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Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on March 16, 1998
Misc. RP Information
Narrative Roleplayer, more focused on characters and their development through interactions and possible plot points that can be discussed in dms or comments.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Everfree Forest
Skin / Coat Color
Light Yellow
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Three Pink Butterflies
Design Description
With a petite frame and fluffy wings which are big in comparison to her small body that are either folded behind her back or positioned in a way to hide herself. Her silky locks of light rosy pink hair is cut short, though it may be that it is merely appearing short for the rest of her hair is pulled back and hidden behind a green bandana that has a white flower pattern printed on it. To ensure the bandana stays fastened on she also has a precautionary white handkerchief that she has around the ... View More
Animals, Butterscotch, Singing, Crafting,
Heights, Spiders, Clowns, Being the center of attention
Detailed Personality
Carrying herself in a manner in which appears to showcase an underlying self consciousness. She wishes not for her to be the center of attention. People eyeing her and taking in her features leaves her tensing up, leading to her feathers fluff up giving her petite frame a more bigger appearance, a number one cause of this is if one were to make physical contact with her. Though that is not to say she isn't a conversationalist at times, if other's converse with her she will be polite and reply in... View More
Animal Caretaker
The majority of her knowledge in which she has gathered to aid in her occupation of caring for animals is mostly of her own self teachings by manner of reading and studying. Call it 'home-schooling.' Through her passion with animals and determination to aid them she studied hard so that she may help those in her care to flourish. So-to-say she is well versed and could stand hoof to hoof with someone who has gone to college to gain a degree for that same line of work that she herself, despite bei... View More
Detailed History
"Uhm...Please don't look here...T-there's nothing to see here. Please."
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 16, 1998
Last Login:
Yesterday, 5:29 pm
Member Since:
March 5, 2025
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