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Sister Glowing Heart

The Faithful

Female. Lives in The Red Glow,  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. Born on May 4, 2001
Misc. RP Information
Open for p much anything!
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
A tainted brown
Eye Color
a sickly green adorned with a atomized red
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Mystery, Horror, Fantasy, Dystopia, Post-apocalyptic, Fandom AU, Crossover
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
that of a nuclear symbol encrusted in a heart
Design Description
She is an old mare, long past her days of youth, adorned with radioactive ink designed thoughtfully to align with her faith. She wears very little by means of luxury, a mare of simple means by all accounts. She comes carrying a be containing all that she owns. her grey mane and aged faace show wisdom, but also some regret in her path.
Quiet, tranquility, reading, counseling others, preaching.
Those who seek to undermine faith.
Detailed Personality
A mare who has seen much in life, who has now sought her way to inner peace. She is a monk, slow to anger, and quick to be of ample help to those in need. She is very frail, and occasionally will make leaps of judgement, but in the end she only means well by others, even if she is a bit kooky. She is very religious, but also not one to abandon the sciences. Smart, and wise, but alos very frugal. she carries with her very little, content with the small life, never wanting anything but good compan... View More
Neae Fillydelphia in a religious commune - she says.
Tought by her fellow sisters in a library of sorts, giving her the ability to read, write, and practice medicine, and have an understanding of magic. No formal education for sure, but an education that seemed to give her her wisdom and her religious attitudes.
Detailed History
This... is a mystery to many. a closely guarded secret to her, at least depending on where you find her. As with all things, it is best to ask.
Assets / Bits / Property
She has brass rings, a mottled bag, bottles medicines and herbs, a rusty lantern, a leathered book, a pen, and plenty of bottlecaps-for some odd reason.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
She is excellent at public speaking, and in practicing medicine, particularly those dealing with magical radiation. she can also be a good mentor, and teacher for those that seek her guidance.
Her horn has long since cracked, and since, she has not cast any spells. alchemy however, she can do in spades.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 4, 2001
Last Login:
December 16, 2024
Member Since:
October 3, 2023
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