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This story takes place after Boast Busters, and before Trixie went to work on the Rock Farm. After being shown up by Twilight, news of the "Great and Powerful Trixie's" fraudulent performances had been broadcast throughout the land. Most ponies didn't pay this any mind - after all, who was this Trixie, and why should they care? - but ponies who had been amazed by her performances were now less receptive toward the mare. With her wagon destroyed by the Ursa Minor, Trixie needed to find shelter fast, preferably somewhere she wouldn't get laughed out of town in a heartbeat. First things first, she needed a new wagon. And, since she'd always been good at stage magic, where better to turn to then the big Wing itself, Los Pegasus? For this roleplay, I'm seeking actors. Directors. Stagehooves. Ponies who could give Trixie a chance to shine on-stage, or rivals to try to pull the spotlight out from under her. Ponies willing to teach Trixie a few new tricks to improve her performance, if they could find her appeal past her ego.
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
It was a good thing they had started to retreat, too - after the fifth or so dive, the mare wasn't sure how well she could keep this up. These spears hadn't been designed for combat quite like this, and the high-intensity motion was beginning to wear her out. Below her, she could hear the relieved cheers of the Pegasi, but down at the church, she could see the panic that had risen again. Taking a deep breath, the mare dropped down to ground level, touching down among the ponies who had been sent to defend the chapel courtyard as she cast off the leather guard and spear. she spoke, her ears perking up as she realized she'd spoken rather loudly.
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
The out-of-place pegasus could feel the rush of blood coming to her face. Without a second though, the mare hid her face behind her wings. "I... I see." she responded from behind her wings, though the idea of immortality brought some worrying concerns to mind. The notion of being able to live for hundreds, potentially thousands of years, to see everyone you love die, was a frightening thought to the mare. For now though, she glanced back at the doorways, at the ponies standing guard outside the chapel. "The beings outside, the ones that have everypony up in arms. Clearly they've been giving you trouble for some time. The guards appeared to know exactly what it was they were up against, and if the crowd here is any indication, they've chased quite a few ponies out of their settlements. You don't know how to beat them, or you would have done so by now. And now they've brought the fight to this city. With how many guards there are, you either had advanced notice, or this is one of the few major settlements left standing." she spoke, her ears pinning back as she stood up, drifting toward the doorway. She could feel the hopelessness in the air, the whimpers of foals and adults alike. Star wasn't a fighter, any experience she had using a polearm was strictly dedicated to the use of fishing spears. But, for the sake of these ponies, she could lead. She could give them some hope. She could hear the hearts of all these ponies, crying out for salvation, to see their families safe. Her ears pinned back, as she stepped out of the chapel, a determination burning in her soul to see these ponies safe.
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
<p>As most ponies were huddled away in their homes, with only the guards and the Princesses actively doing their rounds, it was easy to miss the blue shine that had appeared in an alleyway, the alabaster pegasus appearing amidst a few pieces of rubble from the nearby buildings. Clearly, the capital of Equestria had seen better days. She'd been taken in her sleep, the summoning magic smoothly transitioning her from the warm leaves and sandy beaches of the island she came from to the dusty pavement in front of an abandoned Saddle-Arabian themed restaurant.</p> <p>Slowly the magic faded away, the mare's ears perking as she caught a commotion off in the distance. Her eyes opened, the mare lifting her head as she glanced about, squinting, the mare quickly entering a state of full alert when she realized she was no longer on Butterfly Island. Her ears pinned back, the mare's wings quivering as she crouched down into a low profile, looking up at the restaurant buildings that towered over her. Panic took over her mind, and she drew into a full gallop, out into the Canterlot Streets.</p>
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
Compared to what she had just gone through in the skies, speaking to these ponies was an easy task. Even as she worked to calm the ponies, she could feel the adrenaline rush dying down, her legs buckling as energy gave way to exhaustion. At last, one pony at a time, the riot subsided, the priest and the other followers of Celestia helping to keep the crowd placated. As the mare worked, her gaze drifted skyward. Why had they left all of a sudden? As dangerous as she must have seemed to them, she could only attack one every time she went down into a dive. They had the numbers advantage, and it had looked as if taking one on required the joint efforts of five pegasi. Frowning, the mare nodded once to the priest, letting him know she would be alright before taking back up to the skies, where she saw Entropy and the Hunter on the ground. She couldn't hear what was being said from the skies, but her intuition was telling her that this wasn't going to have a pretty ending.
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
<p> </p> <p>The large pegasus nodded slowly, the mare glancing about the room at the other groups of ponies that had melded together into little congregations; each of them had at least one such robed pony in common. Cautiously she nudged herself forward, setting herself down into the small congregation as she stared down at the soup that had been poured into a bowl and laid out for her.</p> <p>From smell alone, the mare knew all too well she couldn't recognize the herbs. After all, where she came from, herbs like this didn't exactly exist, leaving fruits and the occasional fish as the majority of her diet growing up. Nonetheless, a quick glance around the area showed multiple ponies eating from the bowls, so any pretense that the soup was poisoned was a false notion. She watched as some of the ponies ate - or rather, watched as most of the unicorns' bowls began to glow different colors and lift up to their lips. Her ear flicked, and she glanced back down at the soup, her hooves setting upon the bowl for just a moment before quickly flinching back, hooves now a bit tender from the heat.</p> <p>"Sorry - just... are you alright? Does it hurt?" she asked, her eyes slowly trailing up to the horn. "N-No, that's not right, I mean... how are you doing that... that *thing* with the lifting objects without hooves?" she questioned, glancing off to the side as intuition told her she had just asked something generally considered common knowledge among ponies here.</p>
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
<p>The mare stood there, eyes wide, as she ran out to a group of ponies being escorted by a small battalion of armored horses. In her panic, her mind hardly registered that she was looking at non-pegasi, as she stood there, all she could see was that the ponies being led into the city didn't look like prisoners of war, but many of them looked weary, hungry. She could hear the rhythmic hoofsteps of the ponies, the sound of mother quieting their foals.</p> <p>Suddenly, a loud alarm sounded, the mare flinching back as she glanced toward the gates, the mare noticing as the ponies brandished blades and polearms alike, the mare only now noticing the faint glow of magic that held the weapons in place. "Horned One?" she whispered out loud, her question lost in the panic as the hoofbeats devolved into chaos, the mare leaping up into the sky with a powerful flap of her heavy wings as the supposed refugees stampeded in her general direction.</p>
Star Catcher
.Post in Equestria's Reborn Champions
For a moment, the fighting seemed to stop, monster and pony alike stopping the fight as an otherworldly shriek came from the fallen beast, the mare already nowhere to be seen as she swooped up from her dive some hundred feet away, the momentum carrying her back up to the skies as her wings unfurled, flapping to give her that much-needed extra bit of speed to get back up to cloud level and take aim at her next target. Already she had found one, a crow distracted fighting off three guards. As it swung a talon, the mare dived back down, a plan set in motion. There was little she could do about the fighters who were already wearing armor, but if the platemail could ensure their protection, then she could take advantage of the distraction they provided to strike. It wasn't much - these crows were gathering reinforcements just as quickly as she would be able to take them out - but she had faith that she would at least be able to take out a few of these monsters before they caught on. After that, who knew how effective her strikes would be.