Misc. RP Information
Zaten is just a couple of inches shorter than the average adult poner, he is not super smol but he is a bit smallbesides that don't be too harsh to the buggo
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
his home, his place of work, or elsewhere
Title(s) / Rank
Royal Musician
Skin / Coat Color
pre-reformed changeling color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
he has a bugbutt, uwu
Design Description
Zaten is an unreformed changeling, he's rather cheerful and will not hesitate to try and befriend any sentient creature that isn't immediately hostile that he meets. Despite being unreformed, he cares greatly for his friends, and will gladly defend them in any way possible. He enjoys reading and likes to go on occasional flights.
pizza, books, playing music, friendly friends, cute boys uwu
unnecessary violence, loneliness
Detailed Personality
He tries to be polite, kind, and amusing, but his often joking manner can get irritating at times, what with how bad he is at humor sometimes. He'll still try to be polite, and as such is generally a nice person to be around, for the most part. He's also hella gay.
Royal Musician
The Badlands
None formal, lots informal. Should probably try and apply to a school somewhere sometime
Detailed History
unspecified, except in his most private diary.
Assets / Bits / Property
a modest home, an accordion and assorted extras, an enchanted short sword and set of armor provided by an old friend, and a large assortment of fiction and nonfiction books.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He's good at playing the accordion, has practiced and been trained in the art of the blade to be relatively proficient, and has a tendency to tell bad jokes.
levitation, minor elemental magic
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 14
Last Login:
April 20, 2024
Member Since:
June 12, 2018
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