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//When I read "short story", I thought something like 1-5k words, not like a couple of paragraphs, so my original entry has been scrapped in favor of rewording some song I wrote in Calc instead of paying attention. Let's see what some kid with no formal musical education can create after exclusively listing to emo music for the most recent 25% of his life. Enjoy, if possible. It's over I can't believe you're gone Now I'm sober But that battle's barely won Not that it matters I'm just as useless without you I walk through ladders Hoping bad luck will take me too It's over All that we used to have It's all colder Nightmare moon has seized my head They're just memories All the good times I had with you And some fantasies Of what I never said to you What the hell is going on What did you do that's so wrong To become a sacrifice For some unjust poltergeist I miss you; this is true And all that we were gonna do 'Day of the Dead' has new meaning Now that I know my life's fleeting It's over Luna's night takes the sky It's now darker All I want to do is die All the good times Are relegated to memory Oh how time flies When all you have is fantasy What the hell is going on What did you do that's so wrong To become a sacrifice For some unjust poltergeist I miss you; this is true And all that we were gonna do 'Day of the Dead' has new meaning Now that I know my life's fleeting 'Day of the Dead' has new meaning Now that I know my life's fleeting They say that the stars have a plan for us to determine if we are worthy that assessment is so fucked up Since when were you worth less than me The fact no one else has your grace is truly driving me mad If you're truly in a better place I don't think I'd be this sad What the hell is going on What did I do that's so wrong To deserve this mental anguish That's giving me a death wish What the hell is going on What did you do that's so wrong To become a sacrifice For some unjust poltergeist I miss you; this is true And all that we were gonna do 'Day of the Dead' has new meaning Now that I know my life's fleeting 'Day of the Dead' has new meaning Now that I know my life's fleeting