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Female. Lives in  Equestria. 23 years old
Misc. RP Information
Commander Sweet Taiyaki's talents lie in the bakery, despite her decision to join the royal guard and prove her worth therein. She earned her position after the rough and rigorous training; however, despite this, she runs her operations within city patrols and helps ponies where she can rather than fighting in wars or acting diligent for royalty. She's a friendly pony, and enjoys travelling Equestria on her own rules.
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Canterlot, typically anywhere the RP calls for
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Salmon / light pink
Eye Color
Cerulean / light blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A taiyaki fish with pink icing and hot pink smoke.
Design Description
Taiyaki is a pink earth pony with a darker pink striped mane, blue eyes, and a cutie mark to match her name. Most of the time, she wears armour of mixed steel and leather, covering her hooves and body.
Her job, sweet foods, civilians around town, hugs
Lawbreakers, evildoers, jerks, kisses
Detailed Personality
Tai is kind and spunky, always eager to do what is asked of her - but she doesn't hesitate to be stern and difficult to sway when the time comes for it.
Royal Guardpony
All Elementary school education, guard school/training
Detailed History
Taiyaki grew up in Ponyville with her earth pony mother, Marbled Mochi, and her pegasus sister, Sweet Sprinkles - who later came to be known nationally as Sugar Doll. Ever since she was a foal, Taiyaki wanted to be a guardpony; she saw those who went on patrols, and felt nothing but a need to join their ranks; even when she earned her cutie mark in the kitchen, she insisted. Mochi wasn't comfortable with it, but still funded her daughter's dream at the behest of letters from Tai's father in Mane... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small troop of royal guards who patrol Ponyville all report to her, and generally respect her.
She has banked around 20k bits.
She owns two homes; one small apartment in Canterlot, where she bunks when doing important duties, and a college on the outskirts of Ponyville with two floors and three bedrooms.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Baking and fighting seem to be this pony's forte!
Basic Info
Last Login:
April 9, 2018
Member Since:
December 5, 2017
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