Misc. RP Information
if you do want to roleplay then please send me either a pm or dm with the oc you would like to roleplay with and the genre and starting location(the locations could change during the rp), alternatively you can also post a rp starter on my wall (if you do, please make it clear what the genre is or message me the genre). i am always happy to rp with any one so please dont hesitate to rp with me, i dont bite
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
ponyville, the everfree forest and canterlot
Title(s) / Rank
night roses title: the deathly rose
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
(please see their detailed history for their cutie marks)
Design Description
nightshade is a unicorn stallion with a black coat and a grey mane and tale with a black section running through both. he has blue eyes and a blue aura that envelopes his horn whenever he does magic. he mostly has a saddle bag on him when ether he is out unless he is going to see his friends, family or is not running the pharmacy and has the day offnight rose is a unicorn mare with a light grey coat and a dark grey mane and tale. she a black crystal rose hair clip that she got from her sister wh... View More
helping other ponys, plants, honesty, loyalty and everything
meanness, rudeness, cruelty, threats and hostile behaviour
Detailed Personality
nightshade is a quite pony who puts other ponys needs before own.He is kind, caring, honest, loyal and hard working amongst other personality traits. he also puts a lot of effort in to his concoctions. night rose is pony who has a bit of a cold heart because of her job. she always closes her self off to other ponys and creatures because of trust which makes her a bit distant to other ponys and creatures but she will gradually open up to the ponys and creatures she really trusts. Water lily:Pis... View More
celestia's school for gifted unicorns
Detailed History
nightshades bioearly years:night shade was born in manehattan where he had a fairly average foal hood which he spent with his mother and two sister. At a young age he developed a interest in potions and remedies, which he balanced with his school work and social life and became quiet good at making thanks to his determination. one day he went to school and noticed that he had not seen his sister Crimson Rose and assumed the reason was that the classes they were in had been changed times, however... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
nightshade:owns a two - storey cottage in the everfree forestowns and runs a apothecary medical centre and pharmacy near ponyvilleowns enough bits form saving and working to live out the rest of his life quite happilyAlso has a pet timber wolf named Sequoianight rose: owns a house on the edge of canterlot but near the palaceowns enough bits to live quite luxurious lifestyle
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
making potions and remedies to help other pony's
defensive spells offensive spellsmanipulation spells and a variety of other spells and magic
Basic Info
Last Login:
March 9, 2025
Member Since:
September 26, 2018
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