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King Artemis
by on June 7, 2024
Las Pegasus: Thirteen Years Ago
"Congrats on the takeover Mr. Deimos. You certainly weren't talking out ya ass when it came to renovation. This old casino can finally start to see some business now that it has been ripped from the failing of the previous crime boss. What's the play now? Expansion? Bribing the city authorities? Perhaps laying low a bit to ensure the Princes don't hear wind of this?"
"I'll let slide that fact that you decide to bust down the door inside my office, uninvited, Mr. Telemark. As you can see, I'm tryna run a business at the moment. Don't got time for meetins and discussions. So how bout you take your pretty boy ass and go play some twenty-one. Even better? Get ya'self a drink. On the House." 
"Right. Sure. Whatever you say, Mr. Deimos. Though, judging by what I say on the way in, passing the bar? I can't say that I'm exactly thrilled at what I say."
"I was unaware that it was my job to please ya opinions of my new establishments. In fact? It isn't my job. And it will never be my job for the foreseeable future. So go ahead and run along now. As I said? I got a business to run. Both on ground and underground."
"You plan to take over more crime families in the city I take it? Shouldn't you be more so focused on keeping ya snout where the authorities can't peek it?"
"What they don't know? Won't kill em. And what they do know? Well they can be bought to see it different now can't they."
"Right right, but that's only if the Princes don't hear wind and tail of this shady operation of yours. I don't know bout you? But I rather avoid their gaze. Especially the Sun Prince. Possible double for the Moon Prince. The their is a mystery I ain't willin to witness. Always isolated."
"Appreciate the Warnin....Now? As I said before. Go get ya'self a drink. Plays some games. Wins some funds. Or at least give me your funds." 
"Right, right I'll take the hint. Oh, one more thing before I depart. You do realize that you got a child working at ya bar? As I said, I'm not thrilled about that."
"That detail is what was botherin ya? My newest worker?"
"Worker? Mr. Deimos, you can't exactly pay the child now can ya. If anything, it looks like child labor. A lot of customers are gonna find it off puttin."
"I'm still sense that you expect me to please what ya expect out of my Casino. The patrons couldn't give a Timberwolves ass about the child. Hell most of the females find her an absolute doll. She a real quiet type. Cleaning the bar, stocking the drinks, and checking the inventory. Therefore she is only visible when she needs to be. And when she is? I said? The patrons find her a doll. Regardless of how freak in appearance she is."
"Well you are correct about one thing. She does have a different appearance. I don't recall ever seeing a pink batpony before. Not to mention the velvet in the mane."
"Good eye. That's what we call her anyways. Velvet. Velvet Sweets as the full. Due to her...sweet doll like appearance. Again though, quiet type. Been like that since we found her search for scraps of food on the streets. She should be lucky to even be working. She has food, shelter, and work. Doesn't matter as to what else she needs. The way I see it? She's quite the debt."
"You keepin a orphaned child as a work slave? The kid looks only ten at best"
"Such a harsh word. That is not how a business pony talks. She's eleven for the correction. She is a worker. Nothin more. Nothin less. She is to sit behind the bar, doing her job. In the mean time? We'll watch her grow, raise her up. keep her fed. Keep her housed. And maybe? Just maybe? When time comes in the future? She'll be offered to one of the branching families. If not before my son takes interest in her when she's older."
"Stryker? Your son? That pipsqueak?"
"Watch the tone. My son will be running this place, as well as this whole city in time. He knows what he likes. I know what he likes. He likes rare things. He collects rare things. Things that are one in a million. So tell me then, Mr. Telemark. What would a boy that collects rare things do when he discovers a pink bat?"
4 people like this.
King Artemis
Lore! Lore! Lore! Lore!
Like June 7, 2024
Like June 7, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Noms on the lore popcorn*
Like June 7, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Artie, how do you do it? how do you keep pulling me in?? most important of all...WHEN'S PART 2???
Like June 7, 2024
Queen Lesa
Finally some lore on the Lunars~ 🍿
Like June 7, 2024
Lorenars ?
Like June 7, 2024
Queen Lesa
Pfft~ Either way. Arty's admin tells the best stories.
Like June 7, 2024