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Rart Police
on February 21, 2018
Dimension: 1856 x 1792
File Size: 537.1 Kb
9 people like this.
Lula Vieve
call him a sweaty
Like February 21, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
She could but then you'd both be wrong
Like February 21, 2018
Lula Vieve
we'd both be right you sweaty grandpa bitch
Like February 21, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
"That horse kind of looks like m-Oh wait"
Like February 21, 2018
Princess Bluemoon
"I can't see a thing...." The blind kirin protested.
Like February 21, 2018
Lula Vieve
"That's funny because I can see."
Like February 21, 2018
Princess Bluemoon
"How lucky.... It's ironic. I'm a kirin which gives me better senses then other ponies, but not while I'm blind!"
Like February 21, 2018
Lula Vieve
"Shouldn't all of you senses be double then? Your explanation doesn't make no gotdamB sense."
Like February 21, 2018
Kiyoshi Tsukuda
do i see a
Like February 21, 2018
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Lula Vieve
Like February 21, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
Like February 21, 2018
Adrian Coalhopper
Like February 21, 2018