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King Artemis
by on March 18, 2019
So this is kinda in a way, a part 2 of my current writing, when it comes to talking about my current genderbend experience. I think genderbends are awesome. They leave enough background and character standpoints to start with, but leave plenty of room to flow some of your own creativity into them without ruining the character. Depending on how you go about it. What I'm going to be writing about it how I go about creating his personality or how he surrounds himself. I'm hoping to give an idea of just how my brain functions when it comes to playing this character. It's actually quite tricky sometimes. Anyways, Hope you enjoy. Please feel free to leave a comment on what you think or if you have any relatable notes to things I bring up. ^^
So something I've mentioned on Artemis is, I love portraying him as a carefree Prince. Like, he's not a Prince as most think. In my head canon, he seems to not be one to really care of certain things grow out of control in the country. He's not big on the politics that follow his actions. He's just there to try and direct. It's a lot of fun, believe it or not. I'm not big on politics, and I couldn't tell you any facts on how countries are run. So even though he's a Prince, I thought it'd be more fun to portray him as one that just doesn't care.
Onto a more interesting subject. Artemis does take inspiration of the Greek Goddess Artemis in some unique ways. Though the Moon thing is obvious, a more interesting point that I would like to touch on is Goddess of the Hunt. Now to make a note, I don't know too much of the mythology of Artemis, but I know the aspects of The Hunt. Greek Goddess Artemis being the Goddess of the Hunt, has remarkable powers in aide of hunting. Speed, agility, transformation, and more. Now I don't claim Artemis to have any of those powers, but I always try to make note that between him and his brother, he's faster and more agile. Besides that though? Not really any similarities. However, what Artemis and Artemis do have in common is The Hunters. The Hunters were Artemis' HandMaidens, blessed with skill of archery, strength, and immortality. Also I believe they followed guide lines like not falling in love or losing their maidenhood. Now if some of that is starting to click, then you'd probably see similarities in how he treats his Lunars. Mainly female, trained to be skilled and tough. And also Artemis doesn't approve on Lunar relationships, though only on the job. Also I like to figure them bats, because bat ponies seem to look more like hunters or predators. So yeah, I've snatch some ideas from greek myths.
A more interesting take on my Artemis, though it's been done for a Luna before, is I like the idea that his past sticks with him. In all honesty, the whole Nightmare Moon revenge attempt is pretty boring. What? She just died off? Like boom power of friendship killed this personality of Luna and now she's 'normal'? Nah, that's not how it works. What's more interesting is if Artemis' Nightmare Moon was stopped, instead of disappearing, the spirit just loses it's control and power. It checks a lot of boxes. It makes him unable to be OP, it explains sometimes why his magic can be limited, and it also explains why he isn't all that good sometimes. Because the Nightmare Spirit didn't go away. It still lingers there and it does communicate with him. It's his own evil voice in his head. Artemis isn't a good pony. He's not. He'll never consider himself one. He'll try to right his wrongs, but he will forever be bad deep down. But....he's not evil. The way I try to portray him is you should be able to see him have moments. Moments that make you question just how good he is. It's very interesting in my opinion.
The last point I want to touch on is his Mane. The mane is a big factor in his character. This is not a joke. I've spent so much time constructing and writing subtly on what his mane means to him. He's not arrogant, and he's not full of himself. His mane is the only thing he feels he can have that keeps ponies loving him. He's insecure. Attempting to take over the world and be banished for a thousand years can cause insecurity. He wants ponies to love him again, but he doesn't realize he's already been forgiven for his actions. It still haunts him. So he picks up on what ponies like about him. His mane. So in his mind, he rationalizes that as long as his mane is looking great, ponies will accept him. This sounds really sad, but trust me. It's an important character trait.
Well with that, I'll end this here. Honestly, I want to talk more on him and Nightmare Moon, but that'd take up too much length. Now, if the Nightmare Moon thing seems interesting, feel free to say something on it. If you have a question on that, ask and I'll answer. If you have a question on anything or wanna tell me anything you find interesting, let me know ^^
2 people like this.
Queen Lesa
Yeah, that power of friendship certainly is strong stuff. It only failed once when Discord made the girls turn gray making the elements not work. Arty certainly does have an impressive mane~ it's gorgeous. ^v^ Way better than his fiancee mane right? :3 That's a trick question. Nevertheless, I like ... View More
Like March 18, 2019
King Artemis
Lesa's mane is gorgeous as well. Both manes combined is a work of art. Imagine the foal if she has both manes combined. x3
Like March 18, 2019
Queen Lesa
That's actually something we need to discuss. x3
Like March 18, 2019