” Discord explained. “Then how will we find him?” Suzie asked. “Look, I’m the Lord of Chaos, I can do anything, mostly, and I surely can find him trust me,” Discord replied. “Then take us with you to find him,” Suzie said desperately. “Question can you survive without oxygen?” Discord asked. “I can,” Venom said. “W-well i m-mean maybe?” Suzie shrugged, unsure how to answer. “Maybe isn’t good enough, and in the case of diplomacy you wouldn’t be the best to deal with Venom, no offense, look I’ll be back faster than you can blink, not really though,” Discord said, saying the last part to himself as he snapped away to find Glitch. “Great, c’mon venom we got a battle to fight,” Suzie said, making herself wings on her armor. “Wait, what about bombshell and dream?” venom asked, pointing at the two. “I will fight alongside you guys,” dream said. “Ok then, bombshell you can stay here unless you want to fight,” suzie said while venom and dream got on gaster blasters that they made and flew off to fight. “Guess I’ll-” Bombshell said before two droids came and the B1 put his hand on Bombshell’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, in a little bit you and many other guys in white are gonna crush the enemy,” the B1 said as the B2 nodded. Discord finally snapped himself to Shredder’s ship and looked around to see a hallway with him, seeing posters of the foot clan. “This seems to be the place,” Discord said as he floated through before getting tackled. “Not so fast,” the swordsman said as he injected him with the same substance that drained Glitch’s powers. Discord threw the swordsman off and snapped his fingers trying to turn him into a clown but seeing his powers didn’t work. “Drat, guess I’ll go to plan B” Discord said using yellow lasers from his hands from his pure chaos magic that he used to shoot at the swordsman knocking him down. Discord kept shooting lasers at all the foot soldiers until he was in the throne room where Glitch was sitting next to Shredder’s throne. Shredder’s throne was empty and the guards that were guarding Glitch were not there. “There you are,” Discord said, walking to Glitch and untying him. “W-what happened?” Glitch asked, waking up. “Did you fall asleep or get knocked out?” Discord asked, helping Glitch up. “Doesn’t matter, quick use your powers to take us back to base,” Glitch said urgently. “I can't, I have little powers right now,” Discord said as guards approached. Suzie was busy fighting alongside syntax error and venom. Suzie evaded many kraang ships and managed to take down a few droids. “They just keep coming, I don't know how long we can keep this up,” Venom said as he fired 30 gaster blasters, making a giant explosion in their army. “Stay strong, we must win,” Suzie said as she stabbed a kraang in a droid with her katana. Suzie quickly flew up to syntax error and landed on his shoulder trying to balance with all the movement. “How are you doing?” Suzie half shouted through all the noise. “AbSoLuTeLy FiNe,” syntax error said in his booming voice. “I'm going to help on the west side of the army, keep up the good work,” suzie said as she flew off to help all the auto bots. “Optimus prime, how are your autobots doing,” Suzie asked as she knocked an enemy pony out of the way. “We need reinforcements, we have many injured and the blasters are low on power.” optimus prime said firing a round of blaster shots at attacking kraang droids exploding them. “I see, hold out as long as you can, I'm going to go find Sombra and force him to retreat,” Suzie said as she flew high above the enemy's army and made her way to the back where Sombra was watching like a coward. Suzie found Sombra and dived down landing in front of him as she drew her weapon. “Sombra, call off your army, you stand no chance fighting us,” Suzie said, pointing her sword at him. “How cute, you really think I will surrender to a child, besides, while my army is fighting and many die I am more than happy to see the slaves fall and die,” Sombra said while evilly smiling. “All the slaves you kill anyway won’t change anything, besides I can’t call off yet, I haven’t given Twilight her special present” Sombra said with his eyes glowing green with purple fire. “Get behind me,” Discord said, using his powers to shoot one of the knights to which he didn’t even move. “W-what,” Discord said as a knight charged and knocked Discord over. Glitch looked at himself and saw that his pants were ripped because they became metal and that his eyes were purple. “We gotta go,” Glitch said, summoning a sword with his knight powers and swinging it at the two knights drawing them back. “Fight them off while I find a way out of here” Discord said as he ran to find a way to escape. The two knights and Glitch fought and it continued to be a draw until the knight decided to fly and air attack him. Suzie and Sombra were fighting each other furiously, not showing mercy to one another. “All your attempts are utterly pointless, give up now or face worse consequences,” Suzie said as she swung her blade at his neck. “You think I am afraid of you fool?” King Sombra asked, fighting back. “No but I think you are a coward,” Suzie said, making a paint fist and smashing Sombra with it, making him fly up in the air. Sombra went to his smoke form as he flew around. “I am a King not a coward,” King Sombra said as he summoned spikes from the ground. Suzie dodged them and slashed the blade swiftly, not giving Sombra a chance to recoil. Sombra felt the hit but instead started laughing. “Why don’t we even the odds” Sombra said, summoning a long scythe with red crystal-like structure as he began slashing back. Suzie countered his attacks and quickly swept her leg underneath him bringing him off balance. Sombra fell and started shooting lasers from his horn at Suzie. Suzie was taken off guard but quickly dodged them. “This is getting me nowhere, I've got to find discord,” Suzie said, smacking Sombra with a giant paint hand and then quickly taking off towards the base in hopes discord was there. Suzie made it back to the roof of the base where bombshell and the two robots were. “Have any of you seen discord?” Suzie asked urgently. “No, he’s still not back yet,” Bombshell answered. “Sigh, he said he wouldn't take long,” Suzie said as she sat down catching her breath watching her wings turn back into paint and melt away. “It looks like the boys in white won’t be needed” the B1 said as he looked at B2 who simply nodded. “Do I know you two?” Suzie asked, looking at them curiously. “I’m a B1, and this is B2” B1 said. “Oh i remember you two, i saved you guys from the bombs going off back at that snowy place,” suzie said in realization. “Yeah, it has been a little,” B1 said. “Yep, now where is discord? He's been gone forever,"Suzie said to herself impatiently. Discord was running through the ship trying to find a way out but with no avail. “Drat, guess I’ll just have to-“ Discord said before seeing Glitch running towards him. “Discord come quick. I found a way out of here, this vial can bring your powers back, use it quickly” Glitch said, handing him the vial with his metal hand. “Question, how did you find this” Discord asked. “Doesn’t matter HURRY,” Glitch said as Discord drank the vile and got his powers back. Discord snapped them back onto the roof. Suzie turned around to see discord and glitch standing there. “You did it!!” Suzie said excitedly, getting up. “Well of course I did, are you really surprised?” Discord said scoffing. “Yeah it’s great to be here but where is the bathroom your majesty I need to use it before I go fight?” Glitch asked urgently. “Of course-oh-OH!!!,"Suzie said quickly, turning around and covering her eyes when she saw glitches pants. “I-i-i’ll show you the way,” Suzie stuttered as she went towards the stairs that led down into the base. “Don’t show, just tell please it’s urgent,” Glitch said. “Ima show you cause you will get lost, so c’mon,” suzie said walking down the stairs beckoning for glitch to follow. Glitch quickly followed. Suzie quickly led him to the guys bathroom that was nearest. “Here, be fast glitchy, we have war were in the middle of,” Suzie said, quickly glancing at him and hugging him before starting to walk back. “Yeah yeah princess I’ll be quick just go back and fight and stuff” Glitch said as he entered the bathroom. Suzie stopped walking and hesitated. What if reboot had taken over him suzie thought frantically. Suzie decided to wait by the bathroom just in case. “Oh this brings back memories, TERRIBLE TERRIBLE MEMOR-“ a voice said in the bathroom before being stopped. “Quiet you fool, you trying to ruin everything, you and your pet guy go set these up everywhere” another voice said in the bathroom. Suzie overheard it while waiting. “Great, just great,” Suzie said before whistling and guards from their nearby post came running. “Bring him out,” Suzie said, ordering the guards. They nodded and barged through the door, weapons in hand. The guards were punched out by a metal hand as out the bathroom came Monty with upgraded weapons and red eyes as he stretched his robotic limbs. “It’s a beautiful day to cause some CHAOS,” Monty said as fire came from his mouth. The sprinklers were quickly activated and started putting out the fire. “MONTY, where's glitch?” Suzie said, shocked as she made a paint hand appear and pinned him to the wall. Suddenly the bathroom wall was broken as Kraang emerged from the bathrooms with gorilla suits and the regular Kraang droids and Springtrap came out and Glitch. “We have entered from inside the building and-“ A Kraang said as Glitch knocked him on to the ground. “What part about being QUIET don’t you fools understand?” Glitch said, adjusting his armor. “G-glitch..” Suzie said at a loss of words, staring at his armor in awe. “Say something human, hey you Kraang, do your job and start spreading out, don’t waste my time” Glitch said as the Kraang walked around before being shot down by the B2 battle droid. “What’s going on down here,” The B2 said, shooting the Kraang droids down as Springtrap went to attack B2. “You guys aren’t working with the Kraang are you?” B1 asked as he was shooting down Kraang and evading their fire. “WE'VE BEEN BREACHED,” Suzie said, drawing her sword and attacking monty. Monty began shooting at her with bullets as he used his fire breath to try and burn her. As they were fighting more Kraang kept coming from the bathroom and Glitch watched everyone fighting in amusement as he sat on a chair. Suzie reached in her pocket and pulled out a small woki toki with a red button on. Suzie pressed the red button and the lights shut down in the base and red lights started flashing with sirens going off. “WE'VE BEEN BREACHED, I REPEAT WE HAVE BEEN BREACHED. SEND IN THE DEATH EATERS!!” Suzie ordered as black smoke started pouring through the vents. The black smoke started to take the shapes and forms of soldiers and began quickly attacking the kraang. Suzie quickly had her regular outfit appear on her with her brush and she made a portal. Suzie then made a paint hand grab glitch and threw him through the portal and quickly followed after him closing it behind her. They landed in the plains of hue a ways off from the war. “Reboot, what have you done with glitch?” Suzie asked angrily as her clothes turned back into armor. “Glitch is resisting the turn to be a full knight, but he will soon follow, however you didn’t really think it would be that easy did you” Glitch said walking around. “I really hate you reboot," Suzie said, crossing her arms. “Who ever said I was Reboot?” Glitch asked with his arms behind his back. “Glitch, you gotta fight being a knight, you are our last hope,” Suzie said desperately. “You are a fool, I’m not Glitch you idiot” Glitch said laughing as he charged at Suzie. Suzie swiftly dodged out of the way. “Then who are you,” Suzie asked, drawing her weapon. “Haha, kill me and you’ll find out” Glitch said, running to go attack. “What-i'm not gonna kill you,” Suzie said, infuriated, dodging again. “Either you kill me or I kill you, so what’s it gonna be” Glitch said walking to Suzie. Suzie put away her weapon and glared at him. “Whoever you are, let my glitch go,” Suzie said firmly. “Fine since you won’t kill me” Glitch said as he summoned a sword and swung it at Suzie. Suzie fell back nearly getting hit. “Glitch, c’mon don't give in,” suzie said desperately. “I told you fool I’m not Glitch” Glitch said, thrusting his weapon into the ground at Suzie. Suzie scooted back avoiding getting speared. “Then who are you?” Suzie asked. “I am one of many of the soldiers that will die in this war, I am a clone of Glitch, forced to fight to the death” Glitch said as he stabbed the ground again. “W-wheres the real glitch then!?” Suzie asked, scrambling back up to her feet. “Oh you’d love to know wouldn’t you, cause he’s the only one to care about,” Glitch said, striking at Suzie. “Is he in danger!?” Suzie asked, drawing her weapon again and turning into shades of gray. Glitch stopped talking and put his helmet on and as he did he began to glow purple and charged at Suzie while flying. Suzie tripped over her foot trying to dodge the attack. “Oof,” Suzie grunted out. Glitch thrusted his sword at Suzie as he flew at her. Suzie rolled out of the way and kicked him in his shins. “Sometimes I really wish I could feel pain,” the knight said as he shot a beam of energy at Suzie. Suzie ducked and made a paint hand appear grabbing the glitch clone and smashing him on the ground repeatedly. The Glitch clone teleported out and shot an array of meteors from the Sky at Suzie. “The frick,” Suzie said, making two paint hands come over her like a dome. After the meteor shower the knight landed and charged at Suzie with his sword. Suzie made the paint hands disappear but was too slow to dodge glitch. The clone almost stabbed her in the chest but changed and stabbed her in the arm. “I’m sorry human, it’s not personal, I never wanted this but I have no choice, none of us do” the knight said, taking the sword from her arm. Suzie whimpered in pain collapsing to her knees clutching her arm. The knight summoned a Kraang droid there and the Kraang droid got a hologram out back on the battlefield as all the ponies slaves and Kraang droids stopped attacking and Shredder appeared. “ENOUGH, you will all surrender now, or she dies” Shredder said as the Kraang showed Suzie on the screen with the knight having the sword to her neck. Syntax error looked in hatred at the screen. In a blink of an eye syntax error teleported to suzie. Lunging his strings at the glitch clone, he speared it through him and then glitched him out of existence. He then whirled on the kraang and also glitched him out of existence. “DoNT GiVe Up YeT,” syntax error said through the hologram helping Suzie to her feet as she clutched her arm. The army cheered and continued attacking the enemy more fiercely. Syntax error broke the hologram machine and quickly turned to suzie. “ArE yOu aLrIgHt?” syntax error asked concerned seeing his empress injured like this for the first time. “I-i’ll be fine,” Suzie reassured him. “We need to find discord and have us brought to the place where he found this clone of glitch,” suzie said urgently. Syntax error nodded but brought his hand to her arm healing it. “lEtS gO,” syntax error said, teleporting her on top of the base roof. “You were wrong Reboot, the helmet of yours has failed, the clone is dead” Shredder said, making his spikes appear. “Wrong,” Reboot said as he held his hand out and in front of him spawned the knight who fell on the ground. “How-how did you-“ Shredder said before Reboot answered. “Quite simply, the helmet prevents death, it makes you invincible, in the case of what happened down there the Kraang cannot be revived, but any of my soldiers or me that happens to die from something like that, boom,” Reboot said bowing before Shredder. “While I am impressed, you still failed knight” Shredder said as he nodded at Reboot who nodded back and Reboot made the knight take his helmet off as Shredder pressed a button which made the clone’s head feel like it was on fire before he exploded his head. “Do not fail me Reboot, or this will happen to you next,” Shredder said as Glitch watched in terror. “Why so scared Glitch, you knew this was going to happen, but don’t worry, I’m sure you will make one of my best knights to fight out there, we have your body and even your head” Reboot said tapping Glitch’s new helmet. “Now all we need is your mind,” Reboot said, extending his arm out trying to take Glitch’s mind. “Discord, take us to the place where you found glitch,” suzie said urgently. “Please, last time I went there I lost most of my powers, I had to rely on my pure chaos, plus why would we need to go back?” Discord asked. “DO NOT QUESTION ME!! Send us there now,"Suzie said not wanting to put up with this. “Tch, whatever wussy” Discord said, snapping his fingers as they were at the ship. Suzie started running through the halls with syntax error following her. “Be on guard, we won't know which one is glitch,'' Suzie said, drawing her weapon. “You two stay here like fools, I’m leaving” Discord said. “sEe yA tHen,” syntax error said scowling drawing both of his weapons and running with suzie. Discord was about to teleport with his weapons when suddenly spray came through the halls and Discord lost his powers. “Again?!” Discord said upset. “Drat where's glitch?” Suzie said running even faster looking for him. “Dang it dang it DANG IT” Discord said running through the smoke that took his powers as he was being chased by foot soldiers. Discord ran past Syntax and Glitch running from the soldiers as the smoke continued to follow. “Oh BaCk So SoOn?” syntax error asked discord mockingly as suzie made a paint wall shoot up from the ground cutting the foot soldiers off from getting through along with the smoke. “Guess they evolved from liquid to smoke, big whoop, I’m sure these hallways are full of this stuff so stay away from the smoke, or it’ll take your powers like it did mine” Discord said as he walked down the hallway leading them to a fork. “This wasn’t here before '' Discord said, surprised. “Hmm we will have to split up, syntax go with discord cause he hasn't got powers, i will take this way,'' Suzie said. “cAlL mE iF yOu nEeD hElP,” syntax error grumbled walking down the hallway with discord. Suzie nodded and started walking down the other hallway with a quick pace. “Shouldn’t we formulate a smarter idea than simply taking the fork, it wasn’t here before, it’s obviously a trap” Discord said. “Oh ShUt Up, If ItS a TrAp ThEn It wOuLd sUcK tO bE yOu,” syntax error said scowling as he kept walking. Suzie had started running looking down every hallway hoping to see a glimpse or a clue on where to find glitch. The Foot clan came to Shredder’s throne room to speak. “Master, there are intruders,” a soldier said informally to Shredder. “Fill the whole ship with the gas to take their powers,” Shredder ordered as the foot soldier nodded to go do so. Reboot was slowly taking over Glitch’s mind with his powers. Suzie heard commotion coming from one of the hallways. Suzie peeked carefully around the corner to see reboot and glitch. Without hesitating she threw her sword and it pierced through reboot’s side. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Let him go,[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Suzie said angrily. Reboot turned around and grabbed the sword and turned it to ashes. “Kill her,” Shredder ordered as foot soldiers came to attack Suzie. Suzie stood her ground and had two paint hands punching the foot clan left and right. While the fighting was happening a Kraang droid with a mutagen gun came into the room and started firing mutagen at Suzie. Suzie dodged the mutagen and started attacking reboot with a small dagger. Reboot stood there not moving or flinching at all. “What are you doing?” Reboot said shooting purple fire at Suzie. Suzie ducked and rolled out of the way. “Rescuing glitch,” Suzie replied as she threw the dagger at the kraang killing it. “Seriously?” Reboot said as he used his powers to throw Suzie back. ” Suzie managed to stick her landing after flying back. “Is that all?” Suzie asked mockingly as she made a paint hand pick up reboot and throw him. Reboot caught himself while in the air and teleported back next to Glitch. “Is that all?” Reboot said as he fired an array of energy beams at Suzie. Suzie split herself and both sides melted into paint and spread out across the floor flooding it with red and blue paint. Reboot summoned a fireball and threw it at the ground. The fire went out when it touched that paint as if it had touched water. The paint started moving up reboots legs sticking him to the ground. Reboot cut his leg off and flew into the air as another leg formed as armor. The paint started crawling up to the ceiling and soon the whole room was covered head to toe with it. “Fine human, you want Glitch so bad?” Reboot said, grabbing Glitch and teleporting out the ship with him. Suzie leaped out of the paint in desperation. “W-wha, COWARD!! GET BACK HERE!!” Suzie said, stomping her foot in the paint. “You think you will win huh” Reboot said flying through space with Glitch. “Yes, why don't you come in here and fight me,” Suzie said impatiently, tapping her foot. Reboot teleported back and dropped Glitch. “No, no I don’t think I will fight you, but I’m sure my knight will,” Reboot said as Glitch slowly got up shaky and got a sword out. “Glitch, a-are you ok?” Suzie asked, concerned. “All will submit to lord Reboot,” Glitch said, turning to the direction of Shredder. “WHAT?!” Shredder said standing up as Reboot and Glitch faced him down. “Sorry “master” but I will be the one in charge now” Reboot said, summoning a sword to fight Shredder. “What the-, so reboot wasn't lying,'' Suzie said in realization. “Hahaha, such a shame Reboot, you had so much potential and yet you waste it,” Shredder said as he floated down to face Glitch and Reboot. “ATTACK!” Reboot said going for a stab to kill Shredder which missed as Glitch went for the next strike and also missed. Reboot began shooting fire at Shredder to which he evaded the fire with ease. Glitch and Reboot continued to try and strike Shredder but nothing worked and Shredder had enough. He used his powers to slow down time and knocked Glitch and Reboot on the ground. “I have accounted for betrayal, which is why I had the Kraang give me a human body amount of mutagen blood, to reach my full power, the power of time” Shredder said as he slowed down time and made Reboot take his helmet off using his hands which made Reboot collapse on the ground before getting up. “T-that helmet is alive, SHREDDER DON’T, that helmet is alive and it’s almost at its full potential don’t do it” Reboot said weakly as Shredder put the helmet on. “I am now the new king, no emperor, I am emperor Shredder” Shredder said with now the power of the helmet and Glitch. “Hey, emperor shredder, give back glitch so we can leave,” Suzie said impatiently as the paint slowly vanished and she made herself a new katana with the remaining paint. “None of you are going anywhere, especially you Reboot,” Shredder said, using his powers to carry Reboot in the air and keeping Glitch on the ground with his mind still not his own. “I don’t like traitors you know,” Shredder said as he began ripping Reboot apart. “Stop!” Suzie suddenly shouted without even realizing it. “S-stop, nobody deserves to be tortured like that,” Suzie said. “Enough, much time has passed, soon I will kill you Reboot, then Glitch, then you human, and-“ Shredder said before pausing mid sentence as Reboot fell to the ground and the helmet had changed from a purple glow to a red glow. “I-I am free,” The helmet said as the knight armor disappeared off Shredder. Suzie there confused but didn't waste any time making two paint hands grab reboot and shredder. She then rushed over to glitch. “Glitch, are you ok?” Suzie asked, concerned kneeling down next to him. “My-my head hurts,” Glitch said, trying to feel his head but feeling a helmet instead. Suzie quickly made a portal underneath them and transported him and herself to a safe place on the plains of hue. “Are you able to take that helmet off?” Suzie asked worriedly. “I-I feel nothing,” Glitch said, looking at his arms and legs. “The mission was a bust,” Suzie said looking down sadly. “T-they will come and kill us,” Glitch said standing up slowly in his armor. “I'm sorry, I thought we could win this,” Suzie said, covering her face with her hands. “No use in weeping, we need to get to the battlefield before Shredder shows up with the knight army,” Glitch said, drawing out a sword with purple fire on it. “Glitch, I can't let you fight in this war.” Suzie said standing up. “And then what exactly would I do, stand there and wait to turn?” Glitch asked. “It's too risky to even let you fight by our allies' sides, you could end up hurting them,” Suzie said, trying to reason with him. “Of course, so I sit here doing nothing, turn and end up being killed anyways, makes sense,” Glitch said looking at the fire sword. “Well what do you want to do?” Suzie asked, crossing her arms. “Go fight in the war, after all the knights can’t be killed and there are many out there” Glitch replied. “But I can't let you do that nor should I let you go near anyone while you are turning into a knight,” Suzie explained. “Tch, fine, go fight in the war then I’ll just stay here,” Glitch said walking away. Suzie looked at him sadly. “I'm sorry, glitch, I'm sorry for everything,” Suzie mumbled, looking down. Shredder suddenly looked at the battle through a Kraang droid's eyes. “Look at those worms, fighting for what, to rule, what a waste of power when they could fight to simply destroy” Shredder said as all the Kraang stopped fighting frozen as well as the pony slave army and ships and everything else. “What are you doing?” Reboot asked. “Upping the stakes,” Shredder said as all the Kraang and ponies began glowing red and started fighting more ferociously. Venom saw this and decided to have some of the troops fall back so they could regain their energy as more troops moved to the front lines. “Let’s see what my knight army can do too” Shredder said as Knights with spears came and started stabbing the ground and teleported around summoning many knights. Suzie was flying towards the battle field. “Syntax, report back to the front lines,” Suzie said in her mind. A few minutes later syntax error holding discord with his strings teleported onto the base's roof. “sTaY hERe IvE gOt a WaR tO wIn,” syntax said as he teleported to the front lines and landed there in his giant size shaking the ground as he drew his weapons fighting the knights. Suzie also flew to the front lines and was aerial fighting the flying droids. “Well Reboot is it, it looks like you will actually have a use after all” Shredder said as he threw a helmet on Reboot’s head turning him into a knight. “Lead some aerial attacks huh?” Shredder said, handing Reboot a spear with a purple flag on it as Reboot teleported to the battle in the air and spawned a bunch of knights in the air. The knights began shooting at the ground battle and in the air. Suzie dived at the knights fighting swiftly from one knight to the next. Knights from the air attacked back and some flew to the ground and spawned even more knights before they began flying in the air to attack back. Suzie split herself into two and both of her sides dived at the ground. They started rapidly spinning around each other creating a huge paint tornado as it moved around sucking in knights and throwing them around in a rampage. As the knights were being thrown around one with a spear teleported out of the tornado and began to call in more knights as they fired at the tornado with energy beams. The tornado moved towards them and shot the energy beams back at them. “Guess I gotta do it all myself” Shredder said as he floated in the air and teleported from his ship to the battlefield and threw his weapon into the ground causing the ground to crack around him. The tornado started to slow down since Suzie was getting tired and dizzy. Many knights fell to the ground and slowly got back up. Shredder approached the knights as they bowed in his presence. The tornado picked up speed even faster this time and made its way towards shredder while destroying everything in his path. The knights shot lasers at the tornado. The tornado reflected it right back at the knights as it got closer to shredder. Shredder summoned lightning and shot it at the tornado. Suzie got electrocuted and screamed in pain as both of her sides joined together and collapsed on the ground paralyzed by pain. Shredder approached and got his blade out to stab Suzie. Suzie couldn't move and only whimpered in pain. Shredder raised his blade before going for the stomach. Suzie closed her eyes shut and flinched waiting for the blow. Shredder thrusted the blade down fast and sharp. Suzie screamed in pain. “Make sure she stays dead, and the rest of you return to the war” Shredder said as the knights ran to go fight but one stayed behind. “Help please someone…” Suzie said as she breathed in pain clutching her stomach. The knight turned his head and got his sword out going for a stab at Suzie. Suzie couldn't find the energy to move as she was bleeding to death. “H-help..” Suzie mustered out as she started to black out. The knight went for another stab before being blasted by a yellow beam of energy moving him back. “Sorry mr.Knight guy but I don’t think your insurance will cover your damage to the armor” Discord said, shooting more energy at the knight before the knight stopped moving back and charged at Discord who dodged the attack. Discord got in a battle stance but saw Suzie and was shocked. “W-what did you do?” Discord said in shock as he saw Suzie turn to Fluttershy and thinking he had failed her again. Discord turned and shot a massive beam of his pure energy at the knight while his eyes began to glow yellow as he yelled. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Discord said as the knight fell to the ground knocked out from all the energy. Discord picked Suzie up slowly, not trying to hurt her. The knight slowly began to get up as Discord walked back to the base. “D-discord?” Suzie said, glancing up at him. “I-I won’t fail again I can’t I-“ Discord said before a knight stabbed him in the leg as Discord screamed in pain. He managed to lay Suzie on the ground gently as he shot more energy beams at the knights who fought back. Discord began to get cut a lot and was bleeding a lot before the knights were shot back by Twilight. “Discord get you and Suzie inside, we will hold off the knights” Twilight said as she and Applejack and Rainbow Dash fought the knights while wounded Discord carried Suzie inside. Discord went inside and went to the roof where he layed Suzie down. Suzie coughed up blood as she tried to move. “You're losing too much blood,” Discord said as he stood up slowly. “I can use my pure energy to form blood clots around the wound, it would slow down the bleeding but it’ll hurt,” Discord explained. “Nothing I'm not used to…” Suzie whimpered out. Discord used his powers to laser the wound but not enough power to damage Suzie. Suzie yelped in pain and squirmed. When Discord had finished he did the same thing to his own wounds before he passed out. As the battle was going on the ponies began losing to the knights a little. “Back inside every pony” Twilight said as she and Rainbow Dash retreated but Applejack was still fighting. “All right, I’ll head back in-“ Applejack said as she heard knights fighting someone else. “HELP, HELP” Applebloom said as she was surrounded by knights. “APPLEBLOOM!” Applejack yelled as she kicked back some knights and carried Applebloom. “I TOLD YA TO STAY INSIDE, WHY DID YOU-“ Applejack said before getting cut on the hoof and falling to the ground. It was Sombra who was fighting with his scythe. “This ends now,” Sombra said as he walked toward Applejack. “GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!” Applejack said as she got up and drew out a sword. “B-but I-“ Applebloom said before being cut off. “JUST GO!” Applejack said as she began to fight king Sombra. Applebloom went inside as she saw her sister get cut down. “NOOOO,” Applebloom yelled as she began to cry. “What’s going on, Applebloom get inside,” Twilight said, using her magic to carry Applebloom. Horns started blowing from the celestial troop soldiers indicating everyone needed to retreat back inside the base. “EVERYONE RETREAT AND SET UP THE FORCE FIELD,'' Venom yelled while holding off the enemy while everyone retreated back inside. The knights chased them as they were retreating back. Everyone got inside safely as the force field went up making it so the enemy couldn't get into the base. “We need to regain our energy and refuel, we haven't lost yet,” optimus prime said to everyone as they nodded in agreement, sitting down and catching their breaths. “Has anyone seen suzie?” Venom asked, looking around frantically for her. “No, but syntax error is still out there fighting,” replied Blade as he was tending to some monster's wounds. “Why am I not surprised,'' Venom said, rolling his eyes. Some healers walked into the room with the army and started reviving people and healing their wounds. Suzie was on the roof laying there still whimpering in pain, even if the blood had stopped flowing out of her she still had an open wound exposing her. “This ends n-now” Discord said as he teleported to find Glitch who was standing by himself. “Glitch I-“ Discord said before falling to the ground. “I have need of you,” Discord said, gripping his leg with a wound. “What do you need exactly?” Glitch asked in his armor. “I am going to end this war once and for all, I-I need your powers” Discord said urgently. “Take it, I can at least help someone,” Glitch said as Discord had used his pure power to take Glitch’s powers as Discord began glowing green and yellow. Discord then teleported to Shredder floating in the air. “THIS ENDS NOW,” Discord said as he shot beams of energy at Shredder. Shredder tried shooting back but felt his helmet coming off him before firing beams of energy back at Discord. Discord then had to use all his powers to shoot the most powerful beam of energy at Shredder as Discord felt himself falling apart. Discord continued to do this as Discord’s eyes began glowing yellow and Shredder’s helmet was almost off. As Discord was doing this he felt himself tearing apart and continued to use his powers until the helmet fell off as Discord faded away. Shredder fell on the ground as the Kraang died and the soldiers died. Syntax error watched in confusion but realized the helmet must have been taken off or something. Suzie slowly sat up and decided to go find Glitch for help as she made a portal underneath her. She landed where she left glitch but ended up collapsing with more pain than before in her stomach. “G-glitch,” Suzie called out weakly. Glitch looked back and helped carry Suzie on his shoulders. “I got you,” Glitch said, carrying Suzie on his shoulders. “Thank goodness you have not turned yet,” Suzie said while in pain. “I did turn, but then I just got all my mind back, the only thing still on here is the armor” Glitch replied. “Is it comfortable having your whole body metal?” Suzie asked, wincing a little from the sharp pain in her stomach. “My body is back to normal, I only have the armor now,” Glitch replied, still carrying Suzie on his shoulder. “Well that's good, must have been weird having metal skin,” Suzie chuckled hosrely. “Yeah it was weird,” Glitch replied. “Well, the whole army is taking a break in the base but the healers are busy with a lot of people so i was hoping to come to you for help,” Suzie said. “Can’t help, I’m powerless” Glitch responded. “P-powerless..” Suzie said, looking away in pain. “Discord came said he was gonna end the war and needed my power, so yeah no more power” Glitch explained. Suzie looked down sadly. “I'm sorry that you are powerless right now, i guess i will just recover on my own,” suzie said. “I’ll take you to a healer, they could probably help you,” Glitch said carrying Suzie. “All the healers are miles and miles away back at the base, don't bring me to them, they are helping others right now,” Suzie said squirming out of his arms. “Okay then,” Glitch said walking back. “Are you able to take your armor off?” Suzie asked, trying to remove his helmet. “Probably but for now I’ll keep it,” Glitch replied, keeping his helmet on. “Why?” Suzie asked, a bit concerned. “It suits me,” Glitch replied. “But I like looking at your fluffy cloud hair,” Suzie protested, giggling. “Well to be honest the armor is pretty much going to protect me now since I’m powerful” Glitch said. “I think you look hot in the armor,” Suzie said flirtily. “Appreciate the compliment,” Glitch replied back. “I was talking temperature wise,”Suzie said jokingly. “I see, well the armor feels fine,” Glitch replied. “Hmm, do you think I look hot in my armor?" Suzie asked curiously. “You don’t appear to be sweating, but I’m sure you would be hot with the sun shining on you in the heat,” Glitch replied. “Mayybe,” suzie said smirking. “Do you think I look hot in looks?” Suzie asked, winking at him. “Yeah, but you know you should probably go get help with all those cuts,” Glitch said. “I’ll be fine for now. But now I'm really curious as to why you think I'm hot,"Suzie said, blushing a bit. “Because it’s hot outside, we should go cool off,” Glitch said. “Yeah but you did say I looked hot in looks so now you gotta answer my question why,” suzie said chuckling. “I answered this before the war, remember?” Glitch asked. “Nope~,” Suzie said, holding her stomach. “Oh, well then I’m going to go now, me and Bombshell I mean,” Glitch said. “You're just gonna leave me here?” Suzie asked, hurt looking away. “I’m trying to get you help, but you said you're fine, and my job is done, the war is over, no more threats to worry about right?” Glitch said. Suzie was about to say something but couldn't bring herself to. “Look congratulations on winning the war, I’m sure you fought great, after all you all seem to have no deaths,” Glitch said. Suzie only turned her head looking away. “Guess I’ll excuse myself out of here, since I have no more need,” Glitch said. “I love you,” Suzie said quiet enough that glitch couldn't hear. Glitch reached for his pocket trying to get something out but realized it was covered by armor. “Oh right, this stupid armor,” Glitch said, throwing the helmet off. “G-glitch, what are you going to do now since the war is over?” Suzie asked. “Leave, alone I suppose” Glitch replied. “I'd love it if you would stay here,” Suzie said. Syntax error finished up glitching the last of the remaining enemy out of existence. He decided to go find suzie since his work here was done. He didn't sense her soul at the base but instead sensed it over at the plains of hue which was odd so he teleported over there to find her. Glitch was taking off his armor realizing he somehow still had clothes under his armor. Suzie watched him sadly unsure if Glitch would ever want to stay with her. Glitch had finally finished taking all his armor off and was able to feel the temperature outside. Suzie summoned her brush and painted badges over herself as her normal clothes appeared covering over the bandages. “Now that I am free from the armor I guess we should head back” Glitch said. “Are you going to walk back or use a portal?” Glitch asked. “Well i gu-” suzie said before being interrupted by syntax error. “wHaT iS gOiNg oN hErE!!??” syntax error asked suspiciously teleporting next to suzie. Suzie leaped in surprise and tumbled over yelping in pain landing on her stomach. Syntax error picked her up with his strings. “wHy aRe yOu twO sO fAr aWay fRoM bAsE aLoNe?” syntax error asked glitch drawing one of his weapons. “I was told to stay here for everyone’s safety,” Glitch replied. “DAD QUIT BEING IN MY BUSINESS!!” Suzie yelled angrily. “WhAt DiD YoU cAlL mE yOuNg lAdY, I wIlL sErIoUsLy gRoUnD yOu,” syntax error replied growling. “Do you two need a minute?” Glitch asked. “yEs,” syntax error said shooing glitch off. “Okay then,” Glitch said walking away. “wHy aRe YoU aLwaYs wItH tHat gUy? yOu dOnT lIke HiM dO yOu?” syntax error asked angrily. “What, no no no no, i-i uh just friends, yep, just friends,” suzie said starting to sweat. “YoU bEtTeR jUsT bE fRiEnDs, oR i WiLl pErsOnaLlY rIp HiM aParT,” syntax error growled. Glitch continued to stand back waiting for them to be finished. “Syntax, why must you be so overprotective!?” Suzie asked, crossing her arms. “CAuSe i prOmiSed yOur DaD to lOok aFter You aNd thAt's whAt i pLan oN dOing.” syntax error said ticked. “But you don't have to be in my business all the time, i've been over this like a million times,” suzie said, ticked also. “yA, Ya, I wAnT yOu aWay fRoM tHaT aPE, Do yOu uNdErsTaNd Me?” syntax error said firmly. “W-why? We are just friends.” Suzie said, confused. “TsK i DoNt bElIeVe yOu sUzIe, Im nOt cLueLess FroM tHe rUmOrS gOinG oN iN tHe kIngDoM mOsTlY sPrEaD bY vEnom,” syntax error said angrily. “Fine I will stay away from him, just dont hurt him,” Suzie said, giving up. “gOoD,” syntax error said, placing her back on the ground. “gLiTcH wE aRe heAdInG bAck nOw,” syntax error said walking to find glitch. “Coming,” Glitch said following. Syntax error teleported them back to the base where everyone was celebrating on their victory. “Hmm, interesting,” Glitch said to himself. “I'm going to head over to the star sans, see ya in a bit syntax error,” suzie said, rushing over to the star sans. “Hey dream, ink, blue i've got to ask you guys something,” suzie said urgently. “Yes?” ink said. “Have you guys seen the bad sans at all during this war?” Suzie asked. “Hmm, I have not. where do you think they are right now?” dream asked curiously. “Do you think this war is truly over?” blue asked concerned. “Actually I don't know, I know springtrap got in here…oh no,” Suzie said remembering the breach. “I don't think the war is over yet,” Suzie said, starting to panic. Glitch was going around looking for Bombshell but didn’t find him nearby so he kept looking. Suzie quickly alerted all of her soldiers to search the place for monty and springtrap. “FREDDY!!” Suzie yelled looking for him. “Everything okay?” Freddy asked. “SPRINGTRAP AND MONTY ARE IN THE BASE SOMEWHERE, WE HAVE TO FIND THEM!!!” Suzie said running over to freddy. “Oh no it’s all okay, they are dead” Freddy said. “W-what how?” Suzie asked, confused. “After the army shut down Springtrap and Monty shut down too, they must have been powered by the helmet” Freddy explained. “If they were powered by the helmet, then do you think everyone on the enemy's side were powered by the helmet?” Suzie asked worriedly. “Perhaps, there were Kraang that got zapped and turned a glowing red before they all ended up dying” Freddy said. “Is Sombra dead..?” Suzie asked herself worriedly. “I think he fled off, dude ran away with his powers to a new world” Freddy said. “Well as long as he stays out of this universe then it's fine..” suzie said deep in thought. “I-i just haven't seen any of the bad sans.'' Suzie said, putting her hands in her pockets. “Shredder is dead and the Kraang, there is no more enemy” Freddy said. “But the bad sans are my friends, even if we were on different sides I still care for them and they care for me, maybe that's why they werent fighting in my universe. Nightmare did really keep his promise,"Suzie said in realization. “Must be nice,” Freddy said. “Eh, well he can be a bit of a jerk and stubborn but deep down they are all just in need of friends,” Suzie said, shrugging. “I've gotta find them though,” Suzie said, walking off. “Good luck,” Freddy said walking back. “Thanks,” Suzie said. “Yup,” Freddy replied. Glitch continued to look for Bombshell which continued to take a long time. Suzie sat down tiredly as her stomach started to hurt more. Suddenly from behind her a knife came to her neck. “Surprise~” killer voice said as the creatures around Suzie gasped and got their weapons out. “KILLER, you came.” Suzie said excitedly as killer removed his knife and noogied her. “Of course kiddo, nightmare had second plans on letting us fight this war,” killer said, spinning the knife in his hand. “Where are the rest of the bad sans?” Suzie asked quickly. “They are in your kitchen having fun. “Oh no they are not,” Suzie said standing up as killer laughed insanely. “Excuse me i gotta go talk to those numb skulls,” Suzie said, making a portal with killer following her, still laughing. Glitch continues to look for Bombshell looking for about 10 more minutes before he takes a break. Suzie was dealing with her kitchen, almost having all the food was gone while the bad sans were having their own little party including Nightmare who was sitting on the kitchen counter laughing at horror getting stuck in the fridge. After a few minutes Glitch continues to look for Bombshell. After a while Glitch finally found Bombshell and headed back up with him to find a way to leave. Suzie came back to the base with dust and error following her just because they insisted on it. Suzie arrived and found Glitch walking with bombshell. “Hey glitch, where are you going?” Suzie asked with dust and error following her. “Sup glitch, i haven't seen ya since school i think,” dust said casually. “aReNt yOu tOo oLd fOr sChOoL?” Error asked Dust confused. “I may be 20, but nightmare made me do it, too bad I aced every class but never finished school,” dust said chuckling.  “Oh hey, we were just about to head back home,” Glitch replied. “But I thought your universe was destroyed?” Suzie asked, confused. “Well, it may be gone, but maybe I can rebuild it, fix it,” Glitch said. “Well, in all honesty I was hoping if you would like to stay in the celestial zone with me,” Suzie offered. “But I am a clear danger to everyone, remember,” Glitch said. “You're not infected anymore?” Suzie said, confused. “But still, I have made many mistakes along the way, I yelled at you friends, I hurt you, I am unstable,” Glitch said. “Tsk, you are the least worst person to ever live here..” dust said cutting in. “c’mon glitch, no one expected you to be perfect, we've all made lots of mistakes before,” suzie said, waving dust off. “I don’t qualify turning into a red bloodthirsty killer as just a mistake, more like a huge problem,” Glitch stated. “Hey at least you aren't a universe destroyer, or mentally insane. I like having your company.” Suzie said, reassuring him. “It’s just hard,” Glitch said, tuning his head. “Hard? You're gonna need to elaborate glitch,"Suzie said, looking at him confused. “Hard to just try and move on like nothing bad happened,” Glitch explained. “I don't need you to pretend like nothing bad ever happened, all I want is for you to stay here as my friend,'' Suzie said. “I will be your friend then,” Gitch said. Error eyed the two then used his strings to grab dust. “iMa gIvE YoU tWo sOmE pRiVaCy, cOmE aLoNg aRmOrEd gUy,” error sans said , gesturing for bombshell to follow him. Suzie looked at error with confusion but error just smirked back at her as he walked off and out of sight. “Glitch, I’ll see you in a little,” Bombshell said walking with the sans. “Okayyy, this just got a lot more awkward,” Suzie said awkwardly as to why they walked off. “Yeah, yeah awkward,” Glitch said. Suzie fidgeted with her gloves then tried to strike up a conversation again. “Nice weather,” Suzie commented but mentally hit herself for that. “Yeah, look Suzie, there is something important I gotta tell you,” Glitch said blushing. “Hmmm, like what?” Suzie asked, looking into his eyes. “I-well I, I like you,” Glitch said glowing a lot. “I like you too,” Suzie said, smiling cheerfully. “So, will you be my girlfriend?” Glitch asked. “WHAT!! I-i thou- wha hold on a sec!?” Suzie said, stuttering back in absolute shock as her face erupted into all the shades of red. “S-sorry too soon?” Glitch asked. “You actually like me!? Like, like-like me??” Suzie asked, bewildered. “Yeah, I actually do,” Glitch said glowing green. “B-b-but im human a-and you're not my species a-a-” suzie said, stuttering a lot. “I know, but we could make it work I’m sure,” Glitch said winking. “I uh-i-i don't know what to say-” suzie said, feeling weak in the knees. “You don’t need to say anything, your eyes say it all for you,” Glitch said winking again. “Y-y-you realize you're asking an empress to be your girlfriend,” Suzie said as her head started to spin from all the butterflies in her stomach. “I know, I understand if you can’t handle me,” Glitch said, putting his hands in his pockets. “It's not that long have you liked me for?” Suzie asked curiously, inching closer to him. “Ever since I met you, but I always kept it to myself, how long have you liked me?” Glitch asked. “E-erm well, where to start,” Suzie said, clearing her throat. “So, you still didn’t answer my question though, want to be my girlfriend.” Glitch asked extending his arm out. “Depends, do you think you can handle being my boyfriend?” suzie asked, winking at him. “I can manage it,” Glitch said winking. “Positive you can?” suzie asked, getting closer to him. “As positive as the war is won,” Glitch said. “If you think soo..” Suzie said, giving him a sly smile before putting him against the wall. “I will be your girlfriend.” Suzie whispered into his ear. “Cool, so now that that is settled I should probably head back now,” Glitch explained. “Y-you can just tell someone to be your girlfriend and walk off,” suzie said hurt. “I know, but I also know that while Shredder may be dead there is something else out there, something evil, the prophecy said so, and since I didn’t defeat Shredder I know it’s somewhere,” Glitch said. “Tsk, you are a killjoy,” Suzie said, crossing her arms about to walk off. “Sorry, how about a goodbye hug, even though I will come back,” Glitch said. “Why must you leave, I'm going to miss you a lot,” Suzie said, giving him sad puppy eyes. “I am going to miss you too, but I will be back, I just need to find the evil and purge it, I am the one after all,” Glitch explained. “At least give me a goodbye kiss before you go,” Suzie said, putting her hands in her pockets. “As you wish,” Glitch said, giving Suzie a kiss. Suzie put her hands behind his head and smashed her lips into his. “Well I gotta go now, Bombshell and I,” Glitch said. “Not quite yet,” suzie said, pulling him back into a kiss. Glitch kissed Suzie back. Suzie stuck her tongue in his mouth. Glitch continued to kiss Suzie. “I love you,” Suzie whispered into the kiss as she started kissing him more passionately. “I love you too,” Glitch replied. “I dont want you to go,” suzie said pulling away from the kiss and hugging him. “I know, but I need to stop the evil, I am the one to do so,” Glitch explained hugging Suzie back. “I will be counting the seconds till you get back,” suzie said kissing his neck. “I’ll be counting the seconds too,” Glitch replied.  Error and dust were peeking down the hallway behind the corner. “tOlD yOu tHeY wErE a ThInG,” error said chuckling. “Syntax is not gonna like this,” dust said, sweating nervously. “dOnT TeLl hIm,” error said, frowning. Dust whistled at the two and turned around, starting to pretend making out with himself. Suzie turned her head and blushed madly. Glitch’s eyes turned to a full green color as he put his hood up. “S-see ya around glitch, " Suzie said, also putting her hoodie up over her eyes as she turned around to face the two spying skeletons. “Come on Bombshell, we are heading back, see you soon Suzie” Glitch said as the two walked away waving Suzie goodbye. Suzie also waved goodbye and blew him a kiss. “Oooooh, Suzie has a boyfriend~” dust said laughing. “Yeah, okay but please don't tell anyone else,” Suzie pleaded. “Nope, ima tell them,” dust said teleporting off to the bad sans. “iD hIdE iF i WaS yOu cAuSe kIlLeR iS gOnNa bE oN yOu fOr tHaT,” Error said smirking as he teleported off with dust. “Good idea,” Suzie said, giving Glitch one glance before running off down the hallway celebrating. Glitch returned the blow kiss back to Suzie as he and Bombshell walked through the hall. “Ready to go home Bombshell?” Glitch asked. “Yeah, ready as I’ll ever be,” Bombshell replied. Glitch tried to create a portal but realized he had no powers. “Oh yeah, powerless,” Glitch said after failing to make a portal. Suzie couldn't believe how fast word had spread through all of her friends. One second she was trying to find a hiding place and the next she was surrounded by her whole friend group bombarding her with questions about this whole new relationship thing and what syntax error would think about. After trying to answer all their questions a portal opened up and nightmare and his gang of bad sans came storming in. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Suzie, this better be a joke,” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] nightmare said. “W-what joke nighty?” Suzie asked glaring and dust who only smiled. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]I should have known,” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]nightmare said, crossing his arms. “A joke about what?” ink asked confused. “Suzie has a BOYFRIEND!!!” killer yelled at the top of his lungs getting everyone's attention. “Who would have thought?” dream said nudging ink who only stared at suzie with his jaw dropped. “Surprise?” Suzie said awkwardly. “WHAT!?” blue said bewildered as the bad sans laughed at inks reaction.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]“Hey Suzie, can you help me and Bombshell get back, I have no powers to be able to,” Glitch said walking to Suzie. Everyone stared at him in utter silence. “Yep,” Suzie said as she grabbed glitches arm and dashed out of the room with him. Killer whistled at the two and they all broke out laughing except for nightmare and ink who were still in shock. “What's going on?” Glitch asked. “Dust frickin told eeevvveerryyyooonnneee,'' Suzie said, covering her face with her hands. “Wait, does that include Syntax?” Glitch asked nervously. “I sure hope not because if he figures it out he will kill you, uhg, you would have been safer if you didn't like me,” suzie said glumly. “Or you could get me and Bombshell out of here, immediately,” Glitch said, sweating. “Yeah, I'm on it,” Suzie said, quickly kissing his cheek as she went running to go look for her brush. A few minutes later footsteps could be heard walking glitches way.[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]“Okay, ready to go Suzie,” Glitch explained. Walking glitches way wasn't suzie but syntax error and he did not look happy as he started glitching a lot. “Oh crap, it’s not Suzie, I gotta get out of here,” Glitch said trying to find an exit. “yOu,” syntax error said glaring at glitch with deep hatred. “i'M gOiNg To MaKe yOu wIsH yOur paTHeTic rOuGh dRaFt lIfE nEvEr eXiStED!!!” syntax error said angrily. “Would you look at the time, GOTTA GO,” Glitch said, running for his life. “nOt sO fAsT,” syntax error said, teleporting in front of Glitch and punching him in the gut. “W-what is your problem man,” Glitch said putting his hands on his gut. “yoU aRe,” syntax error growled. “yOu sHoUlD hAvE tHoUgHt tWicE bEfOre eVen asKinG hEr wIthOUt mY cOnsEnT,” syntax hissed. “Why would I ask a power hungry monster whose first instinct is to kill anything that moves?” Glitch asked angrily. “hEh, asK oR nOt aSkInG yOu aRe gOinG tO dIe anYwaYs,” syntax error said as he picked glitch up with his strings and slammed him up and down from the ceiling to the floor. Glitch summoned a portal to go through while he was being thrown. Syntax error glitched through the portal following him. “dOnT ThInK yOu cAn RuN fRoM mE,” syntax said angrily as he teleported behind glitch and kicked him on the ground. “Dude screw off,” Glitch said, summoning more portals all around him and rolling in one. “yOu tHinK yOuR lItTlE mAgIc tRiCkS wIlL wOrK oN mE!?” syntax error said ticked as he took out one of his giant knives and swung it at glitch through the portal. “I’m out of here,” Glitch said, dodging the knife and making a run for it. Syntax teleported right in front of Glitch and punched him in the face. “gOiNg sOmEwHeRe? I DoNt tHiNk sO,” syntax error said with hatred. “yOu ArE nOtHiNg bUt A mIsTaKe, A rOuGh dRafT iN nEeD tO bE fIxEd. aNd tHe oNlY wAy tO fIx yOu iS tO gEt rId of YoU,” syntax error said as he glitched him and glitch back into the hallway they were just at. Syntax error proceeded to continually bash him against the walls with his strings. Syntax error stopped when he started to hear Suzie's footsteps. “dRaT tHis iS gOnNa bE tOugH eXplAnAtIon,” syntax error said to himself scowling. “What in the-SYNTAX!?!” Suzie said, bewildered at the sight. “yOu cAn gO,” syntax error said trying to block glitch out of the view. “YOU SON OF HALF HEARTED PSYCHOPATH!!!” suzie said enraged. “wHaTs nEw,” syntax error said shrugging. “You have crossed the line sir, i have given you multiple second chances and this has gone too far,” suzie said angrily. “wHaTcHa gOinG tO dO? tHrOw mE oUt aGaIn, LikE tHat iS gOinG tO wOrK.” syntax error spat. “I just want you to get along with people, is that so hard to ask.” Suzie exclaimed, upset. “wElL tHeN eXplAin wHy yOu lIeD tO mE aBoUt hIm?” syntax error asked gesturing at glitch. “Cause i knew this was how you probably would react and looks like my hunch was right.” Suzie said. “yOu rEalIze hE dEsErvEs to dIe,” syntax error said. “Please don't kill him, he is the first person i've ever liked,” suzie pleaded. “aNd hE sHoUlD bE tHe lAsT,” syntax error said, bringing one of his knives to glitches neck. “Please, I will do anything so you wont kill him,” Suzie said nervously. Syntax error paused, looked and suzie then back at glitch. “yOu rEaLlY CaRe fOr hIm?” syntax error asked putting his knife away. “Yes I do,” Suzie said, nodding. “fInE yOu cAn hAvE hIm bUt hE iS nOt pErmItTed To lEaVe tHiS unIvErSe aNd I wIlL kEeP hiM iN mY sIghT aT aLl tImEs,” syntax error said walking off. Suzie ran over to glitch and started to heal all of his wounds with her paint. “I-i am so so so sorry,” suzie said, hugging him. “Y-your f-f-fine j-j-just g-g-get me o-out of here, I n-need to l-leave,” Glitch said weakly. “If you want to live you can't leave, that's the bargain syntax error made,” suzie said holding glitch close to her. “B-b-BARGAIN?! Hold up hold up, you're saying I can’t return to my own world to explore and find my potential alive friends or anything?!” Glitch replied, shocked. “I-i could send my henchmen to search for them if you like but right now you need to stay here, maybe i can reason with syntax but he wants you dead right now,” suzie explained. “S-screw him, I hate that guy,” Glitch said, upset but weak. “Sometimes I do too, but I'm glad you're not dead,” Suzie said, kissing him on the forehead. “I wish I was, all I feel is pain, your friend needs to chill,” Glitch said trying to get up. “Let's head somewhere private for the moment in case syntax pulls any more stunts,” Suzie growled as she made a portal to her room and helped glitch walk through it. Suzie placed glitch on her bed as she rummaged for a first aid kit in her drawer. [/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]in the end glitch died and Suzie was heart broken but life moved on and the universes prospered...the end.[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif](my fingers can now bleed in peace)[/font]
[font=Arial, sans-serif]-this story was written and originally was for my bf but we broke up after a year and a half of dating, I still respect him and I wish him the best of life, as for me I'm excelling in my hobbies and skills, if you wanna read more fanfics check them out on quiz quotev at SuzieArtistAU
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