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.Post in Hearts & Hooves Day Public Submissions
First of all, Happy Hearts and hooves (wow I never thought I’d write something along those lines) Since I joined the site on 2017 I have made so many new friends and to my old friends who have stuck around with me and still make my life a lot of fun. I want to say thank you, I love you, I’m glad that you are a part of my life and have learned a lot through you. I hope really hard I didn’t leave anyone out :,> Some of you I haven’t spoken for a while but you guys have still a place in my heart and wanted you to know it. I never say the important things as often as I should so I really hope that this will come through and that you know you’re all appreciated. I have been blessed with way too many friends so this is gonna be long whew…. Inari, when we met there was an instant boom, you brought the fun back into me at a time where I had hardly any reason to go online anymore. You did turn my life around 180° with your energy and passion and thanks to you I rediscovered the fun in roleplaying and creating new characters and new stories, I have to thank you because you introduced me to a lot of people with whom I’m friends with right now and it was all because I knew you that I have so much good in my life. You introduced me to all of this uvu; as always you’re full of surprises and never grow old Ina, you have stuck around with me despite everything, thank you for all. Kina I met you through Inari, you’re a very mature and patient person. I wish you the best for your life and that everything you wish for comes to you. You’re a very good friend, you’re creative and have a lot of potential, I’m very happy I was there to see you pick up your pencil and start drawing, don’t leave it, you’re doing amazing! You’re very talented. Ryk I know we haven’t spoken in forever dude, Happy late Birthday February baby hahaha uvu… You’re a lot of fun, also the first stranger to approach me at this wild site, I’m really glad I met you, I had a lot of fun hanging out with you and rpying with you and such, you’re a good. Karl, every valentine I’ll set an altar so your long lost ghoul lover shall return and love on you like you deserve hahahah. You’re a cool dude, thank you for all the music nights and the fun chit chats and the bits and pieces of rp we did uvu… Koko! You’re one of the older ones hahahaah, dude happy valentine’s I hope you find love and lots of good things uvu… Stop calling people bitches it gets you into trouble :eyes: hahahah I’m teasing you. Thank you very much for sticking around and for the little cute friendly gestures you constantly pull, you’re amazing, never change! Silver Hiii, also one of the super old ones, I even knew you before CA because of Inari uvu heh. You’re kind, don’t lose that even if the world is fucked up. You deserve a lot of good in your life and I hope it comes knock on your door soon. Also I’ll send you good vibes uvu Pinkiewolf Happy hearts and hooves girl, miss your posts :> you’re one of the funnest users on Canterlot and a very bubbly and cute person, don’t dim your light, we miss your howling on a full moon night. Wish you the best girl, cheers! Yamato happy hearts and hooves! You deserve the biggest chocolate bar so that you can nibble on it for years and years uvu… You’re super kind, super lovable, I’m very happy that I’m one of the blessed ones you hang out with. You were there for me, you taught me how to use that one site that one time remember? uvu hahah Thank you! For all your support and all the fun <3 Dally happy hearts and hooves, or well… happy hearts and bug legs! I hope that you too get a shit ton of chocolate and cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies uvu. You’re awesome, I hope I’m not bugging you with this mention :eyes: I absolutely needed to do that <3 Basalt you’re the best maid, I’ve survived by eating the spiders at your café, they’re not very tasty but at least that keeps them from filling it with more spider web :c…. Jokes aside, even though I never talk to you :eyes: and I’m very sorry for that, I’m super bad, I think you’re pretty cool and I wanted to wish you a happy hearts and hooves Hickory Hiiiii, Happy hearts and hooves girl! You’re one of the loveliest people I have the pleasure to know :> have a lot of fun this valentine’s you deserve all of it, treat yourself to some candy and make your life sweet as fuck uvu Amethyst Happy Hearts and hooves to you and your other half, I wish you guys the best valentine <3 But like, don’t let them steal you for too long because we’ll miss you :c…. Anyways girl, thank you for being a friend and for being so much fun and a cool dude. Frosty you’re doing an amazing job, Happy hearts and hooves, you’re a very valuable person and the few conversations we’ve had were meaningful for me, I appreciate you girl, have a sweet day! Dibby Happy hearts and hooves, you’re a very talented girl and you’re one of those persons who stand by their word. Don’t let the world bring you down, you’re strong and awesome and a hero to a lot of your friends. I love your dedication, I wish you a truly amazing valentine’s and wanted you to know I am glad that we met, I am glad to be around you to get to know you better and I admire the things you do. Mama Chubsy, Happy Hearts and hooves to you and your boy, have lots of fun, share lots of love you guys. Thank you for your friendship and for the wise shit you say often-times, for listening to my dumb shit and for tolerating my shortcomings. You’re someone I see as a very mature person but you have fun like a child, with you it’s always laughter and mischief and adventures. Everyone who has you as a friend is very lucky. Cinnamon you’re incredible, you’re a very strong girl, very fun, feisty and full of life. Happy Hearts and hooves, remember to treat yourself you deserve it! I have to thank you too for bearing with me when I’m dumb, for being there for me and cheering on me when I need support. You are full of nice surprises. And finally… Phoenix, I know this won’t surprise anyone because we’ve been literally glued together for a while now hahahaha. You’re the most unexpected gift that 2018 had for me, discovering our friendship is something I wouldn’t change for the world. You’re a real diamond in the rough and the best example of why someone shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Over all you’re someone I admire and respect, I see you as someone I can count on and who has my back… and who literally saves my butt every time in any video game hahahaha. You’re a sweet guy, nobody would ever believe the kind of person you truly are if they bothered to meet you, I’m very happy that I am part of the few who had that opportunity and that our friendship flourished like it has. I cherish you dearly and hope you have a super sweet Hearts and Hooves.