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Knight Wolf

Male. Lives in Kingdom of Monros,  Beyond Equestria. Born on April 19, 1994
Misc. RP Information
It has been thousands of years since Knight has discovered this area of Equestria, having met Twilight and falling in love as well as her helping him control the monster within him, he has risen from the darkness of loneliness and despair to now being the King of Monros, his country inhabited by monsters of all kinds. His dark past still haunts him and most of the ponies of this world fear or hate him. He now aims to change this, if possible.
Common locations your character will be
The Kingdom of Monros
Title(s) / Rank
King of Monros, The beast of the Everfree,
Skin / Coat Color
black coat, red and white mane, turns fully white as well
Eye Color
Red and blue when iced up.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
a moon with claw marks through it
Design Description
Pegasus wolf hybrid, three times bigger than normal stallions ,Age 24 is what he tells others, he tells his true age to those close to him, pitch black coat, red and white mane and tail, has hind legs of a stallion, except his snout and ears are a wolves, his front limbs are wolf paws and claws, he hind limbs are pony hoofs, his tail is a wolves.
As he grew and developed his powers more his body turned fully into a wolves.
anybody willing to see past what he is, food, those he loves
himself, those who cannot beyond his past.
Detailed Personality
Nice, always tries to be pleasant and fair, though when it comes to the ones he loves, he is quick to anger when they are threatened or over joyed when they are praised.
His memories of past lives in different worlds all come back to him given enough time of him being alive in a new world, all he has learned and done will be remembered. His knowledge of math, science and warfare are far advanced but he keeps such things hidden, since they are not meant for this world.
Detailed History
Was born and raised in medieval century earth where monsters do exist, was cursed to be a werewolf and lived a cursed life until he was finally killed. Was reborn again in another world and the curse followed but adapted, silver could no longer kill him, many years pass and he finally dies to a bomb mixed with poison magic and curses. Once more reborn in equestria and lived happily with my family until my tenth birthday, when the moon was raised into the sky, all my memories of my past lives re... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
The Kingdom of Monros, a giant castle carved into the side of a mountain, a cabin in the woods that was built for him and Twilight. Extremely wealthy.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Master swordsman, hunter, economic expert, warrior, scientist, politician. His curse makes him immortal, he can control his shadow as a weapon, he has developed ice powers after doing a risky spell with Celestia, now that he has absorbed the demon that cursed him he has inherited his powers of creation and his original strength and powers has since started to multiply. After defeating his brother Gabriel he gained his powers over life and death and the ability to consume anothers life or consume... View More
cursed by an ancient demon in his first life. The curse adapts to death, making it invulnerable to whatever killed it before in its next life. Has learned to control the strength of the curse giving him the power to control shadows. Controls Ice, Shadow, lightening, creation, life and death, gravity, pretty much the same things listed in skills.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 19, 1994
Last Login:
6 hours ago
Member Since:
March 4, 2019
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