Misc. RP Information
Note: This is an old character that I never really used much in the first place. I may still use him for some casual stuff (mostly for lack of having a better male character to work with), but don't expect much.Open to RP pretty much anywhere, though PMs are preferred (unless it's a public roleplay, of course.)Not many rules on what I do and don't go for in a roleplay, just shoot me a message and we can discuss. I'll let you know if there's anything I'm not too keen on.Credit for the art in my p... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Skin / Coat Color
White (Grey on the edge of muzzle and hooves)
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A vague planet shape, with the right half darkened by shadow
Design Description
A 19 year old earth pony with a mostly white coat, light blonde hair and green eyes. His hair is fairly long, and he uses a pale teal hairclip to keep his fringe out of his eyes. Usually wearing a scarf of varying colour, even when it's not particularly cold outside.With the hair and eyelashes, rounded face and soft-pitched voice, you would be forgiven for mistaking him for a girl, which many have before. Prepare for a rather harsh correction if you do so.
Many things
Also many things
Detailed Personality
Matching his looks, Winter has a rather soft and calm demeanour. He's generally forgiving and as kind as possible in a given situation, but he's no pushover, and wouldn't be afraid to take action if a situation calls for it.He is somewhat shy, but while not the biggest chatterbox, he's usually easy to have a conversation with and doesn't mind listening to or speaking about most things.In terms of romantic interest, Winter isn't particularly seeking out a relationship but he isn't shying away fro... View More
Co-owns a small record shop in South Fillydelphia
West Fillydelphia (born and raised.)
He finished high school around a year ago with grades slightly above average, and is not currently in or looking for further education .
Detailed History
Born in West Fillydelphia and stayed there until moving to South Filly a few months before his 19th birthday. Has a pretty normal life, and doesn't seek out any clear goals or extravagant visions for his future, instead enjoying living each day as it comes.
Assets / Bits / Property
Winter is far from being rich, but has enough money to live comfortably and has an average amount of disposable income.
None, for he has no horn.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 23, 2001
Last Login:
February 24, 2025
Member Since:
September 4, 2020
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