Misc. RP Information
I love to RP, that’s about it really xD Also I used to use ponysquares and I miss it tbh. I was Lunarcast on ponysquares so if you remember me and want to catch up then PM me. I’d love to RP with old friends!No he is not an Alicorn meaning no Alicorn magic, no extended life, growing really tall, or Earth Pony magic. He just have the characteristics of Pegasi and Unicorns. Rules:I don’t really have many rules besides1. Don’t be rude. If your oc is generally rude then that’s cool but try not to ta... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Cafe’s, Restaurants, sometimes the library and maybe a park.
Skin / Coat Color
Light Blue with a really shiny coat.
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
3 Crystals(Stands for Compassion, Empathy, and Communication
Design Description
An average sized stallion with a soft blue coat, black mane/tail and pink eyes. When he is feeling content or very happy, his coat and mane will take on a crystal like shine! When Charmy is feeing down however, his coat and mane will lose its crystal like shimmer and be reduced to a dull shade...
Helping others with emotional issues, lots of food, relaxing
You’ll have to find out more of his dislikes through RPing.
Detailed Personality
Charmy can either be quite excitable or pretty quiet. It all depends on certain factors and just in general how he’s feeling. He is also a pretty empathetic person when he wants to and sometimes without even noticing. Charmy can also be a little self conscious about his intelligence and certain interests of his, always afraid of being judged harshly. This stallion is a more emotional and instinct driven pony that doesn’t like other ponies assuming he can’t think or act logically for that reason.... View More
Charmy currently has a part time job at a cafe as a waiter.
Charms has all of the proper schooling. He has taken a loan and is currently going to school to become a therapist.
Detailed History
Growing as a young colt in the Crystal Empire was a wonderful life! He had been born with both wings and a horn which stumped his parents. The mother was a unicorn while the father was a pegasus, however they didn't think they're baby would inherit both characteristics. Some ponies around him would mistake him for an alicorn due to this appearence however he was not an alicorn much to most ponies confusion. His parents had average income so they weren’t rich, but they certainly weren’t starving ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small apartment in Manehatten to himself, a few hundred bits to keep up with rent and other necessities, his hug stand.
LightLevitationAura of calming (Tied to his talent for helping others emotional needs)He’s always willing to learn more spells.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 5, 1997
Last Login:
October 13, 2024
Member Since:
December 9, 2018
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