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.Post in A day in Ponyville
// This roleplay is open and free for anyone to join in. Its just an average Sunny day in ponyville. Ponies and creatures are out wondering about, playing, or shopping.  Sunny Skies sat in the center of town square, holding up a cardboard sign and a small cup was next to her. The sign read 'Will work for bits' and her cup seemed to have a few bits, some pocket lint, and a piece of candy in it. "Pegasus pony, willing to do any kind of jobs that require muscle, flight, or just need an extra pair of hooves. Highly qualified, low prices!" She called out, even having a bell in her hoif which she waved every so often, that seemed to annoy passerbyers more than it interested them. 
Okay so I don’t know if requesting a specific ship or character is a thing thats done here?? Since I’m pretty new to Canterlot Avenue in general, but I have some serious feelings about Sunset and really just want to explore her in a romantic relationship it doesnt matter if its in the EQG universe or Equestria itself or somewhere else entirely and while I would love it forever if someone wanted to play the Twilight to my Sunset I would be happy to ship Sunset with pretty much any girl cause girls are awesome and Sunset thinks so too. So yeah feel free to respond if this interests you at all.
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
The out-of-place pegasus could feel the rush of blood coming to her face. Without a second though, the mare hid her face behind her wings. "I... I see." she responded from behind her wings, though the idea of immortality brought some worrying concerns to mind. The notion of being able to live for hundreds, potentially thousands of years, to see everyone you love die, was a frightening thought to the mare. For now though, she glanced back at the doorways, at the ponies standing guard outside the chapel. "The beings outside, the ones that have everypony up in arms. Clearly they've been giving you trouble for some time. The guards appeared to know exactly what it was they were up against, and if the crowd here is any indication, they've chased quite a few ponies out of their settlements. You don't know how to beat them, or you would have done so by now. And now they've brought the fight to this city. With how many guards there are, you either had advanced notice, or this is one of the few major settlements left standing." she spoke, her ears pinning back as she stood up, drifting toward the doorway. She could feel the hopelessness in the air, the whimpers of foals and adults alike. Star wasn't a fighter, any experience she had using a polearm was strictly dedicated to the use of fishing spears. But, for the sake of these ponies, she could lead. She could give them some hope. She could hear the hearts of all these ponies, crying out for salvation, to see their families safe. Her ears pinned back, as she stepped out of the chapel, a determination burning in her soul to see these ponies safe.
This story takes place after Boast Busters, and before Trixie went to work on the Rock Farm. After being shown up by Twilight, news of the "Great and Powerful Trixie's" fraudulent performances had been broadcast throughout the land. Most ponies didn't pay this any mind - after all, who was this Trixie, and why should they care? - but ponies who had been amazed by her performances were now less receptive toward the mare. With her wagon destroyed by the Ursa Minor, Trixie needed to find shelter fast, preferably somewhere she wouldn't get laughed out of town in a heartbeat. First things first, she needed a new wagon. And, since she'd always been good at stage magic, where better to turn to then the big Wing itself, Los Pegasus? For this roleplay, I'm seeking actors. Directors. Stagehooves. Ponies who could give Trixie a chance to shine on-stage, or rivals to try to pull the spotlight out from under her. Ponies willing to teach Trixie a few new tricks to improve her performance, if they could find her appeal past her ego.