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Acry was not alone in her mission to collect as many treats as possible. Of course, the foals all around were excited, but most of the older ponies were here to supervise or mainly enjoy the attractions. Acry would get to them in time, for now, the rainy-day savings in her bit purse were about to get lighter. She would have sweets to enjoy for days! Her eyes were especially drawn by some large, fresh cookies that were coated in thick decorative icing to make them look like cartoony spiders and monsters, she just had to have one!
Captain Sky N Nova
.Post in Nightmare Night Carnival
As everyone else was enjoying the festivities, Sky seemed more interested in the snacks. Ok the snacks were pretty much the only reason Sky was there because lets face it, carnival games are rigged. However he still dressed up in some bright red and gold...not to mention very heavy looking armor. While never intended to be a prty decoration, combat armor was the best he could do on such short notice. Not like he could just buy a fitting costume anyways.
Raven Sorrel
.Post in Nightmare Night Carnival
Pidge was out very last second to get her costume. Nightmare Night was just hours away and so far she was still just going as "Pidge". Going from store to store she searched for the one specific costume she had in mind. It wasn't a specific costume so to speak, but rather a specific idea for a costume. She wanted to be extra - and risk potentially upsetting some ponies - but it was all worth it for Nightmare Night! Rummaging through a box of older costumes that were on sale and the last of their stock, Pidge finally found what she was looking for - the perfect costume for her: a King Sombra costume. And not only that; it was a perfect fit! Feeling relieved and excited she grabbed the costume, paid for it at the counter and hurried home to prepare for the night's festivities. .