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<p><strong>Story So Far:</strong></p>
<p>Equestria, a land holding both the brightest of magicks and the darkest of villains, a land constantly shrouded in darkness only to be pushed back by the light, a safe haven as well as a beacon of trouble. The land of Equestria is many things in one, it is the home to the Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies, a trinity represented by magic, the elements of weather, and the very earth itself. Citizens under the rule of the Alicorns, a hybrid of all three of the races, the land experienced many different periods of piece with the occasional occurrence of the evil and the wicked to rise, but fall to the light of friendship. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, Sirens, and many more terrifying creatures have faced off against the great nation only to fall and their plans foiled. That was a common precedent, a running gag, something taken for granted. Soon, a new evil arose and with it came a torrent of trouble. Soon, the nation of Equestria was under fire and now embroiled within the flames of war. Fighting upon three fronts, the ponies were thrust into a fight for their lives. Each day the war went on, ponies were injured or worst captured and territories were taken or annexed. Canterlot now stands as the last bastion of hope and safety for ponies to live. Pegasi cities are act as military bases and the frontline within the war. The Status of the Crystal Empire is currently unknown as communications were recently cut off from the Empire. Pushed into a corner, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, along with the Bearers of the Elements decided to use a spell forged by the great Star Swirl the Bearded. A spell to call upon heroes destined to aid in the defense of ponykind if the nation was ever threatened. The spell was never truly tested and Star Swirl died before the spell could even be finished.</p>
<p>A desperate last act, they cast the spell and from it ponies from the more peaceful days before the war are dragged to the future. Upon their body a tattoo can be found, a glowing blue tattoo of an hourglass. While one is unable to tell what this means, one thing is simple, creature that now stands in the middle of the summoning circle. Know this well, your destiny has begun and with it comes dangers...</p>
<p>Will you awaken and stand to rise to the challenge and save Equestria? Or is all doomed and you along with the rest of ponykind?</p>
<p>More will be revealed in Equestria's Reborn Champions!</p>
<p>Up ahead you'll face the three factions that undermine the very foundations of peace that Equestria has stood for, what you do to stop their aggression and fighting will be up to you. Good luck, champion!</p>
<p><strong>Faction Of The North: The Lost Wraiths Of Frost</strong></p>
<p>Ancient spirits long dead and possessed by the eternal grip of cold death, these ancient titans that control the frost and ice lead a group of dead frost pony wraiths. With every pony that dies upon their cold grip and hellish tundras are added to their numbers. A legion of dead souls that seek to freeze Equestria over and leave no life untouched. Their creed, all with join with the ice. Frozen is their hearts and ruthless is their coming, think twice before you mock the mountains and their cold air, there just might be something watching and waiting. Eternally on the lookout for the flames to die down and their icy presence to take you.</p>
<p><strong>Strengths: Hard to Kill and Disable - Numbers are always growing - No Discernable Way to Track Them</strong></p>
<p><strong>Weaknesses: Slow Expansionist - Found Only In Cold Areas - Deterred By Fire</strong></p>
<p><strong>Faction Of The East: Shadows</strong></p>
<p>Erupting from the ground, these creatures made purely of darkness are obsessed with one thing, the destruction of the ponies. Driven to hide in caves and their ever growing tunnel systems, these foul creatures corrupt anything they touch and inhabit and perverting it into shadow materials to fuel their ever growing war machine. Vicious even to their own brethren, these warriors have no room in their ranks for weakness. Woe to the foolish champion that seeks which hides and thrives in the darkness. They believe the land is their eternal right and all those that stand in their way are nothing more then sacks of meat they counter with weapons cursed and unholy.</p>
<p><strong>Strengths: Warbound: Always Looking For A Fight - Bodies Shift and Morph to Compensate and Adapt to New Environments - The Corrupted Land They Control Are Extensions of their Will</strong></p>
<p><strong>Weaknesses: Weakened and Avoid Lit Areas - Most Shadows are mindless and not independent thinkers - Innovation is something they lack</strong></p>
<p><strong>Faction Of The West: Beasts Of Blood</strong></p>
<p>Born of Blood and Undone by Blood, ponies who dabbled within the dark arts were banished or executed. Centuries later, the descendants of the Old Blooded Ponies have come to claim the purest of crimson life forces. They attack through bleeding their enemies dry and infecting sources of nutrients with their cursed disease. Ponies now once more fear the blood that makes and destroys, for who can topple a foe that exists as one's own primal instincts.</p>
<p><strong>Strengths: Brute Force is their forte, a weapon kept in spades - Animalistic and senses are greatly heightened - Natural born Hunters</strong></p>
<p><strong>Weaknesses: The Blood Has Eroded Their Minds and Common Sense - Weak Depending on Lunar Cycles</strong></p>
<p><strong>With every champion who enters, state your name and history...</strong></p>
<p><strong>All heroes are to be remembered regardless of whether they completed their journey or not. </strong></p>
<p><strong>Come! Let the Fight For Equestria Begin!</strong></p>
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Dream was of course still facing Defined as he rolled as his wings opened up and the guns attached to his wings would shoot bullets out once more in an attempt to get some hits into the approaching unicorn.
The Beast was big and a back stab was going to require him climbing the beast as it would smash into the walls in an attempt to smash him.
In all of this chaos, there would be another figure watching everything from the top of a building. A cloaked figure that could see the fight going on between Defined and Dream as well as the Beast and Orion. This one also saw Star Catcher as well, it's presence would make the tattoo found on Star glow more brightly then before that it would start to heat up.
Orion Pink
Orion would scream loudly as he got smashed, as he let go and tries to get away from the beast to recover from the wall smash
Defined Entropy
Dream was of course still facing Defined as he rolled as his wings opened up and the guns attached to his wings would shoot bullets out once more in an attempt to get some hits into the approaching unicorn.
Defined seemed to change, he seemed more...unhinged. Like he was going into what could only be best described as a "blood rage" (even though that's not it at all) so Defined was hit by these bullets but he didn't even flinch as he fell down upon his opponent. And with a yell he sent his sword towards Dream's chest in a stabbing motion
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Dream would let out a gasp before coughing up blood and chuckling as he said, "Damn... Looks like you hit your mark..."
The Beast roared loudly and would thrash about in and attempt to smash poor Orion
Orion Pink
The Beast roared loudly and would thrash about in and attempt to smash poor Orion
He screams louder as he got smashed again, and he would try to stab it in the face when he got the chance
Defined Entropy
Dream would let out a gasp before coughing up blood and chuckling as he said, "Damn... Looks like you hit your mark..."
Defined was now breathing heavily as he was starting to lose energy, he had to make one last quick move before he looses consciousness "I'll see you in the after a drink." With that he twisted the sword causing even more damaged before roughly ripping it out trying to cause as much damage. With that he took a couple steps back and fell, the lava lake, the red mist everything he made disappeared. This fight pushe him to the limit...a limit he never went to before and now his body is damaged because of it.
Let's hope Gray is smart enough to get someone to save Defined if the beasts dont run.
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Dream smirks before slowly fading away as if he were a mere illusion of the light. A ghostly apparition that was never there to begin with. Of course, Grey reacted fast as he had already had teleported Defined over to his side as the beasts all began to back off away from the kingdom.
Orion found that the stab to the face only pissed off the Beast as it rammed at him
Orion Pink
Orion found that the stab to the face only pissed off the Beast as it rammed at him
He let out a fearful gulp and tries to dive out of the way, slower due to his injuries
Defined Entropy
Dream smirks before slowly fading away as if he were a mere illusion of the light. A ghostly apparition that was never there to begin with. Of course, Grey reacted fast as he had already had teleported Defined over to his side as the beasts all began to back off away from the kingdom.
Defined smiled as he was taken away...he still was conscious some how, honestly he thought the chaos that he put into himself would've killed him but looks like he got lucky this time around. He did notice Dream disappear and frowned a little as he thought 'That fucker' but he didn't say anything as he was trying to conserve strength
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Grey got to work and repelling the beasts that didn't fall back as troops worked on getting Defined to the Sanctuary for medical treatment. Meanwhile, Orion found that he would be face to face with the beast once more as it began to move after him.
Orion Pink
Grey got to work and repelling the beasts that didn't fall back as troops worked on getting Defined to the Sanctuary for medical treatment. Meanwhile, Orion found that he would be face to face with the beast once more as it began to move after him.
He gets his sword ready and prepares himself for the fight, growling at him with some hints of weakness
Defined Entropy
Grey got to work and repelling the beasts that didn't fall back as troops worked on getting Defined to the Sanctuary for medical treatment.
Defined was in rough shape, the large cut on his back was bleeding and didn't seem like it was going to stop. His body had a great deal of bullet holes, he was also experiencing severe energy burn from using up so much energy so quickly
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The Guards quickly rushed him to the Sanctuary as priests got to work on bestowing healing magic on to him. The Guards stood by to keep the populace safe as the sounds of fighting could be heard nearby.
With Orion, he found that the creature attacked in patterns as it swung it's claws at him from the left then the right and then from the left again before charging forward.
Orion Pink
With Orion, he found that the creature attacked in patterns as it swung it's claws at him from the left then the right and then from the left again before charging forward.
After a few lucky dodges, he gets the pattern and tries to dodge the charge, panting a bit, and would also attempt to slash at it, even if the dodge is unsuccesful
Defined Entropy
The Guards quickly rushed him to the Sanctuary as priests got to work on bestowing healing magic on to him. The Guards stood by to keep the populace safe as the sounds of fighting could be heard nearby.
Defined groaned in pain as he was treated, his ears flicked about as he heard the fighting. "I hope the princess is impressed..." He said with a painful and sarcastic tone. He let out a rough laugh before asking "Who is fighting?"