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Mirror Mirror

Female. Lives in Wandering Woods,  Beyond Equestria. Born on October 8, 1998
by on October 20, 2021
It was evening, and a beautiful one at that. Gold cascaded down from the heavens above to find a lone pegasus bent over her desk in a little cottage in the Wandering Woods. She gripped a letter open tightly in her teeth by its dark leather handle. Naturally, this pegasus was Blind Faith herself. ...
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by on October 19, 2021
Light filtered through the trees to dust gold on the grass and the dirt, and on each thing that lived beneath that canopy, so that the Wandering Woods looked nearly as magical as they were. Among the light and the trees stood a lone unicorn. She glittered like glass, from her pale blue mane to the soft pink coat of her fur, and seemed as delicate, too - her long limbs were thin, and they trembled and creaked when she moved. The only part of her immune to the shimmering light was her beach glas...
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by on October 16, 2021
It was early morning when Mirror crept back into the cottage, but Faith was still awake. She sat at the table. Mirror plastered a bright smile on her face and lifted her head as if she hadn't been trying to sneak in. "Hello." "Welcome home, my dear. You were out so late. Is everything alright?" "I was caught in the storm. I do apologize, I wanted to come home to you, but I could not make it in those winds." ...
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by on October 14, 2021
Faith tapped four spots on the desk, watched a slot roll open, and put the parchment she'd been writing on inside. It slid smoothly back into place with a click at the same time as she stood up. Her wings clicked, too, when she stretched them out, and she noticed that it was dark outside the window, which struck her as odd. It struck her as odd because Mirror wasn't home yet. For twelve years, Mirror had been devoted entirely to Faith. She had come to their clearing each day, had read to her, h...
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by on September 30, 2021
Somehow, the entire world had flipped inside out over the course of a single afternoon. It had even found time to shatter at the same time. Mirror could feel her head nodding. She was beyond tired, and could not have said how long she had been walking, nor even where she was going. Her lungs ached so fiercely that she longed to stop breathing, and perhaps that would have made more sense - but then, Mirror was not a mare to give in so easily. This was the same witch who had spent anywhere fro...
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by on September 23, 2021
Each second passed so slowly. She could not think, because that hurt as badly as anything else. Every breath stung like bitter cold in her lungs. There was nothing, nothing but pain in every part of her. Needles across her skin and daggers in her eyes, hammers and bowling balls in her head. Her ears ached inside and out. Her skin felt pulled tight across rows of molars jutting out from her muscles. Every so often, she would stop breathing, just stop so that she could have that moment of peace....
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by on September 21, 2021
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by on September 16, 2021
Queen Jonquil had never been a particularly affectionate mother. By the time White Rose was old enough to fight, she was in training to be a soldier, princess though she was. She had never known another life, and so was glad to serve her kingdom. In short order, Rose had risen through the ranks, and at last for all her efforts her mother noticed her - in fact, she was appointed the general of Jonquil's personal guard, made of those elite few who would have laid down their life for her, but would...
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by on August 25, 2021
Cast your mind back several years, for this is where our story begins. It has been only months since her love was locked away in stone, and Mirror is restless, even as she walks the path she has marked out on a map. This path would lead her to an ingredient she believed may be essential to healing the wounds that had brought her to cast the stone sleep spell upon Blind Faith. Walking felt so slow. Each step seemed so much shorter than she would have liked, and she longed to run, as she had at ...
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by on August 21, 2021
None would have dared notice the disappearance of the occasional castle staff member, for the fear of meeting a similar fate, and certainly they didn't ask why they'd been promoted to a role that had been filled for years. This meant that the maids, the cooks, even the guards, all kept to themselves. It made for a very lonely castle, and was lonelier still for Blind Faith. She'd once been the general of the queen's personal guard. When she lost her vision to an injury in combat, she was given...
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by on August 12, 2021
When at last the day of the festival dawned, Hebe rose with the sun, too excited to be tired. She did not have much to prepare, but she found that a white linen gown had been laid out for her, and so she put it on and brushed her curls free of knots, humming a bubbly tune all the while. Then she looked in the mirror hanging on her wall and smiled at herself. At last - at last, she was to see those she loved again. Her heart raced at the thought. Two brusque knocks came at the door, as always ...
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by on August 3, 2021
Prince Aster's obsession grew only greater as each day passed. He took no food or rest, and would not see anyone. The kingdom trembled on the verge of falling. And then a rumor whispered from the shadows crept into the castle and into the royal court, where it found the prince. All at once his demeanor changed, he spoke with his subjects in the streets and even threw open feasts, as if all his love for Jonquil had turned to his subjects. None could complain, for he personally made certain ...
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