Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Her estate in Manehatten, cafes, or her manor in Canterlot.
Title(s) / Rank
CEO of Divora-Lockett Enterprises
Skin / Coat Color
Snow white
Eye Color
Hot pink
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A grey lock with a heart-shaped keyhole
Design Description
Lock Heart has bright blue hair, stunningly alluring with sparkles and a natural shine to it. She often keeps her hair in a braid that tends to descend into a lighter baby-blue towards the bottom of the thick braid. She has a snow-white coat with a puffy sky blue tail. She can be often seen wearing a belt-like choker that has a gold belt buckle on the front. She stands at a smaller height for earth ponies and does not have any muscle mass. She is very much, the runt of the litter.
Being showered with affection & attention, shopping, sweets.
Being put down on a constant, patronizing, cruelty.
Detailed Personality
Lock Heart is a bit of a ditz, and is very gullible when it comes to trusting others. She often gets herself in trouble because of how laid-back she is as a pony compared to others raised in her lifestyle. She's not very smart outside of mathematics and business, and has caused her company many troubles because of her inept nature to understand things. Although her bimbo personality is evident, Lock Heart is sweet and puts others before herself, born with a pure heart of gold.
CEO of an international bank, Divora-Lockett Enterprises
A small city in the country of Sibearia, known as Frostvald.
Lock Heart studied mainly business and mathematics under the tutelage of many mentors and tutors when she was a filly and leading up to her adulthood. She never studied much history outside of economic history, and never studied science if it wasn't involved with economics or business. Her dumb personalty could be because of her lack of education and how free she was allowed to roam as a foal. She knows enough to keep her company afloat but not enough to run it solely by herself, which is why sh... View More
Detailed History
Lock Heart was born to Divora Heart, and Golden Lockett, with the help of a surrogate because Lock Heart's parents were gay. Her biological mother was a friend of her father, Divora's, whom used the DNA of Divora for Lock Heart to be born from. She grew up with loving fathers in a stable environment in the small country of Sibearia where she was subjected to a life of academics, and eloquence. At a young age Lock Heart was groomed for a life of aspiring fanciness, and she was made to attend many... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Lock Heart owns a vast amount of property involving many estates spread across Equestria, leading into areas like Saddle Arabia and beyond. She has more than enough of a fortune to live off of, and her assets are just as golden. Many have tried to swindle her for her fortune, scam her or pretend to love her so they can marry into her wealth. Approximately, Lock Heart owns around sixty percent of Equestrian wealth, meaning the majority of her banks are spread across Equestria and do business with... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Accounting, and business consultation/strategy.
None, she is an earth pony.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 29, 1988
Last Login:
June 25, 2019
Member Since:
June 19, 2019
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