In an alternate world, where twilight and her friends failed to stop the changelings' invasion of Canterlot, 5 years have passed and all of Equestria has fallen under Queen Chrysalis' rule. The royal princesses, as well as the mane 6, have been captured and imprisoned. Before long word spread throughout former Equestria of the royal sisters' imminent public execution, to be held in the courtyard of their former castle. This sparked something several former equestrians throughout the land, a newfound rebellion that would soon thrust former Equestria into chaos, former Equestrian citizens creating their own militia to rise up against their oppressors.
You are a citizen of former Equestria, looking to join said rebellion.
Character sheet
Appearance: (Please mention if there's anything in particular youd like to add just for this specific roleplay)
Reason to join:
Weapons (if any):
Last update on August 31, 5:47 pm by Lightning Strike.