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<p><strong>Name</strong>: Star Dream</p>
<p><strong>Age</strong>: Early 20s</p>
<p><strong>Gender:</strong> Female</p>
<p><strong>Species:</strong> Pegasus</p>
<p><strong>Residence:</strong> Manehatten</p>
<p><strong>Occupation:</strong> Astrologer</p>
<p><strong>Appearance:</strong> She has a midnight blue mane and tail, long and wavy. Has a dark blue coat, moving to near black it would seem from afar and green eyes.</p>
<p><strong>Cutie Mark:</strong> Green outline of an eye with a black pupil surround in light blue aura.</p>
<p><strong>Personality:</strong> Uncertain of her roots, her parents a mystery she seeks to learn of herself and of her talent. Because of the nature of her gift she is uncertain around others, doing what she can to hide herself behind being an astrologist and lettings ponies thinking her detailed understanding of the stars is her talent.</p>
<p>She wants to make friends, but because she has been hurt or shunned before she always waits until she knows she can trust another. Has a love of reading, but mostly only those on the night sky and the stars. Books that might help her understand her talent better. Enjoys being around those with good manners, those that are nice to others, and those that can make her laugh... but dislikes taking risks, unpredictability, selfishness, and when things are not thought through.</p>
<p><strong>Backstory:</strong> Named by the parents Star Dream would never know she had to spend her earliest years at an orphanage, but was taken in by what would seemed to be a crabby high class old mare by the name of Sourbloom. It actually confused some why an earth pony would want to adopt a pegasus but the old mare was insistent. It wasn't until she was older that she understood why she even was adopted, though at least Sourbloom played with her bit, bought things for her, and paid attention to her... they did manage to become friends somehow. It would seem it didn't take much for the old mare to start complaining though, and it didn't help that Star Dream wings and her learning to use them right broke things but it would seem most of the time Sourbloom just complained about her family who never visited and only seem to want her money.</p>
<p>It was when Star Dream was a young filly she that she got her cutie mark. Having always had an interest in the night sky and feeling a comfort being under them... even thinking sometimes they could hear and understand her.</p>
<p>She talked to the stars, considering them friends as she wished time and again that they would talk back to her. At times she thought they did, even hearing what would seem to be warnings that protected her from danger. Once listening to the stars had saved the live of her guardian, which is how she gained her cutie mark, in which Sourbloom had a small heart attack. The stars prompted Star Dream to look for Sourbloom as soon as it started and because of this medical staff were able to get to her in time to stabilize her, thus saving the old mare's life.</p>
<p>When Star Dream got older, Sourbloom started to show her age. Her health low, the old mare stayed in her bed and was watch over by nurses she had hired to watch over her condition at all times . One day Sourbloom call Star Dream in, telling her something the old bat had never said before... that she loved her, that if it wasn't for her Sourbloom wouldn't have known what to do. She explained then why she had adopted her, not just because she was a lonely old mare but because she wanted somepony to pass on what she had gained in her long life.</p>
<p>When Star Dream ask about Sourbloom's other relatives she only laughed, saying they would just waste what she would leave behind justifying herself by saying they never cared about her. The two talk a bit more and share a tender moment, before being hurried out by the nurse on duty who told her Sourbloom needed rest.</p>
<p>So it was, Star Dream lost the only family she had but gained more then the memories she had of the old mare. When the relatives found out that Sourbloom had stated in her will that everything would go to Star Dream, they were not pleased to say the least. Yet the old bat had been smart and made sure control of the property was safe in the hooves of a friend until Star Dream could legality own it, her final act being a a 'take that' to the family that only wanted her money. Yet Star Dream didn't keep most of it anyway, having much of it given away to help build an planetarium in Canterlot. When old enough, and her schooling that her guardian had started to her was finished, Star Dream left her home under the care of the servants... deciding to set off to find her place in Equestria.</p>
<p>Gaining a position as an apprentice to an older stallion named Star Gazer, a unicorn astrologer that studies the movements of the stars and other astral bodies and sends reports to Canterlot. Though it took some time to convince him to train her, partly because of how old she was and partly because he preferred to do his job alone. Yet it didn't take long for Star Dream to show her knowledge of the stars and she did impress him... yet it was discovering her Talent that he said yes. You see by this point Star Dream had a fair idea how her Talent worked, it becoming of use in her life. Yet she still kept most ponies from knowing about it, as who would believe that a pegasus could see the future. That she could speak with the stars and once in a while have strange dreams, dreams that oddly connect to herself and others around her. It was an odd gift to say the least, especially for a pegasus, as normally one could only use spells to divine such things. This is what got Star Gazer to say yes, as it fascinated him that was her talent. This surprised Star Dream, thankful even, as it was rare for those few she told to believe her so quickly. So with that she traveled with Star Gazer and learned how to be a astrologer herself.</p>
<p>Later Star Dream met a handsome stallion unicorn named Mythos in Canterlot, a storyteller and scholar that seemed to have been all over Equestria. They became close, Mythos even inviting her at times to go out for some fun and to see what Canterlot could offer. As time went on, Star Dreams feelings for Mythos grown until she even started to fall in love with him. Yet she found out that Mythos had been hiring his research based skills to ponies of an unsavory feel to Star Dream, the stars warning her of danger. When she found out some of these ponies were hurting others, she confronted Mythos about it. What she heard him say shocked her, as he explained he found nothing wrong with helping these ponies, even if some were hurting others by their actions. Star Dream couldn't let it go, and tried for sometime to convince Mythos to stop helping them. When he wouldn't she finally gave up and said that she couldn't do this, that she couldn't stay with Mythos if he continued his work as he did. With tears in her eyes she said that she just did not understand how the nicest pony she know would be willing to help those that hurt others.</p>
<p>With that she left him which hurt very much, and she moved back to Manehattan. She got back in contact with her old mentor asking for work, who hired her without question as his assistant because he knew she was reliable... though she had to start traveling often again because of this.<br />
<p><strong>Other:</strong> Her special talent is learning of the future and of others from the stars as well in her dreams. She rarely completely understands what she is told and usually her talent works as a sixth sense where the stars warn her of danger and trouble around or near her.</p>
<p>Her talent is limited, mostly just giving hints of things to come, and even when things are clear and detailed Star Dream does not always understand what she sees or dreams. Her talent cannot be used to control other characters and if her ability to see the future is used for more then just a 'sixth sense' I will always discuss what she learns or knows with others before posting<br />
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Lastly I created Star Dream before the Luna Eclipsed so appearance similarities are merely coincidence.</p>
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Last update on December 4, 8:48 pm by EquestrianScholar.