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on May 13, 2018
Categories: Traditional Art
Dimension: 308 x 500
File Size: 255.81 Kb
6 people like this.
Soarin Feri
OO, he is a handsome lil deer pony ^^
Like May 13, 2018
I just posted it in, how can you horses be so fast in commenting? x3
Like May 13, 2018
Well hey there handsome buck
Like May 13, 2018
Like May 13, 2018
Jingles inspects the buck as he rarely see's another deer then flys around him with a little bit of Christmas magic and lands softly in front of him "Well how does a buck like you end up here?"
Like May 13, 2018
Oh well this picture was a gift by an awesome friend~
Like May 13, 2018