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Misc. RP Information
If unsure about doing a certain type of roleplay, please feel free to ask. I will not do anything that is overly violent or gory, it's just not in my nature to do that. Light adventures are fine, but let's keep them fun.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, but can travel as needed.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Slice of Life, Romance, MLP Only, Anthro, Feral
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Wagon wheel with wings
Design Description
Earth pony stallion, slightly above average height, has gray fur and brown mane and tail with occasional gray hairs showing. He has a slightly muscular build, and strong looking legs.
Friendly ponies, cooking, painting, relaxing
Dishonesty, crowds
Detailed Personality
Making friends never came easy to Longhaul, mostly because of his traveling. He does enjoy meeting and talking with other ponies, although he wonders if the others feel the same meeting and talking with him. It's for this reason that he will seldom, if ever, initiate a conversation. Instead, he prefers to use a non-verbal form of acknowledgement, such as smiling and tipping his hat. Anypony that approaches him will be greeted courteously, although he will rarely take the lead in a conversation. ... View More
Part-time Freight hauler for a freight yard in Ponyville.
Ponyville, with second home in Appleloosa
Growing up, Longhaul did okay in school. While not an exceptional scholar, he managed to get decent grades and had a love for reading that continues to this day. He made few friends, mostly keeping to himself, and while he did get teased and picked on in school, he managed to hold his own against any challenge. He didn't graduate with any special honors, and never went on to college, instead heading directly into the working world.
Detailed History
Longhaul spent most of his life growing up in a small village in the shadow of Manehattan, and just east of New Hayven. His given name was Dusty Hoofer, mostly for the clouds of dust he'd raise when he played and ran around. His mother was a nurse, his father was a warehouse worker, and both wanted a better life for their foal.
Longhaul loved being outdoors as much as possible, constantly exploring his surroundings. This would get him in quite a bit of trouble when he strayed too far from home o... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Houses in Ponyville and Appleloosa, enough bits to live comfortably if frugally.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Fairly strong, most wagon-pullers are. He can pull loads that most other ponies would struggle with.