Egypt specializes in the studying of curses, maledictions and witchcraft.
The school brings accurate information and is also looking to buy new information from the afflicted, while also offering the opportunity to try our healing trial. Dark magic can be healed, and there's no better place than Egypt for that, no other place in the globe can do it as better as we do.
Every country connects to our school. We receive many, and many types of curses each week, be magical samples, books, scrolls, ancient trinkets or gems. Our specialized group of cursed teachers take their time to study them, promptly finding a way to purify such artefacts for their common usage.
New students may apply at the end of the month, we cannot guarantee your safety in such a dangerous environment, but we encourage you on the making and practice within our walls about such foul magic, but it's up to the student to be careful with them. After the first month of theory and safety agreement, every student that passes the first test, shall advance to the second floor, having fully permission to use the installations on the making, enchanting and healing of such.
This is a serious establishment, if we see that you're not cut to be here or have the seriousness of a toddler, you will be removed from the program immediately.
Personal Enrollments Availables:
- Dark Priest.
- Curse maker.
- Witch Doctor.
If you're interested in being cursed, have in mind, being cursed is not a nice thing to be had, you may, but the School will not be responsible if you change your mind.
You may enroll for the healing trial but after that, you'll be expelled, a second chance can be taken the next month.
Welcome to the Egyptian school of Curses.