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.Post in Nightmare Night Carnival
Twisted would be set up in one of the many booths, his particular booth was made of a fine carved wood and had 2 doors that would open up to reveal a flat puppet stage which was adorned with paintings of fancy blue flames whose smoke roughly resembled ghouls and evil faces of spirits as well as what appeared to be waves of water under a model ship. In front of the booth was a small collection of fillies and colts and a few of their parents waiting for the show. Twisted himself would be standing inside the cart behind one of the walls to the side of the open doors of the stage out of sight as he started to control some puppets like marionettes except he used magic instead of strings to guide their actions. He would slowly bring up the model ship making it rock as if it was at sea with 3 puppets on it, a sea captain, a stallion, and a maiden. Slowly his voice would start to beckon out narrator style "Many are the grim tales told of nightmare night, and the black mists that foretells it and while all good ponies shun this cursed night sometimes its darkness comes, for you. The black mists ebbs and flows like the tide, yet now and then, on a night much like tonight, it reaches out seeking the living and taking those it finds away never to be seen again." He then starts to move the ship and puppets, showing a scene of the ship at sea being invaded by spirits who drag off the captain and the maiden, and the heroic stallion on board begins to chase them with a crude cutlass as the scenery of the backboard slowly moves to the right on some sort of tread to reveal an empty isle where the ship crashes into. The stallion puppet soon jumps off the ship, appearing dazed as Twisted begins to narrate again. "These spirits prey on the living, and feed the darkness of the night." he then shows the stallion puppet stumbling upon the limp maiden puppet who is surrounded by spirts which he chases away with his cutlass, and then the stallion puppet leans down starting to mourn the maiden puppet, then as the stallion puppet turns away to cover his face, the maiden puppets eyes glow an eery light blue and it comes back up in a zombie like fashion and starts to strangle the stallion puppet. After a few moments of portraying the stallion puppets struggle he drops it limp, soon followed by the maiden puppet as its eyes return to the colorless state. "And there is no coming back once you are claimed by Nightmare night, you are cursed, condemned to haunt the night forever more." He then starts to end the show to the boos and cries of the crowd and Twisted retorts "Well what were you expecting? Their ain't no happy endings when nightmare night comes for you." then suddenly black mists starts to float in from all sides of the audience and Twisted animates the stallion puppet coming back to life with glowing eyes and turning its head 360 degrees to stare at them making a few of the colts and fillies jump and quiver. Twisted would laugh in the darkness as the ponies began to hurriedly leave. A few moments later the black mists would fade away into the night air and Twisted would be starting to reset his puppet stage for the next group.
.Post in Nightmare Night Carnival
Kookyshy dressed as Bat Pony and her daugther Brownie Swirl dressed as Cat arrive a little late at the Nightmare Night Carnival. "Look darling, so many ponies are here and so many things to do! What do you want to do first?" Kookyshy asks her daughter Brownie Swirl. "I would like to play the game, where you have to throw the plush spiders onto the net" Brownie Swirl answers to her mother. Kookyshy and Bronie Swirl then proceed to walk to the game, where Brownie Swirl start playing. "This is so much fun mum!" Brownie Swirl says. "I'm glad you are having fun my sweetie" Kookyshy replies. Brownie Swirl manages to get 2 of 3 plush spiders onto the net and wins a little cute bat plush. "Aww, mum look what I got!" Brownie swirl says. "That's an adorable plush you won there" Kookyshy answers. "Where do you want to go now?" Kookyshy asks her daugther. "I would like to talk a walk checking out the whole carnival to see what other great things there are" Brownie Swirl answers. Kookyshy and her daughter then start walking around the carnival.