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Male. Lives in  Smokey Mountains,  Equestria. Born on June 11, 1998
Misc. RP Information
he's a thousand year old ice dragon and a grumpy boi
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
His cave, around
Skin / Coat Color
Frosty blue
Eye Color
Frosty blue
Design Description
He's a four-legged ice dragon with wings, a bit taller than a tall griffon
Detailed Personality
He's grumpy (or you could say FROSTY) at first but he has a good heart
1,000 years of learning from the world
Detailed History
It is too long to tell
Assets / Bits / Property
A treasure hoard and the other things he has collected in his cave
ice/frost breath
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 11, 1998
Last Login:
March 9, 2024
Member Since:
January 1, 2019
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