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Skitter Sketch

Female. Lives in Winnipeg,  Equestria. Born on September 12, 2000
Common locations your character will be
Wandering aimlessly around equestria, searching for muse
Skin / Coat Color
Off white, Eggshell
Eye Color
Green, like her bow
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A large heart with a crude geometric swirl inside.
Design Description
Skitter Sketch a shorter than average mare, though her fluffy pink mane more than makes up for her lack of height. It is so large that it almost covers her horn completely, leading her to be mistaken for an earth pony many times. She doesn't mind, though.
Her tail is just as large, if not bigger than her mane, and she has to tie it so that it won't drag along the ground behind her. This doesn't stop it from thwacking random objects (and ponies) unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place when she... View More
Drawing, cold weather, autumn + winter, night time, cash
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 12, 2000
Last Login:
September 26, 2018
Member Since:
September 26, 2018
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