This Halloween we're hosting a two-part event! Put your creativity to the test with your writing and artist skills as we delve into competitions to see who is the best of the best, and who has the ability to scare us with their skills!
The event is simple! And everyone can participate in one, or both of the chosen contests picked out by the PR team.
Writing Contest: The writing contest is a bit more complex, so get ready all you big brains out there! The writing contest will be a short, but spooky story, with your original character of choice as part of the main plot!
Rules for the Writing Contest
1. The story’s writer MUST have one (or more) of their characters as the main focal point of the story. Either as the monster or the hero/victim of the story.
2. We would like to keep the rating of these stories at the very worst PG-13, keeping over-excessive details of explicit material within the story to a minimum. (Try to think goosebumps or scary stories to tell in the dark level of horror.)
3. The story can be anywhere from five-hundred words to a thousand. You can make it shorter or longer if you wish, but remember Effort counts!
4. Submissions must be in by Oct. 28th.
5. Submissions cannot be edited post-submission. Be sure that when you submit, you are positive that it is the way you want it.
Art Contest: The art contest is very simple. By clicking the PNG link below, you will be able to download a pumpkin image to edit in any art program you wish!
Rules for the Art Contest
1. Nothing inappropriate that breaks Canterlot Avenue guidelines.
2. Each participant is allowed one submission.
3. Submissions must be in by October 28th.
4. Submissions cannot be edited post-submission. Be sure that when you submit, you are positive that it is the way you want it.
5. Get creative and have fun! You can add backgrounds, accents, or even make it silly if you truly wish to! The only limit is your imagination! (And the Canterlot Avenue rules.)
As a part of the new PR team's first event, we're giving away special, one-time-only prizes to the 2nd and 3rd place winners of each contest! The prizes as follows are:
1st place: One full-body image of your OC of choice by either Tia ( Art Contest) or Solar Sky! (Writing Contest)
2nd place: 2nd place winners will be rewarded with five extra character slots!
3rd place: 3rd place winners will be rewarded with one extra character slot!
The Administration Team of Canterlot Avenue would like to stress that the gifted character slots are a one-time thing. We will not be giving away anymore character slots after this event.
-Forums will be opened on October 21st for submissions for both the writing and art contests.
-Submissions will close on Oct. 28th.
-Result will be posted Oct. 31st for all of Canterlot Avenue to see! <<<<<<<<< Click here for those who are participating in writing please read the description on-page.
As for Art Submissions posts please send your pumpkin art pieces to Talon Brush via PRIVATE MESSAGE ONLY for him to upload to this photo album
>>>>>>>> This is a public photo album for art contestants once the submission period is closed this album will be set to private for the PR team to review. make sure your piece is titled with your CA name, the title of your piece, and (Nightmare Night Pumpkin Art Submission) next to it.