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Female. Born on February 28
Misc. RP Information
Open to RPs
I am open to all different genres and ideas, though, I like mutual effort and for ideas to be thrown from both ends. I would prefer to stay within character and not for my RP partner to control my character in any way, I also do not like power playing.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Theater, strolling around town, nearest food place.
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Dark Cerulean
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Comedy and Tragedy Masks
Design Description
Name: Kahoot
Gender: Female
Age: Young Mare
Species: Earth Pony
Coat: White/Silver
Mane/Tail: Her mane and tail are both mint and grey, her mane wavy and sectioned off into small curls that overlap one another, it somewhat looks like waves.
Eye Color: Dark Cerulean (Similar shape to Rarity's, though, the eyelashes are different)
Clothing: Kahoot wears retro aqua circular glasses, as well as a body suit of a darker aqua, giving off the impression she is a mechanic or construction worker of some sort.
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Acting, Drama, Sleeping, Food
Mondays, waking up, going to bed, alarm clocks, twizzlers
Detailed Personality
Kahoot is a very outgoing pony, not caring about what impression she makes nor what others might say about her wild and energetic behavior... Of course, Kahoot can have her moments of peace and silence due to the fact she is easily exhausted, especially after Theater.
She enjoys acting and reading the many plays of Shakespeare, both her main hobbies when given the time. Kahoot works at a library, this is usually when she seen being anything but loud and energetic.
Librarian, part-time actress for the local Theater
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 28
Last Login:
March 9, 2019
Member Since:
December 22, 2017
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