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Male. Lives in here, there, and everywhere,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on October 14
by on August 13, 2019
So! How to start? Hmm... Organized? Sections containing different things? Or a big sloppy mess of a paragraph? organized sounds good let's see DISCLAIMER: If bits of the paragraphs don't seem to fit well, or seem to interrupt the flow, that's my fault. It's mostly because sometimes I forget to put things in that I should put in it, and remember to do it after I've already moved on, so I go back and add that in. ...
424 views 3 likes
by on April 15, 2019
Today I learned something important about friendship. Sometimes, they might be nice, but you never know how they might really feel about things. You can never tell how anypony will act. Sincerely, That buggo who likes making friends, ...
411 views 2 likes
by on April 8, 2019
Well. It’s April 8th! Last year, on April 8th, I created my Fimfiction account. I consider that the day I joined the fandom. It’s been a year already! What a great year! I’ve met so many new people, made so many new friends, and even written a few stories in addition to the many I have read. I believe the fandom and the show has changed me for the better. Before, I was but a mostly lonely nobody who had a few friends. Now, I’m fairly happy, having plenty of friends that I talk to on a daily basi...
360 views 2 likes
by on March 31, 2019
Can you make it illegal to use bug spray on changelings? It burns and hurts really bad. Thanks! From, Best Buggo (Zaten)
387 views 7 likes
by on March 28, 2019
Could you make lifejackets for changelings? I wanna go fishing soon and I don't think pony lifejackets have good enough buoyancy. Signed, Zaten ...
345 views 4 likes
by on March 26, 2019
Dear Princess Celestia (or whoever is interested :D) Today I learned why I don't like nor do I know how to swim! It's because changelings are heavy and don't float well D: This knowledge was attained through speaking with other, much smarter buggos somewhere else c: ...
357 views 2 likes
by on March 26, 2019
Yesterday I learned an important lesson! What lesson, you ask? Well, I don't know what it is! ...
375 views 1 like
by on October 18, 2018
I can tell that most of you probably (aren't) wondering why Zaten eats food, when he is a changeling. Well, let's see here... *checking of notes* Aha! It says here that his digestive system mutated at birth, and can digest normal food, albeit less efficiently than a normal one. He still eats love, but he also eats solid food because it tastes nice. The possibilities that random mutations give me. ...
326 views 0 likes
by on September 21, 2018
Description: An android pony with the shape of an earth pony stallion. Is mostly unpainted, but from the neck-up he is red. Scratches cover most of the surface, and has thick black bands around the upper part of each leg. The eyes are made up of blue “eyelid” shutters to protect the cameras and to simulate blinking, and a red glowing pupil that contains the cameras that provide vision. LR-77 has normal vision, night-vision, x-ray, and thermal vision channels. His mane and tail are made up of syn...
417 views 0 likes
by on July 20, 2018
I have known this for a long time, but I felt the need to share it with you. PUNS ARE FUN. I can turn words into other words that are completely related or unrelated to the subject matter, and it's funny quite often. The End
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by on June 20, 2018
Imperial Intelligence files on Agent 2458 I am too lazy rn to put everything from the Google Doc onto here, so I'll just link it: ...
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