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Male. Lives in  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. Born on August 18
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Around, just wherever, really. Will avoid Canterlot.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Lightish gray
Eye Color
Desaturated red
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Art, Games and some music. (
Freelance Artist, works when he can.
Born in Ponyville, moved to Filly later.
Dropped out senior year of high school, but is decently educated.
Assets / Bits / Property
He rents a small one bedroom apartment in the outskirts of Filly, the rent is just barely payable.
Downstairs from the apartment is a coffee shop who's prices are a bit steep for tasty bean water.
Scarlett also owns a repertoire of guitars, most of witch he got from his father.
He plays two of the eight, but anyone who comes over is welcome to play them, so long as they take care of them.
Or disturb the business downstairs.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Scarlett tries to draw sometimes.
He is also trying to learn to play guitar, but can only play when the coffee shop downstairs is closed, to avoid noise complaints.
He is mediocre at both.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 18
Last Login:
August 31, 2020
Member Since:
August 25, 2018
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