Misc. RP Information
Not 100% sure how committed I am to getting into RP atm but I wanted to make a profile for my Blue boi!!**This character is a genderbent version of PinkBow!! He is from another Universe/timeline altogether, and is stuck in his female counterpart's Universe for some reason!
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Curled up in a dark room, feeling sad and depressed :c
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Light blue!!
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A light blue bowtie with a blue heart!
Design Description
Blue is a stallion of average height, if not a little smaller than average. He's slightly more stockier in build, not quite chubby but definitely not skinny either. His most prominent feature is his wide, blue eyes that stand out against his pink coat and red mane. His tail is fairly short and neatly trimmed. He's got very soft features, but doesn't feel offended if someone tries to bully him about his appearance, in fact he finds being called 'pretty' a compliment. He works hard to stay put tog... View More
Theatre, wine, romance
Detailed Personality
Blue once was a lively and eager pony like his female counterpart. He could be a little off-putting with his eagerness to pull off grand gestures for his loved ones, though it always came from a good place. Nowadays, Blue is a lot more quiet than he once was, almost a shell of his previous self. He is still polite and friendly as always, though there's a noticeable sadness behind his eyes. He does not leave the house as often, choosing to stay inside and mope around. There seems to be a bit of u... View More
Teen show TV star and Broadway star
Homeschooled (it was not adequate education)
Detailed History
Blue is from an alternate Universe, being a direct gender swap of PinkBow. It is presumed his life was largely the same back home, with the only changes being his aspiration to be a Broadway star and the genders of his loved ones being swapped as well. At some point, his life was completely changed in a catastrophic event that ended the life as he knew it. Somehow, he seems to be the sole survivor of the event and harbours guilt from such. He's not quite why he's here, but he simply is. Currentl... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
His singing voice, which has a wide range. He used to be quite a performer back home!
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 14, 1998
Last Login:
February 25, 2022
Member Since:
February 24, 2022
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